#!/usr/bin/env php * Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the license that is located at the bottom of this file. */ // Avoid APC causing random fatal errors per https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/264 if (extension_loaded('apc') && filter_var(ini_get('apc.enable_cli'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) && filter_var(ini_get('apc.cache_by_default'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { if (version_compare(phpversion('apc'), '3.0.12', '>=')) { ini_set('apc.cache_by_default', 0); } else { fwrite(STDERR, 'Warning: APC <= 3.0.12 may cause fatal errors when running composer commands.'.PHP_EOL); fwrite(STDERR, 'Update APC, or set apc.enable_cli or apc.cache_by_default to 0 in your php.ini.'.PHP_EOL); } } Phar::mapPhar('composer.phar'); require 'phar://composer.phar/bin/composer'; __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>  composer.phar+src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.phpcA[]cv`+src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.phpA[] 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$installationManager, $targetDir, $scanPsr0Packages = false, $suffix = '') { if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) { $scanPsr0Packages = true; } if ($this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_AUTOLOAD_DUMP, $this->devMode, array(), array( 'optimize' => (bool) $scanPsr0Packages, )); } $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($config->get('vendor-dir')); $basePath = $filesystem->normalizePath(realpath(realpath(getcwd()))); $vendorPath = $filesystem->normalizePath(realpath(realpath($config->get('vendor-dir')))); $useGlobalIncludePath = (bool) $config->get('use-include-path'); $prependAutoloader = $config->get('prepend-autoloader') === false ? 'false' : 'true'; $targetDir = $vendorPath.'/'.$targetDir; $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($targetDir); $vendorPathCode = $filesystem->findShortestPathCode(realpath($targetDir), $vendorPath, true); $vendorPathCode52 = str_replace('__DIR__', 'dirname(__FILE__)', $vendorPathCode); $vendorPathToTargetDirCode = $filesystem->findShortestPathCode($vendorPath, realpath($targetDir), true); $appBaseDirCode = $filesystem->findShortestPathCode($vendorPath, $basePath, true); $appBaseDirCode = str_replace('__DIR__', '$vendorDir', $appBaseDirCode); $namespacesFile = <<buildPackageMap($installationManager, $mainPackage, $localRepo->getCanonicalPackages()); $autoloads = $this->parseAutoloads($packageMap, $mainPackage, $this->devMode === false); foreach ($autoloads['psr-0'] as $namespace => $paths) { $exportedPaths = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $exportedPaths[] = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path); } $exportedPrefix = var_export($namespace, true); $namespacesFile .= " $exportedPrefix => "; $namespacesFile .= "array(".implode(', ', $exportedPaths)."),\n"; } $namespacesFile .= ");\n"; foreach ($autoloads['psr-4'] as $namespace => $paths) { $exportedPaths = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $exportedPaths[] = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path); } $exportedPrefix = var_export($namespace, true); $psr4File .= " $exportedPrefix => "; $psr4File .= "array(".implode(', ', $exportedPaths)."),\n"; } $psr4File .= ");\n"; $classmapFile = <<getAutoload(); if ($mainPackage->getTargetDir() && !empty($mainAutoload['psr-0'])) { $levels = substr_count($filesystem->normalizePath($mainPackage->getTargetDir()), '/') + 1; $prefixes = implode(', ', array_map(function ($prefix) { return var_export($prefix, true); }, array_keys($mainAutoload['psr-0']))); $baseDirFromTargetDirCode = $filesystem->findShortestPathCode($targetDir, $basePath, true); $targetDirLoader = << $paths) { $namespacesToScan[$namespace][] = array('paths' => $paths, 'type' => $psrType); } } krsort($namespacesToScan); foreach ($namespacesToScan as $namespace => $groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { foreach ($group['paths'] as $dir) { $dir = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->isAbsolutePath($dir) ? $dir : $basePath.'/'.$dir); if (!is_dir($dir)) { continue; } $namespaceFilter = $namespace === '' ? null : $namespace; $classMap = $this->addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist, $namespaceFilter, $classMap); } } } } foreach ($autoloads['classmap'] as $dir) { $classMap = $this->addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist, null, $classMap); } ksort($classMap); foreach ($classMap as $class => $code) { $classmapFile .= ' '.var_export($class, true).' => '.$code; } $classmapFile .= ");\n"; if (!$suffix) { if (!$config->get('autoloader-suffix') && is_readable($vendorPath.'/autoload.php')) { $content = file_get_contents($vendorPath.'/autoload.php'); if (preg_match('{ComposerAutoloaderInit([^:\s]+)::}', $content, $match)) { $suffix = $match[1]; } } if (!$suffix) { $suffix = $config->get('autoloader-suffix') ?: md5(uniqid('', true)); } } file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_namespaces.php', $namespacesFile); file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_psr4.php', $psr4File); file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_classmap.php', $classmapFile); $includePathFilePath = $targetDir.'/include_paths.php'; if ($includePathFileContents = $this->getIncludePathsFile($packageMap, $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) { file_put_contents($includePathFilePath, $includePathFileContents); } elseif (file_exists($includePathFilePath)) { unlink($includePathFilePath); } $includeFilesFilePath = $targetDir.'/autoload_files.php'; if ($includeFilesFileContents = $this->getIncludeFilesFile($autoloads['files'], $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) { file_put_contents($includeFilesFilePath, $includeFilesFileContents); } elseif (file_exists($includeFilesFilePath)) { unlink($includeFilesFilePath); } file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_static.php', $this->getStaticFile($suffix, $targetDir, $vendorPath, $basePath, $staticPhpVersion)); file_put_contents($vendorPath.'/autoload.php', $this->getAutoloadFile($vendorPathToTargetDirCode, $suffix)); file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_real.php', $this->getAutoloadRealFile(true, (bool) $includePathFileContents, $targetDirLoader, (bool) $includeFilesFileContents, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode, $suffix, $useGlobalIncludePath, $prependAutoloader, $staticPhpVersion)); $this->safeCopy(__DIR__.'/ClassLoader.php', $targetDir.'/ClassLoader.php'); $this->safeCopy(__DIR__.'/../../../LICENSE', $targetDir.'/LICENSE'); if ($this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_AUTOLOAD_DUMP, $this->devMode, array(), array( 'optimize' => (bool) $scanPsr0Packages, )); } return count($classMap); } private function addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist = null, $namespaceFilter = null, array $classMap = array()) { foreach ($this->generateClassMap($dir, $blacklist, $namespaceFilter) as $class => $path) { $pathCode = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path).",\n"; if (!isset($classMap[$class])) { $classMap[$class] = $pathCode; } elseif ($this->io && $classMap[$class] !== $pathCode && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($classMap[$class].' '.$path, '\\', '/'))) { $this->io->writeError( 'Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "'.$class.'"'. ' was found in both "'.str_replace(array('$vendorDir . \'', "',\n"), array($vendorPath, ''), $classMap[$class]).'" and "'.$path.'", the first will be used.' ); } } return $classMap; } private function generateClassMap($dir, $blacklist = null, $namespaceFilter = null, $showAmbiguousWarning = true) { return ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $blacklist, $showAmbiguousWarning ? $this->io : null, $namespaceFilter); } public function buildPackageMap(InstallationManager $installationManager, PackageInterface $mainPackage, array $packages) { $packageMap = array(array($mainPackage, '')); foreach ($packages as $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { continue; } $this->validatePackage($package); $packageMap[] = array( $package, $installationManager->getInstallPath($package), ); } return $packageMap; } protected function validatePackage(PackageInterface $package) { $autoload = $package->getAutoload(); if (!empty($autoload['psr-4']) && null !== $package->getTargetDir()) { $name = $package->getName(); $package->getTargetDir(); throw new \InvalidArgumentException("PSR-4 autoloading is incompatible with the target-dir property, remove the target-dir in package '$name'."); } if (!empty($autoload['psr-4'])) { foreach ($autoload['psr-4'] as $namespace => $dirs) { if ($namespace !== '' && '\\' !== substr($namespace, -1)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("psr-4 namespaces must end with a namespace separator, '$namespace' does not, use '$namespace\\'."); } } } } public function parseAutoloads(array $packageMap, PackageInterface $mainPackage, $filterOutRequireDevPackages = false) { $mainPackageMap = array_shift($packageMap); if ($filterOutRequireDevPackages) { $packageMap = $this->filterPackageMap($packageMap, $mainPackage); } $sortedPackageMap = $this->sortPackageMap($packageMap); $sortedPackageMap[] = $mainPackageMap; array_unshift($packageMap, $mainPackageMap); $psr0 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-0', $mainPackage); $psr4 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-4', $mainPackage); $classmap = $this->parseAutoloadsType(array_reverse($sortedPackageMap), 'classmap', $mainPackage); $files = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'files', $mainPackage); $exclude = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'exclude-from-classmap', $mainPackage); krsort($psr0); krsort($psr4); return array( 'psr-0' => $psr0, 'psr-4' => $psr4, 'classmap' => $classmap, 'files' => $files, 'exclude-from-classmap' => $exclude, ); } public function createLoader(array $autoloads) { $loader = new ClassLoader(); if (isset($autoloads['psr-0'])) { foreach ($autoloads['psr-0'] as $namespace => $path) { $loader->add($namespace, $path); } } if (isset($autoloads['psr-4'])) { foreach ($autoloads['psr-4'] as $namespace => $path) { $loader->addPsr4($namespace, $path); } } if (isset($autoloads['classmap'])) { $blacklist = null; if (!empty($autoloads['exclude-from-classmap'])) { $blacklist = '{(' . implode('|', $autoloads['exclude-from-classmap']) . ')}'; } foreach ($autoloads['classmap'] as $dir) { try { $loader->addClassMap($this->generateClassMap($dir, $blacklist, null, false)); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $this->io->writeError(''.$e->getMessage().''); } } } return $loader; } protected function getIncludePathsFile(array $packageMap, Filesystem $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode) { $includePaths = array(); foreach ($packageMap as $item) { list($package, $installPath) = $item; if (null !== $package->getTargetDir() && strlen($package->getTargetDir()) > 0) { $installPath = substr($installPath, 0, -strlen('/'.$package->getTargetDir())); } foreach ($package->getIncludePaths() as $includePath) { $includePath = trim($includePath, '/'); $includePaths[] = empty($installPath) ? $includePath : $installPath.'/'.$includePath; } } if (!$includePaths) { return; } $includePathsCode = ''; foreach ($includePaths as $path) { $includePathsCode .= " " . $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path) . ",\n"; } return << $functionFile) { $filesCode .= ' ' . var_export($fileIdentifier, true) . ' => ' . $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $functionFile) . ",\n"; } if (!$filesCode) { return false; } return <<isAbsolutePath($path)) { $path = $basePath . '/' . $path; } $path = $filesystem->normalizePath($path); $baseDir = ''; if (strpos($path.'/', $vendorPath.'/') === 0) { $path = substr($path, strlen($vendorPath)); $baseDir = '$vendorDir'; if ($path !== false) { $baseDir .= " . "; } } else { $path = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->findShortestPath($basePath, $path, true)); if (!$filesystem->isAbsolutePath($path)) { $baseDir = '$baseDir . '; $path = '/' . $path; } } if (strpos($path, '.phar') !== false) { $baseDir = "'phar://' . " . $baseDir; } return $baseDir . (($path !== false) ? var_export($path, true) : ""); } protected function getAutoloadFile($vendorPathToTargetDirCode, $suffix) { $lastChar = $vendorPathToTargetDirCode[strlen($vendorPathToTargetDirCode) - 1]; if ("'" === $lastChar || '"' === $lastChar) { $vendorPathToTargetDirCode = substr($vendorPathToTargetDirCode, 0, -1).'/autoload_real.php'.$lastChar; } else { $vendorPathToTargetDirCode .= " . '/autoload_real.php'"; } return <<= $staticPhpVersion && !defined('HHVM_VERSION') && (!function_exists('zend_loader_file_encoded') || !zend_loader_file_encoded()); if (\$useStaticLoader) { require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload_static.php'; call_user_func(\Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInit$suffix::getInitializer(\$loader)); } else { STATIC_INIT; if (!$this->classMapAuthoritative) { $file .= <<<'PSR04' $map = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_namespaces.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->set($namespace, $path); } $map = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_psr4.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->setPsr4($namespace, $path); } PSR04; } if ($useClassMap) { $file .= <<<'CLASSMAP' $classMap = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php'; if ($classMap) { $loader->addClassMap($classMap); } CLASSMAP; } $file .= " }\n\n"; if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) { $file .= <<<'CLASSMAPAUTHORITATIVE' $loader->setClassMapAuthoritative(true); CLASSMAPAUTHORITATIVE; } if ($this->apcu) { $apcuPrefix = substr(base64_encode(md5(uniqid('', true), true)), 0, -3); $file .= <<setApcuPrefix('$apcuPrefix'); APCU; } if ($useGlobalIncludePath) { $file .= <<<'INCLUDEPATH' $loader->setUseIncludePath(true); INCLUDEPATH; } if ($targetDirLoader) { $file .= <<register($prependAutoloader); REGISTER_LOADER; if ($useIncludeFiles) { $file .= << \$file) { composerRequire$suffix(\$fileIdentifier, \$file); } INCLUDE_FILES; } $file .= << $path) { $loader->set($namespace, $path); } $map = require $targetDir . '/autoload_psr4.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->setPsr4($namespace, $path); } $classMap = require $targetDir . '/autoload_classmap.php'; if ($classMap) { $loader->addClassMap($classMap); } $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $vendorPathCode = ' => ' . $filesystem->findShortestPathCode(realpath($targetDir), $vendorPath, true, true) . " . '/"; $vendorPharPathCode = ' => \'phar://\' . ' . $filesystem->findShortestPathCode(realpath($targetDir), $vendorPath, true, true) . " . '/"; $appBaseDirCode = ' => ' . $filesystem->findShortestPathCode(realpath($targetDir), $basePath, true, true) . " . '/"; $appBaseDirPharCode = ' => \'phar://\' . ' . $filesystem->findShortestPathCode(realpath($targetDir), $basePath, true, true) . " . '/"; $absoluteVendorPathCode = ' => ' . substr(var_export(rtrim($vendorDir, '\\/') . '/', true), 0, -1); $absoluteVendorPharPathCode = ' => ' . substr(var_export(rtrim('phar://' . $vendorDir, '\\/') . '/', true), 0, -1); $absoluteAppBaseDirCode = ' => ' . substr(var_export(rtrim($baseDir, '\\/') . '/', true), 0, -1); $absoluteAppBaseDirPharCode = ' => ' . substr(var_export(rtrim('phar://' . $baseDir, '\\/') . '/', true), 0, -1); $initializer = ''; $prefix = "\0Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader\0"; $prefixLen = strlen($prefix); if (file_exists($targetDir . '/autoload_files.php')) { $maps = array('files' => require $targetDir . '/autoload_files.php'); } else { $maps = array(); } foreach ((array) $loader as $prop => $value) { if ($value && 0 === strpos($prop, $prefix)) { $maps[substr($prop, $prefixLen)] = $value; } } foreach ($maps as $prop => $value) { if (count($value) > 32767) { $staticPhpVersion = 70000; } $value = strtr( var_export($value, true), array( $absoluteVendorPathCode => $vendorPathCode, $absoluteVendorPharPathCode => $vendorPharPathCode, $absoluteAppBaseDirCode => $appBaseDirCode, $absoluteAppBaseDirPharCode => $appBaseDirPharCode, ) ); $value = ltrim(preg_replace('/^ */m', ' $0$0', $value)); $file .= sprintf(" public static $%s = %s;\n\n", $prop, $value); if ('files' !== $prop) { $initializer .= " \$loader->$prop = ComposerStaticInit$suffix::\$$prop;\n"; } } return $file . <<getAutoload(); if ($this->devMode && $package === $mainPackage) { $autoload = array_merge_recursive($autoload, $package->getDevAutoload()); } if (!isset($autoload[$type]) || !is_array($autoload[$type])) { continue; } if (null !== $package->getTargetDir() && $package !== $mainPackage) { $installPath = substr($installPath, 0, -strlen('/'.$package->getTargetDir())); } foreach ($autoload[$type] as $namespace => $paths) { foreach ((array) $paths as $path) { if (($type === 'files' || $type === 'classmap' || $type === 'exclude-from-classmap') && $package->getTargetDir() && !is_readable($installPath.'/'.$path)) { if ($package === $mainPackage) { $targetDir = str_replace('\\', '[\\\\/]', preg_quote(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $package->getTargetDir()))); $path = ltrim(preg_replace('{^'.$targetDir.'}', '', ltrim($path, '\\/')), '\\/'); } else { $path = $package->getTargetDir() . '/' . $path; } } if ($type === 'exclude-from-classmap') { $path = preg_replace('{/+}', '/', preg_quote(trim(strtr($path, '\\', '/'), '/'))); $path = str_replace('\\*\\*', '.+?', $path); $path = str_replace('\\*', '[^/]+?', $path); $updir = null; $path = preg_replace_callback( '{^((?:(?:\\\\\\.){1,2}+/)+)}', function ($matches) use (&$updir) { if (isset($matches[1])) { $updir = str_replace('\\.', '.', $matches[1]); } return ''; }, $path ); if (empty($installPath)) { $installPath = strtr(getcwd(), '\\', '/'); } $resolvedPath = realpath($installPath . '/' . $updir); $autoloads[] = preg_quote(strtr($resolvedPath, '\\', '/')) . '/' . $path; continue; } $relativePath = empty($installPath) ? (empty($path) ? '.' : $path) : $installPath.'/'.$path; if ($type === 'files') { $autoloads[$this->getFileIdentifier($package, $path)] = $relativePath; continue; } elseif ($type === 'classmap') { $autoloads[] = $relativePath; continue; } $autoloads[$namespace][] = $relativePath; } } } return $autoloads; } protected function getFileIdentifier(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return md5($package->getName() . ':' . $path); } protected function filterPackageMap(array $packageMap, PackageInterface $mainPackage) { $packages = array(); $include = array(); foreach ($packageMap as $item) { $package = $item[0]; $name = $package->getName(); $packages[$name] = $package; } $add = function (PackageInterface $package) use (&$add, $packages, &$include) { foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $target = $link->getTarget(); if (!isset($include[$target])) { $include[$target] = true; if (isset($packages[$target])) { $add($packages[$target]); } } } }; $add($mainPackage); return array_filter( $packageMap, function ($item) use ($include) { $package = $item[0]; foreach ($package->getNames() as $name) { if (isset($include[$name])) { return true; } } return false; } ); } protected function sortPackageMap(array $packageMap) { $packages = array(); $paths = array(); foreach ($packageMap as $item) { list($package, $path) = $item; $name = $package->getName(); $packages[$name] = $package; $paths[$name] = $path; } $sortedPackages = PackageSorter::sortPackages($packages); $sortedPackageMap = array(); foreach ($sortedPackages as $package) { $name = $package->getName(); $sortedPackageMap[] = array($packages[$name], $paths[$name]); } return $sortedPackageMap; } protected function safeCopy($source, $target) { $source = fopen($source, 'r'); $target = fopen($target, 'w+'); stream_copy_to_stream($source, $target); fclose($source); fclose($target); } } files()->followLinks()->name('/\.(php|inc|hh)$/')->in($path); } else { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Could not scan for classes inside "'.$path. '" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder' ); } } $map = array(); $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $cwd = realpath(getcwd()); foreach ($path as $file) { $filePath = $file->getPathname(); if (!in_array(pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array('php', 'inc', 'hh'))) { continue; } if (!$filesystem->isAbsolutePath($filePath)) { $filePath = $cwd . '/' . $filePath; $filePath = $filesystem->normalizePath($filePath); } else { $filePath = preg_replace('{[\\\\/]{2,}}', '/', $filePath); } if ($blacklist && preg_match($blacklist, strtr(realpath($filePath), '\\', '/'))) { continue; } if ($blacklist && preg_match($blacklist, strtr($filePath, '\\', '/'))) { continue; } $classes = self::findClasses($filePath); foreach ($classes as $class) { if (null !== $namespace && 0 !== strpos($class, $namespace)) { continue; } if (!isset($map[$class])) { $map[$class] = $filePath; } elseif ($io && $map[$class] !== $filePath && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($map[$class].' '.$filePath, '\\', '/'))) { $io->writeError( 'Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "'.$class.'"'. ' was found in both "'.$map[$class].'" and "'.$filePath.'", the first will be used.' ); } } } return $map; } private static function findClasses($path) { $extraTypes = PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400 ? '' : '|trait'; if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && version_compare(HHVM_VERSION, '3.3', '>=')) { $extraTypes .= '|enum'; } $contents = @php_strip_whitespace($path); if (!$contents) { if (!file_exists($path)) { $message = 'File at "%s" does not exist, check your classmap definitions'; } elseif (!is_readable($path)) { $message = 'File at "%s" is not readable, check its permissions'; } elseif ('' === trim(file_get_contents($path))) { return array(); } else { $message = 'File at "%s" could not be parsed as PHP, it may be binary or corrupted'; } $error = error_get_last(); if (isset($error['message'])) { $message .= PHP_EOL . 'The following message may be helpful:' . PHP_EOL . $error['message']; } throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf($message, $path)); } if (!preg_match('{\b(?:class|interface'.$extraTypes.')\s}i', $contents)) { return array(); } $contents = preg_replace('{<<<[ \t]*([\'"]?)(\w+)\\1(?:\r\n|\n|\r)(?:.*?)(?:\r\n|\n|\r)(?:\s*)\\2(?=\s+|[;,.)])}s', 'null', $contents); $contents = preg_replace('{"[^"\\\\]*+(\\\\.[^"\\\\]*+)*+"|\'[^\'\\\\]*+(\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*+)*+\'}s', 'null', $contents); if (substr($contents, 0, 2) !== '(?:[^<]++|<(?!\?))*+<\?}s', '?>'); if (false !== $pos && false === strpos(substr($contents, $pos), '])(?Pclass|interface'.$extraTypes.') \s++ (?P[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff:][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:\-]*+) | \b(?])(?Pnamespace) (?P\s++[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+(?:\s*+\\\\\s*+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+)*+)? \s*+ [\{;] ) }ix', $contents, $matches); $classes = array(); $namespace = ''; for ($i = 0, $len = count($matches['type']); $i < $len; $i++) { if (!empty($matches['ns'][$i])) { $namespace = str_replace(array(' ', "\t", "\r", "\n"), '', $matches['nsname'][$i]) . '\\'; } else { $name = $matches['name'][$i]; if ($name === 'extends' || $name === 'implements') { continue; } if ($name[0] === ':') { $name = 'xhp'.substr(str_replace(array('-', ':'), array('_', '__'), $name), 1); } elseif ($matches['type'][$i] === 'enum') { $name = rtrim($name, ':'); } $classes[] = ltrim($namespace . $name, '\\'); } } return $classes; } } io = $io; $this->root = rtrim($cacheDir, '/\\') . '/'; $this->whitelist = $whitelist; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); if (!self::isUsable($cacheDir)) { $this->enabled = false; return; } if ( (!is_dir($this->root) && !Silencer::call('mkdir', $this->root, 0777, true)) || !is_writable($this->root) ) { $this->io->writeError('Cannot create cache directory ' . $this->root . ', or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache'); $this->enabled = false; } } public static function isUsable($path) { return !preg_match('{(^|[\\\\/])(\$null|nul|NUL|/dev/null)([\\\\/]|$)}', $path); } public function isEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } public function getRoot() { return $this->root; } public function read($file) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); if (file_exists($this->root . $file)) { $this->io->writeError('Reading '.$this->root . $file.' from cache', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); return file_get_contents($this->root . $file); } } return false; } public function write($file, $contents) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); $this->io->writeError('Writing '.$this->root . $file.' into cache', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); try { return file_put_contents($this->root . $file, $contents); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $this->io->writeError('Failed to write into cache: '.$e->getMessage().'', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); if (preg_match('{^file_put_contents\(\): Only ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+) bytes written}', $e->getMessage(), $m)) { unlink($this->root . $file); $message = sprintf( 'Writing %1$s into cache failed after %2$u of %3$u bytes written, only %4$u bytes of free space available', $this->root . $file, $m[1], $m[2], @disk_free_space($this->root . dirname($file)) ); $this->io->writeError($message); return false; } throw $e; } } return false; } public function copyFrom($file, $source) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($this->root . $file)); if (!file_exists($source)) { $this->io->writeError(''.$source.' does not exist, can not write into cache'); } elseif ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Writing '.$this->root . $file.' into cache from '.$source); } return copy($source, $this->root . $file); } return false; } public function copyTo($file, $target) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); if (file_exists($this->root . $file)) { try { touch($this->root . $file, filemtime($this->root . $file), time()); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { Silencer::call('touch', $this->root . $file); } $this->io->writeError('Reading '.$this->root . $file.' from cache', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); return copy($this->root . $file, $target); } } return false; } public function gcIsNecessary() { return (!self::$cacheCollected && !mt_rand(0, 50)); } public function remove($file) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); if (file_exists($this->root . $file)) { return $this->filesystem->unlink($this->root . $file); } } return false; } public function clear() { if ($this->enabled) { $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($this->root); return true; } return false; } public function gc($ttl, $maxSize) { if ($this->enabled) { $expire = new \DateTime(); $expire->modify('-'.$ttl.' seconds'); $finder = $this->getFinder()->date('until '.$expire->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); foreach ($finder as $file) { $this->filesystem->unlink($file->getPathname()); } $totalSize = $this->filesystem->size($this->root); if ($totalSize > $maxSize) { $iterator = $this->getFinder()->sortByAccessedTime()->getIterator(); while ($totalSize > $maxSize && $iterator->valid()) { $filepath = $iterator->current()->getPathname(); $totalSize -= $this->filesystem->size($filepath); $this->filesystem->unlink($filepath); $iterator->next(); } } self::$cacheCollected = true; return true; } return false; } public function sha1($file) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); if (file_exists($this->root . $file)) { return sha1_file($this->root . $file); } } return false; } public function sha256($file) { if ($this->enabled) { $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file); if (file_exists($this->root . $file)) { return hash_file('sha256', $this->root . $file); } } return false; } protected function getFinder() { return Finder::create()->in($this->root)->files(); } } setName('about') ->setDescription('Shows the short information about Composer.') ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar about EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->getIO()->write( <<Composer - Dependency Manager for PHP Composer is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries. See https://getcomposer.org/ for more information. EOT ); return 0; } } setName('archive') ->setDescription('Creates an archive of this composer package.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The package to archive instead of the current project'), new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'A version constraint to find the package to archive'), new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the resulting archive: tar or zip'), new InputOption('dir', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Write the archive to this directory'), new InputOption('file', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Write the archive with the given file name.' .' Note that the format will be appended.'), new InputOption('ignore-filters', false, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore filters when saving package'), )) ->setHelp( <<archive command creates an archive of the specified format containing the files and directories of the Composer project or the specified package in the specified version and writes it to the specified directory. php composer.phar archive [--format=zip] [--dir=/foo] [package [version]] Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#archive EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = Factory::createConfig(); $composer = $this->getComposer(false); if ($composer) { $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'archive', $input, $output); $eventDispatcher = $composer->getEventDispatcher(); $eventDispatcher->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $eventDispatcher->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_ARCHIVE_CMD); } if (null === $input->getOption('format')) { $input->setOption('format', $config->get('archive-format')); } if (null === $input->getOption('dir')) { $input->setOption('dir', $config->get('archive-dir')); } $returnCode = $this->archive( $this->getIO(), $config, $input->getArgument('package'), $input->getArgument('version'), $input->getOption('format'), $input->getOption('dir'), $input->getOption('file'), $input->getOption('ignore-filters'), $composer ); if (0 === $returnCode && $composer) { $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_ARCHIVE_CMD); } return $returnCode; } protected function archive(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $packageName = null, $version = null, $format = 'tar', $dest = '.', $fileName = null, $ignoreFilters = false, Composer $composer = null) { if ($composer) { $archiveManager = $composer->getArchiveManager(); } else { $factory = new Factory; $downloadManager = $factory->createDownloadManager($io, $config); $archiveManager = $factory->createArchiveManager($config, $downloadManager); } if ($packageName) { $package = $this->selectPackage($io, $packageName, $version); if (!$package) { return 1; } } else { $package = $this->getComposer()->getPackage(); } $io->writeError('Creating the archive into "'.$dest.'".'); $packagePath = $archiveManager->archive($package, $format, $dest, $fileName, $ignoreFilters); $fs = new Filesystem; $shortPath = $fs->findShortestPath(getcwd(), $packagePath, true); $io->writeError('Created: ', false); $io->write(strlen($shortPath) < strlen($packagePath) ? $shortPath : $packagePath); return 0; } protected function selectPackage(IOInterface $io, $packageName, $version = null) { $io->writeError('Searching for the specified package.'); if ($composer = $this->getComposer(false)) { $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $repo = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($localRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())); } else { $defaultRepos = RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($this->getIO()); $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, searching packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos))); $repo = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos); } $packages = $repo->findPackages($packageName, $version); if (count($packages) > 1) { $package = reset($packages); $io->writeError('Found multiple matches, selected '.$package->getPrettyString().'.'); $io->writeError('Alternatives were '.implode(', ', array_map(function ($p) { return $p->getPrettyString(); }, $packages)).'.'); $io->writeError('Please use a more specific constraint to pick a different package.'); } elseif ($packages) { $package = reset($packages); $io->writeError('Found an exact match '.$package->getPrettyString().'.'); } else { $io->writeError('Could not find a package matching '.$packageName.'.'); return false; } return $package; } } composer) { $application = $this->getApplication(); if ($application instanceof Application) { $this->composer = $application->getComposer($required, $disablePlugins); } elseif ($required) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Could not create a Composer\Composer instance, you must inject '. 'one if this command is not used with a Composer\Console\Application instance' ); } } return $this->composer; } public function setComposer(Composer $composer) { $this->composer = $composer; } public function resetComposer() { $this->composer = null; $this->getApplication()->resetComposer(); } public function isProxyCommand() { return false; } public function getIO() { if (null === $this->io) { $application = $this->getApplication(); if ($application instanceof Application) { $this->io = $application->getIO(); } else { $this->io = new NullIO(); } } return $this->io; } public function setIO(IOInterface $io) { $this->io = $io; } protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $disablePlugins = $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins'); $composer = $this->getComposer(false, $disablePlugins); if (null === $composer) { $composer = Factory::createGlobal($this->getIO(), $disablePlugins); } if ($composer) { $preCommandRunEvent = new PreCommandRunEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_COMMAND_RUN, $input, $this->getName()); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($preCommandRunEvent->getName(), $preCommandRunEvent); } if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi')) && $input->hasOption('no-progress')) { $input->setOption('no-progress', true); } parent::initialize($input, $output); } protected function getPreferredInstallOptions(Config $config, InputInterface $input, $keepVcsRequiresPreferSource = false) { $preferSource = false; $preferDist = false; switch ($config->get('preferred-install')) { case 'source': $preferSource = true; break; case 'dist': $preferDist = true; break; case 'auto': default: break; } if ($input->getOption('prefer-source') || $input->getOption('prefer-dist') || ($keepVcsRequiresPreferSource && $input->hasOption('keep-vcs') && $input->getOption('keep-vcs'))) { $preferSource = $input->getOption('prefer-source') || ($keepVcsRequiresPreferSource && $input->hasOption('keep-vcs') && $input->getOption('keep-vcs')); $preferDist = $input->getOption('prefer-dist'); } return array($preferSource, $preferDist); } } setDefinition(array( new InputArgument(self::ARGUMENT_PACKAGE, InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Package to inspect'), new InputArgument(self::ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINT, InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Optional version constraint', '*'), new InputOption(self::OPTION_RECURSIVE, 'r', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Recursively resolves up to the root package'), new InputOption(self::OPTION_TREE, 't', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prints the results as a nested tree'), )); } protected function doExecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $inverted = false) { $composer = $this->getComposer(); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, $this->getName(), $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $platformOverrides = $composer->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array(); $repository = new CompositeRepository(array( new ArrayRepository(array($composer->getPackage())), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(), new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides), )); $pool = new Pool(); $pool->addRepository($repository); list($needle, $textConstraint) = array_pad( explode(':', $input->getArgument(self::ARGUMENT_PACKAGE)), 2, $input->getArgument(self::ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINT) ); $packages = $pool->whatProvides(strtolower($needle)); if (empty($packages)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not find package "%s" in your project', $needle)); } if (!$repository->findPackage($needle, $textConstraint)) { $defaultRepos = new CompositeRepository(RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($this->getIO())); if ($match = $defaultRepos->findPackage($needle, $textConstraint)) { $repository->addRepository(new ArrayRepository(array(clone $match))); } } $needles = array($needle); if ($inverted) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $needles = array_merge($needles, array_map(function (Link $link) { return $link->getTarget(); }, $package->getReplaces())); } } if ('*' !== $textConstraint) { $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $constraint = $versionParser->parseConstraints($textConstraint); } else { $constraint = null; } $renderTree = $input->getOption(self::OPTION_TREE); $recursive = $renderTree || $input->getOption(self::OPTION_RECURSIVE); $results = $repository->getDependents($needles, $constraint, $inverted, $recursive); if (empty($results)) { $extra = (null !== $constraint) ? sprintf(' in versions %smatching %s', $inverted ? 'not ' : '', $textConstraint) : ''; $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf( 'There is no installed package depending on "%s"%s', $needle, $extra )); } elseif ($renderTree) { $this->initStyles($output); $root = $packages[0]; $this->getIO()->write(sprintf('%s %s %s', $root->getPrettyName(), $root->getPrettyVersion(), $root->getDescription())); $this->printTree($results); } else { $this->printTable($output, $results); } return 0; } protected function printTable(OutputInterface $output, $results) { $table = array(); $doubles = array(); do { $queue = array(); $rows = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { list($package, $link, $children) = $result; $unique = (string) $link; if (isset($doubles[$unique])) { continue; } $doubles[$unique] = true; $version = (strpos($package->getPrettyVersion(), 'No version set') === 0) ? '-' : $package->getPrettyVersion(); $rows[] = array($package->getPrettyName(), $version, $link->getDescription(), sprintf('%s (%s)', $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint())); if ($children) { $queue = array_merge($queue, $children); } } $results = $queue; $table = array_merge($rows, $table); } while (!empty($results)); $renderer = new Table($output); $renderer->setStyle('compact'); $rendererStyle = $renderer->getStyle(); $rendererStyle->setVerticalBorderChar(''); $rendererStyle->setCellRowContentFormat('%s '); $renderer->setRows($table)->render(); } protected function initStyles(OutputInterface $output) { $this->colors = array( 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'blue', ); foreach ($this->colors as $color) { $style = new OutputFormatterStyle($color); $output->getFormatter()->setStyle($color, $style); } } protected function printTree($results, $prefix = '', $level = 1) { $count = count($results); $idx = 0; foreach ($results as $result) { list($package, $link, $children) = $result; $color = $this->colors[$level % count($this->colors)]; $prevColor = $this->colors[($level - 1) % count($this->colors)]; $isLast = (++$idx == $count); $versionText = (strpos($package->getPrettyVersion(), 'No version set') === 0) ? '' : $package->getPrettyVersion(); $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('<%s>%s %s', $color, $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText)); $linkText = sprintf('%s <%s>%s %s', $link->getDescription(), $prevColor, $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint()); $circularWarn = $children === false ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : ''; $this->writeTreeLine(rtrim(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s) %s", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText, $circularWarn))); if ($children) { $this->printTree($children, $prefix . ($isLast ? ' ' : '│ '), $level + 1); } } } private function writeTreeLine($line) { $io = $this->getIO(); if (!$io->isDecorated()) { $line = str_replace(array('└', '├', '──', '│'), array('`-', '|-', '-', '|'), $line); } $io->write($line); } } setName('check-platform-reqs') ->setDescription('Check that platform requirements are satisfied.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables checking of require-dev packages requirements.'), )) ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar check-platform-reqs EOT ); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $composer = $this->getComposer(); $requires = $composer->getPackage()->getRequires(); if ($input->getOption('no-dev')) { $dependencies = $composer->getLocker()->getLockedRepository(!$input->getOption('no-dev'))->getPackages(); } else { $dependencies = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(); if (!$dependencies) { $dependencies = $composer->getLocker()->getLockedRepository(true)->getPackages(); } $requires += $composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires(); } foreach ($requires as $require => $link) { $requires[$require] = array($link); } foreach ($dependencies as $package) { foreach ($package->getRequires() as $require => $link) { $requires[$require][] = $link; } } ksort($requires); $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), array()); $currentPlatformPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages(); $currentPlatformPackageMap = array(); foreach ($currentPlatformPackages as $currentPlatformPackage) { $currentPlatformPackageMap[$currentPlatformPackage->getName()] = $currentPlatformPackage; } $results = array(); $exitCode = 0; foreach ($requires as $require => $links) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $require)) { if (isset($currentPlatformPackageMap[$require])) { $pass = true; $version = $currentPlatformPackageMap[$require]->getVersion(); foreach ($links as $link) { if (!$link->getConstraint()->matches(new Constraint('=', $version))) { $results[] = array( $currentPlatformPackageMap[$require]->getPrettyName(), $currentPlatformPackageMap[$require]->getPrettyVersion(), $link, 'failed', ); $pass = false; $exitCode = max($exitCode, 1); } } if ($pass) { $results[] = array( $currentPlatformPackageMap[$require]->getPrettyName(), $currentPlatformPackageMap[$require]->getPrettyVersion(), null, 'success', ); } } else { $results[] = array( $require, 'n/a', $links[0], 'missing', ); $exitCode = max($exitCode, 2); } } } $this->printTable($output, $results); return $exitCode; } protected function printTable(OutputInterface $output, $results) { $table = array(); $rows = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { list($platformPackage, $version, $link, $status) = $result; $rows[] = array( $platformPackage, $version, $link ? sprintf('%s %s %s (%s)', $link->getSource(), $link->getDescription(), $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint()) : '', $status, ); } $table = array_merge($rows, $table); $renderer = new Table($output); $renderer->setStyle('compact'); $rendererStyle = $renderer->getStyle(); $rendererStyle->setVerticalBorderChar(''); $rendererStyle->setCellRowContentFormat('%s '); $renderer->setRows($table)->render(); } } setName('clear-cache') ->setAliases(array('clearcache')) ->setDescription('Clears composer\'s internal package cache.') ->setHelp( <<clear-cache deletes all cached packages from composer's cache directory. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#clear-cache-clearcache- EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = Factory::createConfig(); $io = $this->getIO(); $cachePaths = array( 'cache-vcs-dir' => $config->get('cache-vcs-dir'), 'cache-repo-dir' => $config->get('cache-repo-dir'), 'cache-files-dir' => $config->get('cache-files-dir'), 'cache-dir' => $config->get('cache-dir'), ); foreach ($cachePaths as $key => $cachePath) { $cachePath = realpath($cachePath); if (!$cachePath) { $io->writeError("Cache directory does not exist ($key): $cachePath"); continue; } $cache = new Cache($io, $cachePath); if (!$cache->isEnabled()) { $io->writeError("Cache is not enabled ($key): $cachePath"); continue; } $io->writeError("Clearing cache ($key): $cachePath"); $cache->clear(); } $io->writeError('All caches cleared.'); return 0; } } setName('config') ->setDescription('Sets config options.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('global', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Apply command to the global config file'), new InputOption('editor', 'e', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Open editor'), new InputOption('auth', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Affect auth config file (only used for --editor)'), new InputOption('unset', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Unset the given setting-key'), new InputOption('list', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List configuration settings'), new InputOption('file', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json'), new InputOption('absolute', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Returns absolute paths when fetching *-dir config values instead of relative'), new InputArgument('setting-key', null, 'Setting key'), new InputArgument('setting-value', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'Setting value'), )) ->setHelp( <<%command.full_name% bin-dir bin/ To read a config setting: %command.full_name% bin-dir Outputs: bin To edit the global config.json file: %command.full_name% --global To add a repository: %command.full_name% repositories.foo vcs https://bar.com To remove a repository (repo is a short alias for repositories): %command.full_name% --unset repo.foo To disable packagist: %command.full_name% repo.packagist false You can alter repositories in the global config.json file by passing in the --global option. To edit the file in an external editor: %command.full_name% --editor To choose your editor you can set the "EDITOR" env variable. To get a list of configuration values in the file: %command.full_name% --list You can always pass more than one option. As an example, if you want to edit the global config.json file. %command.full_name% --editor --global Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#config EOT ) ; } protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { parent::initialize($input, $output); if ($input->getOption('global') && null !== $input->getOption('file')) { throw new \RuntimeException('--file and --global can not be combined'); } $io = $this->getIO(); $this->config = Factory::createConfig($io); $configFile = $input->getOption('global') ? ($this->config->get('home') . '/config.json') : ($input->getOption('file') ?: Factory::getComposerFile()); if ( ($configFile === 'composer.json' || $configFile === './composer.json') && !file_exists($configFile) && realpath(getcwd()) === realpath($this->config->get('home')) ) { file_put_contents($configFile, "{\n}\n"); } $this->configFile = new JsonFile($configFile, null, $io); $this->configSource = new JsonConfigSource($this->configFile); $authConfigFile = $input->getOption('global') ? ($this->config->get('home') . '/auth.json') : dirname(realpath($configFile)) . '/auth.json'; $this->authConfigFile = new JsonFile($authConfigFile, null, $io); $this->authConfigSource = new JsonConfigSource($this->authConfigFile, true); if ($input->getOption('global') && !$this->configFile->exists()) { touch($this->configFile->getPath()); $this->configFile->write(array('config' => new \ArrayObject)); Silencer::call('chmod', $this->configFile->getPath(), 0600); } if ($input->getOption('global') && !$this->authConfigFile->exists()) { touch($this->authConfigFile->getPath()); $this->authConfigFile->write(array('bitbucket-oauth' => new \ArrayObject, 'github-oauth' => new \ArrayObject, 'gitlab-oauth' => new \ArrayObject, 'gitlab-token' => new \ArrayObject, 'http-basic' => new \ArrayObject)); Silencer::call('chmod', $this->authConfigFile->getPath(), 0600); } if (!$this->configFile->exists()) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('File "%s" cannot be found in the current directory', $configFile)); } } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if ($input->getOption('editor')) { $editor = escapeshellcmd(getenv('EDITOR')); if (!$editor) { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $editor = 'notepad'; } else { foreach (array('editor', 'vim', 'vi', 'nano', 'pico', 'ed') as $candidate) { if (exec('which '.$candidate)) { $editor = $candidate; break; } } } } $file = $input->getOption('auth') ? $this->authConfigFile->getPath() : $this->configFile->getPath(); system($editor . ' ' . $file . (Platform::isWindows() ? '' : ' > `tty`')); return 0; } if (!$input->getOption('global')) { $this->config->merge($this->configFile->read()); $this->config->merge(array('config' => $this->authConfigFile->exists() ? $this->authConfigFile->read() : array())); } if ($input->getOption('list')) { $this->listConfiguration($this->config->all(), $this->config->raw(), $output); return 0; } $settingKey = $input->getArgument('setting-key'); if (!$settingKey) { return 0; } if (array() !== $input->getArgument('setting-value') && $input->getOption('unset')) { throw new \RuntimeException('You can not combine a setting value with --unset'); } if (array() === $input->getArgument('setting-value') && !$input->getOption('unset')) { $properties = array('name', 'type', 'description', 'homepage', 'version', 'minimum-stability', 'prefer-stable', 'keywords', 'license', 'extra'); $rawData = $this->configFile->read(); $data = $this->config->all(); if (preg_match('/^repos?(?:itories)?(?:\.(.+))?/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if (!isset($matches[1]) || $matches[1] === '') { $value = isset($data['repositories']) ? $data['repositories'] : array(); } else { if (!isset($data['repositories'][$matches[1]])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There is no '.$matches[1].' repository defined'); } $value = $data['repositories'][$matches[1]]; } } elseif (strpos($settingKey, '.')) { $bits = explode('.', $settingKey); if ($bits[0] === 'extra') { $data = $rawData; } else { $data = $data['config']; } $match = false; foreach ($bits as $bit) { $key = isset($key) ? $key.'.'.$bit : $bit; $match = false; if (isset($data[$key])) { $match = true; $data = $data[$key]; unset($key); } } if (!$match) { throw new \RuntimeException($settingKey.' is not defined.'); } $value = $data; } elseif (isset($data['config'][$settingKey])) { $value = $this->config->get($settingKey, $input->getOption('absolute') ? 0 : Config::RELATIVE_PATHS); } elseif (in_array($settingKey, $properties, true) && isset($rawData[$settingKey])) { $value = $rawData[$settingKey]; } else { throw new \RuntimeException($settingKey.' is not defined'); } if (is_array($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } $this->getIO()->write($value, true, IOInterface::QUIET); return 0; } $values = $input->getArgument('setting-value'); $booleanValidator = function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('true', 'false', '1', '0'), true); }; $booleanNormalizer = function ($val) { return $val !== 'false' && (bool) $val; }; $uniqueConfigValues = array( 'process-timeout' => array('is_numeric', 'intval'), 'use-include-path' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'use-github-api' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'preferred-install' => array( function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('auto', 'source', 'dist'), true); }, function ($val) { return $val; }, ), 'store-auths' => array( function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('true', 'false', 'prompt'), true); }, function ($val) { if ('prompt' === $val) { return 'prompt'; } return $val !== 'false' && (bool) $val; }, ), 'notify-on-install' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'vendor-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'bin-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'archive-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'archive-format' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'data-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'cache-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'cache-files-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'cache-repo-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'cache-vcs-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'cache-ttl' => array('is_numeric', 'intval'), 'cache-files-ttl' => array('is_numeric', 'intval'), 'cache-files-maxsize' => array( function ($val) { return preg_match('/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(?:([kmg])(?:i?b)?)?\s*$/i', $val) > 0; }, function ($val) { return $val; }, ), 'bin-compat' => array( function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('auto', 'full')); }, function ($val) { return $val; }, ), 'discard-changes' => array( function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('stash', 'true', 'false', '1', '0'), true); }, function ($val) { if ('stash' === $val) { return 'stash'; } return $val !== 'false' && (bool) $val; }, ), 'autoloader-suffix' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val === 'null' ? null : $val; }), 'sort-packages' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'optimize-autoloader' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'classmap-authoritative' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'apcu-autoloader' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'prepend-autoloader' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'disable-tls' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'secure-http' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'cafile' => array( function ($val) { return file_exists($val) && is_readable($val); }, function ($val) { return $val === 'null' ? null : $val; }, ), 'capath' => array( function ($val) { return is_dir($val) && is_readable($val); }, function ($val) { return $val === 'null' ? null : $val; }, ), 'github-expose-hostname' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), 'htaccess-protect' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), ); $multiConfigValues = array( 'github-protocols' => array( function ($vals) { if (!is_array($vals)) { return 'array expected'; } foreach ($vals as $val) { if (!in_array($val, array('git', 'https', 'ssh'))) { return 'valid protocols include: git, https, ssh'; } } return true; }, function ($vals) { return $vals; }, ), 'github-domains' => array( function ($vals) { if (!is_array($vals)) { return 'array expected'; } return true; }, function ($vals) { return $vals; }, ), 'gitlab-domains' => array( function ($vals) { if (!is_array($vals)) { return 'array expected'; } return true; }, function ($vals) { return $vals; }, ), ); if ($input->getOption('unset') && (isset($uniqueConfigValues[$settingKey]) || isset($multiConfigValues[$settingKey]))) { if ($settingKey === 'disable-tls' && $this->config->get('disable-tls')) { $this->getIO()->writeError('You are now running Composer with SSL/TLS protection enabled.'); } $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($settingKey); return 0; } if (isset($uniqueConfigValues[$settingKey])) { $this->handleSingleValue($settingKey, $uniqueConfigValues[$settingKey], $values, 'addConfigSetting'); return 0; } if (isset($multiConfigValues[$settingKey])) { $this->handleMultiValue($settingKey, $multiConfigValues[$settingKey], $values, 'addConfigSetting'); return 0; } $uniqueProps = array( 'name' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'type' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'description' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'homepage' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'version' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }), 'minimum-stability' => array( function ($val) { return isset(BasePackage::$stabilities[VersionParser::normalizeStability($val)]); }, function ($val) { return VersionParser::normalizeStability($val); }, ), 'prefer-stable' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer), ); $multiProps = array( 'keywords' => array( function ($vals) { if (!is_array($vals)) { return 'array expected'; } return true; }, function ($vals) { return $vals; }, ), 'license' => array( function ($vals) { if (!is_array($vals)) { return 'array expected'; } return true; }, function ($vals) { return $vals; }, ), ); if ($input->getOption('global') && (isset($uniqueProps[$settingKey]) || isset($multiProps[$settingKey]) || substr($settingKey, 0, 6) === 'extra.')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The '.$settingKey.' property can not be set in the global config.json file. Use `composer global config` to apply changes to the global composer.json'); } if ($input->getOption('unset') && (isset($uniqueProps[$settingKey]) || isset($multiProps[$settingKey]))) { $this->configSource->removeProperty($settingKey); return 0; } if (isset($uniqueProps[$settingKey])) { $this->handleSingleValue($settingKey, $uniqueProps[$settingKey], $values, 'addProperty'); return 0; } if (isset($multiProps[$settingKey])) { $this->handleMultiValue($settingKey, $multiProps[$settingKey], $values, 'addProperty'); return 0; } if (preg_match('/^repos?(?:itories)?\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if ($input->getOption('unset')) { $this->configSource->removeRepository($matches[1]); return 0; } if (2 === count($values)) { $this->configSource->addRepository($matches[1], array( 'type' => $values[0], 'url' => $values[1], )); return 0; } if (1 === count($values)) { $value = strtolower($values[0]); if (true === $booleanValidator($value)) { if (false === $booleanNormalizer($value)) { $this->configSource->addRepository($matches[1], false); return 0; } } else { $value = JsonFile::parseJson($values[0]); $this->configSource->addRepository($matches[1], $value); return 0; } } throw new \RuntimeException('You must pass the type and a url. Example: php composer.phar config repositories.foo vcs https://bar.com'); } if (preg_match('/^extra\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if ($input->getOption('unset')) { $this->configSource->removeProperty($settingKey); return 0; } $this->configSource->addProperty($settingKey, $values[0]); return 0; } if (preg_match('/^platform\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if ($input->getOption('unset')) { $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($settingKey); return 0; } $this->configSource->addConfigSetting($settingKey, $values[0]); return 0; } if ($settingKey === 'platform' && $input->getOption('unset')) { $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($settingKey); return 0; } if (preg_match('/^(bitbucket-oauth|github-oauth|gitlab-oauth|gitlab-token|http-basic)\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if ($input->getOption('unset')) { $this->authConfigSource->removeConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2]); $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2]); return 0; } if ($matches[1] === 'bitbucket-oauth') { if (2 !== count($values)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Expected two arguments (consumer-key, consumer-secret), got '.count($values)); } $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2]); $this->authConfigSource->addConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2], array('consumer-key' => $values[0], 'consumer-secret' => $values[1])); } elseif (in_array($matches[1], array('github-oauth', 'gitlab-oauth', 'gitlab-token'), true)) { if (1 !== count($values)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Too many arguments, expected only one token'); } $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2]); $this->authConfigSource->addConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2], $values[0]); } elseif ($matches[1] === 'http-basic') { if (2 !== count($values)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Expected two arguments (username, password), got '.count($values)); } $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2]); $this->authConfigSource->addConfigSetting($matches[1].'.'.$matches[2], array('username' => $values[0], 'password' => $values[1])); } return 0; } if (preg_match('/^scripts\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) { if ($input->getOption('unset')) { $this->configSource->removeProperty($settingKey); return 0; } $this->configSource->addProperty($settingKey, count($values) > 1 ? $values : $values[0]); return 0; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Setting '.$settingKey.' does not exist or is not supported by this command'); } protected function handleSingleValue($key, array $callbacks, array $values, $method) { list($validator, $normalizer) = $callbacks; if (1 !== count($values)) { throw new \RuntimeException('You can only pass one value. Example: php composer.phar config process-timeout 300'); } if (true !== $validation = $validator($values[0])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( '"%s" is an invalid value'.($validation ? ' ('.$validation.')' : ''), $values[0] )); } $normalizedValue = $normalizer($values[0]); if ($key === 'disable-tls') { if (!$normalizedValue && $this->config->get('disable-tls')) { $this->getIO()->writeError('You are now running Composer with SSL/TLS protection enabled.'); } elseif ($normalizedValue && !$this->config->get('disable-tls')) { $this->getIO()->writeError('You are now running Composer with SSL/TLS protection disabled.'); } } return call_user_func(array($this->configSource, $method), $key, $normalizedValue); } protected function handleMultiValue($key, array $callbacks, array $values, $method) { list($validator, $normalizer) = $callbacks; if (true !== $validation = $validator($values)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( '%s is an invalid value'.($validation ? ' ('.$validation.')' : ''), json_encode($values) )); } return call_user_func(array($this->configSource, $method), $key, $normalizer($values)); } protected function listConfiguration(array $contents, array $rawContents, OutputInterface $output, $k = null) { $origK = $k; $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($contents as $key => $value) { if ($k === null && !in_array($key, array('config', 'repositories'))) { continue; } $rawVal = isset($rawContents[$key]) ? $rawContents[$key] : null; if (is_array($value) && (!is_numeric(key($value)) || ($key === 'repositories' && null === $k))) { $k .= preg_replace('{^config\.}', '', $key . '.'); $this->listConfiguration($value, $rawVal, $output, $k); $k = $origK; continue; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_map(function ($val) { return is_array($val) ? json_encode($val) : $val; }, $value); $value = '['.implode(', ', $value).']'; } if (is_bool($value)) { $value = var_export($value, true); } if (is_string($rawVal) && $rawVal != $value) { $io->write('[' . $k . $key . '] ' . $rawVal . ' (' . $value . ')', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } else { $io->write('[' . $k . $key . '] ' . $value . '', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } } } } setName('create-project') ->setDescription('Creates new project from a package into given directory.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package name to be installed'), new InputArgument('directory', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Directory where the files should be created'), new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Version, will default to latest'), new InputOption('stability', 's', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Minimum-stability allowed (unless a version is specified).'), new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'), new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'), new InputOption('repository', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Pick a different repository (as url or json config) to look for the package.'), new InputOption('repository-url', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'DEPRECATED: Use --repository instead.'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'), new InputOption('no-custom-installers', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to prevent execution of all defined scripts in the root package.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-secure-http', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable the secure-http config option temporarily while installing the root package. Use at your own risk. Using this flag is a bad idea.'), new InputOption('keep-vcs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to prevent deleting the vcs folder.'), new InputOption('remove-vcs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to force deletion of the vcs folder without prompting.'), new InputOption('no-install', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to skip installation of the package dependencies.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), )) ->setHelp( <<create-project command creates a new project from a given package into a new directory. If executed without params and in a directory with a composer.json file it installs the packages for the current project. You can use this command to bootstrap new projects or setup a clean version-controlled installation for developers of your project. php composer.phar create-project vendor/project target-directory [version] You can also specify the version with the package name using = or : as separator. php composer.phar create-project vendor/project:version target-directory To install unstable packages, either specify the version you want, or use the --stability=dev (where dev can be one of RC, beta, alpha or dev). To setup a developer workable version you should create the project using the source controlled code by appending the '--prefer-source' flag. To install a package from another repository than the default one you can pass the '--repository=https://myrepository.org' flag. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#create-project EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = Factory::createConfig(); $io = $this->getIO(); list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($config, $input, true); if ($input->getOption('dev')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.'); } if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.'); $input->setOption('no-plugins', true); } return $this->installProject( $io, $config, $input, $input->getArgument('package'), $input->getArgument('directory'), $input->getArgument('version'), $input->getOption('stability'), $preferSource, $preferDist, !$input->getOption('no-dev'), $input->getOption('repository') ?: $input->getOption('repository-url'), $input->getOption('no-plugins'), $input->getOption('no-scripts'), $input->getOption('no-progress'), $input->getOption('no-install'), $input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs'), !$input->getOption('no-secure-http') ); } public function installProject(IOInterface $io, Config $config, InputInterface $input, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repository = null, $disablePlugins = false, $noScripts = false, $noProgress = false, $noInstall = false, $ignorePlatformReqs = false, $secureHttp = true) { $oldCwd = getcwd(); $io->loadConfiguration($config); $this->suggestedPackagesReporter = new SuggestedPackagesReporter($io); if ($packageName !== null) { $installedFromVcs = $this->installRootPackage($io, $config, $packageName, $directory, $packageVersion, $stability, $preferSource, $preferDist, $installDevPackages, $repository, $disablePlugins, $noScripts, $noProgress, $ignorePlatformReqs, $secureHttp); } else { $installedFromVcs = false; } $composer = Factory::create($io, null, $disablePlugins); $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$noProgress); $fs = new Filesystem(); if ($noScripts === false) { $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_ROOT_PACKAGE_INSTALL, $installDevPackages); } $config = $composer->getConfig(); list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($config, $input); if ($noInstall === false) { $installer = Installer::create($io, $composer); $installer->setPreferSource($preferSource) ->setPreferDist($preferDist) ->setDevMode($installDevPackages) ->setRunScripts(!$noScripts) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($ignorePlatformReqs) ->setSuggestedPackagesReporter($this->suggestedPackagesReporter) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($config->get('optimize-autoloader')) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($config->get('classmap-authoritative')) ->setApcuAutoloader($config->get('apcu-autoloader')); if ($disablePlugins) { $installer->disablePlugins(); } $status = $installer->run(); if (0 !== $status) { return $status; } } $hasVcs = $installedFromVcs; if ( !$input->getOption('keep-vcs') && $installedFromVcs && ( $input->getOption('remove-vcs') || !$io->isInteractive() || $io->askConfirmation('Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history? [Y,n]? ', true) ) ) { $finder = new Finder(); $finder->depth(0)->directories()->in(getcwd())->ignoreVCS(false)->ignoreDotFiles(false); foreach (array('.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg', '.fslckout', '_FOSSIL_') as $vcsName) { $finder->name($vcsName); } try { $dirs = iterator_to_array($finder); unset($finder); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!$fs->removeDirectory($dir)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not remove '.$dir); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $io->writeError('An error occurred while removing the VCS metadata: '.$e->getMessage().''); } $hasVcs = false; } if (!$hasVcs) { $package = $composer->getPackage(); $configSource = new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile('composer.json')); foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $meta) { foreach ($package->{'get'.$meta['method']}() as $link) { if ($link->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version') { $configSource->addLink($type, $link->getTarget(), $package->getPrettyVersion()); } } } } if ($noScripts === false) { $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_CREATE_PROJECT_CMD, $installDevPackages); } chdir($oldCwd); $vendorComposerDir = $config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer'; if (is_dir($vendorComposerDir) && $fs->isDirEmpty($vendorComposerDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $vendorComposerDir); $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir'); if (is_dir($vendorDir) && $fs->isDirEmpty($vendorDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $vendorDir); } } return 0; } protected function installRootPackage(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repository = null, $disablePlugins = false, $noScripts = false, $noProgress = false, $ignorePlatformReqs = false, $secureHttp = true) { if (!$secureHttp) { $config->merge(array('config' => array('secure-http' => false))); } if (null === $repository) { $sourceRepo = new CompositeRepository(RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($io, $config)); } else { $sourceRepo = RepositoryFactory::fromString($io, $config, $repository, true); } $parser = new VersionParser(); $requirements = $parser->parseNameVersionPairs(array($packageName)); $name = strtolower($requirements[0]['name']); if (!$packageVersion && isset($requirements[0]['version'])) { $packageVersion = $requirements[0]['version']; } if (null === $stability) { if (preg_match('{^[^,\s]*?@('.implode('|', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities)).')$}i', $packageVersion, $match)) { $stability = $match[1]; } else { $stability = VersionParser::parseStability($packageVersion); } } $stability = VersionParser::normalizeStability($stability); if (!isset(BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid stability provided ('.$stability.'), must be one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities))); } $pool = new Pool($stability); $pool->addRepository($sourceRepo); $phpVersion = null; $prettyPhpVersion = null; if (!$ignorePlatformReqs) { $platformOverrides = $config->get('platform') ?: array(); $platform = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides); $phpPackage = $platform->findPackage('php', '*'); $phpVersion = $phpPackage->getVersion(); $prettyPhpVersion = $phpPackage->getPrettyVersion(); } $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($pool); $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $packageVersion, $phpVersion, $stability); if (!$package) { $errorMessage = "Could not find package $name with " . ($packageVersion ? "version $packageVersion" : "stability $stability"); if ($phpVersion && $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $packageVersion, null, $stability)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($errorMessage .' in a version installable using your PHP version '.$prettyPhpVersion.'.'); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException($errorMessage .'.'); } if (null === $directory) { $parts = explode("/", $name, 2); $directory = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_pop($parts); } if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) { @mkdir($directory, 0777, true); if ($realDir = realpath($directory)) { pcntl_async_signals(true); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function () use ($realDir) { $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->removeDirectory($realDir); exit(130); }); } } $io->writeError('Installing ' . $package->getName() . ' (' . $package->getFullPrettyVersion(false) . ')'); if ($disablePlugins) { $io->writeError('Plugins have been disabled.'); } if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package = $package->getAliasOf(); } $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config); $dm->setPreferSource($preferSource) ->setPreferDist($preferDist) ->setOutputProgress(!$noProgress); $projectInstaller = new ProjectInstaller($directory, $dm); $im = $this->createInstallationManager(); $im->addInstaller($projectInstaller); $im->install(new InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile('php://memory')), new InstallOperation($package)); $im->notifyInstalls($io); $this->suggestedPackagesReporter->addSuggestionsFromPackage($package); $installedFromVcs = 'source' === $package->getInstallationSource(); $io->writeError('Created project in ' . $directory . ''); chdir($directory); $_SERVER['COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION'] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); putenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION='.$_SERVER['COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION']); return $installedFromVcs; } protected function createDownloadManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config) { $factory = new Factory(); return $factory->createDownloadManager($io, $config); } protected function createInstallationManager() { return new InstallationManager(); } } setName('depends') ->setAliases(array('why')) ->setDescription('Shows which packages cause the given package to be installed.') ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar depends composer/composer Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#depends-why- EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { return parent::doExecute($input, $output, false); } } setName('diagnose') ->setDescription('Diagnoses the system to identify common errors.') ->setHelp( <<diagnose command checks common errors to help debugging problems. The process exit code will be 1 in case of warnings and 2 for errors. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#diagnose EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $composer = $this->getComposer(false); $io = $this->getIO(); if ($composer) { $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'diagnose', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $io->write('Checking composer.json: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkComposerSchema()); } if ($composer) { $config = $composer->getConfig(); } else { $config = Factory::createConfig(); } $config->merge(array('config' => array('secure-http' => false))); $config->prohibitUrlByConfig('http://repo.packagist.org', new NullIO); $this->rfs = Factory::createRemoteFilesystem($io, $config); $this->process = new ProcessExecutor($io); $io->write('Checking platform settings: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkPlatform()); $io->write('Checking git settings: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkGit()); $io->write('Checking http connectivity to packagist: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkHttp('http', $config)); $io->write('Checking https connectivity to packagist: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkHttp('https', $config)); $opts = stream_context_get_options(StreamContextFactory::getContext('http://example.org')); if (!empty($opts['http']['proxy'])) { $io->write('Checking HTTP proxy: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkHttpProxy()); $io->write('Checking HTTP proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkHttpProxyFullUriRequestParam()); $io->write('Checking HTTPS proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkHttpsProxyFullUriRequestParam()); } if ($oauth = $config->get('github-oauth')) { foreach ($oauth as $domain => $token) { $io->write('Checking '.$domain.' oauth access: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkGithubOauth($domain, $token)); } } else { $io->write('Checking github.com rate limit: ', false); try { $rate = $this->getGithubRateLimit('github.com'); if (!is_array($rate)) { $this->outputResult($rate); } elseif (10 > $rate['remaining']) { $io->write('WARNING'); $io->write(sprintf( 'Github has a rate limit on their API. ' . 'You currently have %u ' . 'out of %u requests left.' . PHP_EOL . 'See https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting and also' . PHP_EOL . ' https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#api-rate-limit-and-oauth-tokens', $rate['remaining'], $rate['limit'] )); } else { $this->outputResult(true); } } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getCode() === 401) { $this->outputResult('The oauth token for github.com seems invalid, run "composer config --global --unset github-oauth.github.com" to remove it'); } else { $this->outputResult($e); } } } $io->write('Checking disk free space: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkDiskSpace($config)); if ('phar:' === substr(__FILE__, 0, 5)) { $io->write('Checking pubkeys: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkPubKeys($config)); $io->write('Checking composer version: ', false); $this->outputResult($this->checkVersion($config)); } $io->write(sprintf('Composer version: %s', Composer::VERSION)); $platformOverrides = $config->get('platform') ?: array(); $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides); $phpPkg = $platformRepo->findPackage('php', '*'); $phpVersion = $phpPkg->getPrettyVersion(); if (false !== strpos($phpPkg->getDescription(), 'overridden')) { $phpVersion .= ' - ' . $phpPkg->getDescription(); } $io->write(sprintf('PHP version: %s', $phpVersion)); if (defined('PHP_BINARY')) { $io->write(sprintf('PHP binary path: %s', PHP_BINARY)); } return $this->exitCode; } private function checkComposerSchema() { $validator = new ConfigValidator($this->getIO()); list($errors, , $warnings) = $validator->validate(Factory::getComposerFile()); if ($errors || $warnings) { $messages = array( 'error' => $errors, 'warning' => $warnings, ); $output = ''; foreach ($messages as $style => $msgs) { foreach ($msgs as $msg) { $output .= '<' . $style . '>' . $msg . '' . PHP_EOL; } } return rtrim($output); } return true; } private function checkGit() { $this->process->execute('git config color.ui', $output); if (strtolower(trim($output)) === 'always') { return 'Your git color.ui setting is set to always, this is known to create issues. Use "git config --global color.ui true" to set it correctly.'; } return true; } private function checkHttp($proto, Config $config) { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $disableTls = false; $result = array(); if ($proto === 'https' && $config->get('disable-tls') === true) { $disableTls = true; $result[] = 'Composer is configured to disable SSL/TLS protection. This will leave remote HTTPS requests vulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle attacks.'; } if ($proto === 'https' && !extension_loaded('openssl') && !$disableTls) { $result[] = 'Composer is configured to use SSL/TLS protection but the openssl extension is not available.'; } try { $this->rfs->getContents('packagist.org', $proto . '://repo.packagist.org/packages.json', false); } catch (TransportException $e) { if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), 'cafile')) { $result[] = '[' . get_class($e) . '] ' . $e->getMessage() . ''; $result[] = 'Unable to locate a valid CA certificate file. You must set a valid \'cafile\' option.'; $result[] = 'You can alternatively disable this error, at your own risk, by enabling the \'disable-tls\' option.'; } else { array_unshift($result, '[' . get_class($e) . '] ' . $e->getMessage()); } } if (count($result) > 0) { return $result; } return true; } private function checkHttpProxy() { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $protocol = extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http'; try { $json = json_decode($this->rfs->getContents('packagist.org', $protocol . '://repo.packagist.org/packages.json', false), true); $hash = reset($json['provider-includes']); $hash = $hash['sha256']; $path = str_replace('%hash%', $hash, key($json['provider-includes'])); $provider = $this->rfs->getContents('packagist.org', $protocol . '://repo.packagist.org/'.$path, false); if (hash('sha256', $provider) !== $hash) { return 'It seems that your proxy is modifying http traffic on the fly'; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return $e; } return true; } private function checkHttpProxyFullUriRequestParam() { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $url = 'http://repo.packagist.org/packages.json'; try { $this->rfs->getContents('packagist.org', $url, false); } catch (TransportException $e) { try { $this->rfs->getContents('packagist.org', $url, false, array('http' => array('request_fulluri' => false))); } catch (TransportException $e) { return 'Unable to assess the situation, maybe packagist.org is down ('.$e->getMessage().')'; } return 'It seems there is a problem with your proxy server, try setting the "HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST_FULLURI" and "HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST_FULLURI" environment variables to "false"'; } return true; } private function checkHttpsProxyFullUriRequestParam() { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { return 'You need the openssl extension installed for this check'; } $url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Seldaek/jsonlint/zipball/1.0.0'; try { $this->rfs->getContents('github.com', $url, false); } catch (TransportException $e) { try { $this->rfs->getContents('github.com', $url, false, array('http' => array('request_fulluri' => false))); } catch (TransportException $e) { return 'Unable to assess the situation, maybe github is down ('.$e->getMessage().')'; } return 'It seems there is a problem with your proxy server, try setting the "HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST_FULLURI" environment variable to "false"'; } return true; } private function checkGithubOauth($domain, $token) { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $this->getIO()->setAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic'); try { $url = $domain === 'github.com' ? 'https://api.'.$domain.'/' : 'https://'.$domain.'/api/v3/'; return $this->rfs->getContents($domain, $url, false, array( 'retry-auth-failure' => false, )) ? true : 'Unexpected error'; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getCode() === 401) { return 'The oauth token for '.$domain.' seems invalid, run "composer config --global --unset github-oauth.'.$domain.'" to remove it'; } return $e; } } private function getGithubRateLimit($domain, $token = null) { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } if ($token) { $this->getIO()->setAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic'); } $url = $domain === 'github.com' ? 'https://api.'.$domain.'/rate_limit' : 'https://'.$domain.'/api/rate_limit'; $json = $this->rfs->getContents($domain, $url, false, array('retry-auth-failure' => false)); $data = json_decode($json, true); return $data['resources']['core']; } private function checkDiskSpace($config) { $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024; if ((($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) ) { return 'The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full'; } return true; } private function checkPubKeys($config) { $home = $config->get('home'); $errors = array(); $io = $this->getIO(); if (file_exists($home.'/keys.tags.pub') && file_exists($home.'/keys.dev.pub')) { $io->write(''); } if (file_exists($home.'/keys.tags.pub')) { $io->write('Tags Public Key Fingerprint: ' . Keys::fingerprint($home.'/keys.tags.pub')); } else { $errors[] = 'Missing pubkey for tags verification'; } if (file_exists($home.'/keys.dev.pub')) { $io->write('Dev Public Key Fingerprint: ' . Keys::fingerprint($home.'/keys.dev.pub')); } else { $errors[] = 'Missing pubkey for dev verification'; } if ($errors) { $errors[] = 'Run composer self-update --update-keys to set them up'; } return $errors ?: true; } private function checkVersion($config) { $result = $this->checkConnectivity(); if ($result !== true) { return $result; } $versionsUtil = new Versions($config, $this->rfs); $latest = $versionsUtil->getLatest(); if (Composer::VERSION !== $latest['version'] && Composer::VERSION !== '@package_version@') { return 'You are not running the latest '.$versionsUtil->getChannel().' version, run `composer self-update` to update ('.Composer::VERSION.' => '.$latest['version'].')'; } return true; } private function outputResult($result) { $io = $this->getIO(); if (true === $result) { $io->write('OK'); return; } $hadError = false; $hadWarning = false; if ($result instanceof \Exception) { $result = '['.get_class($result).'] '.$result->getMessage().''; } if (!$result) { $hadError = true; } else { if (!is_array($result)) { $result = array($result); } foreach ($result as $message) { if (false !== strpos($message, '')) { $hadError = true; } elseif (false !== strpos($message, '')) { $hadWarning = true; } } } if ($hadError) { $io->write('FAIL'); $this->exitCode = max($this->exitCode, 2); } elseif ($hadWarning) { $io->write('WARNING'); $this->exitCode = max($this->exitCode, 1); } if ($result) { foreach ($result as $message) { $io->write($message); } } } private function checkPlatform() { $output = ''; $out = function ($msg, $style) use (&$output) { $output .= '<'.$style.'>'.$msg.''.PHP_EOL; }; $errors = array(); $warnings = array(); $displayIniMessage = false; $iniMessage = PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.IniHelper::getMessage(); $iniMessage .= PHP_EOL.'If you can not modify the ini file, you can also run `php -d option=value` to modify ini values on the fly. You can use -d multiple times.'; if (!function_exists('json_decode')) { $errors['json'] = true; } if (!extension_loaded('Phar')) { $errors['phar'] = true; } if (!extension_loaded('filter')) { $errors['filter'] = true; } if (!extension_loaded('hash')) { $errors['hash'] = true; } if (!extension_loaded('iconv') && !extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $errors['iconv_mbstring'] = true; } if (!filter_var(ini_get('allow_url_fopen'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $errors['allow_url_fopen'] = true; } if (extension_loaded('ionCube Loader') && ioncube_loader_iversion() < 40009) { $errors['ioncube'] = ioncube_loader_version(); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50302) { $errors['php'] = PHP_VERSION; } if (!isset($errors['php']) && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50304) { $warnings['php'] = PHP_VERSION; } if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { $errors['openssl'] = true; } if (extension_loaded('openssl') && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x1000100f) { $warnings['openssl_version'] = true; } if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION') && !extension_loaded('apcu') && filter_var(ini_get('apc.enable_cli'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $warnings['apc_cli'] = true; } if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { $warnings['zlib'] = true; } ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); $phpinfo = ob_get_clean(); if (preg_match('{Configure Command(?: *| *=> *)(.*?)(?:|$)}m', $phpinfo, $match)) { $configure = $match[1]; if (false !== strpos($configure, '--enable-sigchild')) { $warnings['sigchild'] = true; } if (false !== strpos($configure, '--with-curlwrappers')) { $warnings['curlwrappers'] = true; } } if (filter_var(ini_get('xdebug.profiler_enabled'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { $warnings['xdebug_profile'] = true; } elseif (extension_loaded('xdebug')) { $warnings['xdebug_loaded'] = true; } if (!empty($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $error => $current) { switch ($error) { case 'json': $text = PHP_EOL."The json extension is missing.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-json"; break; case 'phar': $text = PHP_EOL."The phar extension is missing.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-phar"; break; case 'filter': $text = PHP_EOL."The filter extension is missing.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-filter"; break; case 'hash': $text = PHP_EOL."The hash extension is missing.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-hash"; break; case 'iconv_mbstring': $text = PHP_EOL."The iconv OR mbstring extension is required and both are missing.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Install either of them or recompile php without --disable-iconv"; break; case 'unicode': $text = PHP_EOL."The detect_unicode setting must be disabled.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini`:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " detect_unicode = Off"; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'suhosin': $text = PHP_EOL."The suhosin.executor.include.whitelist setting is incorrect.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini` or suhosin.ini (Example path [for Debian]: /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/suhosin.ini):".PHP_EOL; $text .= " suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar ".$current; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'php': $text = PHP_EOL."Your PHP ({$current}) is too old, you must upgrade to PHP 5.3.2 or higher."; break; case 'allow_url_fopen': $text = PHP_EOL."The allow_url_fopen setting is incorrect.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini`:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " allow_url_fopen = On"; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'ioncube': $text = PHP_EOL."Your ionCube Loader extension ($current) is incompatible with Phar files.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Upgrade to ionCube 4.0.9 or higher or remove this line (path may be different) from your `php.ini` to disable it:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so"; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'openssl': $text = PHP_EOL."The openssl extension is missing, which means that secure HTTPS transfers are impossible.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl"; break; } $out($text, 'error'); } $output .= PHP_EOL; } if (!empty($warnings)) { foreach ($warnings as $warning => $current) { switch ($warning) { case 'apc_cli': $text = "The apc.enable_cli setting is incorrect.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini`:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " apc.enable_cli = Off"; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'zlib': $text = 'The zlib extension is not loaded, this can slow down Composer a lot.'.PHP_EOL; $text .= 'If possible, enable it or recompile php with --with-zlib'.PHP_EOL; $displayIniMessage = true; break; case 'sigchild': $text = "PHP was compiled with --enable-sigchild which can cause issues on some platforms.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Recompile it without this flag if possible, see also:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=22999"; break; case 'curlwrappers': $text = "PHP was compiled with --with-curlwrappers which will cause issues with HTTP authentication and GitHub.".PHP_EOL; $text .= " Recompile it without this flag if possible"; break; case 'php': $text = "Your PHP ({$current}) is quite old, upgrading to PHP 5.3.4 or higher is recommended.".PHP_EOL; $text .= " Composer works with 5.3.2+ for most people, but there might be edge case issues."; break; case 'openssl_version': $opensslVersion = strstr(trim(strstr(OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, ' ')), ' ', true); $opensslVersion = $opensslVersion ?: OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT; $text = "The OpenSSL library ({$opensslVersion}) used by PHP does not support TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.1.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "If possible you should upgrade OpenSSL to version 1.0.1 or above."; break; case 'xdebug_loaded': $text = "The xdebug extension is loaded, this can slow down Composer a little.".PHP_EOL; $text .= " Disabling it when using Composer is recommended."; break; case 'xdebug_profile': $text = "The xdebug.profiler_enabled setting is enabled, this can slow down Composer a lot.".PHP_EOL; $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini` to disable it:".PHP_EOL; $text .= " xdebug.profiler_enabled = 0"; $displayIniMessage = true; break; } $out($text, 'comment'); } } if ($displayIniMessage) { $out($iniMessage, 'comment'); } return !$warnings && !$errors ? true : $output; } private function checkConnectivity() { if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $result = 'Skipped because allow_url_fopen is missing.'; return $result; } return true; } } setName('dump-autoload') ->setAliases(array('dumpautoload')) ->setDescription('Dumps the autoloader.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('optimize', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimizes PSR0 and PSR4 packages to be loaded with classmaps too, good for production.'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize`.'), new InputOption('apcu', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables autoload-dev rules.'), )) ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar dump-autoload Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#dump-autoload-dumpautoload- EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $composer = $this->getComposer(); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'dump-autoload', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $installationManager = $composer->getInstallationManager(); $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $package = $composer->getPackage(); $config = $composer->getConfig(); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu') || $config->get('apcu-autoloader'); if ($authoritative) { $this->getIO()->writeError('Generating optimized autoload files (authoritative)', false); } elseif ($optimize) { $this->getIO()->writeError('Generating optimized autoload files', false); } else { $this->getIO()->writeError('Generating autoload files', false); } $generator = $composer->getAutoloadGenerator(); $generator->setDevMode(!$input->getOption('no-dev')); $generator->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative); $generator->setApcu($apcu); $generator->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')); $numberOfClasses = $generator->dump($config, $localRepo, $package, $installationManager, 'composer', $optimize); if ($authoritative) { $this->getIO()->overwriteError('Generated optimized autoload files (authoritative) containing '. $numberOfClasses .' classes'); } elseif ($optimize) { $this->getIO()->overwriteError('Generated optimized autoload files containing '. $numberOfClasses .' classes'); } else { $this->getIO()->overwriteError('Generated autoload files containing '. $numberOfClasses .' classes'); } return 0; } } setName('exec') ->setDescription('Executes a vendored binary/script.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('list', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE), new InputArgument('binary', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The binary to run, e.g. phpunit'), new InputArgument( 'args', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Arguments to pass to the binary. Use -- to separate from composer arguments' ), )) ->setHelp( <<getComposer(); $binDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'); if ($input->getOption('list') || !$input->getArgument('binary')) { $bins = glob($binDir . '/*'); $bins = array_merge($bins, array_map(function ($e) { return "$e (local)"; }, $composer->getPackage()->getBinaries())); if (!$bins) { throw new \RuntimeException("No binaries found in composer.json or in bin-dir ($binDir)"); } $this->getIO()->write( <<Available binaries: EOT ); foreach ($bins as $bin) { if (isset($previousBin) && $bin === $previousBin.'.bat') { continue; } $previousBin = $bin; $bin = basename($bin); $this->getIO()->write( <<- $bin EOT ); } return 0; } $binary = $input->getArgument('binary'); $dispatcher = $composer->getEventDispatcher(); $dispatcher->addListener('__exec_command', $binary); if ($output->getVerbosity() === OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $output->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); } return $dispatcher->dispatchScript('__exec_command', true, $input->getArgument('args')); } } setName('global') ->setDescription('Allows running commands in the global composer dir ($COMPOSER_HOME).') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('command-name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, ''), new InputArgument('args', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, ''), )) ->setHelp( <<\AppData\Roaming\Composer on Windows and /home//.composer on unix systems. If your system uses freedesktop.org standards, then it will first check XDG_CONFIG_HOME or default to /home//.config/composer Note: This path may vary depending on customizations to bin-dir in composer.json or the environmental variable COMPOSER_BIN_DIR. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#global EOT ) ; } public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $tokens = preg_split('{\s+}', $input->__toString()); $args = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($token && $token[0] !== '-') { $args[] = $token; if (count($args) >= 2) { break; } } } if (count($args) < 2) { return parent::run($input, $output); } $config = Factory::createConfig(); $home = $config->get('home'); if (!is_dir($home)) { $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->ensureDirectoryExists($home); if (!is_dir($home)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not create home directory'); } } try { chdir($home); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not switch to home directory "'.$home.'"', 0, $e); } $this->getIO()->writeError('Changed current directory to '.$home.''); $input = new StringInput(preg_replace('{\bg(?:l(?:o(?:b(?:a(?:l)?)?)?)?)?\b}', '', $input->__toString(), 1)); $this->getApplication()->resetComposer(); return $this->getApplication()->run($input, $output); } public function isProxyCommand() { return true; } } setName('browse') ->setAliases(array('home')) ->setDescription('Opens the package\'s repository URL or homepage in your browser.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'Package(s) to browse to.'), new InputOption('homepage', 'H', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Open the homepage instead of the repository URL.'), new InputOption('show', 's', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only show the homepage or repository URL.'), )) ->setHelp( <<initializeRepos(); $io = $this->getIO(); $return = 0; $packages = $input->getArgument('packages'); if (!$packages) { $io->writeError('No package specified, opening homepage for the root package'); $packages = array($this->getComposer()->getPackage()->getName()); } foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $handled = false; $packageExists = false; foreach ($repos as $repo) { foreach ($repo->findPackages($packageName) as $package) { $packageExists = true; if ($package instanceof CompletePackageInterface && $this->handlePackage($package, $input->getOption('homepage'), $input->getOption('show'))) { $handled = true; break 2; } } } if (!$packageExists) { $return = 1; $io->writeError('Package '.$packageName.' not found'); } if (!$handled) { $return = 1; $io->writeError(''.($input->getOption('homepage') ? 'Invalid or missing homepage' : 'Invalid or missing repository URL').' for '.$packageName.''); } } return $return; } private function handlePackage(CompletePackageInterface $package, $showHomepage, $showOnly) { $support = $package->getSupport(); $url = isset($support['source']) ? $support['source'] : $package->getSourceUrl(); if (!$url || $showHomepage) { $url = $package->getHomepage(); } if (!$url || !filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return false; } if ($showOnly) { $this->getIO()->write(sprintf('%s', $url)); } else { $this->openBrowser($url); } return true; } private function openBrowser($url) { $url = ProcessExecutor::escape($url); $process = new ProcessExecutor($this->getIO()); if (Platform::isWindows()) { return $process->execute('start "web" explorer "' . $url . '"', $output); } $linux = $process->execute('which xdg-open', $output); $osx = $process->execute('which open', $output); if (0 === $linux) { $process->execute('xdg-open ' . $url, $output); } elseif (0 === $osx) { $process->execute('open ' . $url, $output); } else { $this->getIO()->writeError('No suitable browser opening command found, open yourself: ' . $url); } } private function initializeRepos() { $composer = $this->getComposer(false); if ($composer) { return array_merge( array(new ArrayRepository(array($composer->getPackage()))), array($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories() ); } return RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($this->getIO()); } } setName('init') ->setDescription('Creates a basic composer.json file in current directory.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('name', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Name of the package'), new InputOption('description', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Description of package'), new InputOption('author', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Author name of package'), new InputOption('type', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Type of package (e.g. library, project, metapackage, composer-plugin)'), new InputOption('homepage', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Homepage of package'), new InputOption('require', null, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Package to require with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'), new InputOption('require-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Package to require for development with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'), new InputOption('stability', 's', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Minimum stability (empty or one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities)).')'), new InputOption('license', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'License of package'), new InputOption('repository', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Add custom repositories, either by URL or using JSON arrays'), )) ->setHelp( <<init command creates a basic composer.json file in the current directory. php composer.phar init Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#init EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $io = $this->getIO(); $whitelist = array('name', 'description', 'author', 'type', 'homepage', 'require', 'require-dev', 'stability', 'license'); $options = array_filter(array_intersect_key($input->getOptions(), array_flip($whitelist))); if (isset($options['author'])) { $options['authors'] = $this->formatAuthors($options['author']); unset($options['author']); } $repositories = $input->getOption('repository'); if ($repositories) { $config = Factory::createConfig($io); foreach ($repositories as $repo) { $options['repositories'][] = RepositoryFactory::configFromString($io, $config, $repo); } } if (isset($options['stability'])) { $options['minimum-stability'] = $options['stability']; unset($options['stability']); } $options['require'] = isset($options['require']) ? $this->formatRequirements($options['require']) : new \stdClass; if (array() === $options['require']) { $options['require'] = new \stdClass; } if (isset($options['require-dev'])) { $options['require-dev'] = $this->formatRequirements($options['require-dev']); if (array() === $options['require-dev']) { $options['require-dev'] = new \stdClass; } } $file = new JsonFile(Factory::getComposerFile()); $json = $file->encode($options); if ($input->isInteractive()) { $io->writeError(array('', $json, '')); if (!$io->askConfirmation('Do you confirm generation [yes]? ', true)) { $io->writeError('Command aborted'); return 1; } } $file->write($options); if ($input->isInteractive() && is_dir('.git')) { $ignoreFile = realpath('.gitignore'); if (false === $ignoreFile) { $ignoreFile = realpath('.') . '/.gitignore'; } if (!$this->hasVendorIgnore($ignoreFile)) { $question = 'Would you like the vendor directory added to your .gitignore [yes]? '; if ($io->askConfirmation($question, true)) { $this->addVendorIgnore($ignoreFile); } } } $question = 'Would you like to install dependencies now [yes]? '; if ($input->isInteractive() && $this->hasDependencies($options) && $io->askConfirmation($question, true)) { $this->installDependencies($output); } return 0; } protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $git = $this->getGitConfig(); $io = $this->getIO(); $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter'); $repositories = $input->getOption('repository'); if ($repositories) { $config = Factory::createConfig($io); $repos = array(new PlatformRepository); $createDefaultPackagistRepo = true; foreach ($repositories as $repo) { $repoConfig = RepositoryFactory::configFromString($io, $config, $repo); if ( (isset($repoConfig['packagist']) && $repoConfig === array('packagist' => false)) || (isset($repoConfig['packagist.org']) && $repoConfig === array('packagist.org' => false)) ) { $createDefaultPackagistRepo = false; continue; } $repos[] = RepositoryFactory::createRepo($io, $config, $repoConfig); } if ($createDefaultPackagistRepo) { $repos[] = RepositoryFactory::createRepo($io, $config, array( 'type' => 'composer', 'url' => 'https://repo.packagist.org', )); } $this->repos = new CompositeRepository($repos); unset($repos, $config, $repositories); } $io->writeError(array( '', $formatter->formatBlock('Welcome to the Composer config generator', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true), '', )); $io->writeError(array( '', 'This command will guide you through creating your composer.json config.', '', )); $cwd = realpath("."); if (!$name = $input->getOption('name')) { $name = basename($cwd); $name = preg_replace('{(?:([a-z])([A-Z])|([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z]))}', '\\1\\3-\\2\\4', $name); $name = strtolower($name); if (!empty($_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_VENDOR'])) { $name = $_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_VENDOR'] . '/' . $name; } elseif (isset($git['github.user'])) { $name = $git['github.user'] . '/' . $name; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['USERNAME'])) { $name = $_SERVER['USERNAME'] . '/' . $name; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['USER'])) { $name = $_SERVER['USER'] . '/' . $name; } elseif (get_current_user()) { $name = get_current_user() . '/' . $name; } else { $name .= '/' . $name; } $name = strtolower($name); } else { if (!preg_match('{^[a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+$}D', $name)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'The package name '.$name.' is invalid, it should be lowercase and have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name, matching: [a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+' ); } } $name = $io->askAndValidate( 'Package name (/) ['.$name.']: ', function ($value) use ($name) { if (null === $value) { return $name; } if (!preg_match('{^[a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+$}D', $value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'The package name '.$value.' is invalid, it should be lowercase and have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name, matching: [a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+' ); } return $value; }, null, $name ); $input->setOption('name', $name); $description = $input->getOption('description') ?: false; $description = $io->ask( 'Description ['.$description.']: ', $description ); $input->setOption('description', $description); if (null === $author = $input->getOption('author')) { if (!empty($_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_AUTHOR'])) { $author_name = $_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_AUTHOR']; } elseif (isset($git['user.name'])) { $author_name = $git['user.name']; } if (!empty($_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_EMAIL'])) { $author_email = $_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_EMAIL']; } elseif (isset($git['user.email'])) { $author_email = $git['user.email']; } if (isset($author_name) && isset($author_email)) { $author = sprintf('%s <%s>', $author_name, $author_email); } } $self = $this; $author = $io->askAndValidate( 'Author ['.$author.', n to skip]: ', function ($value) use ($self, $author) { if ($value === 'n' || $value === 'no') { return; } $value = $value ?: $author; $author = $self->parseAuthorString($value); return sprintf('%s <%s>', $author['name'], $author['email']); }, null, $author ); $input->setOption('author', $author); $minimumStability = $input->getOption('stability') ?: null; $minimumStability = $io->askAndValidate( 'Minimum Stability ['.$minimumStability.']: ', function ($value) use ($minimumStability) { if (null === $value) { return $minimumStability; } if (!isset(BasePackage::$stabilities[$value])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid minimum stability "'.$value.'". Must be empty or one of: '. implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities)) ); } return $value; }, null, $minimumStability ); $input->setOption('stability', $minimumStability); $type = $input->getOption('type') ?: false; $type = $io->ask( 'Package Type (e.g. library, project, metapackage, composer-plugin) ['.$type.']: ', $type ); $input->setOption('type', $type); if (null === $license = $input->getOption('license')) { if (!empty($_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_LICENSE'])) { $license = $_SERVER['COMPOSER_DEFAULT_LICENSE']; } } $license = $io->ask( 'License ['.$license.']: ', $license ); $input->setOption('license', $license); $io->writeError(array('', 'Define your dependencies.', '')); $repos = $this->getRepos(); $preferredStability = $minimumStability ?: 'stable'; $phpVersion = $repos->findPackage('php', '*')->getPrettyVersion(); $question = 'Would you like to define your dependencies (require) interactively [yes]? '; $require = $input->getOption('require'); $requirements = array(); if ($require || $io->askConfirmation($question, true)) { $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $require, $phpVersion, $preferredStability); } $input->setOption('require', $requirements); $question = 'Would you like to define your dev dependencies (require-dev) interactively [yes]? '; $requireDev = $input->getOption('require-dev'); $devRequirements = array(); if ($requireDev || $io->askConfirmation($question, true)) { $devRequirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $requireDev, $phpVersion, $preferredStability); } $input->setOption('require-dev', $devRequirements); } public function parseAuthorString($author) { if (preg_match('/^(?P[- .,\p{L}\p{N}\p{Mn}\'’"()]+) <(?P.+?)>$/u', $author, $match)) { if ($this->isValidEmail($match['email'])) { return array( 'name' => trim($match['name']), 'email' => $match['email'], ); } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid author string. Must be in the format: '. 'John Smith ' ); } protected function findPackages($name) { return $this->getRepos()->search($name); } protected function getRepos() { if (!$this->repos) { $this->repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge( array(new PlatformRepository), RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($this->getIO()) )); } return $this->repos; } protected function determineRequirements(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $requires = array(), $phpVersion = null, $preferredStability = 'stable', $checkProvidedVersions = true) { if ($requires) { $requires = $this->normalizeRequirements($requires); $result = array(); $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($requires as $requirement) { if (!isset($requirement['version'])) { list($name, $version) = $this->findBestVersionAndNameForPackage($input, $requirement['name'], $phpVersion, $preferredStability); $requirement['version'] = $version; $requirement['name'] = $name; $io->writeError(sprintf( 'Using version %s for %s', $requirement['version'], $requirement['name'] )); } else { list($name, $version) = $this->findBestVersionAndNameForPackage($input, $requirement['name'], $phpVersion, $preferredStability, $checkProvidedVersions ? $requirement['version'] : null, 'dev'); $requirement['name'] = $name; } $result[] = $requirement['name'] . ' ' . $requirement['version']; } return $result; } $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $io = $this->getIO(); while (null !== $package = $io->ask('Search for a package: ')) { $matches = $this->findPackages($package); if (count($matches)) { $exactMatch = null; $choices = array(); foreach ($matches as $position => $foundPackage) { $abandoned = ''; if (isset($foundPackage['abandoned'])) { if (is_string($foundPackage['abandoned'])) { $replacement = sprintf('Use %s instead', $foundPackage['abandoned']); } else { $replacement = 'No replacement was suggested'; } $abandoned = sprintf('Abandoned. %s.', $replacement); } $choices[] = sprintf(' %5s %s %s', "[$position]", $foundPackage['name'], $abandoned); if ($foundPackage['name'] === $package) { $exactMatch = true; break; } } if (!$exactMatch) { $io->writeError(array( '', sprintf('Found %s packages matching %s', count($matches), $package), '', )); $io->writeError($choices); $io->writeError(''); $validator = function ($selection) use ($matches, $versionParser) { if ('' === $selection) { return false; } if (is_numeric($selection) && isset($matches[(int) $selection])) { $package = $matches[(int) $selection]; return $package['name']; } if (preg_match('{^\s*(?P[\S/]+)(?:\s+(?P\S+))?\s*$}', $selection, $packageMatches)) { if (isset($packageMatches['version'])) { $versionParser->parseConstraints($packageMatches['version']); return $packageMatches['name'].' '.$packageMatches['version']; } return $packageMatches['name']; } throw new \Exception('Not a valid selection'); }; $package = $io->askAndValidate( 'Enter package # to add, or the complete package name if it is not listed: ', $validator, 3, false ); } if (false !== $package && false === strpos($package, ' ')) { $validator = function ($input) { $input = trim($input); return $input ?: false; }; $constraint = $io->askAndValidate( 'Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest version): ', $validator, 3, false ); if (false === $constraint) { list($name, $constraint) = $this->findBestVersionAndNameForPackage($input, $package, $phpVersion, $preferredStability); $io->writeError(sprintf( 'Using version %s for %s', $constraint, $package )); } $package .= ' '.$constraint; } if (false !== $package) { $requires[] = $package; } } } return $requires; } protected function formatAuthors($author) { return array($this->parseAuthorString($author)); } protected function formatRequirements(array $requirements) { $requires = array(); $requirements = $this->normalizeRequirements($requirements); foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { $requires[$requirement['name']] = $requirement['version']; } return $requires; } protected function getGitConfig() { if (null !== $this->gitConfig) { return $this->gitConfig; } $finder = new ExecutableFinder(); $gitBin = $finder->find('git'); if (method_exists('Symfony\Component\Process\Process', 'fromShellCommandline')) { $cmd = new Process(array($gitBin, 'config', '-l')); } else { $cmd = new Process(sprintf('%s config -l', ProcessExecutor::escape($gitBin))); } $cmd->run(); if ($cmd->isSuccessful()) { $this->gitConfig = array(); preg_match_all('{^([^=]+)=(.*)$}m', $cmd->getOutput(), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $this->gitConfig[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } return $this->gitConfig; } return $this->gitConfig = array(); } protected function hasVendorIgnore($ignoreFile, $vendor = 'vendor') { if (!file_exists($ignoreFile)) { return false; } $pattern = sprintf('{^/?%s(/\*?)?$}', preg_quote($vendor)); $lines = file($ignoreFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match($pattern, $line)) { return true; } } return false; } protected function normalizeRequirements(array $requirements) { $parser = new VersionParser(); return $parser->parseNameVersionPairs($requirements); } protected function addVendorIgnore($ignoreFile, $vendor = '/vendor/') { $contents = ""; if (file_exists($ignoreFile)) { $contents = file_get_contents($ignoreFile); if ("\n" !== substr($contents, 0, -1)) { $contents .= "\n"; } } file_put_contents($ignoreFile, $contents . $vendor. "\n"); } protected function isValidEmail($email) { if (!function_exists('filter_var')) { return true; } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50303) { return true; } return false !== filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } private function getPool(InputInterface $input, $minimumStability = null) { $key = $minimumStability ?: 'default'; if (!isset($this->pools[$key])) { $this->pools[$key] = $pool = new Pool($minimumStability ?: $this->getMinimumStability($input)); $pool->addRepository($this->getRepos()); } return $this->pools[$key]; } private function getMinimumStability(InputInterface $input) { if ($input->hasOption('stability')) { return $input->getOption('stability') ?: 'stable'; } $file = Factory::getComposerFile(); if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file) && is_array($composer = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true))) { if (!empty($composer['minimum-stability'])) { return $composer['minimum-stability']; } } return 'stable'; } private function findBestVersionAndNameForPackage(InputInterface $input, $name, $phpVersion, $preferredStability = 'stable', $requiredVersion = null, $minimumStability = null) { $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($this->getPool($input, $minimumStability)); $ignorePlatformReqs = $input->hasOption('ignore-platform-reqs') && $input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs'); if ($ignorePlatformReqs) { $phpVersion = null; } $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $requiredVersion, $phpVersion, $preferredStability); if (!$package) { if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $name)) { return array($name, $requiredVersion ?: '*'); } if ($phpVersion && $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $requiredVersion, null, $preferredStability)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Package %s at version %s has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version (%s)', $name, $requiredVersion, $phpVersion )); } if ($requiredVersion && $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, null, $phpVersion, $preferredStability)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find package %s in a version matching %s', $name, $requiredVersion )); } if ($phpVersion && $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find package %s in any version matching your PHP version (%s)', $name, $phpVersion )); } $similar = $this->findSimilar($name); if ($similar) { if ($requiredVersion === null && in_array($name, $similar, true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find a version of package %s matching your minimum-stability (%s). Require it with an explicit version constraint allowing its desired stability.', $name, $this->getMinimumStability($input) )); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "Could not find package %s.\n\nDid you mean " . (count($similar) > 1 ? 'one of these' : 'this') . "?\n %s", $name, implode("\n ", $similar) )); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Could not find a matching version of package %s. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (%s).', $name, $this->getMinimumStability($input) )); } return array( $package->getPrettyName(), $versionSelector->findRecommendedRequireVersion($package), ); } private function findSimilar($package) { try { $results = $this->repos->search($package); } catch (\Exception $e) { return array(); } $similarPackages = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $similarPackages[$result['name']] = levenshtein($package, $result['name']); } asort($similarPackages); return array_keys(array_slice($similarPackages, 0, 5)); } private function installDependencies($output) { try { $installCommand = $this->getApplication()->find('install'); $installCommand->run(new ArrayInput(array()), $output); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getIO()->writeError('Could not install dependencies. Run `composer install` to see more information.'); } } private function hasDependencies($options) { $requires = (array) $options['require']; $devRequires = isset($options['require-dev']) ? (array) $options['require-dev'] : array(); return !empty($requires) || !empty($devRequires); } } setName('install') ->setAliases(array('i')) ->setDescription('Installs the project dependencies from the composer.lock file if present, or falls back on the composer.json.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'), new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'), new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'), new InputOption('no-custom-installers', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'), new InputOption('no-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips autoloader generation'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-suggest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not show package suggestions.'), new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'), new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'), new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Should not be provided, use composer require instead to add a given package to composer.json.'), )) ->setHelp( <<install command reads the composer.lock file from the current directory, processes it, and downloads and installs all the libraries and dependencies outlined in that file. If the file does not exist it will look for composer.json and do the same. php composer.phar install Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#install-i EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $io = $this->getIO(); if ($args = $input->getArgument('packages')) { $io->writeError('Invalid argument '.implode(' ', $args).'. Use "composer require '.implode(' ', $args).'" instead to add packages to your composer.json.'); return 1; } if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.'); $input->setOption('no-plugins', true); } if ($input->getOption('dev')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.'); } $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$input->getOption('no-progress')); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'install', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $install = Installer::create($io, $composer); $config = $composer->getConfig(); list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($config, $input); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $config->get('apcu-autoloader'); $install ->setDryRun($input->getOption('dry-run')) ->setVerbose($input->getOption('verbose')) ->setPreferSource($preferSource) ->setPreferDist($preferDist) ->setDevMode(!$input->getOption('no-dev')) ->setDumpAutoloader(!$input->getOption('no-autoloader')) ->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')) ->setSkipSuggest($input->getOption('no-suggest')) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative) ->setApcuAutoloader($apcu) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs')) ; if ($input->getOption('no-plugins')) { $install->disablePlugins(); } return $install->run(); } } setName('licenses') ->setDescription('Shows information about licenses of dependencies.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the output: text or json', 'text'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables search in require-dev packages.'), )) ->setHelp( <<getComposer(); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'licenses', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $root = $composer->getPackage(); $repo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); if ($input->getOption('no-dev')) { $packages = $this->filterRequiredPackages($repo, $root); } else { $packages = $this->appendPackages($repo->getPackages(), array()); } ksort($packages); $io = $this->getIO(); switch ($format = $input->getOption('format')) { case 'text': $io->write('Name: '.$root->getPrettyName().''); $io->write('Version: '.$root->getFullPrettyVersion().''); $io->write('Licenses: '.(implode(', ', $root->getLicense()) ?: 'none').''); $io->write('Dependencies:'); $io->write(''); $table = new Table($output); $table->setStyle('compact'); $tableStyle = $table->getStyle(); $tableStyle->setVerticalBorderChar(''); $tableStyle->setCellRowContentFormat('%s '); $table->setHeaders(array('Name', 'Version', 'License')); foreach ($packages as $package) { $table->addRow(array( $package->getPrettyName(), $package->getFullPrettyVersion(), implode(', ', $package->getLicense()) ?: 'none', )); } $table->render(); break; case 'json': $dependencies = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $dependencies[$package->getPrettyName()] = array( 'version' => $package->getFullPrettyVersion(), 'license' => $package->getLicense(), ); } $io->write(JsonFile::encode(array( 'name' => $root->getPrettyName(), 'version' => $root->getFullPrettyVersion(), 'license' => $root->getLicense(), 'dependencies' => $dependencies, ))); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s". See help for supported formats.', $format)); } return 0; } private function filterRequiredPackages(RepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package, $bucket = array()) { $requires = array_keys($package->getRequires()); $packageListNames = array_keys($bucket); $packages = array_filter( $repo->getPackages(), function ($package) use ($requires, $packageListNames) { return in_array($package->getName(), $requires) && !in_array($package->getName(), $packageListNames); } ); $bucket = $this->appendPackages($packages, $bucket); foreach ($packages as $package) { $bucket = $this->filterRequiredPackages($repo, $package, $bucket); } return $bucket; } public function appendPackages(array $packages, array $bucket) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $bucket[$package->getName()] = $package; } return $bucket; } } setName('outdated') ->setDescription('Shows a list of installed packages that have updates available, including their latest version.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package to inspect. Or a name including a wildcard (*) to filter lists of packages instead.'), new InputOption('outdated', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show only packages that are outdated (this is the default, but present here for compat with `show`'), new InputOption('all', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show all installed packages with their latest versions'), new InputOption('direct', 'D', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows only packages that are directly required by the root package'), new InputOption('strict', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Return a non-zero exit code when there are outdated packages'), new InputOption('minor-only', 'm', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show only packages that have minor SemVer-compatible updates. Use with the --outdated option.'), new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the output: text or json', 'text'), new InputOption('ignore', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Ignore specified package(s). Use it with the --outdated option if you don\'t want to be informed about new versions of some packages.'), )) ->setHelp( <<green (=): Dependency is in the latest version and is up to date. - yellow (~): Dependency has a new version available that includes backwards compatibility breaks according to semver, so upgrade when you can but it may involve work. - red (!): Dependency has a new version that is semver-compatible and you should upgrade it. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#outdated EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $args = array( 'command' => 'show', '--latest' => true, ); if (!$input->getOption('all')) { $args['--outdated'] = true; } if ($input->getOption('direct')) { $args['--direct'] = true; } if ($input->getArgument('package')) { $args['package'] = $input->getArgument('package'); } if ($input->getOption('strict')) { $args['--strict'] = true; } if ($input->getOption('minor-only')) { $args['--minor-only'] = true; } $args['--format'] = $input->getOption('format'); $args['--ignore'] = $input->getOption('ignore'); $input = new ArrayInput($args); return $this->getApplication()->run($input, $output); } public function isProxyCommand() { return true; } } setName('prohibits') ->setAliases(array('why-not')) ->setDescription('Shows which packages prevent the given package from being installed.') ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar prohibits composer/composer Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#prohibits-why-not- EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { return parent::doExecute($input, $output, true); } } setName('remove') ->setDescription('Removes a package from the require or require-dev.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Packages that should be removed.'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Removes a package from the require-dev section.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-update', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('update-no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'), new InputOption('update-with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies. (Deprecrated, is now default behavior)'), new InputOption('no-update-with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Does not allow inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'), new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), )) ->setHelp( <<remove command removes a package from the current list of installed packages php composer.phar remove Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#remove EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $packages = $input->getArgument('packages'); $packages = array_map('strtolower', $packages); $file = Factory::getComposerFile(); $jsonFile = new JsonFile($file); $composer = $jsonFile->read(); $composerBackup = file_get_contents($jsonFile->getPath()); $json = new JsonConfigSource($jsonFile); $type = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require'; $altType = !$input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require'; $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('update-with-dependencies')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "update-with-dependencies". This is now default behaviour. The --no-update-with-dependencies option can be used to remove a package without its dependencies.'); } foreach (array('require', 'require-dev') as $linkType) { if (isset($composer[$linkType])) { foreach ($composer[$linkType] as $name => $version) { $composer[$linkType][strtolower($name)] = $name; } } } foreach ($packages as $package) { if (isset($composer[$type][$package])) { $json->removeLink($type, $composer[$type][$package]); } elseif (isset($composer[$altType][$package])) { $io->writeError('' . $composer[$altType][$package] . ' could not be found in ' . $type . ' but it is present in ' . $altType . ''); if ($io->isInteractive()) { if ($io->askConfirmation('Do you want to remove it from ' . $altType . ' [yes]? ', true)) { $json->removeLink($altType, $composer[$altType][$package]); } } } elseif (isset($composer[$type]) && $matches = preg_grep(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($package), array_keys($composer[$type]))) { foreach ($matches as $matchedPackage) { $json->removeLink($type, $matchedPackage); } } elseif (isset($composer[$altType]) && $matches = preg_grep(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($package), array_keys($composer[$altType]))) { foreach ($matches as $matchedPackage) { $io->writeError('' . $matchedPackage . ' could not be found in ' . $type . ' but it is present in ' . $altType . ''); if ($io->isInteractive()) { if ($io->askConfirmation('Do you want to remove it from ' . $altType . ' [yes]? ', true)) { $json->removeLink($altType, $matchedPackage); } } } } else { $io->writeError(''.$package.' is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed'); } } if ($input->getOption('no-update')) { return 0; } $this->resetComposer(); $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$input->getOption('no-progress')); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'remove', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $install = Installer::create($io, $composer); $updateDevMode = !$input->getOption('update-no-dev'); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $composer->getConfig()->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('apcu-autoloader'); $install ->setVerbose($input->getOption('verbose')) ->setDevMode($updateDevMode) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative) ->setApcuAutoloader($apcu) ->setUpdate(true) ->setUpdateWhitelist($packages) ->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies(!$input->getOption('no-update-with-dependencies')) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs')) ->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')) ; $status = $install->run(); if ($status !== 0) { $io->writeError("\n".'Removal failed, reverting '.$file.' to its original content.'); file_put_contents($jsonFile->getPath(), $composerBackup); } return $status; } } setName('require') ->setDescription('Adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Optional package name can also include a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar or foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add requirement to require-dev.'), new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'), new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-suggest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not show package suggestions.'), new InputOption('no-update', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('update-no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'), new InputOption('update-with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated, except those that are root requirements.'), new InputOption('update-with-all-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows all inherited dependencies to be updated, including those that are root requirements.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), new InputOption('prefer-stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('prefer-lowest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('sort-packages', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Sorts packages when adding/updating a new dependency'), new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'), new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), )) ->setHelp( <<file = Factory::getComposerFile(); $io = $this->getIO(); $this->newlyCreated = !file_exists($this->file); if ($this->newlyCreated && !file_put_contents($this->file, "{\n}\n")) { $io->writeError(''.$this->file.' could not be created.'); return 1; } if (!is_readable($this->file) && false === Silencer::call('file_get_contents', $this->file)) { $io->writeError(''.$this->file.' is not readable.'); return 1; } if (filesize($this->file) === 0) { file_put_contents($this->file, "{\n}\n"); } $this->json = new JsonFile($this->file); $this->composerBackup = file_get_contents($this->json->getPath()); if (!is_writable($this->file) && !Silencer::call('file_put_contents', $this->file, $this->composerBackup)) { $io->writeError(''.$this->file.' is not writable.'); return 1; } $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $repos = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories(); $platformOverrides = $composer->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array(); $this->repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge( array(new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides)), $repos )); if ($composer->getPackage()->getPreferStable()) { $preferredStability = 'stable'; } else { $preferredStability = $composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability(); } $phpVersion = $this->repos->findPackage('php', '*')->getPrettyVersion(); try { $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $input->getArgument('packages'), $phpVersion, $preferredStability, !$input->getOption('no-update')); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->newlyCreated) { throw new \RuntimeException('No composer.json present in the current directory, this may be the cause of the following exception.', 0, $e); } throw $e; } $requireKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require'; $removeKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require' : 'require-dev'; $requirements = $this->formatRequirements($requirements); $versionParser = new VersionParser(); foreach ($requirements as $package => $constraint) { if (strtolower($package) === $composer->getPackage()->getName()) { $io->writeError(sprintf('Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json', $package)); return 1; } $versionParser->parseConstraints($constraint); } $sortPackages = $input->getOption('sort-packages') || $composer->getConfig()->get('sort-packages'); if (!$this->updateFileCleanly($this->json, $requirements, $requireKey, $removeKey, $sortPackages)) { $composerDefinition = $this->json->read(); foreach ($requirements as $package => $version) { $composerDefinition[$requireKey][$package] = $version; unset($composerDefinition[$removeKey][$package]); } $this->json->write($composerDefinition); } $io->writeError(''.$this->file.' has been '.($this->newlyCreated ? 'created' : 'updated').''); if ($input->getOption('no-update')) { return 0; } try { return $this->doUpdate($input, $output, $io, $requirements); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->revertComposerFile(false); throw $e; } } private function doUpdate(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, IOInterface $io, array $requirements) { $this->resetComposer(); $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$input->getOption('no-progress')); $updateDevMode = !$input->getOption('update-no-dev'); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $composer->getConfig()->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('apcu-autoloader'); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'require', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $install = Installer::create($io, $composer); $install ->setVerbose($input->getOption('verbose')) ->setPreferSource($input->getOption('prefer-source')) ->setPreferDist($input->getOption('prefer-dist')) ->setDevMode($updateDevMode) ->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')) ->setSkipSuggest($input->getOption('no-suggest')) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative) ->setApcuAutoloader($apcu) ->setUpdate(true) ->setUpdateWhitelist(array_keys($requirements)) ->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($input->getOption('update-with-dependencies')) ->setWhitelistAllDependencies($input->getOption('update-with-all-dependencies')) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs')) ->setPreferStable($input->getOption('prefer-stable')) ->setPreferLowest($input->getOption('prefer-lowest')) ; $status = $install->run(); if ($status !== 0) { $this->revertComposerFile(false); } return $status; } private function updateFileCleanly($json, array $new, $requireKey, $removeKey, $sortPackages) { $contents = file_get_contents($json->getPath()); $manipulator = new JsonManipulator($contents); foreach ($new as $package => $constraint) { if (!$manipulator->addLink($requireKey, $package, $constraint, $sortPackages)) { return false; } if (!$manipulator->removeSubNode($removeKey, $package)) { return false; } } file_put_contents($json->getPath(), $manipulator->getContents()); return true; } protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { return; } public function revertComposerFile($hardExit = true) { $io = $this->getIO(); if ($this->newlyCreated) { $io->writeError("\n".'Installation failed, deleting '.$this->file.'.'); unlink($this->json->getPath()); } else { $io->writeError("\n".'Installation failed, reverting '.$this->file.' to its original content.'); file_put_contents($this->json->getPath(), $this->composerBackup); } if ($hardExit) { exit(1); } } } setName('run-script') ->setAliases(array('run')) ->setDescription('Runs the scripts defined in composer.json.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('script', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Script name to run.'), new InputArgument('args', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, ''), new InputOption('timeout', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Sets script timeout in seconds, or 0 for never.'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Sets the dev mode.'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the dev mode.'), new InputOption('list', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List scripts.'), )) ->setHelp( <<run-script command runs scripts defined in composer.json: php composer.phar run-script post-update-cmd Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#run-script EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if ($input->getOption('list')) { return $this->listScripts($output); } elseif (!$input->getArgument('script')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Missing required argument "script"'); } $script = $input->getArgument('script'); if (!in_array($script, $this->scriptEvents)) { if (defined('Composer\Script\ScriptEvents::'.str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($script)))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Script "%s" cannot be run with this command', $script)); } } $composer = $this->getComposer(); $devMode = $input->getOption('dev') || !$input->getOption('no-dev'); $event = new ScriptEvent($script, $composer, $this->getIO(), $devMode); $hasListeners = $composer->getEventDispatcher()->hasEventListeners($event); if (!$hasListeners) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Script "%s" is not defined in this package', $script)); } $args = $input->getArgument('args'); if (null !== $timeout = $input->getOption('timeout')) { if (!ctype_digit($timeout)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Timeout value must be numeric and positive if defined, or 0 for forever'); } ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $timeout); } return $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript($script, $devMode, $args); } protected function listScripts(OutputInterface $output) { $scripts = $this->getComposer()->getPackage()->getScripts(); if (!count($scripts)) { return 0; } $io = $this->getIO(); $io->writeError('scripts:'); $table = array(); foreach ($scripts as $name => $script) { $description = ''; try { $cmd = $this->getApplication()->find($name); if ($cmd instanceof ScriptAliasCommand) { $description = $cmd->getDescription(); } } catch (\Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException $e) { } $table[] = array(' '.$name, $description); } $renderer = new Table($output); $renderer->setStyle('compact'); $rendererStyle = $renderer->getStyle(); $rendererStyle->setVerticalBorderChar(''); $rendererStyle->setCellRowContentFormat('%s '); $renderer->setRows($table)->render(); return 0; } } script = $script; $this->description = empty($description) ? 'Runs the '.$script.' script as defined in composer.json.' : $description; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure() { $this ->setName($this->script) ->setDescription($this->description) ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Sets the dev mode.'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the dev mode.'), new InputArgument('args', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, ''), )) ->setHelp( <<run-script command runs scripts defined in composer.json: php composer.phar run-script post-update-cmd Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#run-script EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $composer = $this->getComposer(); $args = $input->getArguments(); return $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript($this->script, $input->getOption('dev') || !$input->getOption('no-dev'), $args['args']); } } setName('search') ->setDescription('Searches for packages.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('only-name', 'N', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Search only in name'), new InputOption('type', 't', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Search for a specific package type'), new InputArgument('tokens', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'tokens to search for'), )) ->setHelp( <<php composer.phar search symfony composer Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#search EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository; $io = $this->getIO(); if (!($composer = $this->getComposer(false))) { $composer = Factory::create($this->getIO(), array(), $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins')); } $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, $platformRepo)); $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'search', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $onlyName = $input->getOption('only-name'); $type = $input->getOption('type') ?: null; $flags = $onlyName ? RepositoryInterface::SEARCH_NAME : RepositoryInterface::SEARCH_FULLTEXT; $results = $repos->search(implode(' ', $input->getArgument('tokens')), $flags, $type); foreach ($results as $result) { $io->write($result['name'] . (isset($result['description']) ? ' '. $result['description'] : '')); } return 0; } } setName('self-update') ->setAliases(array('selfupdate')) ->setDescription('Updates composer.phar to the latest version.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('rollback', 'r', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Revert to an older installation of composer'), new InputOption('clean-backups', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Delete old backups during an update. This makes the current version of composer the only backup available after the update'), new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The version to update to'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('update-keys', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prompt user for a key update'), new InputOption('stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force an update to the stable channel'), new InputOption('preview', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force an update to the preview channel'), new InputOption('snapshot', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force an update to the snapshot channel'), new InputOption('set-channel-only', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only store the channel as the default one and then exit'), )) ->setHelp( <<self-update command checks getcomposer.org for newer versions of composer and if found, installs the latest. php composer.phar self-update Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#self-update-selfupdate- EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $config = Factory::createConfig(); if ($config->get('disable-tls') === true) { $baseUrl = 'http://' . self::HOMEPAGE; } else { $baseUrl = 'https://' . self::HOMEPAGE; } $io = $this->getIO(); $remoteFilesystem = Factory::createRemoteFilesystem($io, $config); $versionsUtil = new Versions($config, $remoteFilesystem); foreach (array('stable', 'preview', 'snapshot') as $channel) { if ($input->getOption($channel)) { $versionsUtil->setChannel($channel); } } if ($input->getOption('set-channel-only')) { return 0; } $cacheDir = $config->get('cache-dir'); $rollbackDir = $config->get('data-dir'); $home = $config->get('home'); $localFilename = realpath($_SERVER['argv'][0]) ?: $_SERVER['argv'][0]; if ($input->getOption('update-keys')) { return $this->fetchKeys($io, $config); } $tmpDir = is_writable(dirname($localFilename)) ? dirname($localFilename) : $cacheDir; if (!is_writable($tmpDir)) { throw new FilesystemException('Composer update failed: the "'.$tmpDir.'" directory used to download the temp file could not be written'); } if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid') && function_exists('posix_geteuid')) { $composeUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $homeOwner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($home)); if (isset($composeUser['name']) && isset($homeOwner['name']) && $composeUser['name'] !== $homeOwner['name']) { $io->writeError('You are running composer as "'.$composeUser['name'].'", while "'.$home.'" is owned by "'.$homeOwner['name'].'"'); } } if ($input->getOption('rollback')) { return $this->rollback($output, $rollbackDir, $localFilename); } $latest = $versionsUtil->getLatest(); $latestVersion = $latest['version']; $updateVersion = $input->getArgument('version') ?: $latestVersion; if (preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $updateVersion) && $updateVersion !== $latestVersion) { $io->writeError('You can not update to a specific SHA-1 as those phars are not available for download'); return 1; } if (Composer::VERSION === $updateVersion) { $io->writeError(sprintf('You are already using composer version %s (%s channel).', $updateVersion, $versionsUtil->getChannel())); if ($input->getOption('clean-backups')) { $this->cleanBackups($rollbackDir, $this->getLastBackupVersion($rollbackDir)); } return 0; } $tempFilename = $tmpDir . '/' . basename($localFilename, '.phar').'-temp.phar'; $backupFile = sprintf( '%s/%s-%s%s', $rollbackDir, strtr(Composer::RELEASE_DATE, ' :', '_-'), preg_replace('{^([0-9a-f]{7})[0-9a-f]{33}$}', '$1', Composer::VERSION), self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT ); $updatingToTag = !preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $updateVersion); $io->write(sprintf("Updating to version %s (%s channel).", $updateVersion, $versionsUtil->getChannel())); $remoteFilename = $baseUrl . ($updatingToTag ? "/download/{$updateVersion}/composer.phar" : '/composer.phar'); $signature = $remoteFilesystem->getContents(self::HOMEPAGE, $remoteFilename.'.sig', false); $io->writeError(' ', false); $remoteFilesystem->copy(self::HOMEPAGE, $remoteFilename, $tempFilename, !$input->getOption('no-progress')); $io->writeError(''); if (!file_exists($tempFilename) || !$signature) { $io->writeError('The download of the new composer version failed for an unexpected reason'); return 1; } if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && $config->get('disable-tls')) { $io->writeError('Skipping phar signature verification as you have disabled OpenSSL via config.disable-tls'); } else { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new \RuntimeException('The openssl extension is required for phar signatures to be verified but it is not available. ' . 'If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'); } $sigFile = 'file://'.$home.'/' . ($updatingToTag ? 'keys.tags.pub' : 'keys.dev.pub'); if (!file_exists($sigFile)) { file_put_contents( $home.'/keys.dev.pub', <<getOption('clean-backups')) { $this->cleanBackups($rollbackDir); } if ($err = $this->setLocalPhar($localFilename, $tempFilename, $backupFile)) { @unlink($tempFilename); $io->writeError('The file is corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().').'); $io->writeError('Please re-run the self-update command to try again.'); return 1; } if (file_exists($backupFile)) { $io->writeError(sprintf( 'Use composer self-update --rollback to return to version %s', Composer::VERSION )); } else { $io->writeError('A backup of the current version could not be written to '.$backupFile.', no rollback possible'); } return 0; } protected function fetchKeys(IOInterface $io, Config $config) { if (!$io->isInteractive()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public keys can not be fetched in non-interactive mode, please run Composer interactively'); } $io->write('Open https://composer.github.io/pubkeys.html to find the latest keys'); $validator = function ($value) { if (!preg_match('{^-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----$}', trim($value))) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid input'); } return trim($value)."\n"; }; $devKey = ''; while (!preg_match('{(-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.+?-----END PUBLIC KEY-----)}s', $devKey, $match)) { $devKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Dev / Snapshot Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator); while ($line = $io->ask('')) { $devKey .= trim($line)."\n"; if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') { break; } } } file_put_contents($keyPath = $config->get('home').'/keys.dev.pub', $match[0]); $io->write('Stored key with fingerprint: ' . Keys::fingerprint($keyPath)); $tagsKey = ''; while (!preg_match('{(-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.+?-----END PUBLIC KEY-----)}s', $tagsKey, $match)) { $tagsKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Tags Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator); while ($line = $io->ask('')) { $tagsKey .= trim($line)."\n"; if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') { break; } } } file_put_contents($keyPath = $config->get('home').'/keys.tags.pub', $match[0]); $io->write('Stored key with fingerprint: ' . Keys::fingerprint($keyPath)); $io->write('Public keys stored in '.$config->get('home')); } protected function rollback(OutputInterface $output, $rollbackDir, $localFilename) { $rollbackVersion = $this->getLastBackupVersion($rollbackDir); if (!$rollbackVersion) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Composer rollback failed: no installation to roll back to in "'.$rollbackDir.'"'); } $oldFile = $rollbackDir . '/' . $rollbackVersion . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT; if (!is_file($oldFile)) { throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: "'.$oldFile.'" could not be found'); } if (!is_readable($oldFile)) { throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: "'.$oldFile.'" could not be read'); } $io = $this->getIO(); $io->writeError(sprintf("Rolling back to version %s.", $rollbackVersion)); if ($err = $this->setLocalPhar($localFilename, $oldFile)) { $io->writeError('The backup file was corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().').'); return 1; } return 0; } protected function setLocalPhar($localFilename, $newFilename, $backupTarget = null) { try { @chmod($newFilename, fileperms($localFilename)); if (!ini_get('phar.readonly')) { $phar = new \Phar($newFilename); unset($phar); } if ($backupTarget && file_exists($localFilename)) { @copy($localFilename, $backupTarget); } rename($newFilename, $localFilename); return null; } catch (\Exception $e) { if (!$e instanceof \UnexpectedValueException && !$e instanceof \PharException) { throw $e; } return $e; } } protected function cleanBackups($rollbackDir, $except = null) { $finder = $this->getOldInstallationFinder($rollbackDir); $io = $this->getIO(); $fs = new Filesystem; foreach ($finder as $file) { if ($except && $file->getBasename(self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT) === $except) { continue; } $file = (string) $file; $io->writeError('Removing: '.$file.''); $fs->remove($file); } } protected function getLastBackupVersion($rollbackDir) { $finder = $this->getOldInstallationFinder($rollbackDir); $finder->sortByName(); $files = iterator_to_array($finder); if (count($files)) { return basename(end($files), self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT); } return false; } protected function getOldInstallationFinder($rollbackDir) { $finder = Finder::create() ->depth(0) ->files() ->name('*' . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT) ->in($rollbackDir); return $finder; } } setName('show') ->setAliases(array('info')) ->setDescription('Shows information about packages.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package to inspect. Or a name including a wildcard (*) to filter lists of packages instead.'), new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Version or version constraint to inspect'), new InputOption('all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List all packages'), new InputOption('installed', 'i', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List installed packages only (enabled by default, only present for BC).'), new InputOption('platform', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List platform packages only'), new InputOption('available', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List available packages only'), new InputOption('self', 's', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show the root package information'), new InputOption('name-only', 'N', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List package names only'), new InputOption('path', 'P', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show package paths'), new InputOption('tree', 't', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List the dependencies as a tree'), new InputOption('latest', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show the latest version'), new InputOption('outdated', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated'), new InputOption('ignore', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Ignore specified package(s). Use it with the --outdated option if you don\'t want to be informed about new versions of some packages.'), new InputOption('minor-only', 'm', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show only packages that have minor SemVer-compatible updates. Use with the --outdated option.'), new InputOption('direct', 'D', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows only packages that are directly required by the root package'), new InputOption('strict', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Return a non-zero exit code when there are outdated packages'), new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the output: text or json', 'text'), )) ->setHelp( <<versionParser = new VersionParser; if ($input->getOption('tree')) { $this->initStyles($output); } $composer = $this->getComposer(false); $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('installed')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "installed". Only installed packages are shown by default now. The --all option can be used to show all packages.'); } if ($input->getOption('outdated')) { $input->setOption('latest', true); } elseif ($input->getOption('ignore')) { $io->writeError('You are using the option "ignore" for action other than "outdated", it will be ignored.'); } if ($input->getOption('direct') && ($input->getOption('all') || $input->getOption('available') || $input->getOption('platform'))) { $io->writeError('The --direct (-D) option is not usable in combination with --all, --platform (-p) or --available (-a)'); return 1; } if ($input->getOption('tree') && ($input->getOption('all') || $input->getOption('available'))) { $io->writeError('The --tree (-t) option is not usable in combination with --all or --available (-a)'); return 1; } if ($input->getOption('tree') && $input->getOption('latest')) { $io->writeError('The --tree (-t) option is not usable in combination with --latest (-l)'); return 1; } $format = $input->getOption('format'); if (!in_array($format, array('text', 'json'))) { $io->writeError(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s". See help for supported formats.', $format)); return 1; } $platformOverrides = array(); if ($composer) { $platformOverrides = $composer->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array(); } $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides); $phpVersion = $platformRepo->findPackage('php', '*')->getVersion(); if ($input->getOption('self')) { $package = $this->getComposer()->getPackage(); $repos = $installedRepo = new ArrayRepository(array($package)); } elseif ($input->getOption('platform')) { $repos = $installedRepo = $platformRepo; } elseif ($input->getOption('available')) { $installedRepo = $platformRepo; if ($composer) { $repos = new CompositeRepository($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()); } else { $defaultRepos = RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($io); $repos = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos); $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos))); } } elseif ($input->getOption('all') && $composer) { $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, $platformRepo)); $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())); } elseif ($input->getOption('all')) { $defaultRepos = RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($io); $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos))); $installedRepo = $platformRepo; $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $defaultRepos)); } else { $repos = $installedRepo = $this->getComposer()->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $rootPkg = $this->getComposer()->getPackage(); if (!$installedRepo->getPackages() && ($rootPkg->getRequires() || $rootPkg->getDevRequires())) { $io->writeError('No dependencies installed. Try running composer install or update.'); } } if ($composer) { $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'show', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); } if ($input->getOption('latest') && null === $composer) { $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, disabling "latest" option'); $input->setOption('latest', false); } $packageFilter = $input->getArgument('package'); if (($packageFilter && false === strpos($packageFilter, '*')) || !empty($package)) { if (empty($package)) { list($package, $versions) = $this->getPackage($installedRepo, $repos, $input->getArgument('package'), $input->getArgument('version')); if (empty($package)) { $options = $input->getOptions(); if (!isset($options['working-dir']) || !file_exists('composer.json')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package ' . $packageFilter . ' not found'); } $io->writeError('Package ' . $packageFilter . ' not found in ' . $options['working-dir'] . '/composer.json'); return 1; } } else { $versions = array($package->getPrettyVersion() => $package->getVersion()); } $exitCode = 0; if ($input->getOption('tree')) { $arrayTree = $this->generatePackageTree($package, $installedRepo, $repos); if ('json' === $format) { $io->write(JsonFile::encode(array('installed' => array($arrayTree)))); } else { $this->displayPackageTree(array($arrayTree)); } } else { $latestPackage = null; if ($input->getOption('latest')) { $latestPackage = $this->findLatestPackage($package, $composer, $phpVersion); } if ($input->getOption('outdated') && $input->getOption('strict') && $latestPackage && $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion() !== $package->getFullPrettyVersion() && !$latestPackage->isAbandoned()) { $exitCode = 1; } if ($input->getOption('path')) { $io->write($package->getName(), false); $io->write(' ' . strtok(realpath($composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)), "\r\n")); return $exitCode; } $this->printMeta($package, $versions, $installedRepo, $latestPackage ?: null); $this->printLinks($package, 'requires'); $this->printLinks($package, 'devRequires', 'requires (dev)'); if ($package->getSuggests()) { $io->write("\nsuggests"); foreach ($package->getSuggests() as $suggested => $reason) { $io->write($suggested . ' ' . $reason . ''); } } $this->printLinks($package, 'provides'); $this->printLinks($package, 'conflicts'); $this->printLinks($package, 'replaces'); } return $exitCode; } if ($input->getOption('tree')) { $rootRequires = $this->getRootRequires(); $packages = $installedRepo->getPackages(); usort($packages, 'strcmp'); $arrayTree = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (in_array($package->getName(), $rootRequires, true)) { $arrayTree[] = $this->generatePackageTree($package, $installedRepo, $repos); } } if ('json' === $format) { $io->write(JsonFile::encode(array('installed' => $arrayTree))); } else { $this->displayPackageTree($arrayTree); } return 0; } if ($repos instanceof CompositeRepository) { $repos = $repos->getRepositories(); } elseif (!is_array($repos)) { $repos = array($repos); } $packages = array(); if (null !== $packageFilter) { $packageFilter = '{^'.str_replace('\\*', '.*?', preg_quote($packageFilter)).'$}i'; } $packageListFilter = array(); if ($input->getOption('direct')) { $packageListFilter = $this->getRootRequires(); } if (class_exists('Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal')) { $terminal = new Terminal(); $width = $terminal->getWidth(); } else { list($width) = $this->getApplication()->getTerminalDimensions(); } if (null === $width) { $width = PHP_INT_MAX; } if (Platform::isWindows()) { $width--; } else { $width = max(80, $width); } if ($input->getOption('path') && null === $composer) { $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, disabling "path" option'); $input->setOption('path', false); } foreach ($repos as $repo) { if ($repo === $platformRepo) { $type = 'platform'; } elseif ( $repo === $installedRepo || ($installedRepo instanceof CompositeRepository && in_array($repo, $installedRepo->getRepositories(), true)) ) { $type = 'installed'; } else { $type = 'available'; } if ($repo instanceof ComposerRepository && $repo->hasProviders()) { foreach ($repo->getProviderNames() as $name) { if (!$packageFilter || preg_match($packageFilter, $name)) { $packages[$type][$name] = $name; } } } else { foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { if (!isset($packages[$type][$package->getName()]) || !is_object($packages[$type][$package->getName()]) || version_compare($packages[$type][$package->getName()]->getVersion(), $package->getVersion(), '<') ) { if (!$packageFilter || preg_match($packageFilter, $package->getName())) { if (!$packageListFilter || in_array($package->getName(), $packageListFilter, true)) { $packages[$type][$package->getName()] = $package; } } } } } } $showAllTypes = $input->getOption('all'); $showLatest = $input->getOption('latest'); $showMinorOnly = $input->getOption('minor-only'); $ignoredPackages = array_map('strtolower', $input->getOption('ignore')); $indent = $showAllTypes ? ' ' : ''; $latestPackages = array(); $exitCode = 0; $viewData = array(); $viewMetaData = array(); foreach (array('platform' => true, 'available' => false, 'installed' => true) as $type => $showVersion) { if (isset($packages[$type])) { ksort($packages[$type]); $nameLength = $versionLength = $latestLength = 0; if ($showLatest && $showVersion) { foreach ($packages[$type] as $package) { if (is_object($package)) { $latestPackage = $this->findLatestPackage($package, $composer, $phpVersion, $showMinorOnly); if ($latestPackage === false) { continue; } $latestPackages[$package->getPrettyName()] = $latestPackage; } } } $writePath = !$input->getOption('name-only') && $input->getOption('path'); $writeVersion = !$input->getOption('name-only') && !$input->getOption('path') && $showVersion; $writeLatest = $writeVersion && $showLatest; $writeDescription = !$input->getOption('name-only') && !$input->getOption('path'); $hasOutdatedPackages = false; $viewData[$type] = array(); foreach ($packages[$type] as $package) { $packageViewData = array(); if (is_object($package)) { $latestPackage = null; if ($showLatest && isset($latestPackages[$package->getPrettyName()])) { $latestPackage = $latestPackages[$package->getPrettyName()]; } $packageIsUpToDate = $latestPackage && $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion() === $package->getFullPrettyVersion() && !$latestPackage->isAbandoned(); $packageIsIgnored = \in_array($package->getPrettyName(), $ignoredPackages, true); if ($input->getOption('outdated') && ($packageIsUpToDate || $packageIsIgnored)) { continue; } elseif ($input->getOption('outdated') || $input->getOption('strict')) { $hasOutdatedPackages = true; } $packageViewData['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $nameLength = max($nameLength, strlen($package->getPrettyName())); if ($writeVersion) { $packageViewData['version'] = $package->getFullPrettyVersion(); $versionLength = max($versionLength, strlen($package->getFullPrettyVersion())); } if ($writeLatest && $latestPackage) { $packageViewData['latest'] = $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion(); $packageViewData['latest-status'] = $this->getUpdateStatus($latestPackage, $package); $latestLength = max($latestLength, strlen($latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion())); } if ($writeDescription) { $packageViewData['description'] = $package->getDescription(); } if ($writePath) { $packageViewData['path'] = strtok(realpath($composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)), "\r\n"); } if ($latestPackage && $latestPackage->isAbandoned()) { $replacement = is_string($latestPackage->getReplacementPackage()) ? 'Use ' . $latestPackage->getReplacementPackage() . ' instead' : 'No replacement was suggested'; $packageWarning = sprintf( 'Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.', $package->getPrettyName(), $replacement ); $packageViewData['warning'] = $packageWarning; } } else { $packageViewData['name'] = $package; $nameLength = max($nameLength, strlen($package)); } $viewData[$type][] = $packageViewData; } $viewMetaData[$type] = array( 'nameLength' => $nameLength, 'versionLength' => $versionLength, 'latestLength' => $latestLength, ); if ($input->getOption('strict') && $hasOutdatedPackages) { $exitCode = 1; break; } } } if ('json' === $format) { $io->write(JsonFile::encode($viewData)); } else { foreach ($viewData as $type => $packages) { $nameLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['nameLength']; $versionLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['versionLength']; $latestLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['latestLength']; $writeVersion = $nameLength + $versionLength + 3 <= $width; $writeLatest = $nameLength + $versionLength + $latestLength + 3 <= $width; $writeDescription = $nameLength + $versionLength + $latestLength + 24 <= $width; if ($writeLatest && !$io->isDecorated()) { $latestLength += 2; } if ($showAllTypes) { if ('available' === $type) { $io->write('' . $type . ':'); } else { $io->write('' . $type . ':'); } } foreach ($packages as $package) { $io->write($indent . str_pad($package['name'], $nameLength, ' '), false); if (isset($package['version']) && $writeVersion) { $io->write(' ' . str_pad($package['version'], $versionLength, ' '), false); } if (isset($package['latest']) && $writeLatest) { $latestVersion = $package['latest']; $updateStatus = $package['latest-status']; $style = $this->updateStatusToVersionStyle($updateStatus); if (!$io->isDecorated()) { $latestVersion = str_replace(array('up-to-date', 'semver-safe-update', 'update-possible'), array('=', '!', '~'), $updateStatus) . ' ' . $latestVersion; } $io->write(' <' . $style . '>' . str_pad($latestVersion, $latestLength, ' ') . '', false); } if (isset($package['description']) && $writeDescription) { $description = strtok($package['description'], "\r\n"); $remaining = $width - $nameLength - $versionLength - 4; if ($writeLatest) { $remaining -= $latestLength; } if (strlen($description) > $remaining) { $description = substr($description, 0, $remaining - 3) . '...'; } $io->write(' ' . $description, false); } if (isset($package['path'])) { $io->write(' ' . $package['path'], false); } $io->write(''); if (isset($package['warning'])) { $io->writeError('' . $package['warning'] . ''); } } if ($showAllTypes) { $io->write(''); } } } return $exitCode; } protected function getRootRequires() { $rootPackage = $this->getComposer()->getPackage(); return array_map( 'strtolower', array_keys(array_merge($rootPackage->getRequires(), $rootPackage->getDevRequires())) ); } protected function getVersionStyle(PackageInterface $latestPackage, PackageInterface $package) { return $this->updateStatusToVersionStyle($this->getUpdateStatus($latestPackage, $package)); } protected function getPackage(RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $repos, $name, $version = null) { $name = strtolower($name); $constraint = is_string($version) ? $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($version) : $version; $policy = new DefaultPolicy(); $pool = new Pool('dev'); $pool->addRepository($repos); $matchedPackage = null; $versions = array(); $matches = $pool->whatProvides($name, $constraint); foreach ($matches as $index => $package) { if ($package->getName() !== $name) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if (null === $version && $installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $matchedPackage = $package; } $versions[$package->getPrettyVersion()] = $package->getVersion(); $matches[$index] = $package->getId(); } if (!$matchedPackage && $matches && $preferred = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $matchedPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($preferred[0]); } return array($matchedPackage, $versions); } protected function printMeta(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, PackageInterface $latestPackage = null) { $io = $this->getIO(); $io->write('name : ' . $package->getPrettyName()); $io->write('descrip. : ' . $package->getDescription()); $io->write('keywords : ' . implode(', ', $package->getKeywords() ?: array())); $this->printVersions($package, $versions, $installedRepo); if ($latestPackage) { $style = $this->getVersionStyle($latestPackage, $package); $io->write('latest : <'.$style.'>' . $latestPackage->getPrettyVersion() . ''); } else { $latestPackage = $package; } $io->write('type : ' . $package->getType()); $this->printLicenses($package); $io->write('source : ' . sprintf('[%s] %s %s', $package->getSourceType(), $package->getSourceUrl(), $package->getSourceReference())); $io->write('dist : ' . sprintf('[%s] %s %s', $package->getDistType(), $package->getDistUrl(), $package->getDistReference())); if ($installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $io->write('path : ' . sprintf('%s', realpath($this->getComposer()->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)))); } $io->write('names : ' . implode(', ', $package->getNames())); if ($latestPackage->isAbandoned()) { $replacement = ($latestPackage->getReplacementPackage() !== null) ? ' The author suggests using the ' . $latestPackage->getReplacementPackage(). ' package instead.' : null; $io->writeError( sprintf('Attention: This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.%s', $replacement) ); } if ($package->getSupport()) { $io->write("\nsupport"); foreach ($package->getSupport() as $type => $value) { $io->write('' . $type . ' : '.$value); } } if ($package->getAutoload()) { $io->write("\nautoload"); foreach ($package->getAutoload() as $type => $autoloads) { $io->write('' . $type . ''); if ($type === 'psr-0') { foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) { $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.'))); } } elseif ($type === 'psr-4') { foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) { $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.'))); } } elseif ($type === 'classmap') { $io->write(implode(', ', $autoloads)); } } if ($package->getIncludePaths()) { $io->write('include-path'); $io->write(implode(', ', $package->getIncludePaths())); } } } protected function printVersions(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo) { uasort($versions, 'version_compare'); $versions = array_keys(array_reverse($versions)); if ($installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $installedVersion = $package->getPrettyVersion(); $key = array_search($installedVersion, $versions); if (false !== $key) { $versions[$key] = '* ' . $installedVersion . ''; } } $versions = implode(', ', $versions); $this->getIO()->write('versions : ' . $versions); } protected function printLinks(CompletePackageInterface $package, $linkType, $title = null) { $title = $title ?: $linkType; $io = $this->getIO(); if ($links = $package->{'get'.ucfirst($linkType)}()) { $io->write("\n" . $title . ""); foreach ($links as $link) { $io->write($link->getTarget() . ' ' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . ''); } } } protected function printLicenses(CompletePackageInterface $package) { $spdxLicenses = new SpdxLicenses(); $licenses = $package->getLicense(); $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($licenses as $licenseId) { $license = $spdxLicenses->getLicenseByIdentifier($licenseId); if (!$license) { $out = $licenseId; } else { if ($license[1] === true) { $out = sprintf('%s (%s) (OSI approved) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]); } else { $out = sprintf('%s (%s) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]); } } $io->write('license : ' . $out); } } protected function initStyles(OutputInterface $output) { $this->colors = array( 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'blue', ); foreach ($this->colors as $color) { $style = new OutputFormatterStyle($color); $output->getFormatter()->setStyle($color, $style); } } protected function displayPackageTree(array $arrayTree) { $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($arrayTree as $package) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', $package['name']), false); $io->write(' ' . $package['version'], false); $io->write(' ' . strtok($package['description'], "\r\n")); if (isset($package['requires'])) { $requires = $package['requires']; $treeBar = '├'; $j = 0; $total = count($requires); foreach ($requires as $require) { $requireName = $require['name']; $j++; if ($j === $total) { $treeBar = '└'; } $level = 1; $color = $this->colors[$level]; $info = sprintf( '%s──<%s>%s %s', $treeBar, $color, $requireName, $color, $require['version'] ); $this->writeTreeLine($info); $treeBar = str_replace('└', ' ', $treeBar); $packagesInTree = array($package['name'], $requireName); $this->displayTree($require, $packagesInTree, $treeBar, $level + 1); } } } } protected function generatePackageTree( PackageInterface $package, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $distantRepos ) { $requires = $package->getRequires(); ksort($requires); $children = array(); foreach ($requires as $requireName => $require) { $packagesInTree = array($package->getName(), $requireName); $treeChildDesc = array( 'name' => $requireName, 'version' => $require->getPrettyConstraint(), ); $deepChildren = $this->addTree($requireName, $require, $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $packagesInTree); if ($deepChildren) { $treeChildDesc['requires'] = $deepChildren; } $children[] = $treeChildDesc; } $tree = array( 'name' => $package->getPrettyName(), 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'description' => $package->getDescription(), ); if ($children) { $tree['requires'] = $children; } return $tree; } protected function displayTree( $package, array $packagesInTree, $previousTreeBar = '├', $level = 1 ) { $previousTreeBar = str_replace('├', '│', $previousTreeBar); if (isset($package['requires'])) { $requires = $package['requires']; $treeBar = $previousTreeBar . ' ├'; $i = 0; $total = count($requires); foreach ($requires as $require) { $currentTree = $packagesInTree; $i++; if ($i === $total) { $treeBar = $previousTreeBar . ' └'; } $colorIdent = $level % count($this->colors); $color = $this->colors[$colorIdent]; $circularWarn = in_array( $require['name'], $currentTree, true ) ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : ''; $info = rtrim(sprintf( '%s──<%s>%s %s %s', $treeBar, $color, $require['name'], $color, $require['version'], $circularWarn )); $this->writeTreeLine($info); $treeBar = str_replace('└', ' ', $treeBar); $currentTree[] = $require['name']; $this->displayTree($require, $currentTree, $treeBar, $level + 1); } } } protected function addTree( $name, $package, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $distantRepos, array $packagesInTree ) { $children = array(); list($package, $versions) = $this->getPackage( $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $name, $package->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version' ? $package->getConstraint() : $package->getPrettyConstraint() ); if (is_object($package)) { $requires = $package->getRequires(); ksort($requires); foreach ($requires as $requireName => $require) { $currentTree = $packagesInTree; $treeChildDesc = array( 'name' => $requireName, 'version' => $require->getPrettyConstraint(), ); if (!in_array($requireName, $currentTree, true)) { $currentTree[] = $requireName; $deepChildren = $this->addTree($requireName, $require, $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $currentTree); if ($deepChildren) { $treeChildDesc['requires'] = $deepChildren; } } $children[] = $treeChildDesc; } } return $children; } private function updateStatusToVersionStyle($updateStatus) { return str_replace(array('up-to-date', 'semver-safe-update', 'update-possible'), array('info', 'highlight', 'comment'), $updateStatus); } private function getUpdateStatus(PackageInterface $latestPackage, PackageInterface $package) { if ($latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion() === $package->getFullPrettyVersion()) { return 'up-to-date'; } $constraint = $package->getVersion(); if (0 !== strpos($constraint, 'dev-')) { $constraint = '^'.$constraint; } if ($latestPackage->getVersion() && Semver::satisfies($latestPackage->getVersion(), $constraint)) { return 'semver-safe-update'; } return 'update-possible'; } private function writeTreeLine($line) { $io = $this->getIO(); if (!$io->isDecorated()) { $line = str_replace(array('└', '├', '──', '│'), array('`-', '|-', '-', '|'), $line); } $io->write($line); } private function findLatestPackage(PackageInterface $package, Composer $composer, $phpVersion, $minorOnly = false) { $name = $package->getName(); $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($this->getPool($composer)); $stability = $composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability(); $flags = $composer->getPackage()->getStabilityFlags(); if (isset($flags[$name])) { $stability = array_search($flags[$name], BasePackage::$stabilities, true); } $bestStability = $stability; if ($composer->getPackage()->getPreferStable()) { $bestStability = $package->getStability(); } $targetVersion = null; if (0 === strpos($package->getVersion(), 'dev-')) { $targetVersion = $package->getVersion(); } if ($targetVersion === null && $minorOnly) { $targetVersion = '^' . $package->getVersion(); } return $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $targetVersion, $phpVersion, $bestStability); } private function getPool(Composer $composer) { if (!$this->pool) { $this->pool = new Pool($composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability(), $composer->getPackage()->getStabilityFlags()); $this->pool->addRepository(new CompositeRepository($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())); } return $this->pool; } } setName('status') ->setDescription('Shows a list of locally modified packages, for packages installed from source.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show modified files for each directory that contains changes.'), )) ->setHelp( <<getComposer(); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'status', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $installedRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $dm = $composer->getDownloadManager(); $im = $composer->getInstallationManager(); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_STATUS_CMD, true); $errors = array(); $io = $this->getIO(); $unpushedChanges = array(); $vcsVersionChanges = array(); $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($composer->getConfig(), new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; foreach ($installedRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { $downloader = $dm->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); $targetDir = $im->getInstallPath($package); if ($downloader instanceof ChangeReportInterface) { if (is_link($targetDir)) { $errors[$targetDir] = $targetDir . ' is a symbolic link.'; } if ($changes = $downloader->getLocalChanges($package, $targetDir)) { $errors[$targetDir] = $changes; } } if ($downloader instanceof VcsCapableDownloaderInterface) { if ($currentRef = $downloader->getVcsReference($package, $targetDir)) { switch ($package->getInstallationSource()) { case 'source': $previousRef = $package->getSourceReference(); break; case 'dist': $previousRef = $package->getDistReference(); break; default: $previousRef = null; } $currentVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($dumper->dump($package), $targetDir); if ($previousRef && $currentVersion && $currentVersion['commit'] !== $previousRef) { $vcsVersionChanges[$targetDir] = array( 'previous' => array( 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'ref' => $previousRef, ), 'current' => array( 'version' => $currentVersion['pretty_version'], 'ref' => $currentVersion['commit'], ), ); } } } if ($downloader instanceof DvcsDownloaderInterface) { if ($unpushed = $downloader->getUnpushedChanges($package, $targetDir)) { $unpushedChanges[$targetDir] = $unpushed; } } } if (!$errors && !$unpushedChanges && !$vcsVersionChanges) { $io->writeError('No local changes'); return 0; } if ($errors) { $io->writeError('You have changes in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($errors as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . ltrim($line); }, explode("\n", $changes))); $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write($indentedChanges); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if ($unpushedChanges) { $io->writeError('You have unpushed changes on the current branch in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($unpushedChanges as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . ltrim($line); }, explode("\n", $changes))); $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write($indentedChanges); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if ($vcsVersionChanges) { $io->writeError('You have version variations in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($vcsVersionChanges as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $currentVersion = $changes['current']['version'] ?: $changes['current']['ref']; $previousVersion = $changes['previous']['version'] ?: $changes['previous']['ref']; if ($io->isVeryVerbose()) { $currentVersion .= sprintf(' (%s)', $changes['current']['ref']); $previousVersion .= sprintf(' (%s)', $changes['previous']['ref']); } $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write(sprintf(' From %s to %s', $previousVersion, $currentVersion)); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if (($errors || $unpushedChanges || $vcsVersionChanges) && !$input->getOption('verbose')) { $io->writeError('Use --verbose (-v) to see a list of files'); } $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_STATUS_CMD, true); return ($errors ? self::EXIT_CODE_ERRORS : 0) + ($unpushedChanges ? self::EXIT_CODE_UNPUSHED_CHANGES : 0) + ($vcsVersionChanges ? self::EXIT_CODE_VERSION_CHANGES : 0); } } setName('suggests') ->setDescription('Shows package suggestions.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('by-package', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Groups output by suggesting package'), new InputOption('by-suggestion', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Groups output by suggested package'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Exclude suggestions from require-dev packages'), new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Packages that you want to list suggestions from.'), )) ->setHelp( <<%command.name% command shows a sorted list of suggested packages. Enabling -v implies --by-package --by-suggestion, showing both lists. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#suggests EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $lock = $this->getComposer()->getLocker()->getLockData(); if (empty($lock)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Lockfile seems to be empty?'); } $packages = $lock['packages']; if (!$input->getOption('no-dev')) { $packages += $lock['packages-dev']; } $filter = $input->getArgument('packages'); $installed = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $installed[] = $package['name']; if (!empty($package['provide'])) { $installed = array_merge($installed, array_keys($package['provide'])); } if (!empty($package['replace'])) { $installed = array_merge($installed, array_keys($package['replace'])); } } $installed = array_flip($installed); ksort($installed); $platform = new PlatformRepository(array(), $this->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array()); $suggesters = array(); $suggested = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $packageName = $package['name']; if ((!empty($filter) && !in_array($packageName, $filter)) || empty($package['suggest'])) { continue; } foreach ($package['suggest'] as $suggestion => $reason) { if (false === strpos('/', $suggestion) && null !== $platform->findPackage($suggestion, '*')) { continue; } if (!isset($installed[$suggestion])) { $suggesters[$packageName][$suggestion] = $reason; $suggested[$suggestion][$packageName] = $reason; } } } ksort($suggesters); ksort($suggested); $mode = 0; $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('by-package') || $io->isVerbose()) { $mode |= 1; } if ($input->getOption('by-suggestion')) { $mode |= 2; } if ($mode === 0) { foreach (array_keys($suggested) as $suggestion) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', $suggestion)); } return 0; } if ($mode & 1) { foreach ($suggesters as $suggester => $suggestions) { $io->write(sprintf('%s suggests:', $suggester)); foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion => $reason) { $io->write(sprintf(' - %s: %s', $suggestion, $reason ?: '*')); } $io->write(''); } } if ($mode & 2) { if ($mode & 1) { $io->write(str_repeat('-', 78)); } foreach ($suggested as $suggestion => $suggesters) { $io->write(sprintf('%s is suggested by:', $suggestion)); foreach ($suggesters as $suggester => $reason) { $io->write(sprintf(' - %s: %s', $suggester, $reason ?: '*')); } $io->write(''); } } return 0; } } setName('update') ->setAliases(array('u', 'upgrade')) ->setDescription('Upgrades your dependencies to the latest version according to composer.json, and updates the composer.lock file.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Packages that should be updated, if not provided all packages are.'), new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'), new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'), new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'), new InputOption('lock', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the lock file being out of date.'), new InputOption('no-custom-installers', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'), new InputOption('no-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips autoloader generation'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-suggest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not show package suggestions.'), new InputOption('with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add also dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, except those defined in root package.'), new InputOption('with-all-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, including those defined in root package.'), new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'), new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump.'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'), new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), new InputOption('prefer-stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('prefer-lowest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('interactive', 'i', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Interactive interface with autocompletion to select the packages to update.'), new InputOption('root-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Restricts the update to your first degree dependencies.'), )) ->setHelp( <<update command reads the composer.json file from the current directory, processes it, and updates, removes or installs all the dependencies. php composer.phar update To limit the update operation to a few packages, you can list the package(s) you want to update as such: php composer.phar update vendor/package1 foo/mypackage [...] You may also use an asterisk (*) pattern to limit the update operation to package(s) from a specific vendor: php composer.phar update vendor/package1 foo/* [...] To select packages names interactively with auto-completion use -i. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#update-u EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.'); $input->setOption('no-plugins', true); } if ($input->getOption('dev')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.'); } $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $packages = $input->getArgument('packages'); if ($input->getOption('interactive')) { $packages = $this->getPackagesInteractively($io, $input, $output, $composer, $packages); } if ($input->getOption('root-reqs')) { $require = array_keys($composer->getPackage()->getRequires()); if (!$input->getOption('no-dev')) { $requireDev = array_keys($composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires()); $require = array_merge($require, $requireDev); } if (!empty($packages)) { $packages = array_intersect($packages, $require); } else { $packages = $require; } } $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$input->getOption('no-progress')); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'update', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $install = Installer::create($io, $composer); $config = $composer->getConfig(); list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($config, $input); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $config->get('apcu-autoloader'); $install ->setDryRun($input->getOption('dry-run')) ->setVerbose($input->getOption('verbose')) ->setPreferSource($preferSource) ->setPreferDist($preferDist) ->setDevMode(!$input->getOption('no-dev')) ->setDumpAutoloader(!$input->getOption('no-autoloader')) ->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')) ->setSkipSuggest($input->getOption('no-suggest')) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative) ->setApcuAutoloader($apcu) ->setUpdate(true) ->setUpdateWhitelist($input->getOption('lock') ? array('lock') : $packages) ->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($input->getOption('with-dependencies')) ->setWhitelistAllDependencies($input->getOption('with-all-dependencies')) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs')) ->setPreferStable($input->getOption('prefer-stable')) ->setPreferLowest($input->getOption('prefer-lowest')) ; if ($input->getOption('no-plugins')) { $install->disablePlugins(); } return $install->run(); } private function getPackagesInteractively(IOInterface $io, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Composer $composer, array $packages) { if (!$input->isInteractive()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('--interactive cannot be used in non-interactive terminals.'); } $requires = array_merge( $composer->getPackage()->getRequires(), $composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires() ); $autocompleterValues = array(); foreach ($requires as $require) { $target = $require->getTarget(); $autocompleterValues[strtolower($target)] = $target; } $installedPackages = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(); foreach ($installedPackages as $package) { $autocompleterValues[$package->getName()] = $package->getPrettyName(); } $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new Question('Enter package name: ', null); $io->writeError('Press enter without value to end submission'); do { $autocompleterValues = array_diff($autocompleterValues, $packages); $question->setAutocompleterValues($autocompleterValues); $addedPackage = $helper->ask($input, $output, $question); if (!is_string($addedPackage) || empty($addedPackage)) { break; } $addedPackage = strtolower($addedPackage); if (!in_array($addedPackage, $packages)) { $packages[] = $addedPackage; } } while (true); $packages = array_filter($packages); if (!$packages) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must enter minimum one package.'); } $table = new Table($output); $table->setHeaders(array('Selected packages')); foreach ($packages as $package) { $table->addRow(array($package)); } $table->render(); if ($io->askConfirmation(sprintf( 'Would you like to continue and update the above package%s [yes]? ', 1 === count($packages) ? '' : 's' ), true)) { return $packages; } throw new \RuntimeException('Installation aborted.'); } } setName('validate') ->setDescription('Validates a composer.json and composer.lock.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('no-check-all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not validate requires for overly strict/loose constraints'), new InputOption('no-check-lock', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check if lock file is up to date'), new InputOption('no-check-publish', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check for publish errors'), new InputOption('with-dependencies', 'A', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Also validate the composer.json of all installed dependencies'), new InputOption('strict', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Return a non-zero exit code for warnings as well as errors'), new InputArgument('file', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'path to composer.json file'), )) ->setHelp( <<getArgument('file') ?: Factory::getComposerFile(); $io = $this->getIO(); if (!file_exists($file)) { $io->writeError('' . $file . ' not found.'); return 3; } if (!is_readable($file)) { $io->writeError('' . $file . ' is not readable.'); return 3; } $validator = new ConfigValidator($io); $checkAll = $input->getOption('no-check-all') ? 0 : ValidatingArrayLoader::CHECK_ALL; $checkPublish = !$input->getOption('no-check-publish'); $checkLock = !$input->getOption('no-check-lock'); $isStrict = $input->getOption('strict'); list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll); $lockErrors = array(); $composer = Factory::create($io, $file, $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins')); $locker = $composer->getLocker(); if ($locker->isLocked() && !$locker->isFresh()) { $lockErrors[] = 'The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json, it is recommended that you run `composer update`.'; } $this->outputResult($io, $file, $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors, $checkLock, $lockErrors, true, $isStrict); $exitCode = $errors ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0); if ($input->getOption('with-dependencies')) { $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $path = $composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package); $file = $path . '/composer.json'; if (is_dir($path) && file_exists($file)) { list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll); $this->outputResult($io, $package->getPrettyName(), $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors); $depCode = $errors ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0); $exitCode = max($depCode, $exitCode); } } } $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'validate', $input, $output); $eventCode = $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $exitCode = max($eventCode, $exitCode); return $exitCode; } private function outputResult($io, $name, &$errors, &$warnings, $checkPublish = false, $publishErrors = array(), $checkLock = false, $lockErrors = array(), $printSchemaUrl = false, $isStrict = false) { if (!$errors && !$publishErrors && !$warnings) { $io->write('' . $name . ' is valid'); } elseif (!$errors && !$publishErrors) { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is valid, but with a few warnings'); if ($printSchemaUrl) { $io->writeError('See https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md for details on the schema'); } } elseif (!$errors) { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is valid for simple usage with composer but has'); $io->writeError('strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package:'); if ($printSchemaUrl) { $io->writeError('See https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md for details on the schema'); } } else { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is invalid, the following errors/warnings were found:'); } if ($checkPublish) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $publishErrors); } elseif (!$isStrict) { $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $publishErrors); } if ($checkLock) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $lockErrors); } elseif (!$isStrict) { $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $lockErrors); } $messages = array( 'error' => $errors, 'warning' => $warnings, ); foreach ($messages as $style => $msgs) { foreach ($msgs as $msg) { $io->writeError('<' . $style . '>' . $msg . ''); } } } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function setConfig(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; } public function getConfig() { return $this->config; } public function setLocker(Locker $locker) { $this->locker = $locker; } public function getLocker() { return $this->locker; } public function setRepositoryManager(RepositoryManager $manager) { $this->repositoryManager = $manager; } public function getRepositoryManager() { return $this->repositoryManager; } public function setDownloadManager(DownloadManager $manager) { $this->downloadManager = $manager; } public function getDownloadManager() { return $this->downloadManager; } public function setArchiveManager(ArchiveManager $manager) { $this->archiveManager = $manager; } public function getArchiveManager() { return $this->archiveManager; } public function setInstallationManager(InstallationManager $manager) { $this->installationManager = $manager; } public function getInstallationManager() { return $this->installationManager; } public function setPluginManager(PluginManager $manager) { $this->pluginManager = $manager; } public function getPluginManager() { return $this->pluginManager; } public function setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; } public function getEventDispatcher() { return $this->eventDispatcher; } public function setAutoloadGenerator(AutoloadGenerator $autoloadGenerator) { $this->autoloadGenerator = $autoloadGenerator; } public function getAutoloadGenerator() { return $this->autoloadGenerator; } } 300, 'use-include-path' => false, 'preferred-install' => 'auto', 'notify-on-install' => true, 'github-protocols' => array('https', 'ssh', 'git'), 'vendor-dir' => 'vendor', 'bin-dir' => '{$vendor-dir}/bin', 'cache-dir' => '{$home}/cache', 'data-dir' => '{$home}', 'cache-files-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/files', 'cache-repo-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/repo', 'cache-vcs-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/vcs', 'cache-ttl' => 15552000, 'cache-files-ttl' => null, 'cache-files-maxsize' => '300MiB', 'bin-compat' => 'auto', 'discard-changes' => false, 'autoloader-suffix' => null, 'sort-packages' => false, 'optimize-autoloader' => false, 'classmap-authoritative' => false, 'apcu-autoloader' => false, 'prepend-autoloader' => true, 'github-domains' => array('github.com'), 'bitbucket-expose-hostname' => true, 'disable-tls' => false, 'secure-http' => true, 'cafile' => null, 'capath' => null, 'github-expose-hostname' => true, 'gitlab-domains' => array('gitlab.com'), 'store-auths' => 'prompt', 'platform' => array(), 'archive-format' => 'tar', 'archive-dir' => '.', 'htaccess-protect' => true, 'use-github-api' => true, ); public static $defaultRepositories = array( 'packagist.org' => array( 'type' => 'composer', 'url' => 'https?://repo.packagist.org', 'allow_ssl_downgrade' => true, ), ); private $config; private $baseDir; private $repositories; private $configSource; private $authConfigSource; private $useEnvironment; private $warnedHosts = array(); public function __construct($useEnvironment = true, $baseDir = null) { $this->config = static::$defaultConfig; $this->repositories = static::$defaultRepositories; $this->useEnvironment = (bool) $useEnvironment; $this->baseDir = $baseDir; } public function setConfigSource(ConfigSourceInterface $source) { $this->configSource = $source; } public function getConfigSource() { return $this->configSource; } public function setAuthConfigSource(ConfigSourceInterface $source) { $this->authConfigSource = $source; } public function getAuthConfigSource() { return $this->authConfigSource; } public function merge($config) { if (!empty($config['config']) && is_array($config['config'])) { foreach ($config['config'] as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, array('bitbucket-oauth', 'github-oauth', 'gitlab-oauth', 'gitlab-token', 'http-basic')) && isset($this->config[$key])) { $this->config[$key] = array_merge($this->config[$key], $val); } elseif ('preferred-install' === $key && isset($this->config[$key])) { if (is_array($val) || is_array($this->config[$key])) { if (is_string($val)) { $val = array('*' => $val); } if (is_string($this->config[$key])) { $this->config[$key] = array('*' => $this->config[$key]); } $this->config[$key] = array_merge($this->config[$key], $val); if (isset($this->config[$key]['*'])) { $wildcard = $this->config[$key]['*']; unset($this->config[$key]['*']); $this->config[$key]['*'] = $wildcard; } } else { $this->config[$key] = $val; } } else { $this->config[$key] = $val; } } } if (!empty($config['repositories']) && is_array($config['repositories'])) { $this->repositories = array_reverse($this->repositories, true); $newRepos = array_reverse($config['repositories'], true); foreach ($newRepos as $name => $repository) { if (false === $repository) { $this->disableRepoByName($name); continue; } if (is_array($repository) && 1 === count($repository) && false === current($repository)) { $this->disableRepoByName(key($repository)); continue; } if (is_int($name)) { $this->repositories[] = $repository; } else { if ($name === 'packagist') { $this->repositories[$name . '.org'] = $repository; } else { $this->repositories[$name] = $repository; } } } $this->repositories = array_reverse($this->repositories, true); } } public function getRepositories() { return $this->repositories; } public function get($key, $flags = 0) { switch ($key) { case 'vendor-dir': case 'bin-dir': case 'process-timeout': case 'data-dir': case 'cache-dir': case 'cache-files-dir': case 'cache-repo-dir': case 'cache-vcs-dir': case 'cafile': case 'capath': $env = 'COMPOSER_' . strtoupper(strtr($key, '-', '_')); $val = $this->getComposerEnv($env); $val = rtrim((string) $this->process(false !== $val ? $val : $this->config[$key], $flags), '/\\'); $val = Platform::expandPath($val); if (substr($key, -4) !== '-dir') { return $val; } return (($flags & self::RELATIVE_PATHS) == self::RELATIVE_PATHS) ? $val : $this->realpath($val); case 'htaccess-protect': $value = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_HTACCESS_PROTECT'); if (false === $value) { $value = $this->config[$key]; } return $value !== 'false' && (bool) $value; case 'cache-ttl': return (int) $this->config[$key]; case 'cache-files-maxsize': if (!preg_match('/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(?:([kmg])(?:i?b)?)?\s*$/i', $this->config[$key], $matches)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Could not parse the value of 'cache-files-maxsize': {$this->config[$key]}" ); } $size = $matches[1]; if (isset($matches[2])) { switch (strtolower($matches[2])) { case 'g': $size *= 1024; case 'm': $size *= 1024; case 'k': $size *= 1024; break; } } return $size; case 'cache-files-ttl': if (isset($this->config[$key])) { return (int) $this->config[$key]; } return (int) $this->config['cache-ttl']; case 'home': $val = preg_replace('#^(\$HOME|~)(/|$)#', rtrim(getenv('HOME') ?: getenv('USERPROFILE'), '/\\') . '/', $this->config[$key]); return rtrim($this->process($val, $flags), '/\\'); case 'bin-compat': $value = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_BIN_COMPAT') ?: $this->config[$key]; if (!in_array($value, array('auto', 'full'))) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for 'bin-compat': {$value}. Expected auto, full" ); } return $value; case 'discard-changes': if ($env = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES')) { if (!in_array($env, array('stash', 'true', 'false', '1', '0'), true)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES: {$env}. Expected 1, 0, true, false or stash" ); } if ('stash' === $env) { return 'stash'; } return $env !== 'false' && (bool) $env; } if (!in_array($this->config[$key], array(true, false, 'stash'), true)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for 'discard-changes': {$this->config[$key]}. Expected true, false or stash" ); } return $this->config[$key]; case 'github-protocols': $protos = $this->config['github-protocols']; if ($this->config['secure-http'] && false !== ($index = array_search('git', $protos))) { unset($protos[$index]); } if (reset($protos) === 'http') { throw new \RuntimeException('The http protocol for github is not available anymore, update your config\'s github-protocols to use "https", "git" or "ssh"'); } return $protos; case 'disable-tls': rme()])) { $latestPackage = $latestPackages[$package->getPrettyName()]; } $packageIsUpToDate = $latestPackage && $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion() === $package->getFullPrettyVersion() && !$latestPackage->isAbandoned(); $packageIsIgnored = \in_array($package->getPrettyName(), $ignoredPackages, true); if ($input->getOption('outdated') && ($packageIsUpToDate || $packageIsIgnored)) { continue; } elseif ($input->getOption('outdated') || $input->getOption('strict')) { $hasOutdatedPackages = true; } $packageViewData['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $nameLength = max($nameLength, strlen($package->getPrettyName())); if ($writeVersion) { $packageViewData['version'] = $package->getFullPrettyVersion(); $versionLength = max($versionLength, strlen($package->getFullPrettyVersion())); } if ($writeLatest && $latestPackage) { $packageViewData['latest'] = $latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion(); $packageViewData['latest-status'] = $this->getUpdateStatus($latestPackage, $package); $latestLength = max($latestLength, strlen($latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion())); } if ($writeDescription) { $packageViewData['description'] = $package->getDescription(); } if ($writePath) { $packageViewData['path'] = strtok(realpath($composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)), "\r\n"); } if ($latestPackage && $latestPackage->isAbandoned()) { $replacement = is_string($latestPackage->getReplacementPackage()) ? 'Use ' . $latestPackage->getReplacementPackage() . ' instead' : 'No replacement was suggested'; $packageWarning = sprintf( 'Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.', $package->getPrettyName(), $replacement ); $packageViewData['warning'] = $packageWarning; } } else { $packageViewData['name'] = $package; $nameLength = max($nameLength, strlen($package)); } $viewData[$type][] = $packageViewData; } $viewMetaData[$type] = array( 'nameLength' => $nameLength, 'versionLength' => $versionLength, 'latestLength' => $latestLength, ); if ($input->getOption('strict') && $hasOutdatedPackages) { $exitCode = 1; break; } } } if ('json' === $format) { $io->write(JsonFile::encode($viewData)); } else { foreach ($viewData as $type => $packages) { $nameLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['nameLength']; $versionLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['versionLength']; $latestLength = $viewMetaData[$type]['latestLength']; $writeVersion = $nameLength + $versionLength + 3 <= $width; $writeLatest = $nameLength + $versionLength + $latestLength + 3 <= $width; $writeDescription = $nameLength + $versionLength + $latestLength + 24 <= $width; if ($writeLatest && !$io->isDecorated()) { $latestLength += 2; } if ($showAllTypes) { if ('available' === $type) { $io->write('' . $type . ':'); } else { $io->write('' . $type . ':'); } } foreach ($packages as $package) { $io->write($indent . str_pad($package['name'], $nameLength, ' '), false); if (isset($package['version']) && $writeVersion) { $io->write(' ' . str_pad($package['version'], $versionLength, ' '), false); } if (isset($package['latest']) && $writeLatest) { $latestVersion = $package['latest']; $updateStatus = $package['latest-status']; $style = $this->updateStatusToVersionStyle($updateStatus); if (!$io->isDecorated()) { $latestVersion = str_replace(array('up-to-date', 'semver-safe-update', 'update-possible'), array('=', '!', '~'), $updateStatus) . ' ' . $latestVersion; } $io->write(' <' . $style . '>' . str_pad($latestVersion, $latestLength, ' ') . '', false); } if (isset($package['description']) && $writeDescription) { $description = strtok($package['description'], "\r\n"); $remaining = $width - $nameLength - $versionLength - 4; if ($writeLatest) { $remaining -= $latestLength; } if (strlen($description) > $remaining) { $description = substr($description, 0, $remaining - 3) . '...'; } $io->write(' ' . $description, false); } if (isset($package['path'])) { $io->write(' ' . $package['path'], false); } $io->write(''); if (isset($package['warning'])) { $io->writeError('' . $package['warning'] . ''); } } if ($showAllTypes) { $io->write(''); } } } return $exitCode; } protected function getRootRequires() { $rootPackage = $this->getComposer()->getPackage(); return array_map( 'strtolower', array_keys(array_merge($rootPackage->getRequires(), $rootPackage->getDevRequires())) ); } protected function getVersionStyle(PackageInterface $latestPackage, PackageInterface $package) { return $this->updateStatusToVersionStyle($this->getUpdateStatus($latestPackage, $package)); } protected function getPackage(RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $repos, $name, $version = null) { $name = strtolower($name); $constraint = is_string($version) ? $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($version) : $version; $policy = new DefaultPolicy(); $pool = new Pool('dev'); $pool->addRepository($repos); $matchedPackage = null; $versions = array(); $matches = $pool->whatProvides($name, $constraint); foreach ($matches as $index => $package) { if ($package->getName() !== $name) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if (null === $version && $installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $matchedPackage = $package; } $versions[$package->getPrettyVersion()] = $package->getVersion(); $matches[$index] = $package->getId(); } if (!$matchedPackage && $matches && $preferred = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $matchedPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($preferred[0]); } return array($matchedPackage, $versions); } protected function printMeta(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, PackageInterface $latestPackage = null) { $io = $this->getIO(); $io->write('name : ' . $package->getPrettyName()); $io->write('descrip. : ' . $package->getDescription()); $io->write('keywords : ' . implode(', ', $package->getKeywords() ?: array())); $this->printVersions($package, $versions, $installedRepo); if ($latestPackage) { $style = $this->getVersionStyle($latestPackage, $package); $io->write('latest : <'.$style.'>' . $latestPackage->getPrettyVersion() . ''); } else { $latestPackage = $package; } $io->write('type : ' . $package->getType()); $this->printLicenses($package); $io->write('source : ' . sprintf('[%s] %s %s', $package->getSourceType(), $package->getSourceUrl(), $package->getSourceReference())); $io->write('dist : ' . sprintf('[%s] %s %s', $package->getDistType(), $package->getDistUrl(), $package->getDistReference())); if ($installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $io->write('path : ' . sprintf('%s', realpath($this->getComposer()->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)))); } $io->write('names : ' . implode(', ', $package->getNames())); if ($latestPackage->isAbandoned()) { $replacement = ($latestPackage->getReplacementPackage() !== null) ? ' The author suggests using the ' . $latestPackage->getReplacementPackage(). ' package instead.' : null; $io->writeError( sprintf('Attention: This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.%s', $replacement) ); } if ($package->getSupport()) { $io->write("\nsupport"); foreach ($package->getSupport() as $type => $value) { $io->write('' . $type . ' : '.$value); } } if ($package->getAutoload()) { $io->write("\nautoload"); foreach ($package->getAutoload() as $type => $autoloads) { $io->write('' . $type . ''); if ($type === 'psr-0') { foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) { $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.'))); } } elseif ($type === 'psr-4') { foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) { $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.'))); } } elseif ($type === 'classmap') { $io->write(implode(', ', $autoloads)); } } if ($package->getIncludePaths()) { $io->write('include-path'); $io->write(implode(', ', $package->getIncludePaths())); } } } protected function printVersions(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo) { uasort($versions, 'version_compare'); $versions = array_keys(array_reverse($versions)); if ($installedRepo->hasPackage($package)) { $installedVersion = $package->getPrettyVersion(); $key = array_search($installedVersion, $versions); if (false !== $key) { $versions[$key] = '* ' . $installedVersion . ''; } } $versions = implode(', ', $versions); $this->getIO()->write('versions : ' . $versions); } protected function printLinks(CompletePackageInterface $package, $linkType, $title = null) { $title = $title ?: $linkType; $io = $this->getIO(); if ($links = $package->{'get'.ucfirst($linkType)}()) { $io->write("\n" . $title . ""); foreach ($links as $link) { $io->write($link->getTarget() . ' ' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . ''); } } } protected function printLicenses(CompletePackageInterface $package) { $spdxLicenses = new SpdxLicenses(); $licenses = $package->getLicense(); $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($licenses as $licenseId) { $license = $spdxLicenses->getLicenseByIdentifier($licenseId); if (!$license) { $out = $licenseId; } else { if ($license[1] === true) { $out = sprintf('%s (%s) (OSI approved) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]); } else { $out = sprintf('%s (%s) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]); } } $io->write('license : ' . $out); } } protected function initStyles(OutputInterface $output) { $this->colors = array( 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'blue', ); foreach ($this->colors as $color) { $style = new OutputFormatterStyle($color); $output->getFormatter()->setStyle($color, $style); } } protected function displayPackageTree(array $arrayTree) { $io = $this->getIO(); foreach ($arrayTree as $package) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', $package['name']), false); $io->write(' ' . $package['version'], false); $io->write(' ' . strtok($package['description'], "\r\n")); if (isset($package['requires'])) { $requires = $package['requires']; $treeBar = '├'; $j = 0; $total = count($requires); foreach ($requires as $require) { $requireName = $require['name']; $j++; if ($j === $total) { $treeBar = '└'; } $level = 1; $color = $this->colors[$level]; $info = sprintf( '%s──<%s>%s %s', $treeBar, $color, $requireName, $color, $require['version'] ); $this->writeTreeLine($info); $treeBar = str_replace('└', ' ', $treeBar); $packagesInTree = array($package['name'], $requireName); $this->displayTree($require, $packagesInTree, $treeBar, $level + 1); } } } } protected function generatePackageTree( PackageInterface $package, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $distantRepos ) { $requires = $package->getRequires(); ksort($requires); $children = array(); foreach ($requires as $requireName => $require) { $packagesInTree = array($package->getName(), $requireName); $treeChildDesc = array( 'name' => $requireName, 'version' => $require->getPrettyConstraint(), ); $deepChildren = $this->addTree($requireName, $require, $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $packagesInTree); if ($deepChildren) { $treeChildDesc['requires'] = $deepChildren; } $children[] = $treeChildDesc; } $tree = array( 'name' => $package->getPrettyName(), 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'description' => $package->getDescription(), ); if ($children) { $tree['requires'] = $children; } return $tree; } protected function displayTree( $package, array $packagesInTree, $previousTreeBar = '├', $level = 1 ) { $previousTreeBar = str_replace('├', '│', $previousTreeBar); if (isset($package['requires'])) { $requires = $package['requires']; $treeBar = $previousTreeBar . ' ├'; $i = 0; $total = count($requires); foreach ($requires as $require) { $currentTree = $packagesInTree; $i++; if ($i === $total) { $treeBar = $previousTreeBar . ' └'; } $colorIdent = $level % count($this->colors); $color = $this->colors[$colorIdent]; $circularWarn = in_array( $require['name'], $currentTree, true ) ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : ''; $info = rtrim(sprintf( '%s──<%s>%s %s %s', $treeBar, $color, $require['name'], $color, $require['version'], $circularWarn )); $this->writeTreeLine($info); $treeBar = str_replace('└', ' ', $treeBar); $currentTree[] = $require['name']; $this->displayTree($require, $currentTree, $treeBar, $level + 1); } } } protected function addTree( $name, $package, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $distantRepos, array $packagesInTree ) { $children = array(); list($package, $versions) = $this->getPackage( $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $name, $package->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version' ? $package->getConstraint() : $package->getPrettyConstraint() ); if (is_object($package)) { $requires = $package->getRequires(); ksort($requires); foreach ($requires as $requireName => $require) { $currentTree = $packagesInTree; $treeChildDesc = array( 'name' => $requireName, 'version' => $require->getPrettyConstraint(), ); if (!in_array($requireName, $currentTree, true)) { $currentTree[] = $requireName; $deepChildren = $this->addTree($requireName, $require, $installedRepo, $distantRepos, $currentTree); if ($deepChildren) { $treeChildDesc['requires'] = $deepChildren; } } $children[] = $treeChildDesc; } } return $children; } private function updateStatusToVersionStyle($updateStatus) { return str_replace(array('up-to-date', 'semver-safe-update', 'update-possible'), array('info', 'highlight', 'comment'), $updateStatus); } private function getUpdateStatus(PackageInterface $latestPackage, PackageInterface $package) { if ($latestPackage->getFullPrettyVersion() === $package->getFullPrettyVersion()) { return 'up-to-date'; } $constraint = $package->getVersion(); if (0 !== strpos($constraint, 'dev-')) { $constraint = '^'.$constraint; } if ($latestPackage->getVersion() && Semver::satisfies($latestPackage->getVersion(), $constraint)) { return 'semver-safe-update'; } return 'update-possible'; } private function writeTreeLine($line) { $io = $this->getIO(); if (!$io->isDecorated()) { $line = str_replace(array('└', '├', '──', '│'), array('`-', '|-', '-', '|'), $line); } $io->write($line); } private function findLatestPackage(PackageInterface $package, Composer $composer, $phpVersion, $minorOnly = false) { $name = $package->getName(); $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($this->getPool($composer)); $stability = $composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability(); $flags = $composer->getPackage()->getStabilityFlags(); if (isset($flags[$name])) { $stability = array_search($flags[$name], BasePackage::$stabilities, true); } $bestStability = $stability; if ($composer->getPackage()->getPreferStable()) { $bestStability = $package->getStability(); } $targetVersion = null; if (0 === strpos($package->getVersion(), 'dev-')) { $targetVersion = $package->getVersion(); } if ($targetVersion === null && $minorOnly) { $targetVersion = '^' . $package->getVersion(); } return $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $targetVersion, $phpVersion, $bestStability); } private function getPool(Composer $composer) { if (!$this->pool) { $this->pool = new Pool($composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability(), $composer->getPackage()->getStabilityFlags()); $this->pool->addRepository(new CompositeRepository($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())); } return $this->pool; } } config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; case 'secure-http': return $this->config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; case 'use-github-api': return $this->config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; default: if (!isset($this->config[$key])) { return null; } return $this->process($this->config[$key], $flags); } } public function all($flags = 0) { $all = array( 'repositories' => $this->getRepositories(), ); foreach (array_keys($this->config) as $key) { $all['config'][$key] = $this->get($key, $flags); } return $all; } public function raw() { return array( 'repositories' => $this->getRepositories(), 'config' => $this->config, ); } public function has($key) { return array_key_exists($key, $this->config); } private function process($value, $flags) { $config = $this; if (!is_string($value)) { return $value; } return preg_replace_callback('#\{\$(.+)\}#', function ($match) use ($config, $flags) { return $config->get($match[1], $flags); }, $value); } private function realpath($path) { if (preg_match('{^(?:/|[a-z]:|[a-z0-9.]+://)}i', $path)) { return $path; } return $this->baseDir . '/' . $path; } private function getComposerEnv($var) { if ($this->useEnvironment) { return getenv($var); } return false; } private function disableRepoByName($name) { if (isset($this->repositories[$name])) { unset($this->repositories[$name]); } elseif ($name === 'packagist') { unset($this->repositories['packagist.org']); } } public function prohibitUrlByConfig($url, IOInterface $io = null) { if (false === filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return; } $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if (in_array($scheme, array('http', 'git', 'ftp', 'svn'))) { if ($this->get('secure-http')) { throw new TransportException("Your configuration does not allow connections to $url. See https://getcomposer.org/doc/06-config.md#secure-http for details."); } elseif ($io) { $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (!isset($this->warnedHosts[$host])) { $io->writeError("Warning: Accessing $host over $scheme which is an insecure protocol."); } $this->warnedHosts[$host] = true; } } } public static function disableProcessTimeout() { ProcessExecutor::setTimeout(0); } } file = $file; $this->authConfig = $authConfig; } public function getName() { return $this->file->getPath(); } public function addRepository($name, $config) { $this->manipulateJson('addRepository', $name, $config, function (&$config, $repo, $repoConfig) { if (isset($config['repositories'])) { foreach ($config['repositories'] as $index => $val) { if ($index === $repo) { continue; } if (is_numeric($index) && ($val === array('packagist' => false) || $val === array('packagist.org' => false))) { unset($config['repositories'][$index]); $config['repositories']['packagist.org'] = false; break; } } } $config['repositories'][$repo] = $repoConfig; }); } public function removeRepository($name) { $this->manipulateJson('removeRepository', $name, function (&$config, $repo) { unset($config['repositories'][$repo]); }); } public function addConfigSetting($name, $value) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('addConfigSetting', $name, $value, function (&$config, $key, $val) use ($authConfig) { if (preg_match('{^(bitbucket-oauth|github-oauth|gitlab-oauth|gitlab-token|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) { list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2); if ($authConfig) { $config[$key][$host] = $val; } else { $config['config'][$key][$host] = $val; } } else { $config['config'][$key] = $val; } }); } public function removeConfigSetting($name) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('removeConfigSetting', $name, function (&$config, $key) use ($authConfig) { if (preg_match('{^(bitbucket-oauth|github-oauth|gitlab-oauth|gitlab-token|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) { list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2); if ($authConfig) { unset($config[$key][$host]); } else { unset($config['config'][$key][$host]); } } else { unset($config['config'][$key]); } }); } public function addProperty($name, $value) { $this->manipulateJson('addProperty', $name, $value, function (&$config, $key, $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) === 'extra.' || substr($key, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { $bits = explode('.', $key); $last = array_pop($bits); $arr = &$config[reset($bits)]; foreach ($bits as $bit) { if (!isset($arr[$bit])) { $arr[$bit] = array(); } $arr = &$arr[$bit]; } $arr[$last] = $val; } else { $config[$key] = $val; } }); } public function removeProperty($name) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('removeProperty', $name, function (&$config, $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) === 'extra.' || substr($key, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { $bits = explode('.', $key); $last = array_pop($bits); $arr = &$config[reset($bits)]; foreach ($bits as $bit) { if (!isset($arr[$bit])) { return; } $arr = &$arr[$bit]; } unset($arr[$last]); } else { unset($config[$key]); } }); } public function addLink($type, $name, $value) { $this->manipulateJson('addLink', $type, $name, $value, function (&$config, $type, $name, $value) { $config[$type][$name] = $value; }); } public function removeLink($type, $name) { $this->manipulateJson('removeSubNode', $type, $name, function (&$config, $type, $name) { unset($config[$type][$name]); if (0 === count($config[$type])) { unset($config[$type]); } }); } protected function manipulateJson($method, $args, $fallback) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $fallback = array_pop($args); if ($this->file->exists()) { if (!is_writable($this->file->getPath())) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The file "%s" is not writable.', $this->file->getPath())); } if (!is_readable($this->file->getPath())) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The file "%s" is not readable.', $this->file->getPath())); } $contents = file_get_contents($this->file->getPath()); } elseif ($this->authConfig) { $contents = "{\n}\n"; } else { $contents = "{\n \"config\": {\n }\n}\n"; } $manipulator = new JsonManipulator($contents); $newFile = !$this->file->exists(); if ($this->authConfig && $method === 'addConfigSetting') { $method = 'addSubNode'; list($mainNode, $name) = explode('.', $args[0], 2); $args = array($mainNode, $name, $args[1]); } elseif ($this->authConfig && $method === 'removeConfigSetting') { $method = 'removeSubNode'; list($mainNode, $name) = explode('.', $args[0], 2); $args = array($mainNode, $name); } if (call_user_func_array(array($manipulator, $method), $args)) { file_put_contents($this->file->getPath(), $manipulator->getContents()); } else { $config = $this->file->read(); $this->arrayUnshiftRef($args, $config); call_user_func_array($fallback, $args); $this->file->write($config); } if ($newFile) { Silencer::call('chmod', $this->file->getPath(), 0600); } } private function arrayUnshiftRef(&$array, &$value) { $return = array_unshift($array, ''); $array[0] = &$value; return $return; } } io = new NullIO(); parent::__construct('Composer', Composer::getVersion()); } public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null) { if (null === $output) { $output = Factory::createOutput(); } return parent::run($input, $output); } public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->disablePluginsByDefault = $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins'); if (getenv('COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION')) { $input->setInteractive(false); } $io = $this->io = new ConsoleIO($input, $output, new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))); ErrorHandler::register($io); if ($input->hasParameterOption('--no-cache')) { $io->writeError('Disabling cache usage', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); putenv('COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR='.(Platform::isWindows() ? 'nul' : '/dev/null')); } if ($newWorkDir = $this->getNewWorkingDir($input)) { $oldWorkingDir = getcwd(); chdir($newWorkDir); $io->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); } $commandName = ''; if ($name = $this->getCommandName($input)) { try { $commandName = $this->find($name)->getName(); } catch (CommandNotFoundException $e) { $commandName = false; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { } } if ($io->isInteractive() && !$newWorkDir && !in_array($commandName, array('', 'list', 'init', 'about', 'help', 'diagnose', 'self-update', 'global', 'create-project'), true) && !file_exists(Factory::getComposerFile())) { $dir = dirname(getcwd()); $home = realpath(getenv('HOME') ?: getenv('USERPROFILE') ?: '/'); while (dirname($dir) !== $dir && $dir !== $home) { if (file_exists($dir.'/'.Factory::getComposerFile())) { if ($io->askConfirmation('No composer.json in current directory, do you want to use the one at '.$dir.'? [Y,n]? ', true)) { $oldWorkingDir = getcwd(); chdir($dir); } break; } $dir = dirname($dir); } } if (!$this->disablePluginsByDefault && !$this->hasPluginCommands && 'global' !== $commandName) { try { foreach ($this->getPluginCommands() as $command) { if ($this->has($command->getName())) { $io->writeError('Plugin command '.$command->getName().' ('.get_class($command).') would override a Composer command and has been skipped'); } else { $this->add($command); } } } catch (NoSslException $e) { } $this->hasPluginCommands = true; } $isProxyCommand = false; if ($name = $this->getCommandName($input)) { try { $command = $this->find($name); $commandName = $command->getName(); $isProxyCommand = ($command instanceof Command\BaseCommand && $command->isProxyCommand()); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { } } if (!$isProxyCommand) { $io->writeError(sprintf( 'Running %s (%s) with %s on %s', Composer::getVersion(), Composer::RELEASE_DATE, defined('HHVM_VERSION') ? 'HHVM '.HHVM_VERSION : 'PHP '.PHP_VERSION, function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') . ' / ' . php_uname('r') : 'Unknown OS' ), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50302) { $io->writeError('Composer only officially supports PHP 5.3.2 and above, you will most likely encounter problems with your PHP '.PHP_VERSION.', upgrading is strongly recommended.'); } if (extension_loaded('xdebug') && !getenv('COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN')) { $io->writeError('You are running composer with xdebug enabled. This has a major impact on runtime performance. See https://getcomposer.org/xdebug'); } if (defined('COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME') && $commandName !== 'self-update' && $commandName !== 'selfupdate' && time() > COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME) { $io->writeError(sprintf('Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "%s self-update" to get the latest version.', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); } if (!Platform::isWindows() && function_exists('exec') && !getenv('COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER') && !file_exists('/.dockerenv')) { if (function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid() === 0) { if ($commandName !== 'self-update' && $commandName !== 'selfupdate') { $io->writeError('Do not run Composer as root/super user! See https://getcomposer.org/root for details'); } if ($uid = (int) getenv('SUDO_UID')) { Silencer::call('exec', "sudo -u \\#{$uid} sudo -K > /dev/null 2>&1"); } } Silencer::call('exec', 'sudo -K > /dev/null 2>&1'); } Silencer::call(function () use ($io) { $tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/temp-' . md5(microtime()); if (!(file_put_contents($tempfile, __FILE__) && (file_get_contents($tempfile) == __FILE__) && unlink($tempfile) && !file_exists($tempfile))) { $io->writeError(sprintf('PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini', sys_get_temp_dir())); } }); $file = Factory::getComposerFile(); if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file) && is_array($composer = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true))) { if (isset($composer['scripts']) && is_array($composer['scripts'])) { foreach ($composer['scripts'] as $script => $dummy) { if (!defined('Composer\Script\ScriptEvents::'.str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($script)))) { if ($this->has($script)) { $io->writeError('A script named '.$script.' would override a Composer command and has been skipped'); } else { $description = null; if (isset($composer['scripts-descriptions'][$script])) { $description = $composer['scripts-descriptions'][$script]; } $this->add(new Command\ScriptAliasCommand($script, $description)); } } } } } } try { if ($input->hasParameterOption('--profile')) { $startTime = microtime(true); $this->io->enableDebugging($startTime); } $result = parent::doRun($input, $output); if (isset($oldWorkingDir)) { chdir($oldWorkingDir); } if (isset($startTime)) { $io->writeError('Memory usage: '.round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MiB (peak: '.round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MiB), time: '.round(microtime(true) - $startTime, 2).'s'); } restore_error_handler(); return $result; } catch (ScriptExecutionException $e) { return $e->getCode(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->hintCommonErrors($e); restore_error_handler(); throw $e; } } private function getNewWorkingDir(InputInterface $input) { $workingDir = $input->getParameterOption(array('--working-dir', '-d')); if (false !== $workingDir && !is_dir($workingDir)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid working directory speArrayDumper; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionGuesser; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent; use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents; use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; class StatusCommand extends BaseCommand { const EXIT_CODE_ERRORS = 1; const EXIT_CODE_UNPUSHED_CHANGES = 2; const EXIT_CODE_VERSION_CHANGES = 4; protected function configure() { $this ->setName('status') ->setDescription('Shows a list of locally modified packages, for packages installed from source.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show modified files for each directory that contains changes.'), )) ->setHelp( <<getComposer(); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'status', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $installedRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $dm = $composer->getDownloadManager(); $im = $composer->getInstallationManager(); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_STATUS_CMD, true); $errors = array(); $io = $this->getIO(); $unpushedChanges = array(); $vcsVersionChanges = array(); $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($composer->getConfig(), new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; foreach ($installedRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { $downloader = $dm->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); $targetDir = $im->getInstallPath($package); if ($downloader instanceof ChangeReportInterface) { if (is_link($targetDir)) { $errors[$targetDir] = $targetDir . ' is a symbolic link.'; } if ($changes = $downloader->getLocalChanges($package, $targetDir)) { $errors[$targetDir] = $changes; } } if ($downloader instanceof VcsCapableDownloaderInterface) { if ($currentRef = $downloader->getVcsReference($package, $targetDir)) { switch ($package->getInstallationSource()) { case 'source': $previousRef = $package->getSourceReference(); break; case 'dist': $previousRef = $package->getDistReference(); break; default: $previousRef = null; } $currentVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($dumper->dump($package), $targetDir); if ($previousRef && $currentVersion && $currentVersion['commit'] !== $previousRef) { $vcsVersionChanges[$targetDir] = array( 'previous' => array( 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'ref' => $previousRef, ), 'current' => array( 'version' => $currentVersion['pretty_version'], 'ref' => $currentVersion['commit'], ), ); } } } if ($downloader instanceof DvcsDownloaderInterface) { if ($unpushed = $downloader->getUnpushedChanges($package, $targetDir)) { $unpushedChanges[$targetDir] = $unpushed; } } } if (!$errors && !$unpushedChanges && !$vcsVersionChanges) { $io->writeError('No local changes'); return 0; } if ($errors) { $io->writeError('You have changes in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($errors as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . ltrim($line); }, explode("\n", $changes))); $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write($indentedChanges); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if ($unpushedChanges) { $io->writeError('You have unpushed changes on the current branch in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($unpushedChanges as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . ltrim($line); }, explode("\n", $changes))); $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write($indentedChanges); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if ($vcsVersionChanges) { $io->writeError('You have version variations in the following dependencies:'); foreach ($vcsVersionChanges as $path => $changes) { if ($input->getOption('verbose')) { $currentVersion = $changes['current']['version'] ?: $changes['current']['ref']; $previousVersion = $changes['previous']['version'] ?: $changes['previous']['ref']; if ($io->isVeryVerbose()) { $currentVersion .= sprintf(' (%s)', $changes['current']['ref']); $previousVersion .= sprintf(' (%s)', $changes['previous']['ref']); } $io->write(''.$path.':'); $io->write(sprintf(' From %s to %s', $previousVersion, $currentVersion)); } else { $io->write($path); } } } if (($errors || $unpushedChanges || $vcsVersionChanges) && !$input->getOption('verbose')) { $io->writeError('Use --verbose (-v) to see a list of files'); } $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_STATUS_CMD, true); return ($errors ? self::EXIT_CODE_ERRORS : 0) + ($unpushedChanges ? self::EXIT_CODE_UNPUSHED_CHANGES : 0) + ($vcsVersionChanges ? self::EXIT_CODE_VERSION_CHANGES : 0); } } setName('suggests') ->setDescription('Shows package suggestions.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('by-package', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Groups output by suggesting package'), new InputOption('by-suggestion', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Groups output by suggested package'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Exclude suggestions from require-dev packages'), new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Packages that you want to list suggestions from.'), )) ->setHelp( <<%command.name% command shows a sorted list of suggested packages. Enabling -v implies --by-package --by-suggestion, showing both lists. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#suggests EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $lock = $this->getComposer()->getLocker()->getLockData(); if (empty($lock)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Lockfile seems to be empty?'); } $packages = $lock['packages']; if (!$input->getOption('no-dev')) { $packages += $lock['packages-dev']; } $filter = $input->getArgument('packages'); $installed = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $installed[] = $package['name']; if (!empty($package['provide'])) { $installed = array_merge($installed, array_keys($package['provide'])); } if (!empty($package['replace'])) { $installed = array_merge($installed, array_keys($package['replace'])); } } $installed = array_flip($installed); ksort($installed); $platform = new PlatformRepository(array(), $this->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array()); $suggesters = array(); $suggested = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $packageName = $package['name']; if ((!empty($filter) && !in_array($packageName, $filter)) || empty($package['suggest'])) { continue; } foreach ($package['suggest'] as $suggestion => $reason) { if (false === strpos('/', $suggestion) && null !== $platform->findPackage($suggestion, '*')) { continue; } if (!isset($installed[$suggestion])) { $suggesters[$packageName][$suggestion] = $reason; $suggested[$suggestion][$packageName] = $reason; } } } ksort($suggesters); ksort($suggested); $mode = 0; $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('by-package') || $io->isVerbose()) { $mode |= 1; } if ($input->getOption('by-suggestion')) { $mode |= 2; } if ($mode === 0) { foreach (array_keys($suggested) as $suggestion) { $io->write(sprintf('%s', $suggestion)); } return 0; } if ($mode & 1) { foreach ($suggesters as $suggester => $suggestions) { $io->write(sprintf('%s suggests:', $suggester)); foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion => $reason) { $io->write(sprintf(' - %s: %s', $suggestion, $reason ?: '*')); } $io->write(''); } } if ($mode & 2) { if ($mode & 1) { $io->write(str_repeat('-', 78)); } foreach ($suggested as $suggestion => $suggesters) { $io->write(sprintf('%s is suggested by:', $suggestion)); foreach ($suggesters as $suggester => $reason) { $io->write(sprintf(' - %s: %s', $suggester, $reason ?: '*')); } $io->write(''); } } return 0; } } setName('update') ->setAliases(array('u', 'upgrade')) ->setDescription('Upgrades your dependencies to the latest version according to composer.json, and updates the composer.lock file.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Packages that should be updated, if not provided all packages are.'), new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'), new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'), new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'), new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Enables installation of require-dev packages (enabled by default, only present for BC).'), new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables installation of require-dev packages.'), new InputOption('lock', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the lock file being out of date.'), new InputOption('no-custom-installers', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'DEPRECATED: Use no-plugins instead.'), new InputOption('no-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips autoloader generation'), new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skips the execution of all scripts defined in composer.json file.'), new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'), new InputOption('no-suggest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not show package suggestions.'), new InputOption('with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add also dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, except those defined in root package.'), new InputOption('with-all-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist, including those defined in root package.'), new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'), new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump.'), new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'), new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'), new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'), new InputOption('prefer-stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('prefer-lowest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'), new InputOption('interactive', 'i', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Interactive interface with autocompletion to select the packages to update.'), new InputOption('root-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Restricts the update to your first degree dependencies.'), )) ->setHelp( <<update command reads the composer.json file from the current directory, processes it, and updates, removes or installs all the dependencies. php composer.phar update To limit the update operation to a few packages, you can list the package(s) you want to update as such: php composer.phar update vendor/package1 foo/mypackage [...] You may also use an asterisk (*) pattern to limit the update operation to package(s) from a specific vendor: php composer.phar update vendor/package1 foo/* [...] To select packages names interactively with auto-completion use -i. Read more at https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#update-u EOT ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $io = $this->getIO(); if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.'); $input->setOption('no-plugins', true); } if ($input->getOption('dev')) { $io->writeError('You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.'); } $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins')); $packages = $input->getArgument('packages'); if ($input->getOption('interactive')) { $packages = $this->getPackagesInteractively($io, $input, $output, $composer, $packages); } if ($input->getOption('root-reqs')) { $require = array_keys($composer->getPackage()->getRequires()); if (!$input->getOption('no-dev')) { $requireDev = array_keys($composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires()); $require = array_merge($require, $requireDev); } if (!empty($packages)) { $packages = array_intersect($packages, $require); } else { $packages = $require; } } $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$input->getOption('no-progress')); $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'update', $input, $output); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $install = Installer::create($io, $composer); $config = $composer->getConfig(); list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($config, $input); $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader'); $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative'); $apcu = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $config->get('apcu-autoloader'); $install ->setDryRun($input->getOption('dry-run')) ->setVerbose($input->getOption('verbose')) ->setPreferSource($preferSource) ->setPreferDist($preferDist) ->setDevMode(!$input->getOption('no-dev')) ->setDumpAutoloader(!$input->getOption('no-autoloader')) ->setRunScripts(!$input->getOption('no-scripts')) ->setSkipSuggest($input->getOption('no-suggest')) ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize) ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative) ->setApcuAutoloader($apcu) ->setUpdate(true) ->setUpdateWhitelist($input->getOption('lock') ? array('lock') : $packages) ->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($input->getOption('with-dependencies')) ->setWhitelistAllDependencies($input->getOption('with-all-dependencies')) ->setIgnorePlatformRequirements($input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs')) ->setPreferStable($input->getOption('prefer-stable')) ->setPreferLowest($input->getOption('prefer-lowest')) ; if ($input->getOption('no-plugins')) { $install->disablePlugins(); } return $install->run(); } private function getPackagesInteractively(IOInterface $io, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Composer $composer, array $packages) { if (!$input->isInteractive()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('--interactive cannot be used in non-interactive terminals.'); } $requires = array_merge( $composer->getPackage()->getRequires(), $composer->getPackage()->getDevRequires() ); $autocompleterValues = array(); foreach ($requires as $require) { $target = $require->getTarget(); $autocompleterValues[strtolower($target)] = $target; } $installedPackages = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(); foreach ($installedPackages as $package) { $autocompleterValues[$package->getName()] = $package->getPrettyName(); } $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new Question('Enter package name: ', null); $io->writeError('Press enter without value to end submission'); do { $autocompleterValues = array_diff($autocompleterValues, $packages); $question->setAutocompleterValues($autocompleterValues); $addedPackage = $helper->ask($input, $output, $question); if (!is_string($addedPackage) || empty($addedPackage)) { break; } $addedPackage = strtolower($addedPackage); if (!in_array($addedPackage, $packages)) { $packages[] = $addedPackage; } } while (true); $packages = array_filter($packages); if (!$packages) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must enter minimum one package.'); } $table = new Table($output); $table->setHeaders(array('Selected packages')); foreach ($packages as $package) { $table->addRow(array($package)); } $table->render(); if ($io->askConfirmation(sprintf( 'Would you like to continue and update the above package%s [yes]? ', 1 === count($packages) ? '' : 's' ), true)) { return $packages; } throw new \RuntimeException('Installation aborted.'); } } setName('validate') ->setDescription('Validates a composer.json and composer.lock.') ->setDefinition(array( new InputOption('no-check-all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not validate requires for overly strict/loose constraints'), new InputOption('no-check-lock', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check if lock file is up to date'), new InputOption('no-check-publish', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check for publish errors'), new InputOption('with-dependencies', 'A', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Also validate the composer.json of all installed dependencies'), new InputOption('strict', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Return a non-zero exit code for warnings as well as errors'), new InputArgument('file', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'path to composer.json file'), )) ->setHelp( <<getArgument('file') ?: Factory::getComposerFile(); $io = $this->getIO(); if (!file_exists($file)) { $io->writeError('' . $file . ' not found.'); return 3; } if (!is_readable($file)) { $io->writeError('' . $file . ' is not readable.'); return 3; } $validator = new ConfigValidator($io); $checkAll = $input->getOption('no-check-all') ? 0 : ValidatingArrayLoader::CHECK_ALL; $checkPublish = !$input->getOption('no-check-publish'); $checkLock = !$input->getOption('no-check-lock'); $isStrict = $input->getOption('strict'); list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll); $lockErrors = array(); $composer = Factory::create($io, $file, $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins')); $locker = $composer->getLocker(); if ($locker->isLocked() && !$locker->isFresh()) { $lockErrors[] = 'The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json, it is recommended that you run `composer update`.'; } $this->outputResult($io, $file, $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors, $checkLock, $lockErrors, true, $isStrict); $exitCode = $errors ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0); if ($input->getOption('with-dependencies')) { $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $path = $composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package); $file = $path . '/composer.json'; if (is_dir($path) && file_exists($file)) { list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll); $this->outputResult($io, $package->getPrettyName(), $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors); $depCode = $errors ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0); $exitCode = max($depCode, $exitCode); } } } $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'validate', $input, $output); $eventCode = $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent); $exitCode = max($eventCode, $exitCode); return $exitCode; } private function outputResult($io, $name, &$errors, &$warnings, $checkPublish = false, $publishErrors = array(), $checkLock = false, $lockErrors = array(), $printSchemaUrl = false, $isStrict = false) { if (!$errors && !$publishErrors && !$warnings) { $io->write('' . $name . ' is valid'); } elseif (!$errors && !$publishErrors) { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is valid, but with a few warnings'); if ($printSchemaUrl) { $io->writeError('See https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md for details on the schema'); } } elseif (!$errors) { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is valid for simple usage with composer but has'); $io->writeError('strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package:'); if ($printSchemaUrl) { $io->writeError('See https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md for details on the schema'); } } else { $io->writeError('' . $name . ' is invalid, the following errors/warnings were found:'); } if ($checkPublish) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $publishErrors); } elseif (!$isStrict) { $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $publishErrors); } if ($checkLock) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $lockErrors); } elseif (!$isStrict) { $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $lockErrors); } $messages = array( 'error' => $errors, 'warning' => $warnings, ); foreach ($messages as $style => $msgs) { foreach ($msgs as $msg) { $io->writeError('<' . $style . '>' . $msg . ''); } } } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function setConfig(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; } public function getConfig() { return $this->config; } public function setLocker(Locker $locker) { $this->locker = $locker; } public function getLocker() { return $this->locker; } public function setRepositoryManager(RepositoryManager $manager) { $this->repositoryManager = $manager; } public function getRepositoryManager() { return $this->repositoryManager; } public function setDownloadManager(DownloadManager $manager) { $this->downloadManager = $manager; } public function getDownloadManager() { return $this->downloadManager; } public function setArchiveManager(ArchiveManager $manager) { $this->archiveManager = $manager; } public function getArchiveManager() { return $this->archiveManager; } public function setInstallationManager(InstallationManager $manager) { $this->installationManager = $manager; } public function getInstallationManager() { return $this->installationManager; } public function setPluginManager(PluginManager $manager) { $this->pluginManager = $manager; } public function getPluginManager() { return $this->pluginManager; } public function setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; } public function getEventDispatcher() { return $this->eventDispatcher; } public function setAutoloadGenerator(AutoloadGenerator $autoloadGenerator) { $this->autoloadGenerator = $autoloadGenerator; } public function getAutoloadGenerator() { return $this->autoloadGenerator; } } 300, 'use-include-path' => false, 'preferred-install' => 'auto', 'notify-on-install' => true, 'github-protocols' => array('https', 'ssh', 'git'), 'vendor-dir' => 'vendor', 'bin-dir' => '{$vendor-dir}/bin', 'cache-dir' => '{$home}/cache', 'data-dir' => '{$home}', 'cache-files-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/files', 'cache-repo-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/repo', 'cache-vcs-dir' => '{$cache-dir}/vcs', 'cache-ttl' => 15552000, 'cache-files-ttl' => null, 'cache-files-maxsize' => '300MiB', 'bin-compat' => 'auto', 'discard-changes' => false, 'autoloader-suffix' => null, 'sort-packages' => false, 'optimize-autoloader' => false, 'classmap-authoritative' => false, 'apcu-autoloader' => false, 'prepend-autoloader' => true, 'github-domains' => array('github.com'), 'bitbucket-expose-hostname' => true, 'disable-tls' => false, 'secure-http' => true, 'cafile' => null, 'capath' => null, 'github-expose-hostname' => true, 'gitlab-domains' => array('gitlab.com'), 'store-auths' => 'prompt', 'platform' => array(), 'archive-format' => 'tar', 'archive-dir' => '.', 'htaccess-protect' => true, 'use-github-api' => true, ); public static $defaultRepositories = array( 'packagist.org' => array( 'type' => 'composer', 'url' => 'https?://repo.packagist.org', 'allow_ssl_downgrade' => true, ), ); private $config; private $baseDir; private $repositories; private $configSource; private $authConfigSource; private $useEnvironment; private $warnedHosts = array(); public function __construct($useEnvironment = true, $baseDir = null) { $this->config = static::$defaultConfig; $this->repositories = static::$defaultRepositories; $this->useEnvironment = (bool) $useEnvironment; $this->baseDir = $baseDir; } public function setConfigSource(ConfigSourceInterface $source) { $this->configSource = $source; } public function getConfigSource() { return $this->configSource; } public function setAuthConfigSource(ConfigSourceInterface $source) { $this->authConfigSource = $source; } public function getAuthConfigSource() { return $this->authConfigSource; } public function merge($config) { if (!empty($config['config']) && is_array($config['config'])) { foreach ($config['config'] as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, array('bitbucket-oauth', 'github-oauth', 'gitlab-oauth', 'gitlab-token', 'http-basic')) && isset($this->config[$key])) { $this->config[$key] = array_merge($this->config[$key], $val); } elseif ('preferred-install' === $key && isset($this->config[$key])) { if (is_array($val) || is_array($this->config[$key])) { if (is_string($val)) { $val = array('*' => $val); } if (is_string($this->config[$key])) { $this->config[$key] = array('*' => $this->config[$key]); } $this->config[$key] = array_merge($this->config[$key], $val); if (isset($this->config[$key]['*'])) { $wildcard = $this->config[$key]['*']; unset($this->config[$key]['*']); $this->config[$key]['*'] = $wildcard; } } else { $this->config[$key] = $val; } } else { $this->config[$key] = $val; } } } if (!empty($config['repositories']) && is_array($config['repositories'])) { $this->repositories = array_reverse($this->repositories, true); $newRepos = array_reverse($config['repositories'], true); foreach ($newRepos as $name => $repository) { if (false === $repository) { $this->disableRepoByName($name); continue; } if (is_array($repository) && 1 === count($repository) && false === current($repository)) { $this->disableRepoByName(key($repository)); continue; } if (is_int($name)) { $this->repositories[] = $repository; } else { if ($name === 'packagist') { $this->repositories[$name . '.org'] = $repository; } else { $this->repositories[$name] = $repository; } } } $this->repositories = array_reverse($this->repositories, true); } } public function getRepositories() { return $this->repositories; } public function get($key, $flags = 0) { switch ($key) { case 'vendor-dir': case 'bin-dir': case 'process-timeout': case 'data-dir': case 'cache-dir': case 'cache-files-dir': case 'cache-repo-dir': case 'cache-vcs-dir': case 'cafile': case 'capath': $env = 'COMPOSER_' . strtoupper(strtr($key, '-', '_')); $val = $this->getComposerEnv($env); $val = rtrim((string) $this->process(false !== $val ? $val : $this->config[$key], $flags), '/\\'); $val = Platform::expandPath($val); if (substr($key, -4) !== '-dir') { return $val; } return (($flags & self::RELATIVE_PATHS) == self::RELATIVE_PATHS) ? $val : $this->realpath($val); case 'htaccess-protect': $value = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_HTACCESS_PROTECT'); if (false === $value) { $value = $this->config[$key]; } return $value !== 'false' && (bool) $value; case 'cache-ttl': return (int) $this->config[$key]; case 'cache-files-maxsize': if (!preg_match('/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(?:([kmg])(?:i?b)?)?\s*$/i', $this->config[$key], $matches)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Could not parse the value of 'cache-files-maxsize': {$this->config[$key]}" ); } $size = $matches[1]; if (isset($matches[2])) { switch (strtolower($matches[2])) { case 'g': $size *= 1024; case 'm': $size *= 1024; case 'k': $size *= 1024; break; } } return $size; case 'cache-files-ttl': if (isset($this->config[$key])) { return (int) $this->config[$key]; } return (int) $this->config['cache-ttl']; case 'home': $val = preg_replace('#^(\$HOME|~)(/|$)#', rtrim(getenv('HOME') ?: getenv('USERPROFILE'), '/\\') . '/', $this->config[$key]); return rtrim($this->process($val, $flags), '/\\'); case 'bin-compat': $value = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_BIN_COMPAT') ?: $this->config[$key]; if (!in_array($value, array('auto', 'full'))) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for 'bin-compat': {$value}. Expected auto, full" ); } return $value; case 'discard-changes': if ($env = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES')) { if (!in_array($env, array('stash', 'true', 'false', '1', '0'), true)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES: {$env}. Expected 1, 0, true, false or stash" ); } if ('stash' === $env) { return 'stash'; } return $env !== 'false' && (bool) $env; } if (!in_array($this->config[$key], array(true, false, 'stash'), true)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Invalid value for 'discard-changes': {$this->config[$key]}. Expected true, false or stash" ); } return $this->config[$key]; case 'github-protocols': $protos = $this->config['github-protocols']; if ($this->config['secure-http'] && false !== ($index = array_search('git', $protos))) { unset($protos[$index]); } if (reset($protos) === 'http') { throw new \RuntimeException('The http protocol for github is not available anymore, update your config\'s github-protocols to use "https", "git" or "ssh"'); } return $protos; case 'disable-tls': return $this->config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; case 'secure-http': return $this->config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; case 'use-github-api': return $this->config[$key] !== 'false' && (bool) $this->config[$key]; default: if (!isset($this->config[$key])) { return null; } return $this->process($this->config[$key], $flags); } } public function all($flags = 0) { $all = array( 'repositories' => $this->getRepositories(), ); foreach (array_keys($this->config) as $key) { $all['config'][$key] = $this->get($key, $flags); } return $all; } public function raw() { return array( 'repositories' => $this->getRepositories(), 'config' => $this->config, ); } public function has($key) { return array_key_exists($key, $this->config); } private function process($value, $flags) { $config = $this; if (!is_string($value)) { return $value; } return preg_replace_callback('#\{\$(.+)\}#', function ($match) use ($config, $flags) { return $config->get($match[1], $flags); }, $value); } private function realpath($path) { if (preg_match('{^(?:/|[a-z]:|[a-z0-9.]+://)}i', $path)) { return $path; } return $this->baseDir . '/' . $path; } private function getComposerEnv($var) { if ($this->useEnvironment) { return getenv($var); } return false; } private function disableRepoByName($name) { if (isset($this->repositories[$name])) { unset($this->repositories[$name]); } elseif ($name === 'packagist') { unset($this->repositories['packagist.org']); } } public function prohibitUrlByConfig($url, IOInterface $io = null) { if (false === filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return; } $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); if (in_array($scheme, array('http', 'git', 'ftp', 'svn'))) { if ($this->get('secure-http')) { throw new TransportException("Your configuration does not allow connections to $url. See https://getcomposer.org/doc/06-config.md#secure-http for details."); } elseif ($io) { $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (!isset($this->warnedHosts[$host])) { $io->writeError("Warning: Accessing $host over $scheme which is an insecure protocol."); } $this->warnedHosts[$host] = true; } } } public static function disableProcessTimeout() { ProcessExecutor::setTimeout(0); } } file = $file; $this->authConfig = $authConfig; } public function getName() { return $this->file->getPath(); } public function addRepository($name, $config) { $this->manipulateJson('addRepository', $name, $config, function (&$config, $repo, $repoConfig) { if (isset($config['repositories'])) { foreach ($config['repositories'] as $index => $val) { if ($index === $repo) { continue; } if (is_numeric($index) && ($val === array('packagist' => false) || $val === array('packagist.org' => false))) { unset($config['repositories'][$index]); $config['repositories']['packagist.org'] = false; break; } } } $config['repositories'][$repo] = $repoConfig; }); } public function removeRepository($name) { $this->manipulateJson('removeRepository', $name, function (&$config, $repo) { unset($config['repositories'][$repo]); }); } public function addConfigSetting($name, $value) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('addConfigSetting', $name, $value, function (&$config, $key, $val) use ($authConfig) { if (preg_match('{^(bitbucket-oauth|github-oauth|gitlab-oauth|gitlab-token|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) { list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2); if ($authConfig) { $config[$key][$host] = $val; } else { $config['config'][$key][$host] = $val; } } else { $config['config'][$key] = $val; } }); } public function removeConfigSetting($name) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('removeConfigSetting', $name, function (&$config, $key) use ($authConfig) { if (preg_match('{^(bitbucket-oauth|github-oauth|gitlab-oauth|gitlab-token|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) { list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2); if ($authConfig) { unset($config[$key][$host]); } else { unset($config['config'][$key][$host]); } } else { unset($config['config'][$key]); } }); } public function addProperty($name, $value) { $this->manipulateJson('addProperty', $name, $value, function (&$config, $key, $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) === 'extra.' || substr($key, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { $bits = explode('.', $key); $last = array_pop($bits); $arr = &$config[reset($bits)]; foreach ($bits as $bit) { if (!isset($arr[$bit])) { $arr[$bit] = array(); } $arr = &$arr[$bit]; } $arr[$last] = $val; } else { $config[$key] = $val; } }); } public function removeProperty($name) { $authConfig = $this->authConfig; $this->manipulateJson('removeProperty', $name, function (&$config, $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) === 'extra.' || substr($key, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { $bits = explode('.', $key); $last = array_pop($bits); $arr = &$config[reset($bits)]; foreach ($bits as $bit) { if (!isset($arr[$bit])) { return; } $arr = &$arr[$bit]; } unset($arr[$last]); } else { unset($config[$key]); } }); } public function addLink($type, $name, $value) { $this->manipulateJson('addLink', $type, $name, $value, function (&$config, $type, $name, $value) { $config[$type][$name] = $value; }); } public function removeLink($type, $name) { $this->manipulateJson('removeSubNode', $type, $name, function (&$config, $type, $name) { unset($config[$type][$name]); if (0 === count($config[$type])) { unset($config[$type]); } }); } protected function manipulateJson($method, $args, $fallback) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $fallback = array_pop($args); if ($this->file->exists()) { if (!is_writable($this->file->getPath())) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The file "%s" is not writable.', $this->file->getPath())); } if (!is_readable($this->file->getPath())) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The file "%s" is not readable.', $this->file->getPath())); } $contents = file_get_contents($this->file->getPath()); } elseif ($this->authConfig) { $contents = "{\n}\n"; } else { $contents = "{\n \"config\": {\n }\n}\n"; } $manipulator = new JsonManipulator($contents); $newFile = !$this->file->exists(); if ($this->authConfig && $method === 'addConfigSetting') { $method = 'addSubNode'; list($mainNode, $name) = explode('.', $args[0], 2); $args = array($mainNode, $name, $args[1]); } elseif ($this->authConfig && $method === 'removeConfigSetting') { $method = 'removeSubNode'; list($mainNode, $name) = explode('.', $args[0], 2); $args = array($mainNode, $name); } if (call_user_func_array(array($manipulator, $method), $args)) { file_put_contents($this->file->getPath(), $manipulator->getContents()); } else { $config = $this->file->read(); $this->arrayUnshiftRef($args, $config); call_user_func_array($fallback, $args); $this->file->write($config); } if ($newFile) { Silencer::call('chmod', $this->file->getPath(), 0600); } } private function arrayUnshiftRef(&$array, &$value) { $return = array_unshift($array, ''); $array[0] = &$value; return $return; } } io = new NullIO(); parent::__construct('Composer', Composer::getVersion()); } public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null) { if (null === $output) { $output = Factory::createOutput(); } return parent::run($input, $output); } public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->disablePluginsByDefault = $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins'); if (getenv('COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION')) { $input->setInteractive(false); } $io = $this->io = new ConsoleIO($input, $output, new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))); ErrorHandler::register($io); if ($input->hasParameterOption('--no-cache')) { $io->writeError('Disabling cache usage', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); putenv('COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR='.(Platform::isWindows() ? 'nul' : '/dev/null')); } if ($newWorkDir = $this->getNewWorkingDir($input)) { $oldWorkingDir = getcwd(); chdir($newWorkDir); $io->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); } $commandName = ''; if ($name = $this->getCommandName($input)) { try { $commandName = $this->find($name)->getName(); } catch (CommandNotFoundException $e) { $commandName = false; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { } } if ($io->isInteractive() && !$newWorkDir && !in_array($commandName, array('', 'list', 'init', 'about', 'help', 'diagnose', 'self-update', 'global', 'create-project'), true) && !file_exists(Factory::getComposerFile())) { $dir = dirname(getcwd()); $home = realpath(getenv('HOME') ?: getenv('USERPROFILE') ?: '/'); while (dirname($dir) !== $dir && $dir !== $home) { if (file_exists($dir.'/'.Factory::getComposerFile())) { if ($io->askConfirmation('No composer.json in current directory, do you want to use the one at '.$dir.'? [Y,n]? ', true)) { $oldWorkingDir = getcwd(); chdir($dir); } break; } $dir = dirname($dir); } } if (!$this->disablePluginsByDefault && !$this->hasPluginCommands && 'global' !== $commandName) { try { foreach ($this->getPluginCommands() as $command) { if ($this->has($command->getName())) { $io->writeError('Plugin command '.$command->getName().' ('.get_class($command).') would override a Composer command and has been skipped'); } else { $this->add($command); } } } catch (NoSslException $e) { } $this->hasPluginCommands = true; } $isProxyCommand = false; if ($name = $this->getCommandName($input)) { try { $command = $this->find($name); $commandName = $command->getName(); $isProxyCommand = ($command instanceof Command\BaseCommand && $command->isProxyCommand()); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { } } if (!$isProxyCommand) { $io->writeError(sprintf( 'Running %s (%s) with %s on %s', Composer::getVersion(), Composer::RELEASE_DATE, defined('HHVM_VERSION') ? 'HHVM '.HHVM_VERSION : 'PHP '.PHP_VERSION, function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') . ' / ' . php_uname('r') : 'Unknown OS' ), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50302) { $io->writeError('Composer only officially supports PHP 5.3.2 and above, you will most likely encounter problems with your PHP '.PHP_VERSION.', upgrading is strongly recommended.'); } if (extension_loaded('xdebug') && !getenv('COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN')) { $io->writeError('You are running composer with xdebug enabled. This has a major impact on runtime performance. See https://getcomposer.org/xdebug'); } if (defined('COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME') && $commandName !== 'self-update' && $commandName !== 'selfupdate' && time() > COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME) { $io->writeError(sprintf('Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "%s self-update" to get the latest version.', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); } if (!Platform::isWindows() && function_exists('exec') && !getenv('COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER') && !file_exists('/.dockerenv')) { if (function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid() === 0) { if ($commandName !== 'self-update' && $commandName !== 'selfupdate') { $io->writeError('Do not run Composer as root/super user! See https://getcomposer.org/root for details'); } if ($uid = (int) getenv('SUDO_UID')) { Silencer::call('exec', "sudo -u \\#{$uid} sudo -K > /dev/null 2>&1"); } } Silencer::call('exec', 'sudo -K > /dev/null 2>&1'); } Silencer::call(function () use ($io) { $tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/temp-' . md5(microtime()); if (!(file_put_contents($tempfile, __FILE__) && (file_get_contents($tempfile) == __FILE__) && unlink($tempfile) && !file_exists($tempfile))) { $io->writeError(sprintf('PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini', sys_get_temp_dir())); } }); $file = Factory::getComposerFile(); if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file) && is_array($composer = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true))) { if (isset($composer['scripts']) && is_array($composer['scripts'])) { foreach ($composer['scripts'] as $script => $dummy) { if (!defined('Composer\Script\ScriptEvents::'.str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($script)))) { if ($this->has($script)) { $io->writeError('A script named '.$script.' would override a Composer command and has been skipped'); } else { $description = null; if (isset($composer['scripts-descriptions'][$script])) { $description = $composer['scripts-descriptions'][$script]; } $this->add(new Command\ScriptAliasCommand($script, $description)); } } } } } } try { if ($input->hasParameterOption('--profile')) { $startTime = microtime(true); $this->io->enableDebugging($startTime); } $result = parent::doRun($input, $output); if (isset($oldWorkingDir)) { chdir($oldWorkingDir); } if (isset($startTime)) { $io->writeError('Memory usage: '.round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MiB (peak: '.round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MiB), time: '.round(microtime(true) - $startTime, 2).'s'); } restore_error_handler(); return $result; } catch (ScriptExecutionException $e) { return $e->getCode(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $thicified, '.$workingDir.' does not exist.'); } return $workingDir; } private function hintCommonErrors($exception) { $io = $this->getIO(); Silencer::suppress(); try { $composer = $this->getComposer(false, true); if ($composer) { $config = $composer->getConfig(); $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024; if ((($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = sys_get_temp_dir())) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) ) { $io->writeError('The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full, this may be the cause of the following exception', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { } Silencer::restore(); if (Platform::isWindows() && false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'The system cannot find the path specified')) { $io->writeError('The following exception may be caused by a stale entry in your cmd.exe AutoRun', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $io->writeError('Check https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#-the-system-cannot-find-the-path-specified-windows- for details', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } if (false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'fork failed - Cannot allocate memory')) { $io->writeError('The following exception is caused by a lack of memory or swap, or not having swap configured', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $io->writeError('Check https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#proc-open-fork-failed-errors for details', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } } public function getComposer($required = true, $disablePlugins = null) { if (null === $disablePlugins) { $disablePlugins = $this->disablePluginsByDefault; } if (null === $this->composer) { try { $this->composer = Factory::create($this->io, null, $disablePlugins); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($required) { $this->io->writeError($e->getMessage()); exit(1); } } catch (JsonValidationException $e) { $errors = ' - ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' - ', $e->getErrors()); $message = $e->getMessage() . ':' . PHP_EOL . $errors; throw new JsonValidationException($message); } } return $this->composer; } public function resetComposer() { $this->composer = null; if ($this->getIO() && method_exists($this->getIO(), 'resetAuthentications')) { $this->getIO()->resetAuthentications(); } } public function getIO() { return $this->io; } public function getHelp() { return self::$logo . parent::getHelp(); } protected function getDefaultCommands() { $commands = array_merge(parent::getDefaultCommands(), array( new Command\AboutCommand(), new Command\ConfigCommand(), new Command\DependsCommand(), new Command\ProhibitsCommand(), new Command\InitCommand(), new Command\InstallCommand(), new Command\CreateProjectCommand(), new Command\UpdateCommand(), new Command\SearchCommand(), new Command\ValidateCommand(), new Command\ShowCommand(), new Command\SuggestsCommand(), new Command\RequireCommand(), new Command\DumpAutoloadCommand(), new Command\StatusCommand(), new Command\ArchiveCommand(), new Command\DiagnoseCommand(), new Command\RunScriptCommand(), new Command\LicensesCommand(), new Command\GlobalCommand(), new Command\ClearCacheCommand(), new Command\RemoveCommand(), new Command\HomeCommand(), new Command\ExecCommand(), new Command\OutdatedCommand(), new Command\CheckPlatformReqsCommand(), )); if ('phar:' === substr(__FILE__, 0, 5)) { $commands[] = new Command\SelfUpdateCommand(); } return $commands; } public function getLongVersion() { if (Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION && Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION !== '@package_branch_alias_version'.'@') { return sprintf( '%s version %s (%s) %s', $this->getName(), Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION, $this->getVersion(), Composer::RELEASE_DATE ); } return parent::getLongVersion() . ' ' . Composer::RELEASE_DATE; } protected function getDefaultInputDefinition() { $definition = parent::getDefaultInputDefinition(); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--profile', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display timing and memory usage information')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--no-plugins', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to disable plugins.')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--working-dir', '-d', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If specified, use the given directory as working directory.')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--no-cache', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prevent use of the cache')); return $definition; } private function getPluginCommands() { $commands = array(); $composer = $this->getComposer(false, false); if (null === $composer) { $composer = Factory::createGlobal($this->io, false); } if (null !== $composer) { $pm = $composer->getPluginManager(); foreach ($pm->getPluginCapabilities('Composer\Plugin\Capability\CommandProvider', array('composer' => $composer, 'io' => $this->io)) as $capability) { $newCommands = $capability->getCommands(); if (!is_array($newCommands)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Plugin capability '.get_class($capability).' failed to return an array from getCommands'); } foreach ($newCommands as $command) { if (!$command instanceof Command\BaseCommand) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Plugin capability '.get_class($capability).' returned an invalid value, we expected an array of Composer\Command\BaseCommand objects'); } } $commands = array_merge($commands, $newCommands); } } return $commands; } } 'black', 31 => 'red', 32 => 'green', 33 => 'yellow', 34 => 'blue', 35 => 'magenta', 36 => 'cyan', 37 => 'white', ); private static $availableBackgroundColors = array( 40 => 'black', 41 => 'red', 42 => 'green', 43 => 'yellow', 44 => 'blue', 45 => 'magenta', 46 => 'cyan', 47 => 'white', ); private static $availableOptions = array( 1 => 'bold', 4 => 'underscore', ); public function __construct(array $styles = array()) { parent::__construct(true, $styles); } public function format($message) { $formatted = parent::format($message); $clearEscapeCodes = '(?:39|49|0|22|24|25|27|28)'; return preg_replace_callback("{\033\[([0-9;]+)m(.*?)\033\[(?:".$clearEscapeCodes.";)*?".$clearEscapeCodes."m}s", array($this, 'formatHtml'), $formatted); } private function formatHtml($matches) { $out = ''.$matches[2].''; } } pool = $pool; $this->decisionMap = array(); } public function decide($literal, $level, $why) { $this->addDecision($literal, $level); $this->decisionQueue[] = array( self::DECISION_LITERAL => $literal, self::DECISION_REASON => $why, ); } public function satisfy($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return ( $literal > 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 || $literal < 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0 ); } public function conflict($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return ( (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 && $literal < 0) || (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0 && $literal > 0) ); } public function decided($literalOrPackageId) { return !empty($this->decisionMap[abs($literalOrPackageId)]); } public function undecided($literalOrPackageId) { return empty($this->decisionMap[abs($literalOrPackageId)]); } public function decidedInstall($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); return isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0; } public function decisionLevel($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); if (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId])) { return abs($this->decisionMap[$packageId]); } return 0; } public function decisionRule($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); foreach ($this->decisionQueue as $i => $decision) { if ($packageId === abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])) { return $decision[self::DECISION_REASON]; } } return null; } public function atOffset($queueOffset) { return $this->decisionQueue[$queueOffset]; } public function validOffset($queueOffset) { return $queueOffset >= 0 && $queueOffset < count($this->decisionQueue); } public function lastReason() { return $this->decisionQueue[count($this->decisionQueue) - 1][self::DECISION_REASON]; } public function lastLiteral() { return $this->decisionQueue[count($this->decisionQueue) - 1][self::DECISION_LITERAL]; } public function reset() { while ($decision = array_pop($this->decisionQueue)) { $this->decisionMap[abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])] = 0; } } public function resetToOffset($offset) { while (count($this->decisionQueue) > $offset + 1) { $decision = array_pop($this->decisionQueue); $this->decisionMap[abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])] = 0; } } public function revertLast() { $this->decisionMap[abs($this->lastLiteral())] = 0; array_pop($this->decisionQueue); } public function count() { return count($this->decisionQueue); } public function rewind() { end($this->decisionQueue); } public function current() { return current($this->decisionQueue); } public function key() { return key($this->decisionQueue); } public function next() { return prev($this->decisionQueue); } public function valid() { return false !== current($this->decisionQueue); } public function isEmpty() { return count($this->decisionQueue) === 0; } protected function addDecision($literal, $level) { $packageId = abs($literal); $previousDecision = isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) ? $this->decisionMap[$packageId] : null; if ($previousDecision != 0) { $literalString = $this->pool->literalToString($literal); $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); throw new SolverBugException( "Trying to decide $literalString on level $level, even though $package was previously decided as ".(int) $previousDecision."." ); } if ($literal > 0) { $this->decisionMap[$packageId] = $level; } else { $this->decisionMap[$packageId] = -$level; } } public function __toString() { $decisionMap = $this->decisionMap; ksort($decisionMap); $str = '['; foreach ($decisionMap as $packageId => $level) { $str .= $packageId.':'.$level.','; } $str .= ']'; return $str; } } preferStable = $preferStable; $this->preferLowest = $preferLowest; } public function versionCompare(PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b, $operator) { if ($this->preferStable && ($stabA = $a->getStability()) !== ($stabB = $b->getStability())) { return BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabA] < BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabB]; } $constraint = new Constraint($operator, $b->getVersion()); $version = new Constraint('==', $a->getVersion()); return $constraint->matchSpecific($version, true); } public function findUpdatePackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, PackageInterface $package, $mustMatchName = false) { $packages = array(); foreach ($pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null, $mustMatchName) as $candidate) { if ($candidate !== $package) { $packages[] = $candidate; } } return $packages; } public function getPriority(Pool $pool, PackageInterface $package) { return $pool->getPriority($package->getRepository()); } public function selectPreferredPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals, $requiredPackage = null) { $packages = $this->groupLiteralsByNamePreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals); foreach ($packages as &$literals) { $policy = $this; usort($literals, function ($a, $b) use ($policy, $pool, $installedMap, $requiredPackage) { return $policy->compareByPriorityPreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $pool->literalToPackage($a), $pool->literalToPackage($b), $requiredPackage, true); }); } foreach ($packages as &$literals) { $literals = $this->pruneToHighestPriorityOrInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals); $literals = $this->pruneToBestVersion($pool, $literals); $literals = $this->pruneRemoteAliases($pool, $literals); } $selected = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $packages); usort($selected, function ($a, $b) use ($policy, $pool, $installedMap, $requiredPackage) { return $policy->compareByPriorityPreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $pool->literalToPackage($a), $pool->literalToPackage($b), $requiredPackage); }); return $selected; } protected function groupLiteralsByNamePreferInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, $literals) { $packages = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $packageName = $pool->literalToPackage($literal)->getName(); if (!isset($packages[$packageName])) { $packages[$packageName] = array(); } if (isset($installedMap[abs($literal)])) { array_unshift($packages[$packageName], $literal); } else { $packages[$packageName][] = $literal; } } return $packages; } public function compareByPriorityPreferInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b, $requiredPackage = null, $ignoreReplace = false) { if ($a->getRepository() === $b->getRepository()) { if ($a->getName() === $b->getName()) { $aAliased = $a instanceof AliasPackage; $bAliased = $b instanceof AliasPackage; if ($aAliased && !$bAliased) { return -1; } if (!$aAliased && $bAliased) { return 1; } } if (!$ignoreReplace) { if ($this->replaces($a, $b)) { return 1; } if ($this->replaces($b, $a)) { return -1; } if ($requiredPackage && false !== ($pos = strpos($requiredPackage, '/'))) { $requiredVendor = substr($requiredPackage, 0, $pos); $aIsSameVendor = substr($a->getName(), 0, $pos) === $requiredVendor; $bIsSameVendor = substr($b->getName(), 0, $pos) === $requiredVendor; if ($bIsSameVendor !== $aIsSameVendor) { return $aIsSameVendor ? -1 : 1; } } } if ($a->id === $b->id) { return 0; } return ($a->id < $b->id) ? -1 : 1; } if (isset($installedMap[$a->id])) { return -1; } if (isset($installedMap[$b->id])) { return 1; } return ($this->getPriority($pool, $a) > $this->getPriority($pool, $b)) ? -1 : 1; } protected function replaces(PackageInterface $source, PackageInterface $target) { foreach ($source->getReplaces() as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $target->getName() ) { return true; } } return false; } protected function pruneToBestVersion(Pool $pool, $literals) { $operator = $this->preferLowest ? '<' : '>'; $bestLiterals = array($literals[0]); $bestPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[0]); foreach ($literals as $i => $literal) { if (0 === $i) { continue; } $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($this->versionCompare($package, $bestPackage, $operator)) { $bestPackage = $package; $bestLiterals = array($literal); } elseif ($this->versionCompare($package, $bestPackage, '==')) { $bestLiterals[] = $literal; } } return $bestLiterals; } protected function pruneToHighestPriorityOrInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals) { $selected = array(); $priority = null; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if (isset($installedMap[$package->id])) { $s->hintCommonErrors($e); restore_error_handler(); throw $e; } } private function getNewWorkingDir(InputInterface $input) { $workingDir = $input->getParameterOption(array('--working-dir', '-d')); if (false !== $workingDir && !is_dir($workingDir)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid working directory specified, '.$workingDir.' does not exist.'); } return $workingDir; } private function hintCommonErrors($exception) { $io = $this->getIO(); Silencer::suppress(); try { $composer = $this->getComposer(false, true); if ($composer) { $config = $composer->getConfig(); $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024; if ((($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = sys_get_temp_dir())) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree) ) { $io->writeError('The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full, this may be the cause of the following exception', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { } Silencer::restore(); if (Platform::isWindows() && false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'The system cannot find the path specified')) { $io->writeError('The following exception may be caused by a stale entry in your cmd.exe AutoRun', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $io->writeError('Check https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#-the-system-cannot-find-the-path-specified-windows- for details', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } if (false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'fork failed - Cannot allocate memory')) { $io->writeError('The following exception is caused by a lack of memory or swap, or not having swap configured', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $io->writeError('Check https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md#proc-open-fork-failed-errors for details', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } } public function getComposer($required = true, $disablePlugins = null) { if (null === $disablePlugins) { $disablePlugins = $this->disablePluginsByDefault; } if (null === $this->composer) { try { $this->composer = Factory::create($this->io, null, $disablePlugins); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($required) { $this->io->writeError($e->getMessage()); exit(1); } } catch (JsonValidationException $e) { $errors = ' - ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' - ', $e->getErrors()); $message = $e->getMessage() . ':' . PHP_EOL . $errors; throw new JsonValidationException($message); } } return $this->composer; } public function resetComposer() { $this->composer = null; if ($this->getIO() && method_exists($this->getIO(), 'resetAuthentications')) { $this->getIO()->resetAuthentications(); } } public function getIO() { return $this->io; } public function getHelp() { return self::$logo . parent::getHelp(); } protected function getDefaultCommands() { $commands = array_merge(parent::getDefaultCommands(), array( new Command\AboutCommand(), new Command\ConfigCommand(), new Command\DependsCommand(), new Command\ProhibitsCommand(), new Command\InitCommand(), new Command\InstallCommand(), new Command\CreateProjectCommand(), new Command\UpdateCommand(), new Command\SearchCommand(), new Command\ValidateCommand(), new Command\ShowCommand(), new Command\SuggestsCommand(), new Command\RequireCommand(), new Command\DumpAutoloadCommand(), new Command\StatusCommand(), new Command\ArchiveCommand(), new Command\DiagnoseCommand(), new Command\RunScriptCommand(), new Command\LicensesCommand(), new Command\GlobalCommand(), new Command\ClearCacheCommand(), new Command\RemoveCommand(), new Command\HomeCommand(), new Command\ExecCommand(), new Command\OutdatedCommand(), new Command\CheckPlatformReqsCommand(), )); if ('phar:' === substr(__FILE__, 0, 5)) { $commands[] = new Command\SelfUpdateCommand(); } return $commands; } public function getLongVersion() { if (Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION && Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION !== '@package_branch_alias_version'.'@') { return sprintf( '%s version %s (%s) %s', $this->getName(), Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION, $this->getVersion(), Composer::RELEASE_DATE ); } return parent::getLongVersion() . ' ' . Composer::RELEASE_DATE; } protected function getDefaultInputDefinition() { $definition = parent::getDefaultInputDefinition(); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--profile', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display timing and memory usage information')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--no-plugins', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to disable plugins.')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--working-dir', '-d', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If specified, use the given directory as working directory.')); $definition->addOption(new InputOption('--no-cache', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prevent use of the cache')); return $definition; } private function getPluginCommands() { $commands = array(); $composer = $this->getComposer(false, false); if (null === $composer) { $composer = Factory::createGlobal($this->io, false); } if (null !== $composer) { $pm = $composer->getPluginManager(); foreach ($pm->getPluginCapabilities('Composer\Plugin\Capability\CommandProvider', array('composer' => $composer, 'io' => $this->io)) as $capability) { $newCommands = $capability->getCommands(); if (!is_array($newCommands)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Plugin capability '.get_class($capability).' failed to return an array from getCommands'); } foreach ($newCommands as $command) { if (!$command instanceof Command\BaseCommand) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Plugin capability '.get_class($capability).' returned an invalid value, we expected an array of Composer\Command\BaseCommand objects'); } } $commands = array_merge($commands, $newCommands); } } return $commands; } } 'black', 31 => 'red', 32 => 'green', 33 => 'yellow', 34 => 'blue', 35 => 'magenta', 36 => 'cyan', 37 => 'white', ); private static $availableBackgroundColors = array( 40 => 'black', 41 => 'red', 42 => 'green', 43 => 'yellow', 44 => 'blue', 45 => 'magenta', 46 => 'cyan', 47 => 'white', ); private static $availableOptions = array( 1 => 'bold', 4 => 'underscore', ); public function __construct(array $styles = array()) { parent::__construct(true, $styles); } public function format($message) { $formatted = parent::format($message); $clearEscapeCodes = '(?:39|49|0|22|24|25|27|28)'; return preg_replace_callback("{\033\[([0-9;]+)m(.*?)\033\[(?:".$clearEscapeCodes.";)*?".$clearEscapeCodes."m}s", array($this, 'formatHtml'), $formatted); } private function formatHtml($matches) { $out = ''.$matches[2].''; } } pool = $pool; $this->decisionMap = array(); } public function decide($literal, $level, $why) { $this->addDecision($literal, $level); $this->decisionQueue[] = array( self::DECISION_LITERAL => $literal, self::DECISION_REASON => $why, ); } public function satisfy($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return ( $literal > 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 || $literal < 0 && isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0 ); } public function conflict($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return ( (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0 && $literal < 0) || (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] < 0 && $literal > 0) ); } public function decided($literalOrPackageId) { return !empty($this->decisionMap[abs($literalOrPackageId)]); } public function undecided($literalOrPackageId) { return empty($this->decisionMap[abs($literalOrPackageId)]); } public function decidedInstall($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); return isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) && $this->decisionMap[$packageId] > 0; } public function decisionLevel($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); if (isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId])) { return abs($this->decisionMap[$packageId]); } return 0; } public function decisionRule($literalOrPackageId) { $packageId = abs($literalOrPackageId); foreach ($this->decisionQueue as $i => $decision) { if ($packageId === abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])) { return $decision[self::DECISION_REASON]; } } return null; } public function atOffset($queueOffset) { return $this->decisionQueue[$queueOffset]; } public function validOffset($queueOffset) { return $queueOffset >= 0 && $queueOffset < count($this->decisionQueue); } public function lastReason() { return $this->decisionQueue[count($this->decisionQueue) - 1][self::DECISION_REASON]; } public function lastLiteral() { return $this->decisionQueue[count($this->decisionQueue) - 1][self::DECISION_LITERAL]; } public function reset() { while ($decision = array_pop($this->decisionQueue)) { $this->decisionMap[abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])] = 0; } } public function resetToOffset($offset) { while (count($this->decisionQueue) > $offset + 1) { $decision = array_pop($this->decisionQueue); $this->decisionMap[abs($decision[self::DECISION_LITERAL])] = 0; } } public function revertLast() { $this->decisionMap[abs($this->lastLiteral())] = 0; array_pop($this->decisionQueue); } public function count() { return count($this->decisionQueue); } public function rewind() { end($this->decisionQueue); } public function current() { return current($this->decisionQueue); } public function key() { return key($this->decisionQueue); } public function next() { return prev($this->decisionQueue); } public function valid() { return false !== current($this->decisionQueue); } public function isEmpty() { return count($this->decisionQueue) === 0; } protected function addDecision($literal, $level) { $packageId = abs($literal); $previousDecision = isset($this->decisionMap[$packageId]) ? $this->decisionMap[$packageId] : null; if ($previousDecision != 0) { $literalString = $this->pool->literalToString($literal); $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); throw new SolverBugException( "Trying to decide $literalString on level $level, even though $package was previously decided as ".(int) $previousDecision."." ); } if ($literal > 0) { $this->decisionMap[$packageId] = $level; } else { $this->decisionMap[$packageId] = -$level; } } public function __toString() { $decisionMap = $this->decisionMap; ksort($decisionMap); $str = '['; foreach ($decisionMap as $packageId => $level) { $str .= $packageId.':'.$level.','; } $str .= ']'; return $str; } } preferStable = $preferStable; $this->preferLowest = $preferLowest; } public function versionCompare(PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b, $operator) { if ($this->preferStable && ($stabA = $a->getStability()) !== ($stabB = $b->getStability())) { return BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabA] < BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabB]; } $constraint = new Constraint($operator, $b->getVersion()); $version = new Constraint('==', $a->getVersion()); return $constraint->matchSpecific($version, true); } public function findUpdatePackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, PackageInterface $package, $mustMatchName = false) { $packages = array(); foreach ($pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null, $mustMatchName) as $candidate) { if ($candidate !== $package) { $packages[] = $candidate; } } return $packages; } public function getPriority(Pool $pool, PackageInterface $package) { return $pool->getPriority($package->getRepository()); } public function selectPreferredPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals, $requiredPackage = null) { $packages = $this->groupLiteralsByNamePreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals); foreach ($packages as &$literals) { $policy = $this; usort($literals, function ($a, $b) use ($policy, $pool, $installedMap, $requiredPackage) { return $policy->compareByPriorityPreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $pool->literalToPackage($a), $pool->literalToPackage($b), $requiredPackage, true); }); } foreach ($packages as &$literals) { $literals = $this->pruneToHighestPriorityOrInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals); $literals = $this->pruneToBestVersion($pool, $literals); $literals = $this->pruneRemoteAliases($pool, $literals); } $selected = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $packages); usort($selected, function ($a, $b) use ($policy, $pool, $installedMap, $requiredPackage) { return $policy->compareByPriorityPreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $pool->literalToPackage($a), $pool->literalToPackage($b), $requiredPackage); }); return $selected; } protected function groupLiteralsByNamePreferInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, $literals) { $packages = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $packageName = $pool->literalToPackage($literal)->getName(); if (!isset($packages[$packageName])) { $packages[$packageName] = array(); } if (isset($installedMap[abs($literal)])) { array_unshift($packages[$packageName], $literal); } else { $packages[$packageName][] = $literal; } } return $packages; } public function compareByPriorityPreferInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b, $requiredPackage = null, $ignoreReplace = false) { if ($a->getRepository() === $b->getRepository()) { if ($a->getName() === $b->getName()) { $aAliased = $a instanceof AliasPackage; $bAliased = $b instanceof AliasPackage; if ($aAliased && !$bAliased) { return -1; } if (!$aAliased && $bAliased) { return 1; } } if (!$ignoreReplace) { if ($this->replaces($a, $b)) { return 1; } if ($this->replaces($b, $a)) { return -1; } if ($requiredPackage && false !== ($pos = strpos($requiredPackage, '/'))) { $requiredVendor = substr($requiredPackage, 0, $pos); $aIsSameVendor = substr($a->getName(), 0, $pos) === $requiredVendor; $bIsSameVendor = substr($b->getName(), 0, $pos) === $requiredVendor; if ($bIsSameVendor !== $aIsSameVendor) { return $aIsSameVendor ? -1 : 1; } } } if ($a->id === $b->id) { return 0; } return ($a->id < $b->id) ? -1 : 1; } if (isset($installedMap[$a->id])) { return -1; } if (isset($installedMap[$b->id])) { return 1; } return ($this->getPriority($pool, $a) > $this->getPriority($pool, $b)) ? -1 : 1; } protected function replaces(PackageInterface $source, PackageInterface $target) { foreach ($source->getReplaces() as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $target->getName() ) { return true; } } return false; } protected function pruneToBestVersion(Pool $pool, $literals) { $operator = $this->preferLowest ? '<' : '>'; $bestLiterals = array($literals[0]); $bestPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[0]); foreach ($literals as $i => $literal) { if (0 === $i) { continue; } $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($this->versionCompare($package, $bestPackage, $operator)) { $bestPackage = $package; $bestLiterals = array($literal); } elseif ($this->versionCompare($package, $bestPackage, '==')) { $bestLiterals[] = $literal; } } return $bestLiterals; } protected function pruneToHighestPriorityOrInstalled(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals) { $selected = array(); $priority = null; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if (isset($installedMap[$package->id])) { $selected[] = $literal; continue; } if (null === $priority) { $priority = $this->getPriority($pool, $package); } if ($this->getPriority($pool, $package) != $priority) { break; } $selected[] = $literal; } return $selected; } protected function pruneRemoteAliases(Pool $pool, array $literals) { $hasLocalAlias = false; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage && $package->isRootPackageAlias()) { $hasLocalAlias = true; break; } } if (!$hasLocalAlias) { return $literals; } $selected = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage && $package->isRootPackageAlias()) { $selected[] = $literal; } } return $selected; } } literals = $literals; } public function getLiterals() { return $this->literals; } public function getHash() { $data = unpack('ihash', md5(implode(',', $this->literals), true)); return $data['hash']; } public function equals(Rule $rule) { return $this->literals === $rule->getLiterals(); } public function isAssertion() { return 1 === count($this->literals); } public function __toString() { $result = $this->isDisabled() ? 'disabled(' : '('; foreach ($this->literals as $i => $literal) { if ($i != 0) { $result .= '|'; } $result .= $literal; } $result .= ')'; return $result; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'install'; } public function __toString() { return 'Installing '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).')'; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'markAliasInstalled'; } public function __toString() { return 'Marking '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).') as installed, alias of '.$this->package->getAliasOf()->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package->getAliasOf()).')'; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'markAliasUninstalled'; } public function __toString() { return 'Marking '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).') as uninstalled, alias of '.$this->package->getAliasOf()->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package->getAliasOf()).')'; } } reason = $reason; } public function getReason() { return $this->reason; } protected function formatVersion(PackageInterface $package) { return $package->getFullPrettyVersion(); } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'uninstall'; } public function __toString() { return 'Uninstalling '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).')'; } } initialPackage = $initial; $this->targetPackage = $target; } public function getInitialPackage() { return $this->initialPackage; } public function getTargetPackage() { return $this->targetPackage; } public function getJobType() { return 'update'; } public function __toString() { return 'Updating '.$this->initialPackage->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->initialPackage).') to '. $this->targetPackage->getPrettyName(). ' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->targetPackage).')'; } } versionParser = new VersionParser; $this->acceptableStabilities = array(); foreach (BasePackage::$stabilities as $stability => $value) { if ($value <= BasePackage::$stabilities[$minimumStability]) { $this->acceptableStabilities[$stability] = $value; } } $this->stabilityFlags = $stabilityFlags; $this->filterRequires = $filterRequires; foreach ($filterRequires as $name => $constraint) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $name)) { unset($this->filterRequires[$name]); } } } public function setWhitelist($whitelist) { $this->whitelist = $whitelist; $this->providerCache = array(); } public function addRepository(RepositoryInterface $repo, $rootAliases = array()) { if ($repo instanceof CompositeRepository) { $repos = $repo->getRepositories(); } else { $repos = array($repo); } foreach ($repos as $repo) { $this->repositories[] = $repo; $exempt = $repo instanceof PlatformRepository || $repo instanceof InstalledRepositoryInterface; if ($repo instanceof ComposerRepository && $repo->hasProviders()) { $this->providerRepos[] = $repo; $repo->setRootAliases($rootAliases); $repo->resetPackageIds(); } else { foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { $names = $package->getNames(); $stability = $package->getStability(); if ($exempt || $this->isPackageAcceptable($names, $stability)) { $package->setId($this->id++); $this->packages[] = $package; $this->packageByExactName[$package->getName()][$package->id] = $package; foreach ($names as $provided) { $this->packageByName[$provided][] = $package; } $name = $package->getName(); if (isset($rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()])) { $alias = $rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()]; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package = $package->getAliasOf(); } $aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); $aliasPackage->setRootPackageAlias(true); $aliasPackage->setId($this->id++); $package->getRepository()->addPackage($aliasPackage); $this->packages[] = $aliasPackage; $this->packageByExactName[$aliasPackage->getName()][$aliasPackage->id] = $aliasPackage; foreach ($aliasPackage->getNames() as $name) { $this->packageByName[$name][] = $aliasPackage; } } } } } } } public function getPriority(RepositoryInterface $repo) { $priority = array_search($repo, $this->repositories, true); if (false === $priority) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not determine repository priority. The repository was not registered in the pool."); } return -$priority; } public function packageById($id) { return $this->packages[$id - 1]; } public function count() { return count($this->packages); } public function whatProvides($name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $mustMatchName = false, $bypassFilters = false) { if ($bypassFilters) { return $this->computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName, true); } $key = ((int) $mustMatchName).$constraint; if (isset($this->providerCache[$name][$key])) { return $this->providerCache[$name][$key]; } return $this->providerCache[$name][$key] = $this->computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName, $bypassFilters); } private function computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName = false, $bypassFilters = false) { $candidates = array(); foreach ($this->providerRepos as $repo) { foreach ($repo->whatProvides($this, $name, $bypassFilters) as $candidate) { $candidates[] = $candidate; if ($candidate->id < 1) { $candidate->setId($this->id++); $this->packages[$this->id - 2] = $candidate; } } } if ($mustMatchName) { $candidates = array_filter($candidates, function ($candidate) use ($name) { return $candidate->getName() == $name; }); if (isset($this->packageByExactName[$name])) { $candidates = array_merge($candidates, $this->packageByExactName[$name]); } } elseif (isset($this->packageByName[$name])) { $candidates = array_merge($candidates, $this->packageByName[$name]); } $matches = $provideMatches = array(); $nameMatch = false; foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { $aliasOfCandidate = null; if ($candidate instanceof AliasPackage) { $aliasOfCandidate = $candidate->getAliasOf(); } if ($this->whitelist !== null && !$bypassFilters && ( (!($candidate instanceof AliasPackage) && !isset($this->whitelist[$candidate->id])) || ($candidate instanceof AliasPackage && !isset($this->whitelist[$aliasOfCandidate->id])) )) { continue; } switch ($this->match($candidate, $name, $constraint, $bypassFilters)) { case self::MATCH_NONE: break; case self::MATCH_NAME: $nameMatch = true; break; case self::MATCH: $nameMatch = true; $matches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_PROVIDE: $provideMatches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_REPLACE: $matches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_FILTERED: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unexpected match type'); } } if ($nameMatch) { return $matches; } return array_merge($matches, $provideMatches); } public function literalToPackage($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return $this->packageById($packageId); } public function literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap) { $package = $this->literalToPackage($literal); if (isset($installedMap[$package->id])) { $prefix = ($literal > 0 ? 'keep' : 'remove'); } else { $prefix = ($literal > 0 ? 'install' : 'don\'t install'); } return $prefix.' '.$package->getPrettyString(); } public function isPackageAcceptable($name, $stability) { foreach ((array) $name as $n) { if (!isset($this->stabilityFlags[$n]) && isset($this->acceptableStabilities[$stability])) { return true; } if (isset($this->stabilityFlags[$n]) && BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability] <= $this->stabilityFlags[$n]) { return true; } } return false; } public function match($candidate, $name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $bypassFilters) { $candidateName = $candidate->getName(); $candidateVersion = $candidate->getVersion(); $isDev = $candidate->getStability() === 'dev'; $isAlias = $candidate instanceof AliasPackage; if (!$bypassFilters && !$isDev && !$isAlias && isset($this->filterRequires[$name])) { $requireFilter = $this->filterRequires[$name]; } else { $requireFilter = new EmptyConstraint; } if ($candidateName === $name) { $pkgConstraint = new Constraint('==', $candidateVersion); if ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($pkgConstraint)) { return $requireFilter->matches($pkgConstraint) ? self::MATCH : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } return self::MATCH_NAME; } $provides = $candidate->getProvides(); $replaces = $candidate->getReplaces(); if (isset($replaces[0]) || isset($provides[0])) { foreach ($provides as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $name && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($link->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($link->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_PROVIDE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } } foreach ($replaces as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $name && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($link->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($link->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_REPLACE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } } return self::MATCH_NONE; } if (isset($provides[$name]) && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($provides[$name]->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($provides[$name]->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_PROVIDE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } if (isset($replaces[$name]) && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($replaces[$name]->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($replaces[$name]->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_REPLACE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } return self::MATCH_NONE; } } pool = $pool; } public function addRule(Rule $rule) { $this->addReason(spl_object_hash($rule), array( 'rule' => $rule, 'job' => $rule->getJob(), )); } public function getReasons() { return $this->reasons; } public function getPrettyString(array $installedMap = array()) { $reasons = call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_reverse($this->reasons)); if (count($reasons) === 1) { reset($reasons); $reason = current($reasons); $job = $reason['job']; $packageName = $job['packageName']; $constraint = $job['constraint']; if (isset($constraint)) { $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); } else { $packages = array(); } if ($job && $job['cmd'] === 'install' && empty($packages)) { if ($packageName === 'php' || $packageName === 'php-64bit' || $packageName === 'hhvm') { $version = phpversion(); $available = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName); if (count($available)) { $firstAvailable = reset($available); $version = $firstAvailable->getPrettyVersion(); $extra = $firstAvailable->getExtra(); if ($firstAvailable instanceof CompletePackageInterface && isset($extra['config.platform']) && $extra['config.platform'] === true) { $version .= '; ' . $firstAvailable->getDescription(); } } $msg = "\n - This package requires ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' but '; if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') || (count($available) && $packageName === 'hhvm')) { return $msg . 'your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.'; } if ($packageName === 'hhvm') { return $msg . 'you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.'; } return $msg . 'your PHP version ('. $version .') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'ext-')) { if (false !== strpos($packageName, ' ')) { return "\n - The requested PHP extension ".$packageName.' should be required as '.str_replace(' ', '-', $packageName).'.'; } $ext = substr($packageName, 4); $error = extension_loaded($ext) ? 'has the wrong version ('.(phpversion($ext) ?: '0').') installed' : 'is missing from your system'; return "\n - The requested PHP extension ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' '.$error.'. Install or enable PHP\'s '.$ext.' extension.'; } if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'lib-')) { if (strtolower($packageName) === 'lib-icu') { $error = extension_loaded('intl') ? 'has the wrong version installed, try upgrading the intl extension.' : 'is missing from your system, make sure the intl extension is loaded.'; return "\n - The requested linked library ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' '.$error; } return "\n - The requested linked library ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to load the extension providing it.'; } if (!preg_match('{^[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+$}', $packageName)) { $illegalChars = preg_replace('{[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+}', '', $packageName); return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.' could not be found, it looks like its name is invalid, "'.$illegalChars.'" is not allowed in package names.'; } if ($providers = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint, true, true)) { return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' is satisfiable by '.$this->getPackageList($providers).' but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.'; } if ($providers = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, null, true, true)) { return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' exists as '.$this->getPackageList($providers).' but these are rejected by your constraint.'; } return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.' could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.'; } } $messages = array(); foreach ($reasons as $reason) { $rule = $reason['rule']; $job = $reason['job']; if ($job) { $messages[] = $this->jobToText($job); } elseif ($rule) { if ($rule instanceof Rule) { $messages[] = $rule->getPrettyString($this->pool, $installedMap); } } } return "\n - ".implode("\n - ", $messages); } protected function addReason($id, $reason) { if (!isset($this->reasonSeen[$id])) { $this->reasonSeen[$id] = true; $this->reasons[$this->section][] = $reason; } } public function nextSection() { $this->section++; } protected function jobToText($job) { $packageName = $job['packageName']; $constraint = $job['constraint']; switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); if (!$packages) { return 'No package found to satisfy install request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint); } return 'Installation request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' -> satisfiable by '.$this->getPackageList($packages).'.'; case 'update': return 'Update request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).'.'; case 'remove': return 'Removal request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).''; } if (isset($constraint)) { $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); } else { $packages = array(); } return 'Job(cmd='.$job['cmd'].', target='.$packageName.', packages=['.$this->getPackageList($packages).'])'; } protected function getPackageList($packages) { $prepared = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $prepared[$package->getName()]['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } foreach ($prepared as $name => $package) { $prepared[$name] = $package['name'].'['.implode(', ', $package['versions']).']'; } return implode(', ', $prepared); } protected function constraintToText($constraint) { return $constraint ? ' '.$constraint->getPrettyString() : ''; } } jobs = array(); } public function install($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint); } public function update($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'update', $constraint); } public function remove($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'remove', $constraint); } public function fix($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint, true); } protected function addJob($packageName, $cmd, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $fixed = false) { $packageName = strtolower($packageName); $this->jobs[] = array( 'cmd' => $cmd, 'packageName' => $packageName, 'constraint' => $constraint, 'fixed' => $fixed, ); } public function updateAll() { $this->jobs[] = array('cmd' => 'update-all'); } public function getJobs() { return $this->jobs; } } reasonData = $reasonData; if ($job) { $this->job = $job; } $this->bitfield = (0 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED) | ($reason << self::BITFIELD_REASON) | (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE); } abstract public function getLiterals(); abstract public function getHash(); public function getJob() { return $this->job; } abstract public function equals(Rule $rule); public function getReason() { return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_REASON)) >> self::BITFIELD_REASON; } public function getReasonData() { return $this->reasonData; } public function getRequiredPackage() { if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL) { return $this->reasonData; } if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES) { return $this->reasonData->getTarget(); } } public function setType($type) { $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) | ((255 & $type) << self::BITFIELD_TYPE); } public function getType() { return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) >> self::BITFIELD_TYPE; } public function disable() { $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) | (1 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function enable() { $this->bitfield &= ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function isDisabled() { return (bool) (($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function isEnabled() { return !(($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } abstract public function isAssertion(); public function getPrettyString(Pool $pool, array $installedMap = array()) { $literals = $this->getLiterals(); $ruleText = ''; foreach ($literals as $i => $literal) { if ($i != 0) { $ruleText .= '|'; } $ruleText .= $pool->literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap); } switch ($this->getReason()) { case self::RULE_INTERNAL_ALLOW_UPDATE: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL: return "Install command rule ($ruleText)"; case self::RULE_JOB_REMOVE: return "Remove command rule ($ruleText)"; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT: $package1 = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[0]); $package2 = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[1]); return $package1->getPrettyString().' conflicts with '.$this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, array($package2)).'.'; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES: $sourceLiteral = array_shift($literals); $sourcePackage = $pool->literalToPackage($sourceLiteral); $requires = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $requires[] = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); } $text = $this->reasonData->getPrettyString($sourcePackage); if ($requires) { $text .= ' -> satisfiable by ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $requires) . '.'; } else { $targetName = $this->reasonData->getTarget(); if ($targetName === 'php' || $targetName === 'php-64bit' || $targetName === 'hhvm') { if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { return $text . ' -> your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.'; } $packages = $pool->whatProvides($targetName); $package = count($packages) ? current($packages) : phpversion(); if ($targetName === 'hhvm') { if ($package instanceof CompletePackage) { return $text . ' -> your HHVM version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } else { return $text . ' -> you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.'; } } if (!($package instanceof CompletePackage)) { return $text . ' -> your PHP version ('.phpversion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (!empty($extra['config.platform'])) { $text .= ' -> your PHP version ('.phpversion().') overridden by "config.platform.php" version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } else { $text .= ' -> your PHP version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } return $text; } if (0 === strpos($targetName, 'ext-')) { $ext = substr($targetName, 4); $error = extension_loaded($ext) ? 'has the wrong version ('.(phpversion($ext) ?: '0').') installed' : 'is missing from your system'; return $text . ' -> the requested PHP extension '.$ext.' '.$error.'.'; } if (0 === strpos($targetName, 'lib-')) { $lib = substr($targetName, 4); return $text . ' -> the requested linked library '.$lib.' has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to have the extension providing it.'; } if ($providers = $pool->whatProvides($targetName, $this->reasonData->getConstraint(), true, true)) { return $text . ' -> satisfiable by ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $providers) .' but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.'; } return $text . ' -> no matching package found.'; } return $text; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME: return 'Can only install one of: ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $literals) . '.'; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_LEARNED: return 'Conclusion: '.$ruleText; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS: return $ruleText; default: return '('.$ruleText.')'; } } protected function formatPackagesUnique($pool, array $packages) { $prepared = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (!is_object($package)) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($package); } $prepared[$package->getName()]['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } foreach ($prepared as $name => $package) { $prepared[$name] = $package['name'].'['.implode(', ', $package['versions']).']'; } return implode(', ', $prepared); } } literal1 = $literal1; $this->literal2 = $literal2; } else { $this->literal1 = $literal2; $this->literal2 = $literal1; } } public function getLiterals() { return array($this->literal1, $this->literal2); } public function getHash() { return $this->literal1.','.$this->literal2; } public function equals(Rule $rule) { if ($rule instanceof self) { if ($this->literal1 !== $rule->literal1) { return false; } if ($this->literal2 !== $rule->literal2) { return false; } return true; } $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); if (2 != count($literals)) { return false; } if ($this->literal1 !== $literals[0]) { return false; } if ($this->literal2 !== $literals[1]) { return false; } return true; } public function isAssertion() { return false; } public function __toString() { $result = $this->isDisabled() ? 'disabled(' : '('; $result .= $this->literal1 . '|' . $this->literal2 . ')'; return $result; } } 'UNKNOWN', self::TYPE_PACKAGE => 'PACKAGE', self::TYPE_JOB => 'JOB', self::TYPE_LEARNED => 'LEARNED', ); protected $rules; protected $nextRuleId; protected $rulesByHash; public function __construct() { $this->nextRuleId = 0; foreach ($this->getTypes() as $type) { $this->rules[$type] = array(); } $this->rulesByHash = array(); } public function add(Rule $rule, $type) { if (!isset(self::$types[$type])) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Unknown rule type: ' . $type); } $hash = $rule->getHash(); if (isset($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $potentialDuplicates = $this->rulesByHash[$hash]; if (is_array($potentialDuplicates)) { foreach ($potentialDuplicates as $potentialDuplicate) { if ($rule->equals($potentialDuplicate)) { return; } } } else { if ($rule->equals($potentialDuplicates)) { return; } } } if (!isset($this->rules[$type])) { $this->rules[$type] = array(); } $this->rules[$type][] = $rule; $this->ruleById[$this->nextRuleId] = $rule; $rule->setType($type); $this->nextRuleId++; if (!isset($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $this->rulesByHash[$hash] = $rule; } elseif (is_array($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $this->rulesByHash[$hash][] = $rule; } else { $originalRule = $this->rulesByHash[$hash]; $this->rulesByHash[$hash] = array($originalRule, $rule); } } public function count() { return $this->nextRuleId; } public function ruleById($id) { return $this->ruleById[$id]; } public function getRules() { return $this->rules; } public function getIterator() { return new RuleSetIterator($this->getRules()); } public function getIteratorFor($types) { if (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } $allRules = $this->getRules(); $rules = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $rules[$type] = $allRules[$type]; } return new RuleSetIterator($rules); } public function getIteratorWithout($types) { if (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } $rules = $this->getRules(); foreach ($types as $type) { unset($rules[$type]); } return new RuleSetIterator($rules); } public function getTypes() { $types = self::$types; unset($types[255]); return array_keys($types); } public function getPrettyString(Pool $pool = null) { $string = "\n"; foreach ($this->rules as $type => $rules) { $string .= str_pad(self::$types[$type], 8, ' ') . ": "; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $string .= ($pool ? $rule->getPrettyString($pool) : $rule)."\n"; } $string .= "\n\n"; } return $string; } public function __toString() { return $this->getPrettyString(null); } } policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; } protected function createRequireRule(PackageInterface $package, array $providers, $reason, $reasonData = null) { $literals = array(-$package->id); foreach ($providers as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { return null; } $literals[] = $provider->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $reasonData); } protected function createInstallOneOfRule(array $packages, $reason, $job) { $literals = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $literals[] = $package->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $job['packageName'], $job); } protected function createRemoveRule(PackageInterface $package, $reason, $job) { return new GenericRule(array(-$package->id), $reason, $job['packageName'], $job); } protected function createRule2Literals(PackageInterface $issuer, PackageInterface $provider, $reason, $reasonData = null) { if ($issuer === $provider) { return null; } return new Rule2Literals(-$issuer->id, -$provider->id, $reason, $reasonData); } private function addRule($type, Rule $newRule = null) { if (!$newRule) { return; } $this->rules->add($newRule, $type); } protected function whitelistFromPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $workQueue = new \SplQueue; $workQueue->enqueue($package); while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $workQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($this->whitelistedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->whitelistedMap[$package->id] = true; foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint(), true); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $workQueue->enqueue($require); } } $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null, true); foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (($package instanceof AliasPackage) && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) { $workQueue->enqueue($provider); } } } } protected function addRulesForPackage(PackageInterface $package, $ignorePlatformReqs) { $workQueue = new \SplQueue; $workQueue->enqueue($package); while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $workQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($this->addedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->addedMap[$package->id] = true; $this->addedPackages[] = $package; foreach ($package->getNames() as $name) { $this->addedPackagesByNames[$name][] = $package; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { continue; } $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, $possibleRequires, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, $link)); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $workQueue->enqueue($require); } } $packageName = $package->getName(); $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, null); foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (($package instanceof AliasPackage) && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) { $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, array($provider), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS, $package)); } elseif (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) { $reason = ($packageName == $provider->getName()) ? Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES; $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $provider, $reason, $package)); } } } } protected function addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs = false) { foreach ($this->addedPackages as $package) { foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) { if (!isset($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()])) { continue; } if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { continue; } foreach ($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()] as $possibleConflict) { $conflictMatch = $this->pool->match($possibleConflict, $link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint(), true); if ($conflictMatch === Pool::MATCH || $conflictMatch === Pool::MATCH_REPLACE) { $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $possibleConflict, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT, $link)); } } } $isInstalled = isset($this->installedMap[$package->id]); foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) { if (!isset($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()])) { continue; } foreach ($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()] as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) { $reason = $isInstalled ? Rule::RULE_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES; $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $provider, $reason, $link)); } } } } } protected function obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider) { $packageIsAlias = $package instanceof AliasPackage; $providerIsAlias = $provider instanceof AliasPackage; $impossible = ( ($packageIsAlias && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) || ($providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package) || ($packageIsAlias && $providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package->getAliasOf()) ); return $impossible; } protected function whitelistFromJobs() { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint'], true); foreach ($packages as $package) { $this->whitelistFromPackage($package); } break; } } } protected function addRulesForJobs($ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': if (!$job['fixed'] && $ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $job['packageName'])) { break; } $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); if ($packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { if (!isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } } $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule($packages, Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL, $job); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule); } break; case 'remove': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); foreach ($packages as $package) { $rule = $this->createRemoveRule($package, Rule::RULE_JOB_REMOVE, $job); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule); } break; } } } public function getRulesFor($jobs, $installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->jobs = $jobs; $this->rules = new RuleSet; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; $this->whitelistedMap = array(); foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->whitelistFromPackage($package); } $this->whitelistFromJobs(); $this->pool->setWhitelist($this->whitelistedMap); $this->addedMap = array(); $this->conflictAddedMap = array(); $this->addedPackages = array(); $this->addedPackagesByNames = array(); foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } $this->addRulesForJobs($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addedPackages = $this->addedPackagesByNames = null; return $this->rules; } } rules = $rules; $this->types = array_keys($rules); sort($this->types); $this->rewind(); } public function current() { return $this->rules[$this->currentType][$this->currentOffset]; } public function key() { return $this->currentType; } public function next() { $this->currentOffset++; if (!isset($this->rules[$this->currentType])) { return; } if ($this->currentOffset >= count($this->rules[$this->currentType])) { $this->currentOffset = 0; do { $this->currentTypeOffset++; if (!isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset])) { $this->currentType = -1; break; } $this->currentType = $this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]; } while (isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]) && !count($this->rules[$this->currentType])); } } public function rewind() { $this->currentOffset = 0; $this->currentTypeOffset = -1; $this->currentType = -1; do { $this->currentTypeOffset++; if (!isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset])) { $this->currentType = -1; break; } $this->currentType = $this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]; } while (isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]) && !count($this->rules[$this->currentType])); } public function valid() { return isset($this->rules[$this->currentType]) && isset($this->rules[$this->currentType][$this->currentOffset]); } } rewind(); for ($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++, $this->next()); } public function remove() { $offset = $this->key(); $this->offsetUnset($offset); $this->seek($offset); } } getRule()->isAssertion()) { return; } foreach (array($node->watch1, $node->watch2) as $literal) { if (!isset($this->watchChains[$literal])) { $this->watchChains[$literal] = new RuleWatchChain; } $this->watchChains[$literal]->unshift($node); } } public function propagateLiteral($decidedLiteral, $level, $decisions) { $literal = -$decidedLiteral; if (!isset($this->watchChains[$literal])) { return null; } $chain = $this->watchChains[$literal]; $chain->rewind(); while ($chain->valid()) { $node = $chain->current(); $otherWatch = $node->getOtherWatch($literal); if (!$node->getRule()->isDisabled() && !$decisions->satisfy($otherWatch)) { $ruleLiterals = $node->getRule()->getLiterals(); $alternativeLiterals = array_filter($ruleLiterals, function ($ruleLiteral) use ($literal, $otherWatch, $decisions) { return $literal !== $ruleLiteral && $otherWatch !== $ruleLiteral && !$decisions->conflict($ruleLiteral); }); if ($alternativeLiterals) { reset($alternativeLiterals); $this->moveWatch($literal, current($alternativeLiterals), $node); continue; } if ($decisions->conflict($otherWatch)) { return $node->getRule(); } $decisions->decide($otherWatch, $level, $node->getRule()); } $chain->next(); } return null; } protected function moveWatch($fromLiteral, $toLiteral, $node) { if (!isset($this->watchChains[$toLiteral])) { $this->watchChains[$toLiteral] = new RuleWatchChain; } $node->moveWatch($fromLiteral, $toLiteral); $this->watchChains[$fromLiteral]->remove(); $this->watchChains[$toLiteral]->unshift($node); } } rule = $rule; $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); $literalCount = count($literals); $this->watch1 = $literalCount > 0 ? $literals[0] : 0; $this->watch2 = $literalCount > 1 ? $literals[1] : 0; } public function watch2OnHighest(Decisions $decisions) { $literals = $this->rule->getLiterals(); if (count($literals) < 3) { return; } $watchLevel = 0; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $level = $decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if ($level > $watchLevel) { $this->watch2 = $literal; $watchLevel = $level; } } } public function getRule() { return $this->rule; } public function getOtherWatch($literal) { if ($this->watch1 == $literal) { return $this->watch2; } return $this->watch1; } public function moveWatch($from, $to) { if ($this->watch1 == $from) { $this->watch1 = $to; } else { $this->watch2 = $to; } } } io = $io; $this->policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installed = $installed; $this->ruleSetGenerator = new RuleSetGenerator($policy, $pool); } public function getRuleSetSize() { return count($this->rules); } private function makeAssertionRuleDecisions() { $decisionStart = count($this->decisions) - 1; $rulesCount = count($this->rules); for ($ruleIndex = 0; $ruleIndex < $rulesCount; $ruleIndex++) { $rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$ruleIndex]; if (!$rule->isAssertion() || $rule->isDisabled()) { continue; } $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); $literal = $literals[0]; if (!$this->decisions->decided($literal)) { $this->decisions->decide($literal, 1, $rule); continue; } if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } if (RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED === $rule->getType()) { $rule->disable(); continue; } $conflict = $this->decisions->decisionRule($literal); if ($conflict && RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE === $conflict->getType()) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($rule); $problem->addRule($conflict); $this->disableProblem($rule); $this->problems[] = $problem; continue; } $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($rule); $problem->addRule($conflict); foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) as $assertRule) { if ($assertRule->isDisabled() || !$assertRule->isAssertion()) { continue; } $assertRuleLiterals = $assertRule->getLiterals(); $assertRuleLiteral = $assertRuleLiterals[0]; if (abs($literal) !== abs($assertRuleLiteral)) { continue; } $problem->addRule($assertRule); $this->disableProblem($assertRule); } $this->problems[] = $problem; $this->decisions->resetToOffset($decisionStart); $ruleIndex = -1; } } protected function setupInstalledMap() { $this->installedMap = array(); foreach ($this->installed->getPackages() as $package) { $this->installedMap[$package->id] = $package; } } protected function checkForRootRequireProblems($ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'update': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $this->updateMap[$package->id] = true; } } break; case 'update-all': foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->updateMap[$package->id] = true; } break; case 'install': if selected[] = $literal; continue; } if (null === $priority) { $priority = $this->getPriority($pool, $package); } if ($this->getPriority($pool, $package) != $priority) { break; } $selected[] = $literal; } return $selected; } protected function pruneRemoteAliases(Pool $pool, array $literals) { $hasLocalAlias = false; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage && $package->isRootPackageAlias()) { $hasLocalAlias = true; break; } } if (!$hasLocalAlias) { return $literals; } $selected = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage && $package->isRootPackageAlias()) { $selected[] = $literal; } } return $selected; } } literals = $literals; } public function getLiterals() { return $this->literals; } public function getHash() { $data = unpack('ihash', md5(implode(',', $this->literals), true)); return $data['hash']; } public function equals(Rule $rule) { return $this->literals === $rule->getLiterals(); } public function isAssertion() { return 1 === count($this->literals); } public function __toString() { $result = $this->isDisabled() ? 'disabled(' : '('; foreach ($this->literals as $i => $literal) { if ($i != 0) { $result .= '|'; } $result .= $literal; } $result .= ')'; return $result; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'install'; } public function __toString() { return 'Installing '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).')'; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'markAliasInstalled'; } public function __toString() { return 'Marking '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).') as installed, alias of '.$this->package->getAliasOf()->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package->getAliasOf()).')'; } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'markAliasUninstalled'; } public function __toString() { return 'Marking '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).') as uninstalled, alias of '.$this->package->getAliasOf()->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package->getAliasOf()).')'; } } reason = $reason; } public function getReason() { return $this->reason; } protected function formatVersion(PackageInterface $package) { return $package->getFullPrettyVersion(); } } package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getJobType() { return 'uninstall'; } public function __toString() { return 'Uninstalling '.$this->package->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->package).')'; } } initialPackage = $initial; $this->targetPackage = $target; } public function getInitialPackage() { return $this->initialPackage; } public function getTargetPackage() { return $this->targetPackage; } public function getJobType() { return 'update'; } public function __toString() { return 'Updating '.$this->initialPackage->getPrettyName().' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->initialPackage).') to '. $this->targetPackage->getPrettyName(). ' ('.$this->formatVersion($this->targetPackage).')'; } } versionParser = new VersionParser; $this->acceptableStabilities = array(); foreach (BasePackage::$stabilities as $stability => $value) { if ($value <= BasePackage::$stabilities[$minimumStability]) { $this->acceptableStabilities[$stability] = $value; } } $this->stabilityFlags = $stabilityFlags; $this->filterRequires = $filterRequires; foreach ($filterRequires as $name => $constraint) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $name)) { unset($this->filterRequires[$name]); } } } public function setWhitelist($whitelist) { $this->whitelist = $whitelist; $this->providerCache = array(); } public function addRepository(RepositoryInterface $repo, $rootAliases = array()) { if ($repo instanceof CompositeRepository) { $repos = $repo->getRepositories(); } else { $repos = array($repo); } foreach ($repos as $repo) { $this->repositories[] = $repo; $exempt = $repo instanceof PlatformRepository || $repo instanceof InstalledRepositoryInterface; if ($repo instanceof ComposerRepository && $repo->hasProviders()) { $this->providerRepos[] = $repo; $repo->setRootAliases($rootAliases); $repo->resetPackageIds(); } else { foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { $names = $package->getNames(); $stability = $package->getStability(); if ($exempt || $this->isPackageAcceptable($names, $stability)) { $package->setId($this->id++); $this->packages[] = $package; $this->packageByExactName[$package->getName()][$package->id] = $package; foreach ($names as $provided) { $this->packageByName[$provided][] = $package; } $name = $package->getName(); if (isset($rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()])) { $alias = $rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()]; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package = $package->getAliasOf(); } $aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); $aliasPackage->setRootPackageAlias(true); $aliasPackage->setId($this->id++); $package->getRepository()->addPackage($aliasPackage); $this->packages[] = $aliasPackage; $this->packageByExactName[$aliasPackage->getName()][$aliasPackage->id] = $aliasPackage; foreach ($aliasPackage->getNames() as $name) { $this->packageByName[$name][] = $aliasPackage; } } } } } } } public function getPriority(RepositoryInterface $repo) { $priority = array_search($repo, $this->repositories, true); if (false === $priority) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not determine repository priority. The repository was not registered in the pool."); } return -$priority; } public function packageById($id) { return $this->packages[$id - 1]; } public function count() { return count($this->packages); } public function whatProvides($name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $mustMatchName = false, $bypassFilters = false) { if ($bypassFilters) { return $this->computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName, true); } $key = ((int) $mustMatchName).$constraint; if (isset($this->providerCache[$name][$key])) { return $this->providerCache[$name][$key]; } return $this->providerCache[$name][$key] = $this->computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName, $bypassFilters); } private function computeWhatProvides($name, $constraint, $mustMatchName = false, $bypassFilters = false) { $candidates = array(); foreach ($this->providerRepos as $repo) { foreach ($repo->whatProvides($this, $name, $bypassFilters) as $candidate) { $candidates[] = $candidate; if ($candidate->id < 1) { $candidate->setId($this->id++); $this->packages[$this->id - 2] = $candidate; } } } if ($mustMatchName) { $candidates = array_filter($candidates, function ($candidate) use ($name) { return $candidate->getName() == $name; }); if (isset($this->packageByExactName[$name])) { $candidates = array_merge($candidates, $this->packageByExactName[$name]); } } elseif (isset($this->packageByName[$name])) { $candidates = array_merge($candidates, $this->packageByName[$name]); } $matches = $provideMatches = array(); $nameMatch = false; foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { $aliasOfCandidate = null; if ($candidate instanceof AliasPackage) { $aliasOfCandidate = $candidate->getAliasOf(); } if ($this->whitelist !== null && !$bypassFilters && ( (!($candidate instanceof AliasPackage) && !isset($this->whitelist[$candidate->id])) || ($candidate instanceof AliasPackage && !isset($this->whitelist[$aliasOfCandidate->id])) )) { continue; } switch ($this->match($candidate, $name, $constraint, $bypassFilters)) { case self::MATCH_NONE: break; case self::MATCH_NAME: $nameMatch = true; break; case self::MATCH: $nameMatch = true; $matches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_PROVIDE: $provideMatches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_REPLACE: $matches[] = $candidate; break; case self::MATCH_FILTERED: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unexpected match type'); } } if ($nameMatch) { return $matches; } return array_merge($matches, $provideMatches); } public function literalToPackage($literal) { $packageId = abs($literal); return $this->packageById($packageId); } public function literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap) { $package = $this->literalToPackage($literal); if (isset($installedMap[$package->id])) { $prefix = ($literal > 0 ? 'keep' : 'remove'); } else { $prefix = ($literal > 0 ? 'install' : 'don\'t install'); } return $prefix.' '.$package->getPrettyString(); } public function isPackageAcceptable($name, $stability) { foreach ((array) $name as $n) { if (!isset($this->stabilityFlags[$n]) && isset($this->acceptableStabilities[$stability])) { return true; } if (isset($this->stabilityFlags[$n]) && BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability] <= $this->stabilityFlags[$n]) { return true; } } return false; } public function match($candidate, $name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $bypassFilters) { $candidateName = $candidate->getName(); $candidateVersion = $candidate->getVersion(); $isDev = $candidate->getStability() === 'dev'; $isAlias = $candidate instanceof AliasPackage; if (!$bypassFilters && !$isDev && !$isAlias && isset($this->filterRequires[$name])) { $requireFilter = $this->filterRequires[$name]; } else { $requireFilter = new EmptyConstraint; } if ($candidateName === $name) { $pkgConstraint = new Constraint('==', $candidateVersion); if ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($pkgConstraint)) { return $requireFilter->matches($pkgConstraint) ? self::MATCH : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } return self::MATCH_NAME; } $provides = $candidate->getProvides(); $replaces = $candidate->getReplaces(); if (isset($replaces[0]) || isset($provides[0])) { foreach ($provides as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $name && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($link->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($link->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_PROVIDE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } } foreach ($replaces as $link) { if ($link->getTarget() === $name && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($link->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($link->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_REPLACE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } } return self::MATCH_NONE; } if (isset($provides[$name]) && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($provides[$name]->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($provides[$name]->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_PROVIDE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } if (isset($replaces[$name]) && ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($replaces[$name]->getConstraint()))) { return $requireFilter->matches($replaces[$name]->getConstraint()) ? self::MATCH_REPLACE : self::MATCH_FILTERED; } return self::MATCH_NONE; } } pool = $pool; } public function addRule(Rule $rule) { $this->addReason(spl_object_hash($rule), array( 'rule' => $rule, 'job' => $rule->getJob(), )); } public function getReasons() { return $this->reasons; } public function getPrettyString(array $installedMap = array()) { $reasons = call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_reverse($this->reasons)); if (count($reasons) === 1) { reset($reasons); $reason = current($reasons); $job = $reason['job']; $packageName = $job['packageName']; $constraint = $job['constraint']; if (isset($constraint)) { $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); } else { $packages = array(); } if ($job && $job['cmd'] === 'install' && empty($packages)) { if ($packageName === 'php' || $packageName === 'php-64bit' || $packageName === 'hhvm') { $version = phpversion(); $available = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName); if (count($available)) { $firstAvailable = reset($available); $version = $firstAvailable->getPrettyVersion(); $extra = $firstAvailable->getExtra(); if ($firstAvailable instanceof CompletePackageInterface && isset($extra['config.platform']) && $extra['config.platform'] === true) { $version .= '; ' . $firstAvailable->getDescription(); } } $msg = "\n - This package requires ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' but '; if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') || (count($available) && $packageName === 'hhvm')) { return $msg . 'your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.'; } if ($packageName === 'hhvm') { return $msg . 'you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.'; } return $msg . 'your PHP version ('. $version .') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'ext-')) { if (false !== strpos($packageName, ' ')) { return "\n - The requested PHP extension ".$packageName.' should be required as '.str_replace(' ', '-', $packageName).'.'; } $ext = substr($packageName, 4); $error = extension_loaded($ext) ? 'has the wrong version ('.(phpversion($ext) ?: '0').') installed' : 'is missing from your system'; return "\n - The requested PHP extension ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' '.$error.'. Install or enable PHP\'s '.$ext.' extension.'; } if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'lib-')) { if (strtolower($packageName) === 'lib-icu') { $error = extension_loaded('intl') ? 'has the wrong version installed, try upgrading the intl extension.' : 'is missing from your system, make sure the intl extension is loaded.'; return "\n - The requested linked library ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' '.$error; } return "\n - The requested linked library ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to load the extension providing it.'; } if (!preg_match('{^[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+$}', $packageName)) { $illegalChars = preg_replace('{[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+}', '', $packageName); return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.' could not be found, it looks like its name is invalid, "'.$illegalChars.'" is not allowed in package names.'; } if ($providers = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint, true, true)) { return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' is satisfiable by '.$this->getPackageList($providers).' but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.'; } if ($providers = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, null, true, true)) { return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' exists as '.$this->getPackageList($providers).' but these are rejected by your constraint.'; } return "\n - The requested package ".$packageName.' could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.'; } } $messages = array(); foreach ($reasons as $reason) { $rule = $reason['rule']; $job = $reason['job']; if ($job) { $messages[] = $this->jobToText($job); } elseif ($rule) { if ($rule instanceof Rule) { $messages[] = $rule->getPrettyString($this->pool, $installedMap); } } } return "\n - ".implode("\n - ", $messages); } protected function addReason($id, $reason) { if (!isset($this->reasonSeen[$id])) { $this->reasonSeen[$id] = true; $this->reasons[$this->section][] = $reason; } } public function nextSection() { $this->section++; } protected function jobToText($job) { $packageName = $job['packageName']; $constraint = $job['constraint']; switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); if (!$packages) { return 'No package found to satisfy install request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint); } return 'Installation request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).' -> satisfiable by '.$this->getPackageList($packages).'.'; case 'update': return 'Update request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).'.'; case 'remove': return 'Removal request for '.$packageName.$this->constraintToText($constraint).''; } if (isset($constraint)) { $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); } else { $packages = array(); } return 'Job(cmd='.$job['cmd'].', target='.$packageName.', packages=['.$this->getPackageList($packages).'])'; } protected function getPackageList($packages) { $prepared = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $prepared[$package->getName()]['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } foreach ($prepared as $name => $package) { $prepared[$name] = $package['name'].'['.implode(', ', $package['versions']).']'; } return implode(', ', $prepared); } protected function constraintToText($constraint) { return $constraint ? ' '.$constraint->getPrettyString() : ''; } } jobs = array(); } public function install($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint); } public function update($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'update', $constraint); } public function remove($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'remove', $constraint); } public function fix($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null) { $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint, true); } protected function addJob($packageName, $cmd, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $fixed = false) { $packageName = strtolower($packageName); $this->jobs[] = array( 'cmd' => $cmd, 'packageName' => $packageName, 'constraint' => $constraint, 'fixed' => $fixed, ); } public function updateAll() { $this->jobs[] = array('cmd' => 'update-all'); } public function getJobs() { return $this->jobs; } } reasonData = $reasonData; if ($job) { $this->job = $job; } $this->bitfield = (0 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED) | ($reason << self::BITFIELD_REASON) | (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE); } abstract public function getLiterals(); abstract public function getHash(); public function getJob() { return $this->job; } abstract public function equals(Rule $rule); public function getReason() { return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_REASON)) >> self::BITFIELD_REASON; } public function getReasonData() { return $this->reasonData; } public function getRequiredPackage() { if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL) { return $this->reasonData; } if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES) { return $this->reasonData->getTarget(); } } public function setType($type) { $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) | ((255 & $type) << self::BITFIELD_TYPE); } public function getType() { return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) >> self::BITFIELD_TYPE; } public function disable() { $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) | (1 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function enable() { $this->bitfield &= ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function isDisabled() { return (bool) (($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } public function isEnabled() { return !(($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED); } abstract public function isAssertion(); public function getPrettyString(Pool $pool, array $installedMap = array()) { $literals = $this->getLiterals(); $ruleText = ''; foreach ($literals as $i => $literal) { if ($i != 0) { $ruleText .= '|'; } $ruleText .= $pool->literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap); } switch ($this->getReason()) { case self::RULE_INTERNAL_ALLOW_UPDATE: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL: return "Install command rule ($ruleText)"; case self::RULE_JOB_REMOVE: return "Remove command rule ($ruleText)"; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT: $package1 = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[0]); $package2 = $pool->literalToPackage($literals[1]); return $package1->getPrettyString().' conflicts with '.$this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, array($package2)).'.'; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES: $sourceLiteral = array_shift($literals); $sourcePackage = $pool->literalToPackage($sourceLiteral); $requires = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { $requires[] = $pool->literalToPackage($literal); } $text = $this->reasonData->getPrettyString($sourcePackage); if ($requires) { $text .= ' -> satisfiable by ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $requires) . '.'; } else { $targetName = $this->reasonData->getTarget(); if ($targetName === 'php' || $targetName === 'php-64bit' || $targetName === 'hhvm') { if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { return $text . ' -> your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.'; } $packages = $pool->whatProvides($targetName); $package = count($packages) ? current($packages) : phpversion(); if ($targetName === 'hhvm') { if ($package instanceof CompletePackage) { return $text . ' -> your HHVM version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } else { return $text . ' -> you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.'; } } if (!($package instanceof CompletePackage)) { return $text . ' -> your PHP version ('.phpversion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (!empty($extra['config.platform'])) { $text .= ' -> your PHP version ('.phpversion().') overridden by "config.platform.php" version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } else { $text .= ' -> your PHP version ('.$package->getPrettyVersion().') does not satisfy that requirement.'; } return $text; } if (0 === strpos($targetName, 'ext-')) { $ext = substr($targetName, 4); $error = extension_loaded($ext) ? 'has the wrong version ('.(phpversion($ext) ?: '0').') installed' : 'is missing from your system'; return $text . ' -> the requested PHP extension '.$ext.' '.$error.'.'; } if (0 === strpos($targetName, 'lib-')) { $lib = substr($targetName, 4); return $text . ' -> the requested linked library '.$lib.' has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to have the extension providing it.'; } if ($providers = $pool->whatProvides($targetName, $this->reasonData->getConstraint(), true, true)) { return $text . ' -> satisfiable by ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $providers) .' but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.'; } return $text . ' -> no matching package found.'; } return $text; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME: return 'Can only install one of: ' . $this->formatPackagesUnique($pool, $literals) . '.'; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES: return $ruleText; case self::RULE_LEARNED: return 'Conclusion: '.$ruleText; case self::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS: return $ruleText; default: return '('.$ruleText.')'; } } protected function formatPackagesUnique($pool, array $packages) { $prepared = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (!is_object($package)) { $package = $pool->literalToPackage($package); } $prepared[$package->getName()]['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } foreach ($prepared as $name => $package) { $prepared[$name] = $package['name'].'['.implode(', ', $package['versions']).']'; } return implode(', ', $prepared); } } literal1 = $literal1; $this->literal2 = $literal2; } else { $this->literal1 = $literal2; $this->literal2 = $literal1; } } public function getLiterals() { return array($this->literal1, $this->literal2); } public function getHash() { return $this->literal1.','.$this->literal2; } public function equals(Rule $rule) { if ($rule instanceof self) { if ($this->literal1 !== $rule->literal1) { return false; } if ($this->literal2 !== $rule->literal2) { return false; } return true; } $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); if (2 != count($literals)) { return false; } if ($this->literal1 !== $literals[0]) { return false; } if ($this->literal2 !== $literals[1]) { return false; } return true; } public function isAssertion() { return false; } public function __toString() { $result = $this->isDisabled() ? 'disabled(' : '('; $result .= $this->literal1 . '|' . $this->literal2 . ')'; return $result; } } 'UNKNOWN', self::TYPE_PACKAGE => 'PACKAGE', self::TYPE_JOB => 'JOB', self::TYPE_LEARNED => 'LEARNED', ); protected $rules; protected $nextRuleId; protected $rulesByHash; public function __construct() { $this->nextRuleId = 0; foreach ($this->getTypes() as $type) { $this->rules[$type] = array(); } $this->rulesByHash = array(); } public function add(Rule $rule, $type) { if (!isset(self::$types[$type])) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Unknown rule type: ' . $type); } $hash = $rule->getHash(); if (isset($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $potentialDuplicates = $this->rulesByHash[$hash]; if (is_array($potentialDuplicates)) { foreach ($potentialDuplicates as $potentialDuplicate) { if ($rule->equals($potentialDuplicate)) { return; } } } else { if ($rule->equals($potentialDuplicates)) { return; } } } if (!isset($this->rules[$type])) { $this->rules[$type] = array(); } $this->rules[$type][] = $rule; $this->ruleById[$this->nextRuleId] = $rule; $rule->setType($type); $this->nextRuleId++; if (!isset($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $this->rulesByHash[$hash] = $rule; } elseif (is_array($this->rulesByHash[$hash])) { $this->rulesByHash[$hash][] = $rule; } else { $originalRule = $this->rulesByHash[$hash]; $this->rulesByHash[$hash] = array($originalRule, $rule); } } public function count() { return $this->nextRuleId; } public function ruleById($id) { return $this->ruleById[$id]; } public function getRules() { return $this->rules; } public function getIterator() { return new RuleSetIterator($this->getRules()); } public function getIteratorFor($types) { if (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } $allRules = $this->getRules(); $rules = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $rules[$type] = $allRules[$type]; } return new RuleSetIterator($rules); } public function getIteratorWithout($types) { if (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } $rules = $this->getRules(); foreach ($types as $type) { unset($rules[$type]); } return new RuleSetIterator($rules); } public function getTypes() { $types = self::$types; unset($types[255]); return array_keys($types); } public function getPrettyString(Pool $pool = null) { $string = "\n"; foreach ($this->rules as $typ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $job['packageName'])) { break; } if (!$this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint'])) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule(new GenericRule(array(), null, null, $job)); $this->problems[] = $problem; } break; } } } public function solve(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->jobs = $request->getJobs(); $this->setupInstalledMap(); $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs); $this->checkForRootRequireProblems($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool); $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph; foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule)); } $this->makeAssertionRuleDecisions(); $this->io->writeError('Resolving dependencies through SAT', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $before = microtime(true); $this->runSat(true); $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Dependency resolution completed in %.3f seconds', microtime(true) - $before), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); foreach ($this->installedMap as $packageId => $void) { if ($this->decisions->undecided($packageId)) { $this->decisions->decide(-$packageId, 1, null); } } if ($this->problems) { throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->installedMap); } $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisions); return $transaction->getOperations(); } protected function propagate($level) { while ($this->decisions->validOffset($this->propagateIndex)) { $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($this->propagateIndex); $conflict = $this->watchGraph->propagateLiteral( $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL], $level, $this->decisions ); $this->propagateIndex++; if ($conflict) { return $conflict; } } return null; } private function revert($level) { while (!$this->decisions->isEmpty()) { $literal = $this->decisions->lastLiteral(); if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { break; } $decisionLevel = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if ($decisionLevel <= $level) { break; } $this->decisions->revertLast(); $this->propagateIndex = count($this->decisions); } while (!empty($this->branches) && $this->branches[count($this->branches) - 1][self::BRANCH_LEVEL] >= $level) { array_pop($this->branches); } } private function setPropagateLearn($level, $literal, $disableRules, Rule $rule) { $level++; $this->decisions->decide($literal, $level, $rule); while (true) { $rule = $this->propagate($level); if (!$rule) { break; } if ($level == 1) { return $this->analyzeUnsolvable($rule, $disableRules); } list($learnLiteral, $newLevel, $newRule, $why) = $this->analyze($level, $rule); if ($newLevel <= 0 || $newLevel >= $level) { throw new SolverBugException( "Trying to revert to invalid level ".(int) $newLevel." from level ".(int) $level."." ); } elseif (!$newRule) { throw new SolverBugException( "No rule was learned from analyzing $rule at level $level." ); } $level = $newLevel; $this->revert($level); $this->rules->add($newRule, RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED); $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($newRule)] = $why; $ruleNode = new RuleWatchNode($newRule); $ruleNode->watch2OnHighest($this->decisions); $this->watchGraph->insert($ruleNode); $this->decisions->decide($learnLiteral, $level, $newRule); } return $level; } private function selectAndInstall($level, array $decisionQueue, $disableRules, Rule $rule) { $literals = $this->policy->selectPreferredPackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $decisionQueue, $rule->getRequiredPackage()); $selectedLiteral = array_shift($literals); if (count($literals)) { $this->branches[] = array($literals, $level); } return $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $selectedLiteral, $disableRules, $rule); } protected function analyze($level, Rule $rule) { $analyzedRule = $rule; $ruleLevel = 1; $num = 0; $l1num = 0; $seen = array(); $learnedLiterals = array(null); $decisionId = count($this->decisions); $this->learnedPool[] = array(); while (true) { $this->learnedPool[count($this->learnedPool) - 1][] = $rule; foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; $l = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if (1 === $l) { $l1num++; } elseif ($level === $l) { $num++; } else { $learnedLiterals[] = $literal; if ($l > $ruleLevel) { $ruleLevel = $l; } } } $l1retry = true; while ($l1retry) { $l1retry = false; if (!$num && !--$l1num) { break 2; } while (true) { if ($decisionId <= 0) { throw new SolverBugException( "Reached invalid decision id $decisionId while looking through $rule for a literal present in the analyzed rule $analyzedRule." ); } $decisionId--; $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId); $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { break; } } unset($seen[abs($literal)]); if ($num && 0 === --$num) { if ($literal < 0) { $this->testFlagLearnedPositiveLiteral = true; } $learnedLiterals[0] = -$literal; if (!$l1num) { break 2; } foreach ($learnedLiterals as $i => $learnedLiteral) { if ($i !== 0) { unset($seen[abs($learnedLiteral)]); } } $l1num++; $l1retry = true; } } $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId); $rule = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; } $why = count($this->learnedPool) - 1; if (!$learnedLiterals[0]) { throw new SolverBugException( "Did not find a learnable literal in analyzed rule $analyzedRule." ); } $newRule = new GenericRule($learnedLiterals, Rule::RULE_LEARNED, $why); return array($learnedLiterals[0], $ruleLevel, $newRule, $why); } private function analyzeUnsolvableRule(Problem $problem, Rule $conflictRule) { if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) { $why = spl_object_hash($conflictRule); $learnedWhy = $this->learnedWhy[$why]; $problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$learnedWhy]; foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) { $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $problemRule); } return; } if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE) { return; } $problem->nextSection(); $problem->addRule($conflictRule); } private function analyzeUnsolvable(Rule $conflictRule, $disableRules) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($conflictRule); $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $conflictRule); $this->problems[] = $problem; $seen = array(); $literals = $conflictRule->getLiterals(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; } foreach ($this->decisions as $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; if (!isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { continue; } $why = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $problem->addRule($why); $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $why); $literals = $why->getLiterals(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; } } if ($disableRules) { foreach ($this->problems[count($this->problems) - 1] as $reason) { $this->disableProblem($reason['rule']); } $this->resetSolver(); return 1; } return 0; } private function disableProblem(Rule $why) { $job = $why->getJob(); if (!$job) { $why->disable(); return; } foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { if ($job === $rule->getJob()) { $rule->disable(); } } } private function resetSolver() { $this->decisions->reset(); $this->propagateIndex = 0; $this->branches = array(); $this->enableDisableLearnedRules(); $this->makeAssertionRuleDecisions(); } private function enableDisableLearnedRules() { foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) as $rule) { $why = $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($rule)]; $problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$why]; $foundDisabled = false; foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) { if ($problemRule->isDisabled()) { $foundDisabled = true; break; } } if ($foundDisabled && $rule->isEnabled()) { $rule->disable(); } elseif (!$foundDisabled && $rule->isDisabled()) { $rule->enable(); } } } private function runSat($disableRules = true) { $this->propagateIndex = 0; $decisionQueue = array(); $decisionSupplementQueue = array(); $disableRules = array(); $level = 1; $systemLevel = $level + 1; $installedPos = 0; while (true) { if (1 === $level) { $conflictRule = $this->propagate($level); if (null !== $conflictRule) { if ($this->analyzeUnsolvable($conflictRule, $disableRules)) { continue; } return; } } if ($level < $systemLevel) { $iterator = $this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB); foreach ($iterator as $rule) { if ($rule->isEnabled()) { $decisionQueue = array(); $noneSatisfied = true; foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { $noneSatisfied = false; break; } if ($literal > 0 && $this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { $decisionQueue[] = $literal; } } if ($noneSatisfied && count($decisionQueue)) { if (count($this->installed) != count($this->updateMap)) { $prunedQueue = array(); foreach ($decisionQueue as $literal) { if (isset($this->installedMap[abs($literal)])) { $prunedQueue[] = $literal; if (isset($this->updateMap[abs($literal)])) { $prunedQueue = $decisionQueue; break; } } } $decisionQueue = $prunedQueue; } } if ($noneSatisfied && count($decisionQueue)) { $oLevel = $level; $level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $disableRules, $rule); if (0 === $level) { return; } if ($level <= $oLevel) { break; } } } } $systemLevel = $level + 1; $iterator->next(); if ($iterator->valid()) { continue; } } if ($level < $systemLevel) { $systemLevel = $level; } $rulesCount = count($this->rules); $pass = 1; $this->io->writeError('Looking at all rules.', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); for ($i = 0, $n = 0; $n < $rulesCount; $i++, $n++) { if ($i == $rulesCount) { if (1 === $pass) { $this->io->writeError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, IOInterface::DEBUG); } else { $this->io->overwriteError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, null, IOInterface::DEBUG); } $i = 0; $pass++; } $rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$i]; $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); if ($rule->isDisabled()) { continue; } $decisionQueue = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($literal <= 0) { if (!$this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) { continue 2; } } else { if ($this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) { continue 2; } if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { $decisionQueue[] = $literal; } } } if (count($decisionQueue) < 2) { continue; } $level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $disableRules, $rule); if (0 === $level) { return; } $rulesCount = count($this->rules); $n = -1; } if ($level < $systemLevel) { continue; } if (count($this->branches)) { $lastLiteral = null; $lastLevel = null; $lastBranchIndex = 0; $lastBranchOffset = 0; for ($i = count($this->branches) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { list($literals, $l) = $this->branches[$i]; foreach ($literals as $offset => $literal) { if ($literal && $literal > 0 && $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal) > $l + 1) { $lastLiteral = $literal; $lastBranchIndex = $i; $lastBranchOffset = $offset; $lastLevel = $l; } } } if ($lastLiteral) { unset($this->branches[$lastBranchIndex][self::BRANCH_LITERALS][$lastBranchOffset]); $level = $lastLevel; $this->revert($level); $why = $this->decisions->lastReason(); $level = $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $lastLiteral, $disableRules, $why); if ($level == 0) { return; } continue; } } break; } } } problems = $problems; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; parent::__construct($this->createMessage(), 2); } protected function createMessage() { $text = "\n"; $hasExtensionProblems = false; foreach ($this->problems as $i => $problem) { $text .= " Problem ".($i + 1).$problem->getPrettyString($this->installedMap)."\n"; if (!$hasExtensionProblems && $this->hasExtensionProblems($problem->getReasons())) { $hasExtensionProblems = true; } } if (strpos($text, 'could not be found') || strpos($text, 'no matching package found')) { $text .= "\nPotential causes:\n - A typo in the package name\n - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting\n see for more details.\n - It's a private package and you forgot to add a custom repository to find it\n\nRead for further common problems."; } if ($hasExtensionProblems) { $text .= $this->createExtensionHint(); } return $text; } public function getProblems() { return $this->problems; } private function createExtensionHint() { $paths = IniHelper::getAll(); if (count($paths) === 1 && empty($paths[0])) { return ''; } $text = "\n To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:\n - "; $text .= implode("\n - ", $paths); $text .= "\n You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode."; return $text; } private function hasExtensionProblems(array $reasonSets) { foreach ($reasonSets as $reasonSet) { foreach ($reasonSet as $reason) { if (isset($reason["rule"]) && 0 === strpos($reason["rule"]->getRequiredPackage(), 'ext-')) { return true; } } } return false; } } policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; $this->decisions = $decisions; $this->transaction = array(); } public function getOperations() { $installMeansUpdateMap = $this->findUpdates(); $updateMap = array(); $installMap = array(); $uninstallMap = array(); foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $reason = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if (($literal > 0) == isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } if ($literal > 0) { if (isset($installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]) && !$package instanceof AliasPackage) { $source = $installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]; $updateMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'source' => $source, 'reason' => $reason, ); unset($installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]); $ignoreRemove[$source->id] = true; } else { $installMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'reason' => $reason, ); } } } foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $reason = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($literal <= 0 && isset($this->installedMap[$package->id]) && !isset($ignoreRemove[$package->id])) { $uninstallMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'reason' => $reason, ); } } $this->transactionFromMaps($installMap, $updateMap, $uninstallMap); return $this->transaction; } protected function transactionFromMaps($installMap, $updateMap, $uninstallMap) { $queue = array_map( function ($operation) { return $operation['package']; }, $this->findRootPackages($installMap, $updateMap) ); $visited = array(); while (!empty($queue)) { $package = array_pop($queue); $packageId = $package->id; if (!isset($visited[$packageId])) { $queue[] = $package; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $queue[] = $package->getAliasOf(); } else { foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $queue[] = $require; } } } $visited[$package->id] = true; } else { if (isset($installMap[$packageId])) { $this->install( $installMap[$packageId]['package'], $installMap[$packageId]['reason'] ); unset($installMap[$packageId]); } if (isset($updateMap[$packageId])) { $this->update( $updateMap[$packageId]['source'], $updateMap[$packageId]['package'], $updateMap[$packageId]['reason'] ); unset($updateMap[$packageId]); } } } foreach ($uninstallMap as $uninstall) { $this->uninstall($uninstall['package'], $uninstall['reason']); } } protected function findRootPackages($installMap, $updateMap) { $packages = $installMap + $updateMap; $roots = $packages; foreach ($packages as $packageId => $operation) { $package = $operation['package']; if (!isset($roots[$packageId])) { continue; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { if ($require !== $package) { unset($roots[$require->id]); } } } } return $roots; } protected function findUpdates() { $installMeansUpdateMap = array(); foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { continue; } if ($literal <= 0 && isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $updates = $this->policy->findUpdatePackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $package); $literals = array($package->id); foreach ($updates as $update) { $literals[] = $update->id; } foreach ($literals as $updateLiteral) { if ($updateLiteral !== $literal) { $installMeansUpdateMap[abs($updateLiteral)] = $package; } } } } return $installMeansUpdateMap; } protected function install($package, $reason) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $this->markAliasInstalled($package, $reason); } $this->transaction[] = new Operation\InstallOperation($package, $reason); } protected function update($from, $to, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\UpdateOperation($from, $to, $reason); } protected function uninstall($package, $reason) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $this->markAliasUninstalled($package, $reason); } $this->transaction[] = new Operation\UninstallOperation($package, $reason); } protected function markAliasInstalled($package, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\MarkAliasInstalledOperation($package, $reason); } protected function markAliasUninstalled($package, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($package, $reason); } } config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/'.substr(md5(uniqid('', true)), 0, 8); $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { $fileName = parent::download($package, $path, $output); if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(' Extracting archive', false, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } try { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($temporaryDir); try { $this->extract($fileName, $temporaryDir); } catch (\Exception $e) { parent::clearLastCacheWrite($package); throw $e; } $this->filesystem->unlink($fileName); $contentDir = $this->getFolderContent($temporaryDir); if (1 === count($contentDir) && is_dir(reset($contentDir))) { $contentDir = $this->getFolderContent((string) reset($contentDir)); } foreach ($contentDir as $file) { $file = (string) $file; $this->filesystem->rename($file, $path . '/' . basename($file)); } $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($temporaryDir); if ($this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/')) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/'); } if ($this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->config->get('vendor-dir'))) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($this->config->get('vendor-dir')); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($temporaryDir); if ($retries && $e instanceof \UnexpectedValueException && class_exists('ZipArchive') && $e->getCode() === \ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP) { $this->io->writeError(''); if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError(' Invalid zip file ('.$e->getMessage().'), retrying...'); } else { $this->io->writeError(' Invalid zip file, retrying...'); } usleep(500000); continue; } throw $e; } break; } } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return rtrim($path.'/'.md5($path.spl_object_hash($package)).'.'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), '.'); } abstract protected function extract($file, $path); private function getFolderContent($dir) { $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(false) ->ignoreDotFiles(false) ->notName('.DS_Store') ->depth(0) ->in($dir); return iterator_to_array($finder); } } io = $io; $this->preferSource = $preferSource; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); } public function setPreferSource($preferSource) { $this->preferSource = $preferSource; return $this; } public function setPreferDist($preferDist) { $this->preferDist = $preferDist; return $this; } public function setPreferences(array $preferences) { $this->packagePreferences = $preferences; return $this; } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { foreach ($this->downloaders as $downloader) { $downloader->setOutputProgress($outputProgress); } return $this; } public function setDownloader($type, DownloaderInterface $downloader) { $type = strtolower($type); $this->downloaders[$type] = $downloader; return $this; } public function getDownloader($type) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!isset($this->downloaders[$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown downloader type: %s. Available types: %s.', $type, implode(', ', array_keys($this->downloaders)))); } return $this->downloaders[$type]; } public function getDownloaderForInstalledPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $installationSource = $package->getInstallationSource(); if ('metapackage' === $package->getType()) { return; } if ('dist' === $installationSource) { $downloader = $this->getDownloader($package->getDistType()); } elseif ('source' === $installationSource) { $downloader = $this->getDownloader($package->getSourceType()); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Package '.$package.' seems not been installed properly' ); } if ($installationSource !== $downloader->getInstallationSource()) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf( 'Downloader "%s" is a %s type downloader and can not be used to download %s for package %s', get_class($downloader), $downloader->getInstallationSource(), $installationSource, $package )); } return $downloader; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir, $preferSource = null) { $preferSource = null !== $preferSource ? $preferSource : $this->preferSource; $sourceType = $package->getSourceType(); $distType = $package->getDistType(); $sources = array(); if ($sourceType) { $sources[] = 'source'; } if ($distType) { $sources[] = 'dist'; } if (empty($sources)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$package.' must have a source or dist specified'); } if (!$preferSource && ($this->preferDist || 'dist' === $this->resolvePackageInstallPreference($package))) { $sources = array_reverse($sources); } $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($targetDir); foreach ($sources as $i => $source) { if (isset($e)) { $this->io->writeError(' Now trying to download from ' . $source . ''); } $package->setInstallationSource($source); try { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); if ($downloader) { $downloader->download($package, $targetDir); } break; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($i === count($sources) - 1) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError( ' Failed to download '. $package->getPrettyName(). ' from ' . $source . ': '. $e->getMessage().'' ); } } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $targetDir) { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($initial); if (!$downloader) { return; } $installationSource = $initial->getInstallationSource(); if ('dist' === $installationSource) { $initialType = $initial->getDistType(); $targetType = $target->getDistType(); } else { $initialType = $initial->getSourceType(); $targetType = $target->getSourceType(); } if ($target->isDev() && 'dist' === $installationSource) { $downloader->remove($initial, $targetDir); $this->download($target, $targetDir); return; } if ($initialType === $targetType) { $target->setInstallationSource($installationSource); try { $downloader->update($initial, $target, $targetDir); return; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError(' Update failed ('.$e->getMessage().')'); if (!$this->io->askConfirmation(' Would you like to try reinstalling the package instead [yes]? ', true)) { throw $e; } } } $downloader->remove($initial, $targetDir); $this->download($target, $targetDir, 'source' === $installationSource); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir) { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); if ($downloader) { $downloader->remove($package, $targetDir); } } protected function resolvePackageInstallPreference(PackageInterface $package) { foreach ($this->packagePreferences as $pattern => $preference) { $pattern = '{^'.str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($pattern)).'$}i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $package->getName())) { if ('dist' === $preference || (!$package->isDev() && 'auto' === $preference)) { return 'dist'; } return 'source'; } } return $package->isDev() ? 'source' : 'dist'; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->rfs = $rfs ?: Factory::createRemoteFilesystem($this->io, $config); $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); $this->cache = $cache; if ($this->cache && $this->cache->gcIsNecessary()) { $this->cache->gc($config->get('cache-files-ttl'), $config->get('cache-files-maxsize')); } } public function getInstallationSource() { return 'dist'; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if (!$package->getDistUrl()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given package is missing url information'); } if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "): ", false); } $urls = $package->getDistUrls(); while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { $fileName = $this->doDownload($package, $path, $url); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL ('.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage().')', false); } if (!count($urls)) { throw $e; } } } if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(''); } return $fileName; } protected function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($path); $fileName = $this->getFileName($package, $path); $processedUrl = $this->processUrl($package, $url); $origin = RemoteFilesystem::getOrigin($processedUrl); $preFileDownloadEvent = new PreFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $this->rfs, $processedUrl); if ($this->eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($preFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $preFileDownloadEvent); } $rfs = $preFileDownloadEvent->getRemoteFilesystem(); try { $checksum = $package->getDistSha1Checksum(); $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($package, $processedUrl); if ($this->cache && (!$checksum || $checksum === $this->cache->sha1($cacheKey)) && $this->cache->copyTo($cacheKey, $fileName)) { $this->io->writeError('Loading from cache', false); } else { if (!$this->outputProgress) { $this->io->writeError('Downloading', false); } $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { $rfs->copy($origin, $processedUrl, $fileName, $this->outputProgress, $package->getTransportOptions()); break; } catch (TransportException $e) { if ((0 !== $e->getCode() && !in_array($e->getCode(), array(500, 502, 503, 504))) || !$retries) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Download failed, retrying...', true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); usleep(500000); } } if (!$this->outputProgress) { $this->io->writeError(' (100%)', false); } if ($this->cache) { $this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()] = $cacheKey; $this->cache->copyFrom($cacheKey, $fileName); } } if (!file_exists($fileName)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException($url.' could not be saved to '.$fileName.', make sure the' .' directory is writable and you have internet connectivity'); } if ($checksum && hash_file('sha1', $fileName) !== $checksum) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from '.$url.')'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); $this->clearLastCacheWrite($package); throw $e; } return $fileName; } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { $this->outputProgress = $outputProgress; return $this; } protected funce => $rules) { $string .= str_pad(self::$types[$type], 8, ' ') . ": "; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $string .= ($pool ? $rule->getPrettyString($pool) : $rule)."\n"; } $string .= "\n\n"; } return $string; } public function __toString() { return $this->getPrettyString(null); } } policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; } protected function createRequireRule(PackageInterface $package, array $providers, $reason, $reasonData = null) { $literals = array(-$package->id); foreach ($providers as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { return null; } $literals[] = $provider->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $reasonData); } protected function createInstallOneOfRule(array $packages, $reason, $job) { $literals = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $literals[] = $package->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $job['packageName'], $job); } protected function createRemoveRule(PackageInterface $package, $reason, $job) { return new GenericRule(array(-$package->id), $reason, $job['packageName'], $job); } protected function createRule2Literals(PackageInterface $issuer, PackageInterface $provider, $reason, $reasonData = null) { if ($issuer === $provider) { return null; } return new Rule2Literals(-$issuer->id, -$provider->id, $reason, $reasonData); } private function addRule($type, Rule $newRule = null) { if (!$newRule) { return; } $this->rules->add($newRule, $type); } protected function whitelistFromPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $workQueue = new \SplQueue; $workQueue->enqueue($package); while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $workQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($this->whitelistedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->whitelistedMap[$package->id] = true; foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint(), true); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $workQueue->enqueue($require); } } $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null, true); foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (($package instanceof AliasPackage) && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) { $workQueue->enqueue($provider); } } } } protected function addRulesForPackage(PackageInterface $package, $ignorePlatformReqs) { $workQueue = new \SplQueue; $workQueue->enqueue($package); while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $workQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($this->addedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->addedMap[$package->id] = true; $this->addedPackages[] = $package; foreach ($package->getNames() as $name) { $this->addedPackagesByNames[$name][] = $package; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { continue; } $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, $possibleRequires, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, $link)); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $workQueue->enqueue($require); } } $packageName = $package->getName(); $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, null); foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (($package instanceof AliasPackage) && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) { $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, array($provider), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS, $package)); } elseif (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) { $reason = ($packageName == $provider->getName()) ? Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES; $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $provider, $reason, $package)); } } } } protected function addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs = false) { foreach ($this->addedPackages as $package) { foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) { if (!isset($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()])) { continue; } if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { continue; } foreach ($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()] as $possibleConflict) { $conflictMatch = $this->pool->match($possibleConflict, $link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint(), true); if ($conflictMatch === Pool::MATCH || $conflictMatch === Pool::MATCH_REPLACE) { $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $possibleConflict, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT, $link)); } } } $isInstalled = isset($this->installedMap[$package->id]); foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) { if (!isset($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()])) { continue; } foreach ($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()] as $provider) { if ($provider === $package) { continue; } if (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) { $reason = $isInstalled ? Rule::RULE_INSTALLED_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_OBSOLETES; $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $provider, $reason, $link)); } } } } } protected function obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider) { $packageIsAlias = $package instanceof AliasPackage; $providerIsAlias = $provider instanceof AliasPackage; $impossible = ( ($packageIsAlias && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) || ($providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package) || ($packageIsAlias && $providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package->getAliasOf()) ); return $impossible; } protected function whitelistFromJobs() { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint'], true); foreach ($packages as $package) { $this->whitelistFromPackage($package); } break; } } } protected function addRulesForJobs($ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'install': if (!$job['fixed'] && $ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $job['packageName'])) { break; } $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); if ($packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { if (!isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } } $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule($packages, Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL, $job); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule); } break; case 'remove': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); foreach ($packages as $package) { $rule = $this->createRemoveRule($package, Rule::RULE_JOB_REMOVE, $job); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule); } break; } } } public function getRulesFor($jobs, $installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->jobs = $jobs; $this->rules = new RuleSet; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; $this->whitelistedMap = array(); foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->whitelistFromPackage($package); } $this->whitelistFromJobs(); $this->pool->setWhitelist($this->whitelistedMap); $this->addedMap = array(); $this->conflictAddedMap = array(); $this->addedPackages = array(); $this->addedPackagesByNames = array(); foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } $this->addRulesForJobs($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addedPackages = $this->addedPackagesByNames = null; return $this->rules; } } rules = $rules; $this->types = array_keys($rules); sort($this->types); $this->rewind(); } public function current() { return $this->rules[$this->currentType][$this->currentOffset]; } public function key() { return $this->currentType; } public function next() { $this->currentOffset++; if (!isset($this->rules[$this->currentType])) { return; } if ($this->currentOffset >= count($this->rules[$this->currentType])) { $this->currentOffset = 0; do { $this->currentTypeOffset++; if (!isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset])) { $this->currentType = -1; break; } $this->currentType = $this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]; } while (isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]) && !count($this->rules[$this->currentType])); } } public function rewind() { $this->currentOffset = 0; $this->currentTypeOffset = -1; $this->currentType = -1; do { $this->currentTypeOffset++; if (!isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset])) { $this->currentType = -1; break; } $this->currentType = $this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]; } while (isset($this->types[$this->currentTypeOffset]) && !count($this->rules[$this->currentType])); } public function valid() { return isset($this->rules[$this->currentType]) && isset($this->rules[$this->currentType][$this->currentOffset]); } } rewind(); for ($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++, $this->next()); } public function remove() { $offset = $this->key(); $this->offsetUnset($offset); $this->seek($offset); } } getRule()->isAssertion()) { return; } foreach (array($node->watch1, $node->watch2) as $literal) { if (!isset($this->watchChains[$literal])) { $this->watchChains[$literal] = new RuleWatchChain; } $this->watchChains[$literal]->unshift($node); } } public function propagateLiteral($decidedLiteral, $level, $decisions) { $literal = -$decidedLiteral; if (!isset($this->watchChains[$literal])) { return null; } $chain = $this->watchChains[$literal]; $chain->rewind(); while ($chain->valid()) { $node = $chain->current(); $otherWatch = $node->getOtherWatch($literal); if (!$node->getRule()->isDisabled() && !$decisions->satisfy($otherWatch)) { $ruleLiterals = $node->getRule()->getLiterals(); $alternativeLiterals = array_filter($ruleLiterals, function ($ruleLiteral) use ($literal, $otherWatch, $decisions) { return $literal !== $ruleLiteral && $otherWatch !== $ruleLiteral && !$decisions->conflict($ruleLiteral); }); if ($alternativeLiterals) { reset($alternativeLiterals); $this->moveWatch($literal, current($alternativeLiterals), $node); continue; } if ($decisions->conflict($otherWatch)) { return $node->getRule(); } $decisions->decide($otherWatch, $level, $node->getRule()); } $chain->next(); } return null; } protected function moveWatch($fromLiteral, $toLiteral, $node) { if (!isset($this->watchChains[$toLiteral])) { $this->watchChains[$toLiteral] = new RuleWatchChain; } $node->moveWatch($fromLiteral, $toLiteral); $this->watchChains[$fromLiteral]->remove(); $this->watchChains[$toLiteral]->unshift($node); } } rule = $rule; $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); $literalCount = count($literals); $this->watch1 = $literalCount > 0 ? $literals[0] : 0; $this->watch2 = $literalCount > 1 ? $literals[1] : 0; } public function watch2OnHighest(Decisions $decisions) { $literals = $this->rule->getLiterals(); if (count($literals) < 3) { return; } $watchLevel = 0; foreach ($literals as $literal) { $level = $decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if ($level > $watchLevel) { $this->watch2 = $literal; $watchLevel = $level; } } } public function getRule() { return $this->rule; } public function getOtherWatch($literal) { if ($this->watch1 == $literal) { return $this->watch2; } return $this->watch1; } public function moveWatch($from, $to) { if ($this->watch1 == $from) { $this->watch1 = $to; } else { $this->watch2 = $to; } } } io = $io; $this->policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installed = $installed; $this->ruleSetGenerator = new RuleSetGenerator($policy, $pool); } public function getRuleSetSize() { return count($this->rules); } private function makeAssertionRuleDecisions() { $decisionStart = count($this->decisions) - 1; $rulesCount = count($this->rules); for ($ruleIndex = 0; $ruleIndex < $rulesCount; $ruleIndex++) { $rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$ruleIndex]; if (!$rule->isAssertion() || $rule->isDisabled()) { continue; } $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); $literal = $literals[0]; if (!$this->decisions->decided($literal)) { $this->decisions->decide($literal, 1, $rule); continue; } if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } if (RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED === $rule->getType()) { $rule->disable(); continue; } $conflict = $this->decisions->decisionRule($literal); if ($conflict && RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE === $conflict->getType()) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($rule); $problem->addRule($conflict); $this->disableProblem($rule); $this->problems[] = $problem; continue; } $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($rule); $problem->addRule($conflict); foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) as $assertRule) { if ($assertRule->isDisabled() || !$assertRule->isAssertion()) { continue; } $assertRuleLiterals = $assertRule->getLiterals(); $assertRuleLiteral = $assertRuleLiterals[0]; if (abs($literal) !== abs($assertRuleLiteral)) { continue; } $problem->addRule($assertRule); $this->disableProblem($assertRule); } $this->problems[] = $problem; $this->decisions->resetToOffset($decisionStart); $ruleIndex = -1; } } protected function setupInstalledMap() { $this->installedMap = array(); foreach ($this->installed->getPackages() as $package) { $this->installedMap[$package->id] = $package; } } protected function checkForRootRequireProblems($ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { switch ($job['cmd']) { case 'update': $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint']); foreach ($packages as $package) { if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $this->updateMap[$package->id] = true; } } break; case 'update-all': foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) { $this->updateMap[$package->id] = true; } break; case 'install': if ($ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $job['packageName'])) { break; } if (!$this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName'], $job['constraint'])) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule(new GenericRule(array(), null, null, $job)); $this->problems[] = $problem; } break; } } } public function solve(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->jobs = $request->getJobs(); $this->setupInstalledMap(); $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap, $ignorePlatformReqs); $this->checkForRootRequireProblems($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->decisions = new Decisions($this->pool); $this->watchGraph = new RuleWatchGraph; foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { $this->watchGraph->insert(new RuleWatchNode($rule)); } $this->makeAssertionRuleDecisions(); $this->io->writeError('Resolving dependencies through SAT', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $before = microtime(true); $this->runSat(true); $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Dependency resolution completed in %.3f seconds', microtime(true) - $before), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); foreach ($this->installedMap as $packageId => $void) { if ($this->decisions->undecided($packageId)) { $this->decisions->decide(-$packageId, 1, null); } } if ($this->problems) { throw new SolverProblemsException($this->problems, $this->installedMap); } $transaction = new Transaction($this->policy, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $this->decisions); return $transaction->getOperations(); } protected function propagate($level) { while ($this->decisions->validOffset($this->propagateIndex)) { $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($this->propagateIndex); $conflict = $this->watchGraph->propagateLiteral( $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL], $level, $this->decisions ); $this->propagateIndex++; if ($conflict) { return $conflict; } } return null; } private function revert($level) { while (!$this->decisions->isEmpty()) { $literal = $this->decisions->lastLiteral(); if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { break; } $decisionLevel = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if ($decisionLevel <= $level) { break; } $this->decisions->revertLast(); $this->propagateIndex = count($this->decisions); } while (!empty($this->branches) && $this->branches[count($this->branches) - 1][self::BRANCH_LEVEL] >= $level) { array_pop($this->branches); } } private function setPropagateLearn($level, $literal, $disableRules, Rule $rule) { $level++; $this->decisions->decide($literal, $level, $rule); while (true) { $rule = $this->propagate($level); if (!$rule) { break; } if ($level == 1) { return $this->analyzeUnsolvable($rule, $disableRules); } list($learnLiteral, $newLevel, $newRule, $why) = $this->analyze($level, $rule); if ($newLevel <= 0 || $newLevel >= $level) { throw new SolverBugException( "Trying to revert to invalid level ".(int) $newLevel." from level ".(int) $level."." ); } elseif (!$newRule) { throw new SolverBugException( "No rule was learned from analyzing $rule at level $level." ); } $level = $newLevel; $this->revert($level); $this->rules->add($newRule, RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED); $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($newRule)] = $why; $ruleNode = new RuleWatchNode($newRule); $ruleNode->watch2OnHighest($this->decisions); $this->watchGraph->insert($ruleNode); $this->decisions->decide($learnLiteral, $level, $newRule); } return $level; } private function selectAndInstall($level, array $decisionQueue, $disableRules, Rule $rule) { $literals = $this->policy->selectPreferredPackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $decisionQueue, $rule->getRequiredPackage()); $selectedLiteral = array_shift($literals); if (count($literals)) { $this->branches[] = array($literals, $level); } return $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $selectedLiteral, $disableRules, $rule); } protected function analyze($level, Rule $rule) { $analyzedRule = $rule; $ruleLevel = 1; $num = 0; $l1num = 0; $seen = array(); $learnedLiterals = array(null); $decisionId = count($this->decisions); $this->learnedPool[] = array(); while (true) { $this->learnedPool[count($this->learnedPool) - 1][] = $rule; foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; $l = $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal); if (1 === $l) { $l1num++; } elseif ($level === $l) { $num++; } else { $learnedLiterals[] = $literal; if ($l > $ruleLevel) { $ruleLevel = $l; } } } $l1retry = true; while ($l1retry) { $l1retry = false; if (!$num && !--$l1num) { break 2; } while (true) { if ($decisionId <= 0) { throw new SolverBugException( "Reached invalid decision id $decisionId while looking through $rule for a literal present in the analyzed rule $analyzedRule." ); } $decisionId--; $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId); $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; if (isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { break; } } unset($seen[abs($literal)]); if ($num && 0 === --$num) { if ($literal < 0) { $this->testFlagLearnedPositiveLiteral = true; } $learnedLiterals[0] = -$literal; if (!$l1num) { break 2; } foreach ($learnedLiterals as $i => $learnedLiteral) { if ($i !== 0) { unset($seen[abs($learnedLiteral)]); } } $l1num++; $l1retry = true; } } $decision = $this->decisions->atOffset($decisionId); $rule = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; } $why = count($this->learnedPool) - 1; if (!$learnedLiterals[0]) { throw new SolverBugException( "Did not find a learnable literal in analyzed rule $analyzedRule." ); } $newRule = new GenericRule($learnedLiterals, Rule::RULE_LEARNED, $why); return array($learnedLiterals[0], $ruleLevel, $newRule, $why); } private function analyzeUnsolvableRule(Problem $problem, Rule $conflictRule) { if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) { $why = spl_object_hash($conflictRule); $learnedWhy = $this->learnedWhy[$why]; $problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$learnedWhy]; foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) { $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $problemRule); } return; } if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE) { return; } $problem->nextSection(); $problem->addRule($conflictRule); } private function analyzeUnsolvable(Rule $conflictRule, $disableRules) { $problem = new Problem($this->pool); $problem->addRule($conflictRule); $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $conflictRule); $this->problems[] = $problem; $seen = array(); $literals = $conflictRule->getLiterals(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; } foreach ($this->decisions as $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; if (!isset($seen[abs($literal)])) { continue; } $why = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $problem->addRule($why); $this->analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $why); $literals = $why->getLiterals(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { continue; } $seen[abs($literal)] = true; } } if ($disableRules) { foreach ($this->problems[count($this->problems) - 1] as $reason) { $this->disableProblem($reason['rule']); } $this->resetSolver(); return 1; } return 0; } private function disableProblem(Rule $why) { $job = $why->getJob(); if (!$job) { $why->disable(); return; } foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { if ($job === $rule->getJob()) { $rule->disable(); } } } private function resetSolver() { $this->decisions->reset(); $this->propagateIndex = 0; $this->branches = array(); $this->enableDisableLearnedRules(); $this->makeAssertionRuleDecisions(); } private function enableDisableLearnedRules() { foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) as $rule) { $why = $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($rule)]; $problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$why]; $foundDisabled = false; foreach ($problemRules as $problemRule) { if ($problemRule->isDisabled()) { $foundDisabled = true; break; } } if ($foundDisabled && $rule->isEnabled()) { $rule->disable(); } elseif (!$foundDisabled && $rule->isDisabled()) { $rule->enable(); } } } private function runSat($disableRules = true) { $this->propagateIndex = 0; $decisionQueue = array(); $decisionSupplementQueue = array(); $disableRules = array(); $level = 1; $systemLevel = $level + 1; $installedPos = 0; while (true) { if (1 === $level) { $conflictRule = $this->propagate($level); if (null !== $conflictRule) { if ($this->analyzeUnsolvable($conflictRule, $disableRules)) { continue; } return; } } if ($level < $systemLevel) { $iterator = $this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB); foreach ($iterator as $rule) { if ($rule->isEnabled()) { $decisionQueue = array(); $noneSatisfied = true; foreach ($rule->getLiterals() as $literal) { if ($this->decisions->satisfy($literal)) { $noneSatisfied = false; break; } if ($literal > 0 && $this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { $decisionQueue[] = $literal; } } if ($noneSatisfied && count($decisionQueue)) { if (count($this->installed) != count($this->updateMap)) { $prunedQueue = array(); foreach ($decisionQueue as $literal) { if (isset($this->installedMap[abs($literal)])) { $prunedQueue[] = $literal; if (isset($this->updateMap[abs($literal)])) { $prunedQueue = $decisionQueue; break; } } } $decisionQueue = $prunedQueue; } } if ($noneSatisfied && count($decisionQueue)) { $oLevel = $level; $level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $disableRules, $rule); if (0 === $level) { return; } if ($level <= $oLevel) { break; } } } } $systemLevel = $level + 1; $iterator->next(); if ($iterator->valid()) { continue; } } if ($level < $systemLevel) { $systemLevel = $level; } $rulesCount = count($this->rules); $pass = 1; $this->io->writeError('Looking at all rules.', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); for ($i = 0, $n = 0; $n < $rulesCount; $i++, $n++) { if ($i == $rulesCount) { if (1 === $pass) { $this->io->writeError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, IOInterface::DEBUG); } else { $this->io->overwriteError("Something's changed, looking at all rules again (pass #$pass)", false, null, IOInterface::DEBUG); } $i = 0; $pass++; } $rule = $this->rules->ruleById[$i]; $literals = $rule->getLiterals(); if ($rule->isDisabled()) { continue; } $decisionQueue = array(); foreach ($literals as $literal) { if ($literal <= 0) { if (!$this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) { continue 2; } } else { if ($this->decisions->decidedInstall($literal)) { continue 2; } if ($this->decisions->undecided($literal)) { $decisionQueue[] = $literal; } } } if (count($decisionQueue) < 2) { continue; } $level = $this->selectAndInstall($level, $decisionQueue, $disableRules, $rule); if (0 === $level) { return; } $rulesCount = count($this->rules); $n = -1; } if ($level < $systemLevel) { continue; } if (count($this->branches)) { $lastLiteral = null; $lastLevel = null; $lastBranchIndex = 0; $lastBranchOffset = 0; for ($i = count($this->branches) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { list($literals, $l) = $this->branches[$i]; foreach ($literals as $offset => $literal) { if ($literal && $literal > 0 && $this->decisions->decisionLevel($literal) > $l + 1) { $lastLiteral = $literal; $lastBranchIndex = $i; $lastBranchOffset = $offset; $lastLevel = $l; } } } if ($lastLiteral) { unset($this->branches[$lastBranchIndex][self::BRANCH_LITERALS][$lastBranchOffset]); $level = $lastLevel; $this->revert($level); $why = $this->decisions->lastReason(); $level = $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $lastLiteral, $disableRules, $why); if ($level == 0) { return; } continue; } } break; } } } problems = $problems; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; parent::__construct($this->createMessage(), 2); } protected function createMessage() { $text = "\n"; $hasExtensionProblems = false; foreach ($this->problems as $i => $problem) { $text .= " Problem ".($i + 1).$problem->getPrettyString($this->installedMap)."\n"; if (!$hasExtensionProblems && $this->hasExtensionProblems($problem->getReasons())) { $hasExtensionProblems = true; } } if (strpos($text, 'could not be found') || strpos($text, 'no matching package found')) { $text .= "\nPotential causes:\n - A typo in the package name\n - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting\n see for more details.\n - It's a private package and you forgot to add a custom repository to find it\n\nRead for further common problems."; } if ($hasExtensionProblems) { $text .= $this->createExtensionHint(); } return $text; } public function getProblems() { return $this->problems; } private function createExtensionHint() { $paths = IniHelper::getAll(); if (count($paths) === 1 && empty($paths[0])) { return ''; } $text = "\n To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:\n - "; $text .= implode("\n - ", $paths); $text .= "\n You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode."; return $text; } private function hasExtensionProblems(array $reasonSets) { foreach ($reasonSets as $reasonSet) { foreach ($reasonSet as $reason) { if (isset($reason["rule"]) && 0 === strpos($reason["rule"]->getRequiredPackage(), 'ext-')) { return true; } } } return false; } } policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installedMap = $installedMap; $this->decisions = $decisions; $this->transaction = array(); } public function getOperations() { $installMeansUpdateMap = $this->findUpdates(); $updateMap = array(); $installMap = array(); $uninstallMap = array(); foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $reason = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if (($literal > 0) == isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } if ($literal > 0) { if (isset($installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]) && !$package instanceof AliasPackage) { $source = $installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]; $updateMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'source' => $source, 'reason' => $reason, ); unset($installMeansUpdateMap[abs($literal)]); $ignoreRemove[$source->id] = true; } else { $installMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'reason' => $reason, ); } } } foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $reason = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_REASON]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($literal <= 0 && isset($this->installedMap[$package->id]) && !isset($ignoreRemove[$package->id])) { $uninstallMap[$package->id] = array( 'package' => $package, 'reason' => $reason, ); } } $this->transactionFromMaps($installMap, $updateMap, $uninstallMap); return $this->transaction; } protected function transactionFromMaps($installMap, $updateMap, $uninstallMap) { $queue = array_map( function ($operation) { return $operation['package']; }, $this->findRootPackages($installMap, $updateMap) ); $visited = array(); while (!empty($queue)) { $package = array_pop($queue); $packageId = $package->id; if (!isset($visited[$packageId])) { $queue[] = $package; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $queue[] = $package->getAliasOf(); } else { foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $queue[] = $require; } } } $visited[$package->id] = true; } else { if (isset($installMap[$packageId])) { $this->install( $installMap[$packageId]['package'], $installMap[$packageId]['reason'] ); unset($installMap[$packageId]); } if (isset($updateMap[$packageId])) { $this->update( $updateMap[$packageId]['source'], $updateMap[$packageId]['package'], $updateMap[$packageId]['reason'] ); unset($updateMap[$packageId]); } } } foreach ($uninstallMap as $uninstall) { $this->uninstall($uninstall['package'], $uninstall['reason']); } } protected function findRootPackages($installMap, $updateMap) { $packages = $installMap + $updateMap; $roots = $packages; foreach ($packages as $packageId => $operation) { $package = $operation['package']; if (!isset($roots[$packageId])) { continue; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { if ($require !== $package) { unset($roots[$require->id]); } } } } return $roots; } protected function findUpdates() { $installMeansUpdateMap = array(); foreach ($this->decisions as $i => $decision) { $literal = $decision[Decisions::DECISION_LITERAL]; $package = $this->pool->literalToPackage($literal); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { continue; } if ($literal <= 0 && isset($this->installedMap[$package->id])) { $updates = $this->policy->findUpdatePackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $package); $literals = array($package->id); foreach ($updates as $update) { $literals[] = $update->id; } foreach ($literals as $updateLiteral) { if ($updateLiteral !== $literal) { $installMeansUpdateMap[abs($updateLiteral)] = $package; } } } } return $installMeansUpdateMap; } protected function install($package, $reason) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $this->markAliasInstalled($package, $reason); } $this->transaction[] = new Operation\InstallOperation($package, $reason); } protected function update($from, $to, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\UpdateOperation($from, $to, $reason); } protected function uninstall($package, $reason) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $this->markAliasUninstalled($package, $reason); } $this->transaction[] = new Operation\UninstallOperation($package, $reason); } protected function markAliasInstalled($package, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\MarkAliasInstalledOperation($package, $reason); } protected function markAliasUninstalled($package, $reason) { $this->transaction[] = new Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($package, $reason); } } config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/'.substr(md5(uniqid('', true)), 0, 8); $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { $fileName = parent::download($package, $path, $output); if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(' Extracting archive', false, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } try { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($temporaryDir); try { $this->extract($fileName, $temporaryDir); } catch (\Exception $e) { parent::clearLastCacheWrite($package); throw $e; } $this->filesystem->unlink($fileName); $contentDir = $this->getFolderContent($temporaryDir); if (1 === count($contentDir) && is_dir(reset($contentDir))) { $contentDir = $this->getFolderContent((string) reset($contentDir)); } foreach ($contentDir as $file) { $file = (string) $file; $this->filesystem->rename($file, $path . '/' . basename($file)); } $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($temporaryDir); if ($this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/')) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/'); } if ($this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->config->get('vendor-dir'))) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($this->config->get('vendor-dir')); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($temporaryDir); if ($retries && $e instanceof \UnexpectedValueException && class_exists('ZipArchive') && $e->getCode() === \ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP) { $this->io->writeError(''); if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError(' Invalid zip file ('.$e->getMessage().'), retrying...'); } else { $this->io->writeError(' Invalid zip file, retrying...'); } usleep(500000); continue; } throw $e; } break; } } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return rtrim($path.'/'.md5($path.spl_object_hash($package)).'.'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), '.'); } abstract protected function extract($file, $path); private function getFolderContent($dir) { $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(false) ->ignoreDotFiles(false) ->notName('.DS_Store') ->depth(0) ->in($dir); return iterator_to_array($finder); } } io = $io; $this->preferSource = $preferSource; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); } public function setPreferSource($preferSource) { $this->preferSource = $preferSource; return $this; } public function setPreferDist($preferDist) { $this->preferDist = $preferDist; return $this; } public function setPreferences(array $preferences) { $this->packagePreferences = $preferences; return $this; } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { foreach ($this->downloaders as $downloader) { $downloader->setOutputProgress($outputProgress); } return $this; } public function setDownloader($type, DownloaderInterface $downloader) { $type = strtolower($type); $this->downloaders[$type] = $downloader; return $this; } public function getDownloader($type) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!isset($this->downloaders[$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown downloader type: %s. Available types: %s.', $type, implode(', ', array_keys($this->downloaders)))); } return $this->downloaders[$type]; } public function getDownloaderForInstalledPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $installationSource = $package->getInstallationSource(); if ('metapackage' === $package->getType()) { return; } if ('dist' === $installationSource) { $downloader = $this->getDownloader($package->getDistType()); } elseif ('source' === $installationSource) { $downloader = $this->getDownloader($package->getSourceType()); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Package '.$package.' seems not been installed properly' ); } if ($installationSource !== $downloader->getInstallationSource()) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf( 'Downloader "%s" is a %s type downloader and can not be used to download %s for package %s', get_class($downloader), $downloader->getInstallationSource(), $installationSource, $package )); } return $downloader; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir, $preferSource = null) { $preferSource = null !== $preferSource ? $preferSource : $this->preferSource; $sourceType = $package->getSourceType(); $distType = $package->getDistType(); $sources = array(); if ($sourceType) { $sources[] = 'source'; } if ($distType) { $sources[] = 'dist'; } if (empty($sources)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$package.' must have a source or dist specified'); } if (!$preferSource && ($this->preferDist || 'dist' === $this->resolvePackageInstallPreference($package))) { $sources = array_reverse($sources); } $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($targetDir); foreach ($sources as $i => $source) { if (isset($e)) { $this->io->writeError(' Now trying to download from ' . $source . ''); } $package->setInstallationSource($source); try { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); if ($downloader) { $downloader->download($package, $targetDir); } break; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($i === count($sources) - 1) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError( ' Failed to download '. $package->getPrettyName(). ' from ' . $source . ': '. $e->getMessage().'' ); } } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $targetDir) { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($initial); if (!$downloader) { return; } $installationSource = $initial->getInstallationSource(); if ('dist' === $installationSource) { $initialType = $initial->getDistType(); $targetType = $target->getDistType(); } else { $initialType = $initial->getSourceType(); $targetType = $target->getSourceType(); } if ($target->isDev() && 'dist' === $installationSource) { $downloader->remove($initial, $targetDir); $this->download($target, $targetDir); return; } if ($initialType === $targetType) { $target->setInstallationSource($installationSource); try { $downloader->update($initial, $target, $targetDir); return; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError(' Update failed ('.$e->getMessage().')'); if (!$this->io->askConfirmation(' Would you like to try reinstalling the package instead [yes]? ', true)) { throw $e; } } } $downloader->remove($initial, $targetDir); $this->download($target, $targetDir, 'source' === $installationSource); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir) { $downloader = $this->getDownloaderForInstalledPackage($package); if ($downloader) { $downloader->remove($package, $targetDir); } } protected function resolvePackageInstallPreference(PackageInterface $package) { foreach ($this->packagePreferences as $pattern => $preference) { $pattern = '{^'.str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($pattern)).'$}i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $package->getName())) { if ('dist' === $preference || (!$package->isDev() && 'auto' === $preference)) { return 'dist'; } return 'source'; } } return $package->isDev() ? 'source' : 'dist'; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->rfs = $rfs ?: Factory::createRemoteFilesystem($this->io, $config); $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); $this->cache = $cache; if ($this->cache && $this->cache->gcIsNecessary()) { $this->cache->gc($config->get('cache-files-ttl'), $config->get('cache-files-maxsize')); } } public function getInstallationSource() { return 'dist'; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if (!$package->getDistUrl()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given package is missing url information'); } if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "): ", false); } $urls = $package->getDistUrls(); while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { $fileName = $this->doDownload($package, $path, $url); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL ('.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage().')', false); } if (!count($urls)) { throw $e; } } } if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(''); } return $fileName; } protected function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($path); $fileName = $this->getFileName($package, $path); $processedUrl = $this->processUrl($package, $url); $origin = RemoteFilesystem::getOrigin($processedUrl); $preFileDownloadEvent = new PreFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $this->rfs, $processedUrl); if ($this->eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($preFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $preFileDownloadEvent); } $rfs = $preFileDownloadEvent->getRemoteFilesystem(); try { $checksum = $package->getDistSha1Checksum(); $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($package, $processedUrl); if ($this->cache && (!$checksum || $checksum === $this->cache->sha1($cacheKey)) && $this->cache->copyTo($cacheKey, $fileName)) { $this->io->writeError('Loading from cache', false); } else { if (!$this->outputProgress) { $this->io->writeError('Downloading', false); } $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { $rfs->copy($origin, $processedUrl, $fileName, $this->outputProgress, $package->getTransportOptions()); break; } catch (TransportException $e) { if ((0 !== $e->getCode() && !in_array($e->getCode(), array(500, 502, 503, 504))) || !$retries) { throw $e; } $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Download failed, retrying...', true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); usleep(500000); } } if (!$this->outputProgress) { $this->io->writeError(' (100%)', false); } if ($this->cache) { $this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()] = $cacheKey; $this->cache->copyFrom($cacheKey, $fileName); } } if (!file_exists($fileName)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException($url.' could not be saved to '.$fileName.', make sure the' .' directory is writable and you have internet connectivity'); } if ($checksum && hash_file('sha1', $fileName) !== $checksum) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from '.$url.')'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); $this->clearLastCacheWrite($package); throw $e; } return $fileName; } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { $this->outputProgress = $outputProgress; return $this; } protected function clearLastCacheWrite(PackageInterface $package) { if ($this->cache && isset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()])) { $this->cache->remove($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); unset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, Packagetion clearLastCacheWrite(PackageInterface $package) { if ($this->cache && isset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()])) { $this->cache->remove($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); unset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path) { $name = $target->getName(); $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); $actionName = VersionParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . "): ", false); $this->remove($initial, $path, false); $this->download($target, $path, false); $this->io->writeError(''); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); } if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.'); } } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } protected function processUrl(PackageInterface $package, $url) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 0 === strpos($url, 'https:')) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https'); } if ($package->getDistReference()) { $url = UrlUtil::updateDistReference($this->config, $url, $package->getDistReference()); } return $url; } private function getCacheKey(PackageInterface $package, $processedUrl) { $cacheKey = sha1($processedUrl); return $package->getName().'/'.$cacheKey.'.'.$package->getDistType(); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir) { $prevIO = $this->io; $prevProgress = $this->outputProgress; $this->io = new NullIO; $this->io->loadConfiguration($this->config); $this->outputProgress = false; $e = null; try { $this->download($package, $targetDir.'_compare', false); $comparer = new Comparer(); $comparer->setSource($targetDir.'_compare'); $comparer->setUpdate($targetDir); $comparer->doCompare(); $output = $comparer->getChanged(true, true); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($targetDir.'_compare'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->io = $prevIO; $this->outputProgress = $prevProgress; if ($e) { throw $e; } return trim($output); } } config->prohibitUrlByConfig($url, $this->io); $url = ProcessExecutor::escape($url); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($package->getSourceReference()); $repoFile = $path . '.fossil'; $this->io->writeError("Cloning ".$package->getSourceReference()); $command = sprintf('fossil clone %s %s', $url, ProcessExecutor::escape($repoFile)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $command = sprintf('fossil open %s --nested', ProcessExecutor::escape($repoFile)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $command = sprintf('fossil update %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $this->config->prohibitUrlByConfig($url, $this->io); $url = ProcessExecutor::escape($url); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($target->getSourceReference()); $this->io->writeError(" Updating to ".$target->getSourceReference()); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .fslckout file is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $command = sprintf('fossil pull && fossil up %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return null; } $this->process->execute('fossil changes', $output, realpath($path)); return trim($output) ?: null; } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $command = sprintf('fossil timeline -t ci -W 0 -n 0 before %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $log = ''; $match = '/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s+\[' . $toReference . '\]/'; foreach ($this->process->splitLines($output) as $line) { if (preg_match($match, $line)) { break; } $log .= $line; } return $log; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_file($path . '/.fslckout') || is_file($path . '/_FOSSIL_'); } } gitUtil = new GitUtil($this->io, $this->config, $this->process, $this->filesystem); } public function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $cachePath = $this->config->get('cache-vcs-dir').'/'.preg_replace('{[^a-z0-9.]}i', '-', $url).'/'; $ref = $package->getSourceReference(); $flag = Platform::isWindows() ? '/D ' : ''; $gitVersion = $this->gitUtil->getVersion(); $msg = "Cloning ".$this->getShortHash($ref); $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %url% %path% && cd '.$flag.'%path% && git remote add composer %url% && git fetch composer && git remote set-url origin %sanitizedUrl% && git remote set-url composer %sanitizedUrl%'; if ($gitVersion && version_compare($gitVersion, '2.3.0-rc0', '>=') && Cache::isUsable($cachePath)) { $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError(sprintf(' Cloning to cache at %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath)), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); try { if (!$this->gitUtil->fetchRefOrSyncMirror($url, $cachePath, $ref)) { $this->io->writeError('Failed to update '.$url.' in cache, package installation for '.$package->getPrettyName().' might fail.'); } if (is_dir($cachePath)) { $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %cachePath% %path% --dissociate --reference %cachePath% ' . '&& cd '.$flag.'%path% ' . '&& git remote set-url origin %sanitizedUrl% && git remote add composer %sanitizedUrl%'; $msg = "Cloning ".$this->getShortHash($ref).' from cache'; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if (0 === strpos(get_class($e), 'PHPUnit')) { throw $e; } } } $this->io->writeError($msg); $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($path, $command, $cachePath) { return str_replace( array('%url%', '%path%', '%cachePath%', '%sanitizedUrl%'), array( ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path), ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath), ProcessExecutor::escape(preg_replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)), ), $command ); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path, true); if ($url !== $package->getSourceUrl()) { $this->updateOriginUrl($path, $package->getSourceUrl()); } else { $this->setPushUrl($path, $url); } if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $package->getPrettyVersion(), $package->getReleaseDate())) { if ($package->getDistReference() === $package->getSourceReference()) { $package->setDistReference($newRef); } $package->setSourceReference($newRef); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .git directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $updateOriginUrl = false; if ( 0 === $this->process->execute('git remote -v', $output, $path) && preg_match('{^origin\s+(?P\S+)}m', $output, $originMatch) && preg_match('{^composer\s+(?P\S+)}m', $output, $composerMatch) ) { if ($originMatch['url'] === $composerMatch['url'] && $composerMatch['url'] !== $target->getSourceUrl()) { $updateOriginUrl = true; } } $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); $this->io->writeError(" Checking out ".$this->getShortHash($ref)); $command = '(git remote set-url composer %s && git rev-parse --quiet --verify %s || (git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer)) && git remote set-url composer %s'; $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($command, $ref) { return sprintf( $command, ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref.'^{commit}'), ProcessExecutor::escape(preg_replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)) ); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path); if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $target->getPrettyVersion(), $target->getReleaseDate())) { if ($target->getDistReference() === $target->getSourceReference()) { $target->setDistReference($newRef); } $target->setSourceReference($newRef); } if ($updateOriginUrl) { $this->updateOriginUrl($path, $target->getSourceUrl()); } } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return; } $command = 'git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no'; if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return trim($output) ?: null; } public function getUnpushedChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return; } $command = 'git show-ref --head -d'; if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $refs = trim($output); if (!preg_match('{^([a-f0-9]+) HEAD$}mi', $refs, $match)) { return; } $headRef = $match[1]; if (!preg_match_all('{^'.$headRef.' refs/heads/(.+)$}mi', $refs, $matches)) { return; } $branch = $matches[1][0]; $unpushedChanges = null; for ($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++) { foreach ($matches[1] as $candidate) { if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]+ refs/remotes/((?:composer|origin)/'.preg_quote($candidate).')$}mi', $refs, $match)) { $branch = $candidate; $remoteBranch = $match[1]; break; } } if (!isset($remoteBranch)) { $unpushedChanges = 'Branch ' . $branch . ' could not be found on the origin remote and appears to be unpushed'; } else { $command = sprintf('git diff --name-status %s...%s --', $remoteBranch, $branch); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $unpushedChanges = trim($output) ?: null; } if ($unpushedChanges && $i === 0) { $this->process->execute('git fetch composer && git fetch origin', $output, $path); } if (!$unpushedChanges) { break; } } return $unpushedChanges; } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $unpushed = $this->getUnpushedChanges($package, $path); if ($unpushed && ($this->io->isInteractive() || $this->config->get('discard-changes') !== true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Source directory ' . $path . ' has unpushed changes on the current branch: '."\n".$unpushed); } if (!$changes = $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { return; } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { $discardChanges = $this->config->get('discard-changes'); if (true === $discardChanges) { return $this->discardChanges($path); } if ('stash' === $discardChanges) { if (!$update) { return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } return $this->stashChanges($path); } return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } $changes = array_map(function ($elem) { return ' '.$elem; }, preg_split('{\s*\r?\n\s*}', $changes)); $this->io->writeError(' The package has modified files:'); $this->io->writeError(array_slice($changes, 0, 10)); if (count($changes) > 10) { $this->io->writeError(' ' . (count($changes) - 10) . ' more files modified, choose "v" to view the full list'); } while (true) { switch ($this->io->ask(' Discard changes [y,n,v,d,'.($update ? 's,' : '').'?]? ', '?')) { case 'y': $this->discardChanges($path); break 2; case 's': if (!$update) { goto help; } $this->stashChanges($path); break 2; case 'n': throw new \RuntimeException('Update aborted'); case 'v': $this->io->writeError($changes); break; case 'd': $this->viewDiff($path); break; case '?': default: help: $this->io->writeError(array( ' y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'), ' n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up', ' v - view modified files', ' d - view local modifications (diff)', )); if ($update) { $this->io->writeError(' s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update'); } $this->io->writeError(' ? - print help'); break; } } } protected function reapplyChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if ($this->hasStashedChanges) { $this->hasStashedChanges = false; $this->io->writeError(' Re-applying stashed changes'); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash pop', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to apply stashed changes:\n\n".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = false; } protected function updateToCommit($path, $reference, $branch, $date) { $force = $this->hasDiscardedChanges || $this->hasStashedChanges ? '-f ' : ''; $template = 'git checkout '.$force.'%s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --'; $branch = preg_replace('{(?:^dev-|(?:\.x)?-dev$)}i', '', $branch); $branches = null; if (0 === $this->process->execute('git branch -r', $output, $path)) { $branches = $output; } $gitRef = $reference; if (!preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference) && $branches && preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($reference).'$}m', $branches) ) { $command = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference)) { if (!preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches) && preg_match('{^\s+composer/v'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches)) { $branch = 'v' . $branch; } $command = sprintf('git checkout %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch)); $fallbackCommand = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$branch)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $paInterface $target, $path) { $name = $target->getName(); $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); $actionName = VersionParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . "): ", false); $this->remove($initial, $path, false); $this->download($target, $path, false); $this->io->writeError(''); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); } if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.'); } } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } protected function processUrl(PackageInterface $package, $url) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 0 === strpos($url, 'https:')) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https'); } if ($package->getDistReference()) { $url = UrlUtil::updateDistReference($this->config, $url, $package->getDistReference()); } return $url; } private function getCacheKey(PackageInterface $package, $processedUrl) { $cacheKey = sha1($processedUrl); return $package->getName().'/'.$cacheKey.'.'.$package->getDistType(); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $targetDir) { $prevIO = $this->io; $prevProgress = $this->outputProgress; $this->io = new NullIO; $this->io->loadConfiguration($this->config); $this->outputProgress = false; $e = null; try { $this->download($package, $targetDir.'_compare', false); $comparer = new Comparer(); $comparer->setSource($targetDir.'_compare'); $comparer->setUpdate($targetDir); $comparer->doCompare(); $output = $comparer->getChanged(true, true); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($targetDir.'_compare'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->io = $prevIO; $this->outputProgress = $prevProgress; if ($e) { throw $e; } return trim($output); } } config->prohibitUrlByConfig($url, $this->io); $url = ProcessExecutor::escape($url); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($package->getSourceReference()); $repoFile = $path . '.fossil'; $this->io->writeError("Cloning ".$package->getSourceReference()); $command = sprintf('fossil clone %s %s', $url, ProcessExecutor::escape($repoFile)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $command = sprintf('fossil open %s --nested', ProcessExecutor::escape($repoFile)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $command = sprintf('fossil update %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $this->config->prohibitUrlByConfig($url, $this->io); $url = ProcessExecutor::escape($url); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($target->getSourceReference()); $this->io->writeError(" Updating to ".$target->getSourceReference()); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .fslckout file is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $command = sprintf('fossil pull && fossil up %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return null; } $this->process->execute('fossil changes', $output, realpath($path)); return trim($output) ?: null; } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $command = sprintf('fossil timeline -t ci -W 0 -n 0 before %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $log = ''; $match = '/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s+\[' . $toReference . '\]/'; foreach ($this->process->splitLines($output) as $line) { if (preg_match($match, $line)) { break; } $log .= $line; } return $log; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_file($path . '/.fslckout') || is_file($path . '/_FOSSIL_'); } } gitUtil = new GitUtil($this->io, $this->config, $this->process, $this->filesystem); } public function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $cachePath = $this->config->get('cache-vcs-dir').'/'.preg_replace('{[^a-z0-9.]}i', '-', $url).'/'; $ref = $package->getSourceReference(); $flag = Platform::isWindows() ? '/D ' : ''; $gitVersion = $this->gitUtil->getVersion(); $msg = "Cloning ".$this->getShortHash($ref); $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %url% %path% && cd '.$flag.'%path% && git remote add composer %url% && git fetch composer && git remote set-url origin %sanitizedUrl% && git remote set-url composer %sanitizedUrl%'; if ($gitVersion && version_compare($gitVersion, '2.3.0-rc0', '>=') && Cache::isUsable($cachePath)) { $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError(sprintf(' Cloning to cache at %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath)), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); try { if (!$this->gitUtil->fetchRefOrSyncMirror($url, $cachePath, $ref)) { $this->io->writeError('Failed to update '.$url.' in cache, package installation for '.$package->getPrettyName().' might fail.'); } if (is_dir($cachePath)) { $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %cachePath% %path% --dissociate --reference %cachePath% ' . '&& cd '.$flag.'%path% ' . '&& git remote set-url origin %sanitizedUrl% && git remote add composer %sanitizedUrl%'; $msg = "Cloning ".$this->getShortHash($ref).' from cache'; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if (0 === strpos(get_class($e), 'PHPUnit')) { throw $e; } } } $this->io->writeError($msg); $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($path, $command, $cachePath) { return str_replace( array('%url%', '%path%', '%cachePath%', '%sanitizedUrl%'), array( ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path), ProcessExecutor::escape($cachePath), ProcessExecutor::escape(preg_replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)), ), $command ); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path, true); if ($url !== $package->getSourceUrl()) { $this->updateOriginUrl($path, $package->getSourceUrl()); } else { $this->setPushUrl($path, $url); } if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $package->getPrettyVersion(), $package->getReleaseDate())) { if ($package->getDistReference() === $package->getSourceReference()) { $package->setDistReference($newRef); } $package->setSourceReference($newRef); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .git directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $updateOriginUrl = false; if ( 0 === $this->process->execute('git remote -v', $output, $path) && preg_match('{^origin\s+(?P\S+)}m', $output, $originMatch) && preg_match('{^composer\s+(?P\S+)}m', $output, $composerMatch) ) { if ($originMatch['url'] === $composerMatch['url'] && $composerMatch['url'] !== $target->getSourceUrl()) { $updateOriginUrl = true; } } $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); $this->io->writeError(" Checking out ".$this->getShortHash($ref)); $command = '(git remote set-url composer %s && git rev-parse --quiet --verify %s || (git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer)) && git remote set-url composer %s'; $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($command, $ref) { return sprintf( $command, ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref.'^{commit}'), ProcessExecutor::escape(preg_replace('{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}', '://', $url)) ); }; $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path); if ($newRef = $this->updateToCommit($path, $ref, $target->getPrettyVersion(), $target->getReleaseDate())) { if ($target->getDistReference() === $target->getSourceReference()) { $target->setDistReference($newRef); } $target->setSourceReference($newRef); } if ($updateOriginUrl) { $this->updateOriginUrl($path, $target->getSourceUrl()); } } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return; } $command = 'git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no'; if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return trim($output) ?: null; } public function getUnpushedChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return; } $command = 'git show-ref --head -d'; if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $refs = trim($output); if (!preg_match('{^([a-f0-9]+) HEAD$}mi', $refs, $match)) { return; } $headRef = $match[1]; if (!preg_match_all('{^'.$headRef.' refs/heads/(.+)$}mi', $refs, $matches)) { return; } $branch = $matches[1][0]; $unpushedChanges = null; for ($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++) { foreach ($matches[1] as $candidate) { if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]+ refs/remotes/((?:composer|origin)/'.preg_quote($candidate).')$}mi', $refs, $match)) { $branch = $candidate; $remoteBranch = $match[1]; break; } } if (!isset($remoteBranch)) { $unpushedChanges = 'Branch ' . $branch . ' could not be found on the origin remote and appears to be unpushed'; } else { $command = sprintf('git diff --name-status %s...%s --', $remoteBranch, $branch); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $unpushedChanges = trim($output) ?: null; } if ($unpushedChanges && $i === 0) { $this->process->execute('git fetch composer && git fetch origin', $output, $path); } if (!$unpushedChanges) { break; } } return $unpushedChanges; } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { GitUtil::cleanEnv(); $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $unpushed = $this->getUnpushedChanges($package, $path); if ($unpushed && ($this->io->isInteractive() || $this->config->get('discard-changes') !== true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Source directory ' . $path . ' has unpushed changes on the current branch: '."\n".$unpushed); } if (!$changes = $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { return; } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { $discardChanges = $this->config->get('discard-changes'); if (true === $discardChanges) { return $this->discardChanges($path); } if ('stash' === $discardChanges) { if (!$update) { return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } return $this->stashChanges($path); } return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } $changes = array_map(function ($elem) { return ' '.$elem; }, preg_split('{\s*\r?\n\s*}', $changes)); $this->io->writeError(' The package has modified files:'); $this->io->writeError(array_slice($changes, 0, 10)); if (count($changes) > 10) { $this->io->writeError(' ' . (count($changes) - 10) . ' more files modified, choose "v" to view the full list'); } while (true) { switch ($this->io->ask(' Discard changes [y,n,v,d,'.($update ? 's,' : '').'?]? ', '?')) { case 'y': $this->discardChanges($path); break 2; case 's': if (!$update) { goto help; } $this->stashChanges($path); break 2; case 'n': throw new \RuntimeException('Update aborted'); case 'v': $this->io->writeError($changes); break; case 'd': $this->viewDiff($path); break; case '?': default: help: $this->io->writeError(array( ' y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'), ' n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up', ' v - view modified files', ' d - view local modifications (diff)', )); if ($update) { $this->io->writeError(' s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update'); } $this->io->writeError(' ? - print help'); break; } } } protected function reapplyChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if ($this->hasStashedChanges) { $this->hasStashedChanges = false; $this->io->writeError(' Re-applying stashed changes'); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash pop', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to apply stashed changes:\n\n".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = false; } protected function updateToCommit($path, $reference, $branch, $date) { $force = $this->hasDiscardedChanges || $this->hasStashedChanges ? '-f ' : ''; $template = 'git checkout '.$force.'%s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --'; $branch = preg_replace('{(?:^dev-|(?:\.x)?-dev$)}i', '', $branch); $branches = null; if (0 === $this->process->execute('git branch -r', $output, $path)) { $branches = $output; } $gitRef = $reference; if (!preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference) && $branches && preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($reference).'$}m', $branches) ) { $command = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $reference)) { if (!preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches) && preg_match('{^\s+composer/v'.preg_quote($branch).'$}m', $branches)) { $branch = 'v' . $branch; } $command = sprintf('git checkout %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch)); $fallbackCommand = sprintf('git checkout '.$force.'-B %s %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$branch)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path) || 0 === $this->process->execute($fallbackCommand, $output, $path) ) { $command = sprintf('git reset --hard %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } } $command = sprintf($template, ProcessExecutor::escape($gitRef)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } if (false !== strpos($this->process->getErrorOutput(), $reference)) { $this->io->writeError(' '.$reference.' is gone (history was rewritten?)'); } throw new \RuntimeException(GitUtil::sanitizeUrl('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput())); } protected function updateOriginUrl($path, $url) { $this->process->execute(sprintf('git remote set-url origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url)), $output, $path); $this->setPushUrl($path, $url); } protected function setPushUrl($path, $url) { if (preg_match('{^(?:https?|git)://'.GitUtil::getGitHubDomainsRegex($this->config).'/([^/]+)/([^/]+?)(?:\.git)?$}', $url, $match)) { $protocols = $this->config->get('github-protocols'); $pushUrl = 'git@'.$match[1].':'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; if (!in_array('ssh', $protocols, true)) { $pushUrl = 'https://' . $match[1] . '/'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; } $cmd = sprintf('git remote set-url --push origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($pushUrl)); $this->process->execute($cmd, $ignoredOutput, $path); } } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $command = sprintf('git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromReference), ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return $output; } protected function discardChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git reset --hard', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = true; } protected function stashChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash --include-untracked', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not stash changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasStashedChanges = true; } protected function viewDiff($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git diff HEAD', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not view diff\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->io->writeError($output); } protected function normalizePath($path) { if (Platform::isWindows() && strlen($path) > 0) { $basePath = $path; $removed = array(); while (!is_dir($basePath) && $basePath !== '\\') { array_unshift($removed, basename($basePath)); $basePath = dirname($basePath); } if ($basePath === '\\') { return $path; } $path = rtrim(realpath($basePath) . '/' . implode('/', $removed), '/'); } return $path; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); return is_dir($path.'/.git'); } protected function getShortHash($reference) { if (!$this->io->isVerbose() && preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $reference)) { return substr($reference, 0, 10); } return $reference; } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $targetFilepath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(substr($file, 0, -3)); if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $command = 'gzip -cd ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' > ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($targetFilepath); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { $this->extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath); return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); throw new \RuntimeException($processError); } $this->extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath); } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } private function extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath) { $archiveFile = gzopen($file, 'rb'); $targetFile = fopen($targetFilepath, 'wb'); while ($string = gzread($archiveFile, 4096)) { fwrite($targetFile, $string, Platform::strlen($string)); } gzclose($archiveFile); fclose($targetFile); } } io, $this->config, $this->process); $cloneCommand = function ($url) use ($path) { return sprintf('hg clone %s %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path)); }; $hgUtils->runCommand($cloneCommand, $url, $path); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($package->getSourceReference()); $command = sprintf('hg up %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $hgUtils = new HgUtils($this->io, $this->config, $this->process); $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); $this->io->writeError(" Updating to ".$target->getSourceReference()); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .hg directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $command = function ($url) use ($ref) { return sprintf('hg pull %s && hg up %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref)); }; $hgUtils->runCommand($command, $url, $path); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!is_dir($path.'/.hg')) { return null; } $this->process->execute('hg st', $output, realpath($path)); return trim($output) ?: null; } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $command = sprintf('hg log -r %s:%s --style compact', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromReference), ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return $output; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_dir($path . '/.hg'); } } getDistUrl(); $realUrl = realpath($url); if (false === $realUrl || !file_exists($realUrl) || !is_dir($realUrl)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Source path "%s" is not found for package %s', $url, $package->getName() )); } if (realpath($path) === $realUrl) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf( ' - Installing %s (%s): Source already present', $package->getName(), $package->getFullPrettyVersion() )); } return; } if (strpos(realpath($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $realUrl . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Package %s cannot install to "%s" inside its source at "%s"', $package->getName(), realpath($path), $realUrl )); } $transportOptions = $package->getTransportOptions() + array('symlink' => null); $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK, self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); $mirrorPathRepos = getenv('COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS'); if ($mirrorPathRepos) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; } if (true === $transportOptions['symlink']) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK); } elseif (false === $transportOptions['symlink']) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); } if (Platform::isWindows() && self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK === $currentStrategy && !$this->safeJunctions()) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); } $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf( ' - Installing %s (%s): ', $package->getName(), $package->getFullPrettyVersion() ), false); } $isFallback = false; if (self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK == $currentStrategy) { try { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Junctioning from %s', $url), false); $this->filesystem->junction($realUrl, $path); } else { $absolutePath = $path; if (!$this->filesystem->isAbsolutePath($absolutePath)) { $absolutePath = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; } $shortestPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($absolutePath, $realUrl); $path = rtrim($path, "/"); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Symlinking from %s', $url), false); $fileSystem->symlink($shortestPath, $path); } } catch (IOException $e) { if (in_array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR, $allowedStrategies)) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Symlink failed, fallback to use mirroring!'); $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $isFallback = true; } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Symlink from "%s" to "%s" failed!', $realUrl, $path)); } } } if (self::STRATEGY_MIRROR == $currentStrategy) { $fs = new ComposerFilesystem(); $realUrl = $fs->normalizePath($realUrl); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('%sMirroring from %s', $isFallback ? ' ' : '', $url), false); $iterator = new ArchivableFilesFinder($realUrl, array()); $fileSystem->mirror($realUrl, $path, $iterator); } $this->io->writeError(''); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { $realUrl = realpath($package->getDistUrl()); if (realpath($path) === $realUrl) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "), source is still present in $path"); } return; } if (Platform::isWindows() && $this->filesystem->isJunction($path)) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing junction for " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); } if (!$this->filesystem->removeJunction($path)) { $this->io->writeError(" Could not remove junction at " . $path . " - is another process locking it?"); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not reliably remove junction for package ' . $package->getName()); } } else { parent::remove($package, $path, $output); } } public function getVcsReference(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($this->config, new ProcessExecutor($this->io), $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; $packageConfig = $dumper->dump($package); if ($packageVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($packageConfig, $path)) { return $packageVersion['commit']; } } private function safeJunctions() { return function_exists('proc_open') && (PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR > 6 || (PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR === 6 && PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MINOR >= 1)); } } filesystem = new Filesystem(); $this->file = $file; } public function extractTo($target, array $roles = array('php' => '/', 'script' => '/bin'), $vars = array()) { $extractionPath = $target.'/tarball'; try { $archive = new \PharData($this->file); $archive->extractTo($extractionPath, null, true); if (!is_file($this->combine($extractionPath, '/package.xml'))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid PEAR package. It must contain package.xml file.'); } $fileCopyActions = $this->buildCopyActions($extractionPath, $roles, $vars); $this->copyFiles($fileCopyActions, $extractionPath, $target, $roles, $vars); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($extractionPath); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Failed to extract PEAR package %s to %s. Reason: %s', $this->file, $target, $exception->getMessage()), 0, $exception); } } private function copyFiles($files, $source, $target, $roles, $vars) { foreach ($files as $file) { $from = $this->combine($source, $file['from']); $to = $this->combine($target, $roles[$file['role']]); $to = $this->combine($to, $file['to']); $tasks = $file['tasks']; $this->copyFile($from, $to, $tasks, $vars); } } private function copyFile($from, $to, $tasks, $vars) { if (!is_file($from)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid PEAR package. package.xml defines file that is not located inside tarball.'); } $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($to)); if (0 == count($tasks)) { $copied = copy($from, $to); } else { $content = file_get_contents($from); $replacements = array(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $pattern = $task['from']; $varName = $task['to']; if (isset($vars[$varName])) { if ($varName === 'php_bin' && false === strpos($to, '.bat')) { $replacements[$pattern] = preg_replace('{\.bat$}', '', $vars[$varName]); } else { $replacements[$pattern] = $vars[$varName]; } } } $content = strtr($content, $replacements); $copied = file_put_contents($to, $content); } if (false === $copied) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to copy %s to %s', $from, $to)); } } private function buildCopyActions($source, array $roles, $vars) { $package = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($this->combine($source, 'package.xml'))); if (false === $package) { throw new \RuntimeException('Package definition file is not valid.'); } $packageSchemaVersion = $package['version']; if ('1.0' == $packageSchemaVersion) { $children = $package->release->filelist->children(); $packageName = (string) $package->name; $packageVersion = (string) $package->release->version; $sourceDir = $packageName . '-' . $packageVersion; $result = $this->buildSourceList10($children, $roles, $sourceDir, '', null, $packageName); } elseif ('2.0' == $packageSchemaVersion || '2.1' == $packageSchemaVersion) { $children = $package->contents->children(); $packageName = (string) $package->name; $packageVersion = (string) $package->version->release; $sourceDir = $packageName . '-' . $packageVersion; $result = $this->buildSourceList20($children, $roles, $sourceDir, '', null, $packageName); $namespaces = $package->getNamespaces(); $package->registerXPathNamespace('ns', $namespaces['']); $releaseNodes = $package->xpath('ns:phprelease'); $this->applyRelease($result, $releaseNodes, $vars); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Unsupported schema version of package definition file.'); } return $result; } private function applyRelease(&$actions, $releaseNodes, $vars) { foreach ($releaseNodes as $releaseNode) { $requiredOsth) || 0 === $this->process->execute($fallbackCommand, $output, $path) ) { $command = sprintf('git reset --hard %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($reference)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } } } $command = sprintf($template, ProcessExecutor::escape($gitRef)); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { return; } if (false !== strpos($this->process->getErrorOutput(), $reference)) { $this->io->writeError(' '.$reference.' is gone (history was rewritten?)'); } throw new \RuntimeException(GitUtil::sanitizeUrl('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput())); } protected function updateOriginUrl($path, $url) { $this->process->execute(sprintf('git remote set-url origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url)), $output, $path); $this->setPushUrl($path, $url); } protected function setPushUrl($path, $url) { if (preg_match('{^(?:https?|git)://'.GitUtil::getGitHubDomainsRegex($this->config).'/([^/]+)/([^/]+?)(?:\.git)?$}', $url, $match)) { $protocols = $this->config->get('github-protocols'); $pushUrl = 'git@'.$match[1].':'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; if (!in_array('ssh', $protocols, true)) { $pushUrl = 'https://' . $match[1] . '/'.$match[2].'/'.$match[3].'.git'; } $cmd = sprintf('git remote set-url --push origin %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($pushUrl)); $this->process->execute($cmd, $ignoredOutput, $path); } } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); $command = sprintf('git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromReference), ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return $output; } protected function discardChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git reset --hard', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasDiscardedChanges = true; } protected function stashChanges($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git stash --include-untracked', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not stash changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->hasStashedChanges = true; } protected function viewDiff($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git diff HEAD', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not view diff\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } $this->io->writeError($output); } protected function normalizePath($path) { if (Platform::isWindows() && strlen($path) > 0) { $basePath = $path; $removed = array(); while (!is_dir($basePath) && $basePath !== '\\') { array_unshift($removed, basename($basePath)); $basePath = dirname($basePath); } if ($basePath === '\\') { return $path; } $path = rtrim(realpath($basePath) . '/' . implode('/', $removed), '/'); } return $path; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { $path = $this->normalizePath($path); return is_dir($path.'/.git'); } protected function getShortHash($reference) { if (!$this->io->isVerbose() && preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $reference)) { return substr($reference, 0, 10); } return $reference; } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $targetFilepath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(substr($file, 0, -3)); if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $command = 'gzip -cd ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' > ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($targetFilepath); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { $this->extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath); return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); throw new \RuntimeException($processError); } $this->extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath); } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } private function extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath) { $archiveFile = gzopen($file, 'rb'); $targetFile = fopen($targetFilepath, 'wb'); while ($string = gzread($archiveFile, 4096)) { fwrite($targetFile, $string, Platform::strlen($string)); } gzclose($archiveFile); fclose($targetFile); } } io, $this->config, $this->process); $cloneCommand = function ($url) use ($path) { return sprintf('hg clone %s %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($path)); }; $hgUtils->runCommand($cloneCommand, $url, $path); $ref = ProcessExecutor::escape($package->getSourceReference()); $command = sprintf('hg up %s', $ref); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $hgUtils = new HgUtils($this->io, $this->config, $this->process); $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); $this->io->writeError(" Updating to ".$target->getSourceReference()); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .hg directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $command = function ($url) use ($ref) { return sprintf('hg pull %s && hg up %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($url), ProcessExecutor::escape($ref)); }; $hgUtils->runCommand($command, $url, $path); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!is_dir($path.'/.hg')) { return null; } $this->process->execute('hg st', $output, realpath($path)); return trim($output) ?: null; } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { $command = sprintf('hg log -r %s:%s --style compact', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromReference), ProcessExecutor::escape($toReference)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, realpath($path))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } return $output; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_dir($path . '/.hg'); } } getDistUrl(); $realUrl = realpath($url); if (false === $realUrl || !file_exists($realUrl) || !is_dir($realUrl)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Source path "%s" is not found for package %s', $url, $package->getName() )); } if (realpath($path) === $realUrl) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf( ' - Installing %s (%s): Source already present', $package->getName(), $package->getFullPrettyVersion() )); } return; } if (strpos(realpath($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $realUrl . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Package %s cannot install to "%s" inside its source at "%s"', $package->getName(), realpath($path), $realUrl )); } $transportOptions = $package->getTransportOptions() + array('symlink' => null); $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK, self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); $mirrorPathRepos = getenv('COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS'); if ($mirrorPathRepos) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; } if (true === $transportOptions['symlink']) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK); } elseif (false === $transportOptions['symlink']) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); } if (Platform::isWindows() && self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK === $currentStrategy && !$this->safeJunctions()) { $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $allowedStrategies = array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR); } $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path); if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf( ' - Installing %s (%s): ', $package->getName(), $package->getFullPrettyVersion() ), false); } $isFallback = false; if (self::STRATEGY_SYMLINK == $currentStrategy) { try { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Junctioning from %s', $url), false); $this->filesystem->junction($realUrl, $path); } else { $absolutePath = $path; if (!$this->filesystem->isAbsolutePath($absolutePath)) { $absolutePath = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; } $shortestPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($absolutePath, $realUrl); $path = rtrim($path, "/"); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Symlinking from %s', $url), false); $fileSystem->symlink($shortestPath, $path); } } catch (IOException $e) { if (in_array(self::STRATEGY_MIRROR, $allowedStrategies)) { $this->io->writeError(''); $this->io->writeError(' Symlink failed, fallback to use mirroring!'); $currentStrategy = self::STRATEGY_MIRROR; $isFallback = true; } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Symlink from "%s" to "%s" failed!', $realUrl, $path)); } } } if (self::STRATEGY_MIRROR == $currentStrategy) { $fs = new ComposerFilesystem(); $realUrl = $fs->normalizePath($realUrl); $this->io->writeError(sprintf('%sMirroring from %s', $isFallback ? ' ' : '', $url), false); $iterator = new ArchivableFilesFinder($realUrl, array()); $fileSystem->mirror($realUrl, $path, $iterator); } $this->io->writeError(''); } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { $realUrl = realpath($package->getDistUrl()); if (realpath($path) === $realUrl) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "), source is still present in $path"); } return; } if (Platform::isWindows() && $this->filesystem->isJunction($path)) { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing junction for " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); } if (!$this->filesystem->removeJunction($path)) { $this->io->writeError(" Could not remove junction at " . $path . " - is another process locking it?"); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not reliably remove junction for package ' . $package->getName()); } } else { parent::remove($package, $path, $output); } } public function getVcsReference(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($this->config, new ProcessExecutor($this->io), $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; $packageConfig = $dumper->dump($package); if ($packageVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($packageConfig, $path)) { return $packageVersion['commit']; } } private function safeJunctions() { return function_exists('proc_open') && (PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR > 6 || (PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR === 6 && PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MINOR >= 1)); } } filesystem = new Filesystem(); $this->file = $file; } public function extractTo($target, array $roles = array('php' => '/', 'script' => '/bin'), $vars = array()) { $extractionPath = $target.'/tarball'; try { $archive = new \PharData($this->file); $archive->extractTo($extractionPath, null, true); if (!is_file($this->combine($extractionPath, '/package.xml'))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid PEAR package. It must contain package.xml file.'); } $fileCopyActions = $this->buildCopyActions($extractionPath, $roles, $vars); $this->copyFiles($fileCopyActions, $extractionPath, $target, $roles, $vars); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($extractionPath); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Failed to extract PEAR package %s to %s. Reason: %s', $this->file, $target, $exception->getMessage()), 0, $exception); } } private function copyFiles($files, $source, $target, $roles, $vars) { foreach ($files as $file) { $from = $this->combine($source, $file['from']); $to = $this->combine($target, $roles[$file['role']]); $to = $this->combine($to, $file['to']); $tasks = $file['tasks']; $this->copyFile($from, $to, $tasks, $vars); } } private function copyFile($from, $to, $tasks, $vars) { if (!is_file($from)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid PEAR package. package.xml defines file that is not located inside tarball.'); } $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($to)); if (0 == count($tasks)) { $copied = copy($from, $to); } else { $content = file_get_contents($from); $replacements = array(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $pattern = $task['from']; $varName = $task['to']; if (isset($vars[$varName])) { if ($varName === 'php_bin' && false === strpos($to, '.bat')) { $replacements[$pattern] = preg_replace('{\.bat$}', '', $vars[$varName]); } else { $replacements[$pattern] = $vars[$varName]; } } } $content = strtr($content, $replacements); $copied = file_put_contents($to, $content); } if (false === $copied) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to copy %s to %s', $from, $to)); } } private function buildCopyActions($source, array $roles, $vars) { $package = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($this->combine($source, 'package.xml'))); if (false === $package) { throw new \RuntimeException('Package definition file is not valid.'); } $packageSchemaVersion = $package['version']; if ('1.0' == $packageSchemaVersion) { $children = $package->release->filelist->children(); $packageName = (string) $package->name; $packageVersion = (string) $package->release->version; $sourceDir = $packageName . '-' . $packageVersion; $result = $this->buildSourceList10($children, $roles, $sourceDir, '', null, $packageName); } elseif ('2.0' == $packageSchemaVersion || '2.1' == $packageSchemaVersion) { $children = $package->contents->children(); $packageName = (string) $package->name; $packageVersion = (string) $package->version->release; $sourceDir = $packageName . '-' . $packageVersion; $result = $this->buildSourceList20($children, $roles, $sourceDir, '', null, $packageName); $namespaces = $package->getNamespaces(); $package->registerXPathNamespace('ns', $namespaces['']); $releaseNodes = $package-> = $releaseNode->installconditions && $releaseNode->installconditions->os && $releaseNode->installconditions->os->name ? (string) $releaseNode->installconditions->os->name : ''; if ($requiredOs && $vars['os'] != $requiredOs) { continue; } if ($releaseNode->filelist) { foreach ($releaseNode->filelist->children() as $action) { if ('install' == $action->getName()) { $name = (string) $action['name']; $as = (string) $action['as']; if (isset($actions[$name])) { $actions[$name]['to'] = $as; } } elseif ('ignore' == $action->getName()) { $name = (string) $action['name']; unset($actions[$name]); } else { } } } break; } } private function buildSourceList10($children, $targetRoles, $source, $target, $role, $packageName) { $result = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->getName() == 'dir') { $dirSource = $this->combine($source, (string) $child['name']); $dirTarget = $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target; $dirRole = $child['role'] ?: $role; $dirFiles = $this->buildSourceList10($child->children(), $targetRoles, $dirSource, $dirTarget, $dirRole, $packageName); $result = array_merge($result, $dirFiles); } elseif ($child->getName() == 'file') { $fileRole = (string) $child['role'] ?: $role; if (isset($targetRoles[$fileRole])) { $fileName = (string) ($child['name'] ?: $child[0]); $fileSource = $this->combine($source, $fileName); $fileTarget = $this->combine((string) $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target, $fileName); if (!in_array($fileRole, self::$rolesWithoutPackageNamePrefix)) { $fileTarget = $packageName . '/' . $fileTarget; } $result[(string) $child['name']] = array('from' => $fileSource, 'to' => $fileTarget, 'role' => $fileRole, 'tasks' => array()); } } } return $result; } private function buildSourceList20($children, $targetRoles, $source, $target, $role, $packageName) { $result = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ('dir' == $child->getName()) { $dirSource = $this->combine($source, $child['name']); $dirTarget = $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target; $dirRole = $child['role'] ?: $role; $dirFiles = $this->buildSourceList20($child->children(), $targetRoles, $dirSource, $dirTarget, $dirRole, $packageName); $result = array_merge($result, $dirFiles); } elseif ('file' == $child->getName()) { $fileRole = (string) $child['role'] ?: $role; if (isset($targetRoles[$fileRole])) { $fileSource = $this->combine($source, (string) $child['name']); $fileTarget = $this->combine((string) ($child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target), (string) $child['name']); $fileTasks = array(); foreach ($child->children('http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0') as $taskNode) { if ('replace' == $taskNode->getName()) { $fileTasks[] = array('from' => (string) $taskNode->attributes()->from, 'to' => (string) $taskNode->attributes()->to); } } if (!in_array($fileRole, self::$rolesWithoutPackageNamePrefix)) { $fileTarget = $packageName . '/' . $fileTarget; } $result[(string) $child['name']] = array('from' => $fileSource, 'to' => $fileTarget, 'role' => $fileRole, 'tasks' => $fileTasks); } } } return $result; } private function combine($left, $right) { return rtrim($left, '/') . '/' . ltrim($right, '/'); } } getSourceReference(); $label = $this->getLabelFromSourceReference($ref); $this->io->writeError('Cloning ' . $ref); $this->initPerforce($package, $path, $url); $this->perforce->setStream($ref); $this->perforce->p4Login(); $this->perforce->writeP4ClientSpec(); $this->perforce->connectClient(); $this->perforce->syncCodeBase($label); $this->perforce->cleanupClientSpec(); } private function getLabelFromSourceReference($ref) { $pos = strpos($ref, '@'); if (false !== $pos) { return substr($ref, $pos + 1); } return null; } public function initPerforce(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { if (!empty($this->perforce)) { $this->perforce->initializePath($path); return; } $repository = $package->getRepository(); $repoConfig = null; if ($repository instanceof VcsRepository) { $repoConfig = $this->getRepoConfig($repository); } $this->perforce = Perforce::create($repoConfig, $url, $path, $this->process, $this->io); } private function getRepoConfig(VcsRepository $repository) { return $repository->getRepoConfig(); } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $this->doDownload($target, $path, $url); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $this->io->writeError('Perforce driver does not check for local changes before overriding', true); } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { return $this->perforce->getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference); } public function setPerforce($perforce) { $this->perforce = $perforce; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return true; } } extractTo($path, null, true); } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $processError = null; if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $command = 'unrar x ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path) . ' >/dev/null && chmod -R u+w ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); } if (!class_exists('RarArchive')) { $iniMessage = IniHelper::getMessage(); $error = "Could not decompress the archive, enable the PHP rar extension or install unrar.\n" . $iniMessage . "\n" . $processError; if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $error = "Could not decompress the archive, enable the PHP rar extension.\n" . $iniMessage; } throw new \RuntimeException($error); } $rarArchive = RarArchive::open($file); if (false === $rarArchive) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not open RAR archive: ' . $file); } $entries = $rarArchive->getEntries(); if (false === $entries) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not retrieve RAR archive entries'); } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (false === $entry->extract($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not extract entry'); } } $rarArchive->close(); } } getSourceReference(); $repo = $package->getRepository(); if ($repo instanceof VcsRepository) { $repoConfig = $repo->getRepoConfig(); if (array_key_exists('svn-cache-credentials', $repoConfig)) { $this->cacheCredentials = (bool) $repoConfig['svn-cache-credentials']; } } $this->io->writeError(" Checking out ".$package->getSourceReference()); $this->execute($url, "svn co", sprintf("%s/%s", $url, $ref), null, $path); } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { SvnUtil::cleanEnv(); $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .svn directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $util = new SvnUtil($url, $this->io, $this->config); $flags = ""; if (version_compare($util->binaryVersion(), '1.7.0', '>=')) { $flags .= ' --ignore-ancestry'; } $this->io->writeError(" Checking out " . $ref); $this->execute($url, "svn switch" . $flags, sprintf("%s/%s", $url, $ref), $path); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return null; } $this->process->execute('svn status --ignore-externals', $output, $path); return preg_match('{^ *[^X ] +}m', $output) ? $output : null; } protected function execute($baseUrl, $command, $url, $cwd = null, $path = null) { $util = new SvnUtil($baseUrl, $this->io, $this->config); $util->setCacheCredentials($this->cacheCredentials); try { return $util->execute($command, $url, $cwd, $path, $this->io->isVerbose()); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Package could not be downloaded, '.$e->getMessage() ); } } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { if (!$changes = $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { return; } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { if (true === $this->config->get('discard-changes')) { return $this->discardChanges($path); } return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } $changes = array_map(function ($elem) { return ' '.$elem; }, preg_split('{\s*\r?\n\s*}', $changes)); $countChanges = count($changes); $this->io->writeError(sprintf(' The package has modified file%s:', $countChanges === 1 ? '' : 's')); $this->io->writeError(array_slice($changes, 0, 10)); if ($countChanges > 10) { $remaingChanges = $countChanges - 10; $this->io->writeError( sprintf( ' '.$remaingChanges.' more file%s modified, choose "v" to view the full list', $remaingChanges === 1 ? '' : 's' ) ); } while (true) { switch ($this->io->ask(' Discard changes [y,n,v,?]? ', '?')) { case 'y': $this->discardChanges($path); break 2; case 'n': throw new \RuntimeException('Update aborted'); case 'v': $this->io->writeError($changes); break; case '?': default: $this->io->writeError(array( ' y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'), ' n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up', ' v - view modified files', ' ? - print help', )); break; } } } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { if (preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $fromReference) && preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $toReference)) { $command = sprintf('svn info --non-interactive --xml %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($path)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput() ); } $urlPattern = '#(.*)#'; if (preg_match($urlPattern, $output, $matches)) { $baseUrl = $matches[1]; } else { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Unable to determine svn url for path '. $path ); } $fromRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $fromReference); $toRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $toReference); $command = sprintf('svn log -r%s:%s --incremental', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromRevision), ProcessExecutor::escape($toRevision)); $util = new SvnUtil($baseUrl, $this->io, $this->config); $util->setCacheCredentials($this->cacheCredentials); try { return $util->executeLocal($command, $path, null, $this->io->isVerbose()); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n".$e->getMessage() ); } } return "Could not retrieve changes between $fromReference and $toReference due to missing revision information"; } protected function discardChanges($path) { if (0 !== $this->process->execute('svn revert -R .', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_dir($path.'/.svn'); } } extractTo($path, null, true); } } headers = $headers; } public function getHeaders() { return $this->headers; } public function setResponse($response) { $this->response = $response; } public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } public function setStatusCode($statusCode) { $this->statusCode = $statusCode; } public function getStatusCode() { return $this->statusCode; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); $this->filesystem = $fs ?: new Filesystem($this->process); } public function getInstallationSource() { return 'source'; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$package->getSourceReference()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$package->getPrettyName().' is missing reference information'); } $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "): ", false); $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($path); $urls = $package->getSourceUrls(); while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { if (Filesystem::isLocalPath($url)) { $needle = 'file://'; $isFileProtocol = false; if (0 === strpos($url, $needle)) { $url = substr($url, strlen($needle)); $isFileProtocol = true; } if (false !== strpos($url, '%')) { $url = rawurldecode($url); } $url = realpath($url); if ($isFileProtocol) { $url = $needle . $url; } } $this->doDownload($package, $path, $url); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception) { throw $e; } if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL'); } if (!count($urls)) { throw $e; } } } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path) { if (!$target->getSourceReference()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$target->getPrettyName().' is missing reference information'); } $name = $target->getName(); if ($initial->getPrettyVersion() == $target->getPrettyVersion()) { if ($target->getSourceType() === 'svn') { $from = $initial->getSourceReference(); $to = $target->getSourceReference(); } else { $from = substr($initial->getSourceReference(), 0, 7); $to = substr($target->getSourceReference(), 0, 7); } $name .= ' '.$initial->getPrettyVersion(); } else { $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); } $actionName = VersionParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . "): ", false); $this->cleanChanges($initial, $path, true); $urls = $target->getSourceUrls(); $exception = null; while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { if (Filesystem::isLocalPath($url)) { $url = realpath($url); } $this->doUpdate($initial, $target, $path, $url); $exception = null; break; } catch (\Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception) { throw $exception; } if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($exception).'] '.$exception->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL'); } } } $this->reapplyChanges($path); if (!$exception && $this->io->isVerbose() && $this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { $message = 'Pulling in changes:'; $logs = $this->getCommitLogs($initial->getSourceReference(), $target->getSourceReference(), $path); if (!trim($logs)) { $message = 'Rolling back changes:'; $logs = $this->getCommitLogs($target->getSourceReference(), $initial->getSourceReference(), $path); } if (trim($logs)) { $logs = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . $line; }, explode("\n", $logs))); $logs = str_replace('<', '\<', $logs); $this->io->writeError(' '.$message); $this->io->writeError($logs); } } if (!$urls && $exception) { throw $exception; } } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getPrettyVersion() . ")"); $this->cleanChanges($package, $path, false); if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.'); } } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { return $this; } public function getVcsReference(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($this->config, $this->process, $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; $packageConfig = $dumper->dump($package); if ($packageVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($packageConfig, $path)) { return $packageVersion['commit']; } } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { if (null !== $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Source directory ' . $path . ' has uncommitted changes.'); } } protected function reapplyChanges($path) { } abstract protected function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url); abstract protected function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url); abstract protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path); abstract protected function hasMetadataRepository($path); } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $command = 'tar -xJf ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' -C ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); throw new \RuntimeException($processError); } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if (null === self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $finder = new ExecutableFinder; self::$hasSystemUnzip = (bool) $finder->find('unzip'); } if (null === self::$hasZipArchive) { self::$hasZipArchive = class_exists('ZipArchive'); } if (!self::$hasZipArchive && !self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $iniMessage = IniHelper::getMessage(); $error = "The zip extension and unzip command are both missing, skipping.\n" . $iniMessage; throw new \RuntimeException($error); } if (null === self::$isWindows) { self::$isWindows = Platform::isWindows(); if (!self::$isWindows && !self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $this->io->writeError("As there is no 'unzip' command installed zip files are being unpacked using the PHP zip extension."); $this->io->writeError("This may cause invalid reports of corrupted archives. Besides, any UNIX permissions (e.g. executable) defined in the archives will be lost."); $this->io->writeError("Installing 'unzip' may remediate them."); } } return parent::download($package, $path, $output); } protected function extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, $isLastChance) { if (!self::$hasZipArchive) { $isLastChance = true; } if (!self::$hasSystemUnzip && !$isLastChance) { return $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, true); } $processError = null; $overwrite = $isLastChance ? '-o' : ''; $command = 'unzip -qq '.$overwrite.' '.ProcessExecutor::escape($file).' -d '.ProcessExecutor::escape($path); try { if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return true; } $processError = new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $processError = $e; } if ($isLastChance) { throw $processError; } $this->io->writeError(' '.$processError->getMessage()); $this->io->writeError(' The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems)'); $this->io->writeError(' Unzip with unzip command failed, falling back to ZipArchive class'); return $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, true); } protected function extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, $isLastChance) { if (!self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $isLastChance = true; } if (!self::$hasZipArchive && !$isLastChance) { return $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, true); } $processError = null; $zipArchive = $this->zipArchiveObject ?: new ZipArchive(); try { if (true === ($retval = $zipArchive->open($file))) { $extractResult = $zipArchive->extractTo($path); if (true === $extractResult) { $zipArchive->close(); return true; } $processError = new \RuntimeException(rtrim("There was an error extracting the ZIP file, it is either corrupted or using an invalid format.\n")); } else { $processError = new \UnexpectedValueException(rtrim($this->getErrorMessage($retval, $file)."\n"), $retval); } } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $processError = new \RuntimeException('The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems): '.$e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { $processError = $e; } if ($isLastChance) { throw $processError; } $this->io->writeError(' '.$processError->getMessage()); $this->io->writeError(' Unzip with ZipArchive class failed, falling back to unzip command'); return $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, true); } public function extract($file, $path) { if (self::$isWindows) { $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, false); } else { $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, false); } } protected function getErrorMessage($retval, $file) { switch ($retval) { case ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS: return sprintf("File '%s' already exists.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_INCONS: return sprintf("Zip archive '%s' is inconsistent.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_INVAL: return sprintf("Invalid argument (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY: return sprintf("Malloc failure (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_NOENT: return sprintf("No such zip file: '%s'", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP: return sprintf("'%s' is not a zip archive.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_OPEN: return sprintf("Can't open zip file: %s", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_READ: return sprintf("Zip read error (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_SEEK: return sprintf("Zip seek error (%s)", $file); default: return sprintf("'%s' is not a valid zip archive, got error code: %s", $file, $retval); } } } name = $name; $this->args = $args; $this->flags = $flags; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getArguments() { return $this->args; } public function getFlags() { return $this->flags; } public function isPropagationStopped() { return $this->propagationStopped; } public function stopPropagation() { $this->propagationStopped = true; } } composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); $this->eventStack = array(); } public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null) { if (null === $event) { $event = new Event($eventName); } return $this->doDispatch($event); } public function dispatchScript($eventName, $devMode = false, $additionalArgs = array(), $flags = array()) { return $this->doDispatch(new Script\Event($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $additionalArgs, $flags)); } public function dispatchPackageEvent($eventName, $devMode, PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, CompositeRepository $installedRepo, Request $request, array $operations, OperationInterface $operation) { return $this->doDispatch(new PackageEvent($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation)); } public function dispatchInstallerEvent($eventName, $devMode, PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, CompositeRepository $installedRepo, Request $request, array $operations = array()) { return $this->doDispatch(new InstallerEvent($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations)); } protected function doDispatch(Event $event) { $pathStr = 'PATH'; if (!isset($_SERVER[$pathStr]) && isset($_SERVER['Path'])) { $pathStr = 'Path'; } $binDir = $this->composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'); if (is_dir($binDir)) { $binDir = realpath($binDir); if (isset($_SERVER[$pathStr]) && !preg_match('{(^|'.PATH_SEPARATOR.')'.preg_quote($binDir).'($|'.PATH_SEPARATOR.')}', $_SERVER[$pathStr])) { $_SERVER[$pathStr] = $binDir.PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv($pathStr); putenv($pathStr.'='.$_SERVER[$pathStr]); } } $listeners = $this->getListeners($event); $this->pushEvent($event); $return = 0; foreach ($listeners as $callable) { if (!is_string($callable)) { if (!is_callable($callable)) { $className = is_object($callable[0]) ? get_class($callable[0]) : $callable[0]; throw new \RuntimeException('Subscriber '.$className.'::'.$callable[1].' for event '.$event->getName().' is not callable, make sure the function is defined and public'); } $event = $this->checkListenerExpectedEvent($callable, $event); $return = false === call_user_func($callable, $event) ? 1 : 0; } elseif ($this->isComposerScript($callable)) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s', $event->getName(), $callable), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $script = explode(' ', substr($callable, 1)); $scriptName = $script[0]; unset($script[0]); $args = array_merge($script, $event->getArguments()); $flags = $event->getFlags(); if (substr($callable, 0, 10) === '@composer ') { $exec = $this->getPhpExecCommand() . ' ' . ProcessExecutor::escape(getenv('COMPOSER_BINARY')) . substr($callable, 9); if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($exec))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s handling the %s event returned with error code '.$exitCode.'', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw new ScriptExecutionException('Error Output: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput(), $exitCode); } } else { if (!$this->getListeners(new Event($scriptName))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('You made a reference to a non-existent script %s', $callable), true, IOInterface::QUIET); } try { $scriptEvent = new Script\Event($scriptName, $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $args, $flags); $scriptEvent->setOriginatingEvent($event); $return = $this->dispatch($scriptName, $scriptEvent); } catch (ScriptExecutionException $e) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s was called via %s', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw $e; } } } elseif ($this->isPhpScript($callable)) { $className = substr($callable, 0, strpos($callable, '::')); $methodName = substr($callable, strpos($callable, '::') + 2); if (!class_exists($className)) { $this->io->writeError('Class '.$className.' is not autoloadable, can not call '.$event->getName().' script', true, IOInterface::QUIET); continue; } if (!is_callable($callable)) { $this->io->writeError('Method '.$callable.' is not callable, can not call '.$event->getName().' script', true, IOInterface::QUIET); continue; } try { $return = false === $this->executeEventPhpScript($className, $methodName, $event) ? 1 : 0; } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = "Script %s handling the %s event terminated with an exception"; $this->io->writeError(''.sprintf($message, $callable, $event->getName()).'', true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw $e; } } else { $args = implode(' ', array_map(array('Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor', 'escape'), $event->getArguments())); $exec = $callable . ($args === '' ? '' : ' '.$args); if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s', $event->getName(), $exec)); } else { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s', $exec)); } $possibleLocalBinaries = $this->composer->getPackage()->getBinaries(); if ($possibleLocalBinaries) { foreach ($possibleLocalBinaries as $localExec) { if (preg_match('{\b'.preg_quote($callable).'$}', $localExec)) { $caller = BinaryInstaller::determineBinaryCaller($localExec); $exec = preg_replxpath('ns:phprelease'); $this->applyRelease($result, $releaseNodes, $vars); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Unsupported schema version of package definition file.'); } return $result; } private function applyRelease(&$actions, $releaseNodes, $vars) { foreach ($releaseNodes as $releaseNode) { $requiredOs = $releaseNode->installconditions && $releaseNode->installconditions->os && $releaseNode->installconditions->os->name ? (string) $releaseNode->installconditions->os->name : ''; if ($requiredOs && $vars['os'] != $requiredOs) { continue; } if ($releaseNode->filelist) { foreach ($releaseNode->filelist->children() as $action) { if ('install' == $action->getName()) { $name = (string) $action['name']; $as = (string) $action['as']; if (isset($actions[$name])) { $actions[$name]['to'] = $as; } } elseif ('ignore' == $action->getName()) { $name = (string) $action['name']; unset($actions[$name]); } else { } } } break; } } private function buildSourceList10($children, $targetRoles, $source, $target, $role, $packageName) { $result = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->getName() == 'dir') { $dirSource = $this->combine($source, (string) $child['name']); $dirTarget = $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target; $dirRole = $child['role'] ?: $role; $dirFiles = $this->buildSourceList10($child->children(), $targetRoles, $dirSource, $dirTarget, $dirRole, $packageName); $result = array_merge($result, $dirFiles); } elseif ($child->getName() == 'file') { $fileRole = (string) $child['role'] ?: $role; if (isset($targetRoles[$fileRole])) { $fileName = (string) ($child['name'] ?: $child[0]); $fileSource = $this->combine($source, $fileName); $fileTarget = $this->combine((string) $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target, $fileName); if (!in_array($fileRole, self::$rolesWithoutPackageNamePrefix)) { $fileTarget = $packageName . '/' . $fileTarget; } $result[(string) $child['name']] = array('from' => $fileSource, 'to' => $fileTarget, 'role' => $fileRole, 'tasks' => array()); } } } return $result; } private function buildSourceList20($children, $targetRoles, $source, $target, $role, $packageName) { $result = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ('dir' == $child->getName()) { $dirSource = $this->combine($source, $child['name']); $dirTarget = $child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target; $dirRole = $child['role'] ?: $role; $dirFiles = $this->buildSourceList20($child->children(), $targetRoles, $dirSource, $dirTarget, $dirRole, $packageName); $result = array_merge($result, $dirFiles); } elseif ('file' == $child->getName()) { $fileRole = (string) $child['role'] ?: $role; if (isset($targetRoles[$fileRole])) { $fileSource = $this->combine($source, (string) $child['name']); $fileTarget = $this->combine((string) ($child['baseinstalldir'] ?: $target), (string) $child['name']); $fileTasks = array(); foreach ($child->children('http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0') as $taskNode) { if ('replace' == $taskNode->getName()) { $fileTasks[] = array('from' => (string) $taskNode->attributes()->from, 'to' => (string) $taskNode->attributes()->to); } } if (!in_array($fileRole, self::$rolesWithoutPackageNamePrefix)) { $fileTarget = $packageName . '/' . $fileTarget; } $result[(string) $child['name']] = array('from' => $fileSource, 'to' => $fileTarget, 'role' => $fileRole, 'tasks' => $fileTasks); } } } return $result; } private function combine($left, $right) { return rtrim($left, '/') . '/' . ltrim($right, '/'); } } getSourceReference(); $label = $this->getLabelFromSourceReference($ref); $this->io->writeError('Cloning ' . $ref); $this->initPerforce($package, $path, $url); $this->perforce->setStream($ref); $this->perforce->p4Login(); $this->perforce->writeP4ClientSpec(); $this->perforce->connectClient(); $this->perforce->syncCodeBase($label); $this->perforce->cleanupClientSpec(); } private function getLabelFromSourceReference($ref) { $pos = strpos($ref, '@'); if (false !== $pos) { return substr($ref, $pos + 1); } return null; } public function initPerforce(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url) { if (!empty($this->perforce)) { $this->perforce->initializePath($path); return; } $repository = $package->getRepository(); $repoConfig = null; if ($repository instanceof VcsRepository) { $repoConfig = $this->getRepoConfig($repository); } $this->perforce = Perforce::create($repoConfig, $url, $path, $this->process, $this->io); } private function getRepoConfig(VcsRepository $repository) { return $repository->getRepoConfig(); } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { $this->doDownload($target, $path, $url); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $this->io->writeError('Perforce driver does not check for local changes before overriding', true); } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { return $this->perforce->getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference); } public function setPerforce($perforce) { $this->perforce = $perforce; } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return true; } } extractTo($path, null, true); } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $processError = null; if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $command = 'unrar x ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path) . ' >/dev/null && chmod -R u+w ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); } if (!class_exists('RarArchive')) { $iniMessage = IniHelper::getMessage(); $error = "Could not decompress the archive, enable the PHP rar extension or install unrar.\n" . $iniMessage . "\n" . $processError; if (!Platform::isWindows()) { $error = "Could not decompress the archive, enable the PHP rar extension.\n" . $iniMessage; } throw new \RuntimeException($error); } $rarArchive = RarArchive::open($file); if (false === $rarArchive) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Could not open RAR archive: ' . $file); } $entries = $rarArchive->getEntries(); if (false === $entries) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not retrieve RAR archive entries'); } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (false === $entry->extract($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not extract entry'); } } $rarArchive->close(); } } getSourceReference(); $repo = $package->getRepository(); if ($repo instanceof VcsRepository) { $repoConfig = $repo->getRepoConfig(); if (array_key_exists('svn-cache-credentials', $repoConfig)) { $this->cacheCredentials = (bool) $repoConfig['svn-cache-credentials']; } } $this->io->writeError(" Checking out ".$package->getSourceReference()); $this->execute($url, "svn co", sprintf("%s/%s", $url, $ref), null, $path); } public function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url) { SvnUtil::cleanEnv(); $ref = $target->getSourceReference(); if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The .svn directory is missing from '.$path.', see https://getcomposer.org/commit-deps for more information'); } $util = new SvnUtil($url, $this->io, $this->config); $flags = ""; if (version_compare($util->binaryVersion(), '1.7.0', '>=')) { $flags .= ' --ignore-ancestry'; } $this->io->writeError(" Checking out " . $ref); $this->execute($url, "svn switch" . $flags, sprintf("%s/%s", $url, $ref), $path); } public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { return null; } $this->process->execute('svn status --ignore-externals', $output, $path); return preg_match('{^ *[^X ] +}m', $output) ? $output : null; } protected function execute($baseUrl, $command, $url, $cwd = null, $path = null) { $util = new SvnUtil($baseUrl, $this->io, $this->config); $util->setCacheCredentials($this->cacheCredentials); try { return $util->execute($command, $url, $cwd, $path, $this->io->isVerbose()); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Package could not be downloaded, '.$e->getMessage() ); } } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { if (!$changes = $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { return; } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { if (true === $this->config->get('discard-changes')) { return $this->discardChanges($path); } return parent::cleanChanges($package, $path, $update); } $changes = array_map(function ($elem) { return ' '.$elem; }, preg_split('{\s*\r?\n\s*}', $changes)); $countChanges = count($changes); $this->io->writeError(sprintf(' The package has modified file%s:', $countChanges === 1 ? '' : 's')); $this->io->writeError(array_slice($changes, 0, 10)); if ($countChanges > 10) { $remaingChanges = $countChanges - 10; $this->io->writeError( sprintf( ' '.$remaingChanges.' more file%s modified, choose "v" to view the full list', $remaingChanges === 1 ? '' : 's' ) ); } while (true) { switch ($this->io->ask(' Discard changes [y,n,v,?]? ', '?')) { case 'y': $this->discardChanges($path); break 2; case 'n': throw new \RuntimeException('Update aborted'); case 'v': $this->io->writeError($changes); break; case '?': default: $this->io->writeError(array( ' y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'), ' n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up', ' v - view modified files', ' ? - print help', )); break; } } } protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path) { if (preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $fromReference) && preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $toReference)) { $command = sprintf('svn info --non-interactive --xml %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($path)); if (0 !== $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput() ); } $urlPattern = '#(.*)#'; if (preg_match($urlPattern, $output, $matches)) { $baseUrl = $matches[1]; } else { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Unable to determine svn url for path '. $path ); } $fromRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $fromReference); $toRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $toReference); $command = sprintf('svn log -r%s:%s --incremental', ProcessExecutor::escape($fromRevision), ProcessExecutor::escape($toRevision)); $util = new SvnUtil($baseUrl, $this->io, $this->config); $util->setCacheCredentials($this->cacheCredentials); try { return $util->executeLocal($command, $path, null, $this->io->isVerbose()); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n".$e->getMessage() ); } } return "Could not retrieve changes between $fromReference and $toReference due to missing revision information"; } protected function discardChanges($path) { if (0 !== $this->process->execute('svn revert -R .', $output, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } protected function hasMetadataRepository($path) { return is_dir($path.'/.svn'); } } extractTo($path, null, true); } } headers = $headers; } public function getHeaders() { return $this->headers; } public function setResponse($response) { $this->response = $response; } public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } public function setStatusCode($statusCode) { $this->statusCode = $statusCode; } public function getStatusCode() { return $this->statusCode; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); $this->filesystem = $fs ?: new Filesystem($this->process); } public function getInstallationSource() { return 'source'; } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path) { if (!$package->getSourceReference()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$package->getPrettyName().' is missing reference information'); } $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "): ", false); $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($path); $urls = $package->getSourceUrls(); while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { if (Filesystem::isLocalPath($url)) { $needle = 'file://'; $isFileProtocol = false; if (0 === strpos($url, $needle)) { $url = substr($url, strlen($needle)); $isFileProtocol = true; } if (false !== strpos($url, '%')) { $url = rawurldecode($url); } $url = realpath($url); if ($isFileProtocol) { $url = $needle . $url; } } $this->doDownload($package, $path, $url); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception) { throw $e; } if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL'); } if (!count($urls)) { throw $e; } } } } public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path) { if (!$target->getSourceReference()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$target->getPrettyName().' is missing reference information'); } $name = $target->getName(); if ($initial->getPrettyVersion() == $target->getPrettyVersion()) { if ($target->getSourceType() === 'svn') { $from = $initial->getSourceReference(); $to = $target->getSourceReference(); } else { $from = substr($initial->getSourceReference(), 0, 7); $to = substr($target->getSourceReace('{^'.preg_quote($callable).'}', $caller . ' ' . $localExec, $exec); break; } } } if (substr($exec, 0, 5) === '@php ') { $exec = $this->getPhpExecCommand() . ' ' . substr($exec, 5); } else { $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpPath = $finder->find(false); if ($phpPath) { putenv('PHP_BINARY=' . $phpPath); } } if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($exec))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s handling the %s event returned with error code '.$exitCode.'', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw new ScriptExecutionException('Error Output: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput(), $exitCode); } } if ($event->isPropagationStopped()) { break; } } $this->popEvent(); return $return; } protected function getPhpExecCommand() { $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpPath = $finder->find(false); if (!$phpPath) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to locate PHP binary to execute '.$phpPath); } $phpArgs = $finder->findArguments(); $phpArgs = $phpArgs ? ' ' . implode(' ', $phpArgs) : ''; $allowUrlFOpenFlag = ' -d allow_url_fopen=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')); $disableFunctionsFlag = ' -d disable_functions=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('disable_functions')); $memoryLimitFlag = ' -d memory_limit=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('memory_limit')); return ProcessExecutor::escape($phpPath) . $phpArgs . $allowUrlFOpenFlag . $disableFunctionsFlag . $memoryLimitFlag; } protected function executeEventPhpScript($className, $methodName, Event $event) { $event = $this->checkListenerExpectedEvent(array($className, $methodName), $event); if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s::%s', $event->getName(), $className, $methodName)); } else { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s::%s', $className, $methodName)); } return $className::$methodName($event); } protected function checkListenerExpectedEvent($target, Event $event) { if (in_array($event->getName(), array( 'init', 'command', 'pre-file-download', ), true)) { return $event; } try { $reflected = new \ReflectionParameter($target, 0); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $event; } $typehint = $reflected->getClass(); if (!$typehint instanceof \ReflectionClass) { return $event; } $expected = $typehint->getName(); if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\CommandEvent') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\CommandEvent( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getArguments() ); } if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\PackageEvent') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\PackageEvent( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getPolicy(), $event->getPool(), $event->getInstalledRepo(), $event->getRequest(), $event->getOperations(), $event->getOperation() ); } if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\Event') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\Event( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getArguments(), $event->getFlags() ); } return $event; } private function serializeCallback($cb) { if (is_array($cb) && count($cb) === 2) { if (is_object($cb[0])) { $cb[0] = get_class($cb[0]); } if (is_string($cb[0]) && is_string($cb[1])) { $cb = implode('::', $cb); } } if (is_string($cb)) { return $cb; } return var_export($cb, true); } public function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0) { $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][] = $listener; } public function addSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber) { foreach ($subscriber->getSubscribedEvents() as $eventName => $params) { if (is_string($params)) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $params)); } elseif (is_string($params[0])) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $params[0]), isset($params[1]) ? $params[1] : 0); } else { foreach ($params as $listener) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $listener[0]), isset($listener[1]) ? $listener[1] : 0); } } } } protected function getListeners(Event $event) { $scriptListeners = $this->getScriptListeners($event); if (!isset($this->listeners[$event->getName()][0])) { $this->listeners[$event->getName()][0] = array(); } krsort($this->listeners[$event->getName()]); $listeners = $this->listeners; $listeners[$event->getName()][0] = array_merge($listeners[$event->getName()][0], $scriptListeners); return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $listeners[$event->getName()]); } public function hasEventListeners(Event $event) { $listeners = $this->getListeners($event); return count($listeners) > 0; } protected function getScriptListeners(Event $event) { $package = $this->composer->getPackage(); $scripts = $package->getScripts(); if (empty($scripts[$event->getName()])) { return array(); } if ($this->loader) { $this->loader->unregister(); } $generator = $this->composer->getAutoloadGenerator(); if ($event instanceof ScriptEvent) { $generator->setDevMode($event->isDevMode()); } $packages = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getCanonicalPackages(); $packageMap = $generator->buildPackageMap($this->composer->getInstallationManager(), $package, $packages); $map = $generator->parseAutoloads($packageMap, $package); $this->loader = $generator->createLoader($map); $this->loader->register(); return $scripts[$event->getName()]; } protected function isPhpScript($callable) { return false === strpos($callable, ' ') && false !== strpos($callable, '::'); } protected function isComposerScript($callable) { return '@' === substr($callable, 0, 1) && '@php ' !== substr($callable, 0, 5); } protected function pushEvent(Event $event) { $eventName = $event->getName(); if (in_array($eventName, $this->eventStack)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Circular call to script handler '%s' detected", $eventName)); } return array_push($this->eventStack, $eventName); } protected function popEvent() { return array_pop($this->eventStack); } } merge(array('config' => array( 'home' => $home, 'cache-dir' => self::getCacheDir($home), 'data-dir' => self::getDataDir($home), ))); $file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/config.json'); if ($file->exists()) { if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath()); } $config->merge($file->read()); } $config->setConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file)); $htaccessProtect = (bool) $config->get('htaccess-protect'); if ($htaccessProtect) { $dirs = array($config->get('home'), $config->get('cache-dir'), $config->get('data-dir')); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!file_exists($dir . '/.htaccess')) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { Silencer::call('mkdir', $dir, 0777, true); } Silencer::call('file_put_contents', $dir . '/.htaccess', 'Deny from all'); } } } $file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/auth.json'); if ($file->exists()) { if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath()); } $config->merge(array('config' => $file->read())); } $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file, true)); if ($composerAuthEnv = getenv('COMPOSER_AUTH')) { $authData = json_decode($composerAuthEnv, true); if (null === $authData) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('COMPOSER_AUTH environment variable is malformed, should be a valid JSON object'); } if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading auth config from COMPOSER_AUTH'); } $config->merge(array('config' => $authData)); } return $config; } public static function getComposerFile() { return trim(getenv('COMPOSER')) ?: './composer.json'; } public static function createAdditionalStyles() { return array( 'highlight' => new OutputFormatterStyle('red'), 'warning' => new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'yellow'), ); } public static function createOutput() { $styles = self::createAdditionalStyles(); $formatter = new OutputFormatter(false, $styles); return new ConsoleOutput(ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, null, $formatter); } public static function createDefaultRepositories(IOInterface $io = null, Config $config = null, RepositoryManager $rm = null) { return RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($io, $config, $rm); } public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false, $cwd = null, $fullLoad = true) { $cwd = $cwd ?: getcwd(); if (null === $localConfig) { $localConfig = static::getComposerFile(); } if (is_string($localConfig)) { $composerFile = $localConfig; $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, null, $io); if (!$file->exists()) { if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') { $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in '.$cwd; } else { $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: '.$localConfig; } $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the https://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section'; throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message.PHP_EOL.$instructions); } $file->validateSchema(JsonFile::LAX_SCHEMA); $jsonParser = new JsonParser; try { $jsonParser->parse(file_get_contents($localConfig), JsonParser::DETECT_KEY_CONFLICTS); } catch (DuplicateKeyException $e) { $details = $e->getDetails(); $io->writeError('Key '.$details['key'].' is a duplicate in '.$localConfig.' at line '.$details['line'].''); } $localConfig = $file->read(); } $config = static::createConfig($io, $cwd); $config->merge($localConfig); if (isset($composerFile)) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $composerFile, true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $config->setConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile(realpath($composerFile), null, $io))); $localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json', null, $io); if ($localAuthFile->exists()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read())); $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true)); } } $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir'); $composer = new Composer(); $composer->setConfig($config); if ($fullLoad) { $io->loadConfiguration($config); } $rfs = self::createRemoteFilesystem($io, $config); $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io); $composer->setEventDispatcher($dispatcher); $rm = RepositoryFactory::manager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs); $composer->setRepositoryManager($rm); $this->addLocalRepository($io, $rm, $vendorDir); if (!$fullLoad && !isset($localConfig['version'])) { $localConfig['version'] = '1.0.0'; } $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser); $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, $guesser, $io); $package = $loader->load($localConfig, 'Composer\Package\RootPackage', $cwd); $composer->setPackage($package); $im = $this->createInstallationManager(); $composer->setInstallationManager($im); if ($fullLoad) { $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs); $composer->setDownloadManager($dm); $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $io); $composer->setAutoloadGenerator($generator); $am = $this->createArchiveManager($config, $dm); $composer->setArchiveManager($am); } $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io); if ($fullLoad) { $globalComposer = null; if (realpath($config->get('home')) !== $cwd) { $globalComposer = $this->createGlobalComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins); } $pm = $this->createPluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer, $disablePlugins); $composer->setPluginManager($pm); $pm->loadInstalledPlugins(); } if ($fullLoad && isset($composerFile)) { $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4).'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock'; $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, null, $io), $rm, $im, file_get_contents($composerFile)); $composer->setLocker($locker); } if ($fullLoad) { $initEvent = new Event(PluginEvents::INIT); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($initEvent->getName(), $initEvent); if ($rm->getLocalRepository()) { $this->purgePackages($rm->getLocalRepository(), $im); } } return $composer; } public static function createGlobal(IOInterface $io, $disablePlugins = false) { $factory = new static(); return $factory->createGlobalComposer($io, static::createConfig($io), $disablePlugins, true); } protected function addLocalRepository(IOInterface $io, RepositoryManager $rm, $vendorDir) { $rm->setLocalRepository(new Repository\InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile($vendorDir.'/composer/installed.json', null, $io))); } protected function createGlobalComposer(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $disablePlugins, $fullLoad = false) { $composer = null; try { $composer = $this->createComposer($io, $config->get('home') . '/composer.json', $disablePlugins, $config->get('home'), $fullLoad); } catch (\Exception $e) { $io->writeError('Failed to initialize global composer: '.$e->getMessage(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); } return $composer; } public function createDownloadManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, RemoteFilesystem $rfs = null) { $cache = null; if ($config->get('cache-files-ttl') > 0) { $cache = new Cache($io, $config->get('cache-files-dir'), 'a-z0-9_./'); } $dm = new Downloader\DownloadManager($io); switch ($preferred = $config->get('preferred-install')) { case 'dist': $dm->setPreferDist(true); break; case 'source': $dm->setPreferSource(true); break; case 'auto': default: break; } if (is_array($preferred)) { $dm->setPreferences($preferred); } $executor = new ProcessExecutor($io); $fs = new Filesystem($executor); $dm->setDownloader('git', new Downloader\GitDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('svn', new Downloader\SvnDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('fossil', new Downloader\FossilDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('hg', new Downloader\HgDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('perforce', new Downloader\PerforceDownloader($io, $config)); $dm->setDownloader('zip', new Downloader\ZipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('rar', new Downloader\RarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('tar', new Downloader\TarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('gzip', new Downloader\GzipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('xz', new Downloader\XzDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('phar', new Downloader\PharDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('file', new Downloader\FileDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('path', new Downloader\PathDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); return $dm; } public function createArchiveManager(Config $config, Downloader\DownloadManager $dm = null) { if (null === $dm) { $io = new IO\NullIO(); $io->loadConfiguration($config); $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config); } $am = new Archiver\ArchiveManager($dm); $am->addArchiver(new Archiver\ZipArchiver); $am->addArchiver(new Archiver\PharArchiver); return $am; } protected function createPluginManager(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer, Composer $globalComposer = null, $disablePlugins = false) { return new Plugin\PluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer, $disablePlugins); } protected function createInstallationManager() { return new Installer\InstallationManager(); } protected function createDefaultInstallers(Installer\InstallationManager $im, Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) { $im->addInstaller(new Installer\LibraryInstaller($io, $composer, null)); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PearInstaller($io, $composer, 'pear-library')); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PluginInstaller($io, $composer)); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\MetapackageInstaller($io)); } protected function purgePackages(WritableRepositoryInterface $repo, Installer\InstallationManager $im) { foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { if (!$im->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package)) { $repo->removePackage($package); } } } public static function create(IOInterface $io, $config = null, $disablePlugins = false) { $factory = new static(); return $factory->createComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins); } public static function createRemoteFilesystem(IOInterface $io, Config $config = null, $options = array()) { static $warned = false; $disableTls = false; if ($config && $config->get('disable-tls') === true) { if (!$warned) { $io->writeError('You are running Composer with SSL/TLS protection disabled.'); } $warned = true; $disableTls = true; } elseif (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new Exception\NoSslException('The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available. ' . 'If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'); } $remoteFilesystemOptions = array(); if ($disableTls === false) { if ($config && $config->get('cafile')) { $remoteFilesystemOptions['ssl']['cafile'] = $config->get('cafile'); } if ($config && $config->get('capath')) { $remoteFilesystemOptions['ssl']['capath'] = $config->get('capath'); } $remoteFilesystemOptions = array_replace_recursive($remoteFilesystemOptions, $options); } try { $remoteFilesystem = new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config, $remoteFilesystemOptions, $disableTls); } catch (TransportException $e) { if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), 'cafile')) { $io->write('Unable to locate a valid CA certificate file. You must set a valid \'cafile\' option.'); $io->write('A valid CA certificate file is required for SSL/TLS protection.'); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) { $io->write('It is recommended you upgrade to PHP 5.6+ which can detect your system CA file automatically.'); } $io->write('You can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'); } throw $e; } return $remoteFilesystem; } private static function useXdg() { foreach (array_keys($_SERVER) as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 4) === 'XDG_') { return true; } } return false; } private static function getUserDir() { $home = getenv('HOME'); if (!$home) { throw new \RuntimeException('The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly'); } return rtrim(strtr($home, '\\', '/'), '/'); } } authentications; } public function resetAuthentications() { $this->authentications = array(); } public function hasAuthentication($repositoryName) { return isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName]); } public function getAuthentication($repositoryName) { if (isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName])) { return $this->authentications[$repositoryName]; } return array('username' => null, 'password' => null); } public function setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password = null) { $this->authentications[$repositoryName] = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password); } protected function checkAndSetAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password = null) { if ($this->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) { $auth = $this->getAuthentication($repositoryName); if ($auth['username'] === $username && $auth['password'] === $password) { return; } $this->writeError( sprintf( "Warning: You should avoid overwriting already defined auth settings for %s.", $repositoryName ) ); } $this->setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password); } public function loadConfiguration(Config $config) { $bitbucketOauth = $config->get('bitbucket-oauth') ?: array(); $githubOauth = $config->get('github-oauth') ?: array(); $gitlabOauth = $config->get('gitlab-oauth') ?: array(); $gitlabToken = $config->get('gitlab-token') ?: array(); $httpBasic = $config->get('http-basic') ?: array(); foreach ($bitbucketOauth as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['consumer-key'], $cred['consumer-secret']); } foreach ($githubOauth as $domain => $token) { if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"'); } $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic'); } foreach ($gitlabOauth as $domain => $token) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'oauth2'); } foreach ($gitlabToken as $domain => $token) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'private-token'); } foreach ($httpBasic as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['username'], $cred['password']); } ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout')); } public function emergency($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } public function alert($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context); } public function critical($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } public function error($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, $context); } public function warning($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $message, $context); } public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::NOTICE, $message, $context); } public function info($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::INFO, $message, $context); } public function debug($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, $message, $context); } public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (in_array($level, array(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, LogLevel::ALERT, LogLevel::CRITICAL, LogLevel::ERROR))) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::NORMAL); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::WARNING) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::NORMAL); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::NOTICE) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERBOSE); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::INFO) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERY_VERBOSE); } else { $this->writeError($message, true, self::DEBUG); } } } setInteractive(false); $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'rw'), $verbosity, $formatter ? $formatter->isDecorated() : false, $formatter); parent::__construct($input, $output, new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))); } public function getOutput() { fseek($this->output->getStream(), 0); $output = stream_get_contents($this->output->getStream()); $output = preg_replace_callback("{(?<=^|\n|\x08)(.+?)(\x08+)}", function ($matches) { $pre = strip_tags($matches[1]); if (strlen($pre) === strlen($matches[2])) { return ''; } return rtrim($matches[1])."\n"; }, $output); return $output; } public function setUserInputs(array $inputs) { if (!$this->input instanceof StreamableInputInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException('Setting the user inputs requires at least the version 3.2 of the symfony/console component.'); } $this->input->setStream($this->createStream($inputs)); $this->input->setInteractive(true); } private function createStream(array $inputs) { $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'r+', false); foreach ($inputs as $input) { fwrite($stream, $input.PHP_EOL); } rewind($stream); return $stream; } } input = $input; $this->output = $output; $this->helperSet = $helperSet; $this->verbosityMap = array( self::QUIET => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET, self::NORMAL => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, self::VERBOSE => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, self::VERY_VERBOSE => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, self::DEBUG => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, ); } public function enableDebugging($startTime) { $this->startTime = $startTime; } public function isInteractive() { return $this->input->isInteractive(); } public function isDecorated() { return $this->output->isDecorated(); } public function isVerbose() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE; } public function isVeryVerbose() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE; } public function isDebug() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG; } public function write($messages, $newline = true, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doWrite($messages, $newline, false, $verbosity); } public function writeError($messages, $newline = true, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doWrite($messages, $newline, true, $verbosity); } private function doWrite($messages, $newline, $stderr, $verbosity) { $sfVerbosity = $this->verbosityMap[$verbosity]; if ($sfVerbosity > $this->output->getVerbosity()) { return; } if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET === 0) { $sfVerbosity = OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL; } if (null !== $this->startTime) { $memoryUsage = memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024; $timeSpent = microtime(true) - $this->startTime; $messages = array_map(function ($message) use ($memoryUsage, $timeSpent) { return sprintf('[%.1fMiB/%.2fs] %s', $memoryUsage, $timeSpent, $message); }, (array) $messages); } if (true === $stderr && $this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { $this->output->getErrorOutput()->write($messages, $newline, $sfVerbosity); $this->lastMessageErr = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); return; } $this->output->write($messages, $newline, $sfVerbosity); $this->lastMessage = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); } public function overwrite($messages, $newline = true, $size = null, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, false, $verbosity); } public function overwriteError($messages, $newline = true, $size = null, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, true, $verbosity); } private function doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, $stderr, $verbosity) { $messages = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); if (!isset($size)) { $size = strlen(strip_tags($stderr ? $this->lastMessageErr : $this->lastMessage)); } $this->doWrite(str_repeat("\x08", $size), false, $stderr, $verbosity); $this->doWrite($messages, false, $stderr, $verbosity); $fill = $size - strlen(strip_tags($messages)); if ($fill > 0) { $this->doWrite(str_repeat(' ', $fill), false, $stderr, $verbosity); $this->doWrite(str_repeat("\x08", $fill), false, $stderr, $verbosity); } if ($newline) { $this->doWrite('', true, $stderr, $verbosity); } if ($stderr) { $this->lastMessageErr = $messages; } else { $this->lastMessage = $messages; } } public function ask($question, $default = null) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question, $default); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askConfirmation($question, $default = true) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new StrictConfirmationQuestion($question, $default); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = null, $default = null) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question, $default); $question->setValidator($validator); $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askAndHideAnswer($question) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question); $question->setHidden(true); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function select($question, $choices, $default, $attempts = false, $errorMessage = 'Value "%s" is invalid', $multiselect = false) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new ChoiceQuestion($question, $choices, $default); $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts ?: null); $question->setErrorMessage($errorMessage); $question->setMultiselect($multiselect); $result = $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); if (!is_array($result)) { return (string) array_search($result, $choices, true); } $results = array(); foreach ($choices as $index => $choice) { if (in_array($choice, $result, true)) { $results[] = (string) $index; } } return $results; } private function getErrorOutput() { if ($this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { return $this->output->getErrorOutput(); } return $this->output; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->package = $package; $this->downloadManager = $downloadManager; $this->repositoryManager = $repositoryManager; $this->locker = $locker; $this->installationManager = $installationManager; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->autoloadGenerator = $autoloadGenerator; } public function run() { gc_collect_cycles(); gc_disable(); if (!$this->update && !$this->locker->isLocked()) { $this->update = true; } if ($this->dryRun) { $this->verbose = true; $this->runScripts = false; $this->executeOperations = false; $this->writeLock = false; $this->dumpAutoloader = false; $this->installationManager->addInstaller(new NoopInstaller); $this->mockLocalRepositories($this->repositoryManager); } if ($this->runScripts) { $devMode = (int) $this->devMode; putenv("COMPOSER_DEV_MODE=$devMode"); $eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::PRE_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::PRE_INSTALL_CMD; $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode); } $this->downloadManager->setPreferSource($this->preferSource); $this->downloadManager->setPreferDist($this->preferDist); $localRepo = $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository(); if ($this->update) { $platformOverrides = $this->config->get('platform') ?: array(); } else { $platformOverrides = $this->locker->getPlatformOverrides(); } $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides); $installedRepo = $this->createInstalledRepo($localRepo, $platformRepo); $aliases = $this->getRootAliases(); $this->aliasPlatformPackages($platformRepo, $aliases); if (!$this->suggestedPackagesReporter) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter = new SuggestedPackagesReporter($this->io); } try { list($res, $devPackages) = $this->doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases); if ($res !== 0) { return $res; } } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io); } throw $e; } if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io); } if ($this->devMode && !$this->skipSuggest) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter->output($installedRepo); } foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { if (!$package instanceof CompletePackage || !$package->isAbandoned()) { continue; } $replacement = is_string($package->getReplacementPackage()) ? 'Use ' . $package->getReplacementPackage() . ' instead' : 'No replacement was suggested'; $this->io->writeError( sprintf( "Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.", $package->getPrettyName(), $replacement ) ); } if ($this->update && $this->writeLock) { $localRepo->reload(); $platformReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getRequires()); $platformDevReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getDevRequires()); $updatedLock = $this->locker->setLockData( array_diff($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages(), $devPackages), $devPackages, $platformReqs, $platformDevReqs, $aliases, $this->package->getMinimumStability(), $this->package->getStabilityFlags(), $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(), $this->preferLowest, $this->config->get('platform') ?: array() ); if ($updatedLock) { $this->io->writeError('Writing lock file'); } } if ($this->dumpAutoloader) { if ($this->optimizeAutoloader) { $this->io->writeError('Generating optimized autoload files'); } else { $this->io->writeError('Generating autoload files'); } $this->autoloadGenerator->setDevMode($this->devMode); $this->autoloadGenerator->setClassMapAuthoritative($this->classMapAuthoritative); $this->autoloadGenerator->setApcu($this->apcuAutoloader); $this->autoloadGenerator->setRunScripts($this->runScripts); $this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepo, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader); } if ($this->executeOperations) { foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $this->installationManager->ensureBinariesPresence($package); } $vendorDir = $this->config->get('vendor-dir'); if (is_dir($vendorDir)) { @touch($vendorDir); } } if ($this->runScripts) { $eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD; $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode); } if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { gc_enable(); } return 0; } protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases) { $lockedRepository = null; $repositories = null; if (!$this->update || (!empty($this->updateWhitelist) && $this->locker->isLocked())) { try { $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($this->devMode); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($this->package->getDevRequires()) { throw $e; } $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository(); } } $this->whitelistUpdateDependencies( $lockedRepository ?: $localRepo, $this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires() ); $this->io->writeError('Loading composer repositories with package information'); $policy = $this->createPolicy(); $pool = $this->createPool($this->update ? null : $lockedRepository); $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases); if ($this->update) { $repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories(); foreach ($repositories as $repository) { $pool->addRepository($repository, $aliases); } } if ($lockedRepository) { $pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases); } $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo); if ($this->update) { $removedUnstablePackages = array(); foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { if ( !$pool->isPackageAcceptable($package->getNames(), $package->getStability()) && $this->installationManager->isPackageInstalled($localRepo, $package) ) { $removedUnstablePackages[$package->getName()] = true; $request->remove($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); } } $this->io->writeError('Updating dependencies'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').''); $request->updateAll(); $links = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires()); foreach ($links as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } if ($this->updateWhitelist) { $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($installedRepo); $candidates = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $candidates[$link->getTarget()] = true; $rootRequires[$link->getTarget()] = $link; } foreach ($currentPackages as $package) { $candidates[$package->getName()] = true; } foreach ($candidates as $candidate => $dummy) { foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) { if ($curPackage->getName() === $candidate) { if (!$this->isUpdateable($curPackage) && !isset($removedUnstablePackages[$curPackage->getName()])) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion()); $description = $this->locker->isLocked() ? '(locked at' : '(installed at'; $requiredAt = isset($rootRequires[$candidate]) ? ', required as ' . $rootRequires[$candidate]->getPrettyConstraint() : ''; $constraint->setPrettyString($description . ' ' . $curPackage->getPrettyVersion() . $requiredAt . ')'); $request->install($curPackage->getName(), $constraint); } break; } } } } } else { $this->io->writeError('Installing dependencies'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').' from lock file'); if (!$this->locker->isFresh()) { $this->io->writeError('Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) { $version = $package->getVersion(); if (isset($aliases[$package->getName()][$version])) { $version = $aliases[$package->getName()][$version]['alias_normalized']; } $constraint = new Constraint('=', $version); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); $request->install($package->getName(), $constrainference(), 0, 7); } $name .= ' '.$initial->getPrettyVersion(); } else { $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); } $actionName = VersionParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . "): ", false); $this->cleanChanges($initial, $path, true); $urls = $target->getSourceUrls(); $exception = null; while ($url = array_shift($urls)) { try { if (Filesystem::isLocalPath($url)) { $url = realpath($url); } $this->doUpdate($initial, $target, $path, $url); $exception = null; break; } catch (\Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception) { throw $exception; } if ($this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Failed: ['.get_class($exception).'] '.$exception->getMessage()); } elseif (count($urls)) { $this->io->writeError(' Failed, trying the next URL'); } } } $this->reapplyChanges($path); if (!$exception && $this->io->isVerbose() && $this->hasMetadataRepository($path)) { $message = 'Pulling in changes:'; $logs = $this->getCommitLogs($initial->getSourceReference(), $target->getSourceReference(), $path); if (!trim($logs)) { $message = 'Rolling back changes:'; $logs = $this->getCommitLogs($target->getSourceReference(), $initial->getSourceReference(), $path); } if (trim($logs)) { $logs = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) { return ' ' . $line; }, explode("\n", $logs))); $logs = str_replace('<', '\<', $logs); $this->io->writeError(' '.$message); $this->io->writeError($logs); } } if (!$urls && $exception) { throw $exception; } } public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getPrettyVersion() . ")"); $this->cleanChanges($package, $path, false); if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.'); } } public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress) { return $this; } public function getVcsReference(PackageInterface $package, $path) { $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($this->config, $this->process, $parser); $dumper = new ArrayDumper; $packageConfig = $dumper->dump($package); if ($packageVersion = $guesser->guessVersion($packageConfig, $path)) { return $packageVersion['commit']; } } protected function cleanChanges(PackageInterface $package, $path, $update) { if (null !== $this->getLocalChanges($package, $path)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Source directory ' . $path . ' has uncommitted changes.'); } } protected function reapplyChanges($path) { } abstract protected function doDownload(PackageInterface $package, $path, $url); abstract protected function doUpdate(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, $path, $url); abstract protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path); abstract protected function hasMetadataRepository($path); } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } protected function extract($file, $path) { $command = 'tar -xJf ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($file) . ' -C ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path); if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return; } $processError = 'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput(); throw new \RuntimeException($processError); } protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path) { return $path.'/'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME); } } process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); parent::__construct($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs); } public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path, $output = true) { if (null === self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $finder = new ExecutableFinder; self::$hasSystemUnzip = (bool) $finder->find('unzip'); } if (null === self::$hasZipArchive) { self::$hasZipArchive = class_exists('ZipArchive'); } if (!self::$hasZipArchive && !self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $iniMessage = IniHelper::getMessage(); $error = "The zip extension and unzip command are both missing, skipping.\n" . $iniMessage; throw new \RuntimeException($error); } if (null === self::$isWindows) { self::$isWindows = Platform::isWindows(); if (!self::$isWindows && !self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $this->io->writeError("As there is no 'unzip' command installed zip files are being unpacked using the PHP zip extension."); $this->io->writeError("This may cause invalid reports of corrupted archives. Besides, any UNIX permissions (e.g. executable) defined in the archives will be lost."); $this->io->writeError("Installing 'unzip' may remediate them."); } } return parent::download($package, $path, $output); } protected function extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, $isLastChance) { if (!self::$hasZipArchive) { $isLastChance = true; } if (!self::$hasSystemUnzip && !$isLastChance) { return $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, true); } $processError = null; $overwrite = $isLastChance ? '-o' : ''; $command = 'unzip -qq '.$overwrite.' '.ProcessExecutor::escape($file).' -d '.ProcessExecutor::escape($path); try { if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $ignoredOutput)) { return true; } $processError = new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $processError = $e; } if ($isLastChance) { throw $processError; } $this->io->writeError(' '.$processError->getMessage()); $this->io->writeError(' The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems)'); $this->io->writeError(' Unzip with unzip command failed, falling back to ZipArchive class'); return $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, true); } protected function extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, $isLastChance) { if (!self::$hasSystemUnzip) { $isLastChance = true; } if (!self::$hasZipArchive && !$isLastChance) { return $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, true); } $processError = null; $zipArchive = $this->zipArchiveObject ?: new ZipArchive(); try { if (true === ($retval = $zipArchive->open($file))) { $extractResult = $zipArchive->extractTo($path); if (true === $extractResult) { $zipArchive->close(); return true; } $processError = new \RuntimeException(rtrim("There was an error extracting the ZIP file, it is either corrupted or using an invalid format.\n")); } else { $processError = new \UnexpectedValueException(rtrim($this->getErrorMessage($retval, $file)."\n"), $retval); } } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $processError = new \RuntimeException('The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems): '.$e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { $processError = $e; } if ($isLastChance) { throw $processError; } $this->io->writeError(' '.$processError->getMessage()); $this->io->writeError(' Unzip with ZipArchive class failed, falling back to unzip command'); return $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, true); } public function extract($file, $path) { if (self::$isWindows) { $this->extractWithZipArchive($file, $path, false); } else { $this->extractWithSystemUnzip($file, $path, false); } } protected function getErrorMessage($retval, $file) { switch ($retval) { case ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS: return sprintf("File '%s' already exists.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_INCONS: return sprintf("Zip archive '%s' is inconsistent.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_INVAL: return sprintf("Invalid argument (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY: return sprintf("Malloc failure (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_NOENT: return sprintf("No such zip file: '%s'", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP: return sprintf("'%s' is not a zip archive.", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_OPEN: return sprintf("Can't open zip file: %s", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_READ: return sprintf("Zip read error (%s)", $file); case ZipArchive::ER_SEEK: return sprintf("Zip seek error (%s)", $file); default: return sprintf("'%s' is not a valid zip archive, got error code: %s", $file, $retval); } } } name = $name; $this->args = $args; $this->flags = $flags; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getArguments() { return $this->args; } public function getFlags() { return $this->flags; } public function isPropagationStopped() { return $this->propagationStopped; } public function stopPropagation() { $this->propagationStopped = true; } } composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io); $this->eventStack = array(); } public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null) { if (null === $event) { $event = new Event($eventName); } return $this->doDispatch($event); } public function dispatchScript($eventName, $devMode = false, $additionalArgs = array(), $flags = array()) { return $this->doDispatch(new Script\Event($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $additionalArgs, $flags)); } public function dispatchPackageEvent($eventName, $devMode, PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, CompositeRepository $installedRepo, Request $request, array $operations, OperationInterface $operation) { return $this->doDispatch(new PackageEvent($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation)); } public function dispatchInstallerEvent($eventName, $devMode, PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, CompositeRepository $installedRepo, Request $request, array $operations = array()) { return $this->doDispatch(new InstallerEvent($eventName, $this->composer, $this->io, $devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations)); } protected function doDispatch(Event $event) { $pathStr = 'PATH'; if (!isset($_SERVER[$pathStr]) && isset($_SERVER['Path'])) { $pathStr = 'Path'; } $binDir = $this->composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'); if (is_dir($binDir)) { $binDir = realpath($binDir); if (isset($_SERVER[$pathStr]) && !preg_match('{(^|'.PATH_SEPARATOR.')'.preg_quote($binDir).'($|'.PATH_SEPARATOR.')}', $_SERVER[$pathStr])) { $_SERVER[$pathStr] = $binDir.PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv($pathStr); putenv($pathStr.'='.$_SERVER[$pathStr]); } } $listeners = $this->getListeners($event); $this->pushEvent($event); $return = 0; foreach ($listeners as $callable) { if (!is_string($callable)) { if (!is_callable($callable)) { $className = is_object($callable[0]) ? get_class($callable[0]) : $callable[0]; throw new \RuntimeException('Subscriber '.$className.'::'.$callable[1].' for event '.$event->getName().' is not callable, make sure the function is defined and public'); } $event = $this->checkListenerExpectedEvent($callable, $event); $return = false === call_user_func($callable, $event) ? 1 : 0; } elseif ($this->isComposerScript($callable)) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s', $event->getName(), $callable), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $script = explode(' ', substr($callable, 1)); $scriptName = $script[0]; unset($script[0]); $args = array_merge($script, $event->getArguments()); $flags = $event->getFlags(); if (substr($callable, 0, 10) === '@composer ') { $exec = $this->getPhpExecCommand() . ' ' . ProcessExecutor::escape(getenv('COMPOSER_BINARY')) . substr($callable, 9); if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($exec))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s handling the %s event returned with error code '.$exitCode.'', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw new ScriptExecutionException('Error Output: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput(), $exitCode); } } else { if (!$this->getListeners(new Event($scriptName))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('You made a reference to a non-existent script %s', $callable), true, IOInterface::QUIET); } try { $scriptEvent = new Script\Event($scriptName, $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $args, $flags); $scriptEvent->setOriginatingEvent($event); $return = $this->dispatch($scriptName, $scriptEvent); } catch (ScriptExecutionException $e) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s was called via %s', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw $e; } } } elseif ($this->isPhpScript($callable)) { $className = substr($callable, 0, strpos($callable, '::')); $methodName = substr($callable, strpos($callable, '::') + 2); if (!class_exists($className)) { $this->io->writeError('Class '.$className.' is not autoloadable, can not call '.$event->getName().' script', true, IOInterface::QUIET); continue; } if (!is_callable($callable)) { $this->io->writeError('Method '.$callable.' is not callable, can not call '.$event->getName().' script', true, IOInterface::QUIET); continue; } try { $return = false === $this->executeEventPhpScript($className, $methodName, $event) ? 1 : 0; } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = "Script %s handling the %s event terminated with an exception"; $this->io->writeError(''.sprintf($message, $callable, $event->getName()).'', true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw $e; } } else { $args = implode(' ', array_map(array('Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor', 'escape'), $event->getArguments())); $exec = $callable . ($args === '' ? '' : ' '.$args); if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s', $event->getName(), $exec)); } else { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('t); } foreach ($this->locker->getPlatformRequirements($this->devMode) as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } } $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, 'force-links'); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request); $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $this->io); try { $operations = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs); $ruleSetSize = $solver->getRuleSetSize(); $solver = null; } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) { $this->io->writeError('Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $this->io->writeError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->update && !$this->devMode) { $this->io->writeError('Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } return array(max(1, $e->getCode()), array()); } $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, 'force-updates', $operations); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations); $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$ruleSetSize." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); if (!$operations) { $this->io->writeError('Nothing to install or update'); } $operations = $this->movePluginsToFront($operations); $operations = $this->moveUninstallsToFront($operations); if ($this->update) { $devPackages = $this->extractDevPackages($operations, $localRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases); if (!$this->devMode) { $operations = $this->filterDevPackageOperations($devPackages, $operations, $localRepo); } } else { $devPackages = null; } if ($operations) { $installs = $updates = $uninstalls = array(); foreach ($operations as $operation) { if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) { $installs[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) { $updates[] = $operation->getTargetPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getTargetPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UninstallOperation) { $uninstalls[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName(); } } $this->io->writeError(sprintf( "Package operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s", count($installs), 1 === count($installs) ? '' : 's', count($updates), 1 === count($updates) ? '' : 's', count($uninstalls), 1 === count($uninstalls) ? '' : 's' )); if ($installs) { $this->io->writeError("Installs: ".implode(', ', $installs), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } if ($updates) { $this->io->writeError("Updates: ".implode(', ', $updates), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } if ($uninstalls) { $this->io->writeError("Removals: ".implode(', ', $uninstalls), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } } foreach ($operations as $operation) { $jobType = $operation->getJobType(); if ('install' === $jobType) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter->addSuggestionsFromPackage($operation->getPackage()); } if ($this->update) { $package = null; if ('update' === $jobType) { $package = $operation->getTargetPackage(); } elseif ('install' === $jobType) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); } if ($package && $package->isDev()) { $references = $this->package->getReferences(); if (isset($references[$package->getName()])) { $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $references[$package->getName()]); } } if ('update' === $jobType) { $targetPackage = $operation->getTargetPackage(); if ($targetPackage->isDev()) { $initialPackage = $operation->getInitialPackage(); if ($targetPackage->getVersion() === $initialPackage->getVersion() && (!$targetPackage->getSourceReference() || $targetPackage->getSourceReference() === $initialPackage->getSourceReference()) && (!$targetPackage->getDistReference() || $targetPackage->getDistReference() === $initialPackage->getDistReference()) ) { $this->io->writeError(' - Skipping update of ' . $targetPackage->getPrettyName() . ' to the same reference-locked version', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); continue; } } } } $event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType); if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation); } if (!$this->executeOperations && false === strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) { $this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation); } elseif ($this->io->isDebug() && false !== strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) { $this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation); } $this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation); if ($this->verbose && $this->io->isVeryVerbose() && in_array($jobType, array('install', 'update'))) { $reason = $operation->getReason(); if ($reason instanceof Rule) { switch ($reason->getReason()) { case Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL: $this->io->writeError(' REASON: Required by the root package: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool)); $this->io->writeError(''); break; case Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES: $this->io->writeError(' REASON: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool)); $this->io->writeError(''); break; } } } if ($this->executeOperations || $this->writeLock) { $localRepo->write(); } $event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType); if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation); } } if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories); $localRepo->write(); } return array(0, $devPackages); } private function extractDevPackages(array $operations, RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo, array $aliases) { if (!$this->package->getDevRequires()) { return array(); } $tempLocalRepo = clone $localRepo; foreach ($operations as $operation) { switch ($operation->getJobType()) { case 'install': case 'markAliasInstalled': if (!$tempLocalRepo->hasPackage($operation->getPackage())) { $tempLocalRepo->addPackage(clone $operation->getPackage()); } break; case 'uninstall': case 'markAliasUninstalled': $tempLocalRepo->removePackage($operation->getPackage()); break; case 'update': $tempLocalRepo->removePackage($operation->getInitialPackage()); if (!$tempLocalRepo->hasPackage($operation->getTargetPackage())) { $tempLocalRepo->addPackage(clone $operation->getTargetPackage()); } break; default: throw new \LogicException('Unknown type: '.$operation->getJobType()); } } $localRepo = new InstalledArrayRepository(array()); $loader = new ArrayLoader(null, true); $dumper = new ArrayDumper(); foreach ($tempLocalRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $pkg) { $localRepo->addPackage($loader->load($dumper->dump($pkg))); } unset($tempLocalRepo, $loader, $dumper); $policy = $this->createPolicy(); $pool = $this->createPool(); $installedRepo = $this->createInstalledRepo($localRepo, $platformRepo); $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases); $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo); $request->updateAll(); foreach ($this->package->getRequires() as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request); $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $this->io); $ops = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $ops); $devPackages = array(); foreach ($ops as $op) { if ($op->getJobType() === 'uninstall') { $devPackages[] = $op->getPackage(); } } return $devPackages; } private function filterDevPackageOperations(array $devPackages, array $operations, RepositoryInterface $localRepo) { $finalOps = array(); $packagesToSkip = array(); foreach ($devPackages as $pkg) { $packagesToSkip[$pkg->getName()] = true; if ($installedDevPkg = $localRepo->findPackage($pkg->getName(), '*')) { if ($installedDevPkg instanceof AliasPackage) { $finalOps[] = new MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($installedDevPkg, 'non-dev install removing it'); $installedDevPkg = $installedDevPkg->getAliasOf(); } $finalOps[] = new UninstallOperation($installedDevPkg, 'non-dev install removing it'); } } foreach ($operations as $op) { $package = $op->getJobType() === 'update' ? $op->getTargetPackage() : $op->getPackage(); if (isset($packagesToSkip[$package->getName()])) { continue; } $finalOps[] = $op; } return $finalOps; } private function movePluginsToFront(array $operations) { $pluginsNoDeps = array(); $pluginsWithDeps = array(); $pluginRequires = array(); foreach (array_reverse($operations, true) as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof InstallOperation) { $package = $op->getPackage(); } elseif ($op instanceof UpdateOperation) { $package = $op->getTargetPackage(); } else { continue; } $isPlugin = $package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer'; if ($isPlugin || count(array_intersect($package->getNames(), $pluginRequires))) { $requires = array_filter(array_keys($package->getRequires()), function ($req) { return $req !== 'composer-plugin-api' && !preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req); }); if ($isPlugin && !count($requires)) { array_unshift($pluginsNoDeps, $op); } else { $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires); array_unshift($pluginsWithDeps, $op); } unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($pluginsNoDeps, $pluginsWithDeps, $operations); } private function moveUninstallsToFront(array $operations) { $uninstOps = array(); foreach ($operations as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof UninstallOperation) { $uninstOps[] = $op; unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($uninstOps, $operations); } private function createInstalledRepo(RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo) { $installedRootPackage = clone $this->package; $installedRootPackage->setRequires(array()); $installedRootPackage->setDevRequires(array()); $repos = array( $localRepo, new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)), $platformRepo, ); $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository($repos); if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) { $installedRepo->addRepository($this->additionalInstalledRepository); } return $installedRepo; } private function createPool(RepositoryInterface $lockedRepository = null) { if ($this->update) { $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability(); $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags(); $requires = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires()); } else { $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability(); $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags(); $requires = array(); foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); $requires[$package->getName()] = $constraint; } } $rootConstraints = array(); foreach ($requires as $req => $constraint) { if ($this->ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req)) { continue; } if ($constraint instanceof Link) { $rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint->getConstraint(); } else { $rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint; } } return new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags, $rootConstraints); } private function createPolicy() { $preferStable = null; $preferLowest = null; if (!$this->update) { $preferStable = $this->locker->getPreferStable(); $preferLowest = $this->locker->getPreferLowest(); } if (null === $preferStable) { $preferStable = $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(); } if (null === $preferLowest) { $preferLowest = $this->preferLowest; } return new DefaultPolicy($preferStable, $preferLowest); } private function createRequest(RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo) { $request = new Request(); $constraint = new Constraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($rootPackage->getPrettyVersion()); $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint); $fixedPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages(); if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) { $additionalFixedPackages = $this->additionalInstalledRepository->getPackages(); $fixedPackages = array_merge($fixedPackages, $additionalFixedPackages); } $provided = $rootPackage->getProvides(); foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); if ($package->getRepository() !== $platformRepo || !isset($provided[$package->getName()]) || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint) ) { $request->fix($package->getName(), $constraint); } } return $request; } private function processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, $task, array $operations = null) { if ($task === 'force-updates' && null === $operations) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing operations argument'); } if ($task === 'force-links') { $operations = array(); } if ($this->update && $this->updateWhitelist) { $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($installedRepo); } foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { if (!$package->isDev()) { continue; } foreach ($operations as $operation) { if (('update' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getInitialPackage()->equals($package)) || ('uninstall' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getPackage()->equals($package)) ) { continue 2; } } if ($this->update) { if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) { foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) { if ($curPackage->isDev() && $curPackage->getName() === $package->getName() && $curPackage->getVersion() === $package->getVersion()) { if ($task === 'force-links') { $package->setRequires($curPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($curPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($curPackage->getProvides()); $package->setReplaces($curPackage->getReplaces()); } elseif ($task === 'force-updates') { if (($curPackage->getSourceReference() && $curPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($curPackage->getDistReference() && $curPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $curPackage); } } break; } } continue; } $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); foreach ($matches as $index => $match) { if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if ($match->getName() !== $package->getName()) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } $matches[$index] = $match->getId(); } if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]); if ($task === 'force-links' && $newPackage) { $package->setRequires($newPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($newPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($newPackage->getProvides()); $package->setReplaces($newPackage->getReplaces()); } if ( $task === 'force-updates' && $newPackage && ( ($newPackage->getSourceReference() && $newPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($newPackage->getDistReference() && $newPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) ) { $ope> %s', $exec)); } $possibleLocalBinaries = $this->composer->getPackage()->getBinaries(); if ($possibleLocalBinaries) { foreach ($possibleLocalBinaries as $localExec) { if (preg_match('{\b'.preg_quote($callable).'$}', $localExec)) { $caller = BinaryInstaller::determineBinaryCaller($localExec); $exec = preg_replace('{^'.preg_quote($callable).'}', $caller . ' ' . $localExec, $exec); break; } } } if (substr($exec, 0, 5) === '@php ') { $exec = $this->getPhpExecCommand() . ' ' . substr($exec, 5); } else { $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpPath = $finder->find(false); if ($phpPath) { putenv('PHP_BINARY=' . $phpPath); } } if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($exec))) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('Script %s handling the %s event returned with error code '.$exitCode.'', $callable, $event->getName()), true, IOInterface::QUIET); throw new ScriptExecutionException('Error Output: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput(), $exitCode); } } if ($event->isPropagationStopped()) { break; } } $this->popEvent(); return $return; } protected function getPhpExecCommand() { $finder = new PhpExecutableFinder(); $phpPath = $finder->find(false); if (!$phpPath) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to locate PHP binary to execute '.$phpPath); } $phpArgs = $finder->findArguments(); $phpArgs = $phpArgs ? ' ' . implode(' ', $phpArgs) : ''; $allowUrlFOpenFlag = ' -d allow_url_fopen=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')); $disableFunctionsFlag = ' -d disable_functions=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('disable_functions')); $memoryLimitFlag = ' -d memory_limit=' . ProcessExecutor::escape(ini_get('memory_limit')); return ProcessExecutor::escape($phpPath) . $phpArgs . $allowUrlFOpenFlag . $disableFunctionsFlag . $memoryLimitFlag; } protected function executeEventPhpScript($className, $methodName, Event $event) { $event = $this->checkListenerExpectedEvent(array($className, $methodName), $event); if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s::%s', $event->getName(), $className, $methodName)); } else { $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s::%s', $className, $methodName)); } return $className::$methodName($event); } protected function checkListenerExpectedEvent($target, Event $event) { if (in_array($event->getName(), array( 'init', 'command', 'pre-file-download', ), true)) { return $event; } try { $reflected = new \ReflectionParameter($target, 0); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $event; } $typehint = $reflected->getClass(); if (!$typehint instanceof \ReflectionClass) { return $event; } $expected = $typehint->getName(); if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\CommandEvent') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\CommandEvent( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getArguments() ); } if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\PackageEvent') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\PackageEvent( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getPolicy(), $event->getPool(), $event->getInstalledRepo(), $event->getRequest(), $event->getOperations(), $event->getOperation() ); } if (!$event instanceof $expected && $expected === 'Composer\Script\Event') { trigger_error('The callback '.$this->serializeCallback($target).' declared at '.$reflected->getDeclaringFunction()->getFileName().' accepts a '.$expected.' but '.$event->getName().' events use a '.get_class($event).' instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/scripts.md#event-classes', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $event = new \Composer\Script\Event( $event->getName(), $event->getComposer(), $event->getIO(), $event->isDevMode(), $event->getArguments(), $event->getFlags() ); } return $event; } private function serializeCallback($cb) { if (is_array($cb) && count($cb) === 2) { if (is_object($cb[0])) { $cb[0] = get_class($cb[0]); } if (is_string($cb[0]) && is_string($cb[1])) { $cb = implode('::', $cb); } } if (is_string($cb)) { return $cb; } return var_export($cb, true); } public function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0) { $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][] = $listener; } public function addSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber) { foreach ($subscriber->getSubscribedEvents() as $eventName => $params) { if (is_string($params)) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $params)); } elseif (is_string($params[0])) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $params[0]), isset($params[1]) ? $params[1] : 0); } else { foreach ($params as $listener) { $this->addListener($eventName, array($subscriber, $listener[0]), isset($listener[1]) ? $listener[1] : 0); } } } } protected function getListeners(Event $event) { $scriptListeners = $this->getScriptListeners($event); if (!isset($this->listeners[$event->getName()][0])) { $this->listeners[$event->getName()][0] = array(); } krsort($this->listeners[$event->getName()]); $listeners = $this->listeners; $listeners[$event->getName()][0] = array_merge($listeners[$event->getName()][0], $scriptListeners); return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $listeners[$event->getName()]); } public function hasEventListeners(Event $event) { $listeners = $this->getListeners($event); return count($listeners) > 0; } protected function getScriptListeners(Event $event) { $package = $this->composer->getPackage(); $scripts = $package->getScripts(); if (empty($scripts[$event->getName()])) { return array(); } if ($this->loader) { $this->loader->unregister(); } $generator = $this->composer->getAutoloadGenerator(); if ($event instanceof ScriptEvent) { $generator->setDevMode($event->isDevMode()); } $packages = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getCanonicalPackages(); $packageMap = $generator->buildPackageMap($this->composer->getInstallationManager(), $package, $packages); $map = $generator->parseAutoloads($packageMap, $package); $this->loader = $generator->createLoader($map); $this->loader->register(); return $scripts[$event->getName()]; } protected function isPhpScript($callable) { return false === strpos($callable, ' ') && false !== strpos($callable, '::'); } protected function isComposerScript($callable) { return '@' === substr($callable, 0, 1) && '@php ' !== substr($callable, 0, 5); } protected function pushEvent(Event $event) { $eventName = $event->getName(); if (in_array($eventName, $this->eventStack)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Circular call to script handler '%s' detected", $eventName)); } return array_push($this->eventStack, $eventName); } protected function popEvent() { return array_pop($this->eventStack); } } merge(array('config' => array( 'home' => $home, 'cache-dir' => self::getCacheDir($home), 'data-dir' => self::getDataDir($home), ))); $file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/config.json'); if ($file->exists()) { if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath()); } $config->merge($file->read()); } $config->setConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file)); $htaccessProtect = (bool) $config->get('htaccess-protect'); if ($htaccessProtect) { $dirs = array($config->get('home'), $config->get('cache-dir'), $config->get('data-dir')); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!file_exists($dir . '/.htaccess')) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { Silencer::call('mkdir', $dir, 0777, true); } Silencer::call('file_put_contents', $dir . '/.htaccess', 'Deny from all'); } } } $file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/auth.json'); if ($file->exists()) { if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath()); } $config->merge(array('config' => $file->read())); } $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($file, true)); if ($composerAuthEnv = getenv('COMPOSER_AUTH')) { $authData = json_decode($composerAuthEnv, true); if (null === $authData) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('COMPOSER_AUTH environment variable is malformed, should be a valid JSON object'); } if ($io && $io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError('Loading auth config from COMPOSER_AUTH'); } $config->merge(array('config' => $authData)); } return $config; } public static function getComposerFile() { return trim(getenv('COMPOSER')) ?: './composer.json'; } public static function createAdditionalStyles() { return array( 'highlight' => new OutputFormatterStyle('red'), 'warning' => new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'yellow'), ); } public static function createOutput() { $styles = self::createAdditionalStyles(); $formatter = new OutputFormatter(false, $styles); return new ConsoleOutput(ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, null, $formatter); } public static function createDefaultRepositories(IOInterface $io = null, Config $config = null, RepositoryManager $rm = null) { return RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($io, $config, $rm); } public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false, $cwd = null, $fullLoad = true) { $cwd = $cwd ?: getcwd(); if (null === $localConfig) { $localConfig = static::getComposerFile(); } if (is_string($localConfig)) { $composerFile = $localConfig; $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, null, $io); if (!$file->exists()) { if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') { $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in '.$cwd; } else { $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: '.$localConfig; } $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the https://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section'; throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message.PHP_EOL.$instructions); } $file->validateSchema(JsonFile::LAX_SCHEMA); $jsonParser = new JsonParser; try { $jsonParser->parse(file_get_contents($localConfig), JsonParser::DETECT_KEY_CONFLICTS); } catch (DuplicateKeyException $e) { $details = $e->getDetails(); $io->writeError('Key '.$details['key'].' is a duplicate in '.$localConfig.' at line '.$details['line'].''); } $localConfig = $file->read(); } $config = static::createConfig($io, $cwd); $config->merge($localConfig); if (isset($composerFile)) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $composerFile, true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $config->setConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile(realpath($composerFile), null, $io))); $localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json', null, $io); if ($localAuthFile->exists()) { $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read())); $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true)); } } $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir'); $composer = new Composer(); $composer->setConfig($config); if ($fullLoad) { $io->loadConfiguration($config); } $rfs = self::createRemoteFilesystem($io, $config); $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io); $composer->setEventDispatcher($dispatcher); $rm = RepositoryFactory::manager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs); $composer->setRepositoryManager($rm); $this->addLocalRepository($io, $rm, $vendorDir); if (!$fullLoad && !isset($localConfig['version'])) { $localConfig['version'] = '1.0.0'; } $parser = new VersionParser; $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser); $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, $guesser, $io); $package = $loader->load($localConfig, 'Composer\Package\RootPackage', $cwd); $composer->setPackage($package); $im = $this->createInstallationManager(); $composer->setInstallationManager($im); if ($fullLoad) { $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs); $composer->setDownloadManager($dm); $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $io); $composer->setAutoloadGenerator($generator); $am = $this->createArchiveManager($config, $dm); $composer->setArchiveManager($am); } $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io); if ($fullLoad) { $globalComposer = null; if (realpath($config->get('home')) !== $cwd) { $globalComposer = $this->createGlobalComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins); } $pm = $this->createPluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer, $dirations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $newPackage); continue; } } if ($task === 'force-updates') { $references = $this->package->getReferences(); if (isset($references[$package->getName()]) && $references[$package->getName()] !== $package->getSourceReference()) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, clone $package); } } } else { foreach ($lockedRepository->findPackages($package->getName()) as $lockedPackage) { if ($lockedPackage->isDev() && $lockedPackage->getVersion() === $package->getVersion()) { if ($task === 'force-links') { $package->setRequires($lockedPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($lockedPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($lockedPackage->getProvides()); $package->setReplaces($lockedPackage->getReplaces()); } elseif ($task === 'force-updates') { if (($lockedPackage->getSourceReference() && $lockedPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($lockedPackage->getDistReference() && $lockedPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $lockedPackage); } } break; } } } } return $operations; } private function getCurrentPackages($installedRepo) { if ($this->locker->isLocked()) { try { return $this->locker->getLockedRepository(true)->getPackages(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->locker->getLockedRepository()->getPackages(); } } return $installedRepo->getPackages(); } private function getRootAliases() { if ($this->update) { $aliases = $this->package->getAliases(); } else { $aliases = $this->locker->getAliases(); } $normalizedAliases = array(); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $normalizedAliases[$alias['package']][$alias['version']] = array( 'alias' => $alias['alias'], 'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized'], ); } return $normalizedAliases; } private function processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories) { if (!$this->update) { return; } $rootRefs = $this->package->getReferences(); foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); foreach ($matches as $index => $match) { if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if ($match->getName() !== $package->getName()) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } $matches[$index] = $match->getId(); } if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]); $sourceUrl = $package->getSourceUrl(); $newSourceUrl = $newPackage->getSourceUrl(); $newReference = $newPackage->getSourceReference(); if ($package->isDev() && isset($rootRefs[$package->getName()]) && $package->getSourceReference() === $rootRefs[$package->getName()]) { $newReference = $rootRefs[$package->getName()]; } $this->updatePackageUrl($package, $newSourceUrl, $newPackage->getSourceType(), $newReference, $newPackage->getDistUrl(), $newPackage->getDistType(), $newPackage->getDistSha1Checksum()); if ($package instanceof CompletePackage && $newPackage instanceof CompletePackage) { $package->setAbandoned($newPackage->getReplacementPackage() ?: $newPackage->isAbandoned()); } $package->setDistMirrors($newPackage->getDistMirrors()); $package->setSourceMirrors($newPackage->getSourceMirrors()); $package->setTransportOptions($newPackage->getTransportOptions()); } } } private function updatePackageUrl(PackageInterface $package, $sourceUrl, $sourceType, $sourceReference, $distUrl, $distType, $distShaSum) { $oldSourceRef = $package->getSourceReference(); if ($package->getSourceUrl() !== $sourceUrl) { $package->setSourceType($sourceType); $package->setSourceUrl($sourceUrl); $package->setSourceReference($sourceReference); } if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $distUrl)) { $package->setDistUrl($distUrl); $package->setDistType($distType); $package->setDistSha1Checksum($distShaSum); $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $sourceReference); } if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) { $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $oldSourceRef); } } private function updateInstallReferences(PackageInterface $package, $reference) { if (!$reference) { return; } $package->setSourceReference($reference); if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $package->getDistUrl())) { $package->setDistReference($reference); $package->setDistUrl(preg_replace('{(?<=/|sha=)[a-f0-9]{40}(?=/|$)}i', $reference, $package->getDistUrl())); } elseif ($package->getDistReference()) { $package->setDistReference($reference); } } private function aliasPlatformPackages(PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases) { foreach ($aliases as $package => $versions) { foreach ($versions as $version => $alias) { $packages = $platformRepo->findPackages($package, $version); foreach ($packages as $package) { $aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); $aliasPackage->setRootPackageAlias(true); $platformRepo->addPackage($aliasPackage); } } } } private function isUpdateable(PackageInterface $package) { if (!$this->updateWhitelist) { throw new \LogicException('isUpdateable should only be called when a whitelist is present'); } foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $whiteListedPattern => $void) { $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($whiteListedPattern); if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) { return true; } } return false; } private function extractPlatformRequirements($links) { $platformReqs = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { $platformReqs[$link->getTarget()] = $link->getPrettyConstraint(); } } return $platformReqs; } private function whitelistUpdateDependencies($localOrLockRepo, array $rootRequires, array $rootDevRequires) { if (!$this->updateWhitelist) { return; } $rootRequires = array_merge($rootRequires, $rootDevRequires); $skipPackages = array(); if (!$this->whitelistAllDependencies) { foreach ($rootRequires as $require) { $skipPackages[$require->getTarget()] = true; } } $pool = new Pool('dev'); $pool->addRepository($localOrLockRepo); $seen = array(); $rootRequiredPackageNames = array_keys($rootRequires); foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $packageName => $void) { $packageQueue = new \SplQueue; $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = false; $depPackages = $pool->whatProvides($packageName); $matchesByPattern = array(); if (empty($depPackages)) { $whitelistPatternSearchRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName, '^%s$'); foreach ($localOrLockRepo->search($whitelistPatternSearchRegexp) as $installedPackage) { $matchesByPattern[] = $pool->whatProvides($installedPackage['name']); } $whitelistPatternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName); foreach ($rootRequiredPackageNames as $rootRequiredPackageName) { if (preg_match($whitelistPatternRegexp, $rootRequiredPackageName)) { $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = true; break; } } } if (!empty($matchesByPattern)) { $depPackages = array_merge($depPackages, call_user_func_array('array_merge', $matchesByPattern)); } if (count($depPackages) == 0 && !$nameMatchesRequiredPackage && !in_array($packageName, array('nothing', 'lock', 'mirrors'))) { $this->io->writeError('Package "' . $packageName . '" listed for update is not installed. Ignoring.'); } foreach ($depPackages as $depPackage) { $packageQueue->enqueue($depPackage); } while (!$packageQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $packageQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($seen[$package->getId()])) { continue; } $seen[$package->getId()] = true; $this->updateWhitelist[$package->getName()] = true; if (!$this->whitelistDependencies && !$this->whitelistAllDependencies) { continue; } $requires = $package->getRequires(); foreach ($requires as $require) { $requirePackages = $pool->whatProvides($require->getTarget()); foreach ($requirePackages as $requirePackage) { if (isset($this->updateWhitelist[$requirePackage->getName()])) { continue; } if (isset($skipPackages[$requirePackage->getName()]) && !preg_match(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName), $requirePackage->getName())) { $this->io->writeError('Dependency "' . $requirePackage->getName() . '" is also a root requirement, but is not explicitly whitelisted. Ignoring.'); continue; } $packageQueue->enqueue($requirePackage); } } } } } private function mockLocalRepositories(RepositoryManager $rm) { $packages = array(); foreach ($rm->getLocalRepository()->getPackages() as $package) { $packages[(string) $package] = clone $package; } foreach ($packages as $key => $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $alias = (string) $package->getAliasOf(); $packages[$key] = new AliasPackage($packages[$alias], $package->getVersion(), $package->getPrettyVersion()); } } $rm->setLocalRepository( new InstalledArrayRepository($packages) ); } public static function create(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer) { return new static( $io, $composer->getConfig(), $composer->getPackage(), $composer->getDownloadManager(), $composer->getRepositoryManager(), $composer->getLocker(), $composer->getInstallationManager(), $composer->getEventDispatcher(), $composer->getAutoloadGenerator() ); } public function setAdditionalInstalledRepository(RepositoryInterface $additionalInstalledRepository) { $this->additionalInstalledRepository = $additionalInstalledRepository; return $this; } public function setDryRun($dryRun = true) { $this->dryRun = (bool) $dryRun; return $this; } public function isDryRun() { return $this->dryRun; } public function setPreferSource($preferSource = true) { $this->preferSource = (bool) $preferSource; return $this; } public function setPreferDist($preferDist = true) { $this->preferDist = (bool) $preferDist; return $this; } public function setOptimizeAutoloader($optimizeAutoloader = false) { $this->optimizeAutoloader = (bool) $optimizeAutoloader; if (!$this->optimizeAutoloader) { $this->setClassMapAuthoritative(false); } return $this; } public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative = false) { $this->classMapAuthoritative = (bool) $classMapAuthoritative; if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) { $this->setOptimizeAutoloader(true); } return $this; } public function setApcuAutoloader($apcuAutoloader = false) { $this->apcuAutoloader = (bool) $apcuAutoloader; return $this; } public function setUpdate($update = true) { $this->update = (bool) $update; return $this; } public function setDevMode($devMode = true) { $this->devMode = (bool) $devMode; return $this; } public function setDumpAutoloader($dumpAutoloader = true) { $this->dumpAutoloader = (bool) $dumpAutoloader; return $this; } public function setRunScripts($runScripts = true) { $this->runScripts = (bool) $runScripts; return $this; } public function setConfig(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; return $this; } public function setVerbose($verbose = true) { $this->verbose = (bool) $verbose; return $this; } public function isVerbose() { return $this->verbose; } public function setIgnorePlatformRequirements($ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->ignorePlatformReqs = (bool) $ignorePlatformReqs; return $this; } public function setUpdateWhitelist(array $packages) { $this->updateWhitelist = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', $packages)); return $this; } public function setWhitelistDependencies($updateDependencies = true) { return $this->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($updateDependencies); } public function setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($updateTransitiveDependencies = true) { $this->whitelistDependencies = (bool) $updateTransitiveDependencies; return $this; } public function setWhitelistAllDependencies($updateAllDependencies = true) { $this->whitelistAllDependencies = (bool) $updateAllDependencies; return $this; } public function setPreferStable($preferStable = true) { $this->preferStable = (bool) $preferStable; return $this; } public function setPreferLowest($preferLowest = true) { $this->preferLowest = (bool) $preferLowest; return $this; } public function setWriteLock($writeLock = true) { $this->writeLock = (bool) $writeLock; return $this; } public function setExecuteOperations($executeOperations = true) { $this->executeOperations = (bool) $executeOperations; return $this; } public function setSkipSuggest($skipSuggest = true) { $this->skipSuggest = (bool) $skipSuggest; return $this; } public function disablePlugins() { $this->installationManager->disablePlugins(); return $this; } public function setSuggestedPackagesReporter(SuggestedPackagesReporter $suggestedPackagesReporter) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter = $suggestedPackagesReporter; return $this; } } binDir = $binDir; $this->binCompat = $binCompat; $this->io = $io; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); } public function installBinaries(PackageInterface $package, $installPath, $warnOnOverwrite = true) { $binaries = $this->getBinaries($package); if (!$binaries) { return; } foreach ($binaries as $bin) { $binPath = $installPath.'/'.$bin; if (!file_exists($binPath)) { $this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': file not found in package'); continue; } $binPath = realpath($binPath); $this->initializeBinDir(); $link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin); if (file_exists($link)) { if (is_link($link)) { Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask()); } if ($warnOnOverwrite) { $this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': name conflicts with an existing file'); } continue; } if ($this->binCompat === "auto") { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $this->installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, $package); } else { $this->installSymlinkBinaries($binPath, $link); } } elseif ($this->binCompat === "full") { $this->installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, $package); } Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask()); } } public function removeBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeBinDir(); $binaries = $this->getBinaries($package); if (!$binaries) { return; } foreach ($binaries as $bin) { $link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin); if (is_link($link) || file_exists($link)) { $this->filesystem->unlink($link); } if (file_exists($link.'.bat')) { $this->filesystem->unlink($link.'.bat'); } } if (is_dir($this->binDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->binDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $this->binDir); } } public static function determineBinaryCaller($bin) { if ('.bat' === substr($bin, -4) || '.exe' === substr($bin, -4)) { return 'call'; } $handle = fopen($bin, 'r'); $line = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if (preg_match('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) { return trim($match[1]); } return 'php'; } protected function getBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { return $package->getBinaries(); } protected function installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, PackageInterface $package) { if ('.bat' !== substr($binPath, -4)) { $this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link); @chmod($link, 0777 & ~umask()); $link .= '.bat'; if (file_exists($link)) { $this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.'.bat proxy for package '.$package->getName().': a .bat proxy was already installed'); } } if (!file_exists($link)) { file_put_contents($link, $this->generateWindowsProxyCode($binPath, $link)); } } protected function installSymlinkBinaries($binPath, $linsablePlugins); $composer->setPluginManager($pm); $pm->loadInstalledPlugins(); } if ($fullLoad && isset($composerFile)) { $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4).'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock'; $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, null, $io), $rm, $im, file_get_contents($composerFile)); $composer->setLocker($locker); } if ($fullLoad) { $initEvent = new Event(PluginEvents::INIT); $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($initEvent->getName(), $initEvent); if ($rm->getLocalRepository()) { $this->purgePackages($rm->getLocalRepository(), $im); } } return $composer; } public static function createGlobal(IOInterface $io, $disablePlugins = false) { $factory = new static(); return $factory->createGlobalComposer($io, static::createConfig($io), $disablePlugins, true); } protected function addLocalRepository(IOInterface $io, RepositoryManager $rm, $vendorDir) { $rm->setLocalRepository(new Repository\InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile($vendorDir.'/composer/installed.json', null, $io))); } protected function createGlobalComposer(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $disablePlugins, $fullLoad = false) { $composer = null; try { $composer = $this->createComposer($io, $config->get('home') . '/composer.json', $disablePlugins, $config->get('home'), $fullLoad); } catch (\Exception $e) { $io->writeError('Failed to initialize global composer: '.$e->getMessage(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG); } return $composer; } public function createDownloadManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, RemoteFilesystem $rfs = null) { $cache = null; if ($config->get('cache-files-ttl') > 0) { $cache = new Cache($io, $config->get('cache-files-dir'), 'a-z0-9_./'); } $dm = new Downloader\DownloadManager($io); switch ($preferred = $config->get('preferred-install')) { case 'dist': $dm->setPreferDist(true); break; case 'source': $dm->setPreferSource(true); break; case 'auto': default: break; } if (is_array($preferred)) { $dm->setPreferences($preferred); } $executor = new ProcessExecutor($io); $fs = new Filesystem($executor); $dm->setDownloader('git', new Downloader\GitDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('svn', new Downloader\SvnDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('fossil', new Downloader\FossilDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('hg', new Downloader\HgDownloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs)); $dm->setDownloader('perforce', new Downloader\PerforceDownloader($io, $config)); $dm->setDownloader('zip', new Downloader\ZipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('rar', new Downloader\RarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('tar', new Downloader\TarDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('gzip', new Downloader\GzipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('xz', new Downloader\XzDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $executor, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('phar', new Downloader\PharDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('file', new Downloader\FileDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); $dm->setDownloader('path', new Downloader\PathDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache, $rfs)); return $dm; } public function createArchiveManager(Config $config, Downloader\DownloadManager $dm = null) { if (null === $dm) { $io = new IO\NullIO(); $io->loadConfiguration($config); $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config); } $am = new Archiver\ArchiveManager($dm); $am->addArchiver(new Archiver\ZipArchiver); $am->addArchiver(new Archiver\PharArchiver); return $am; } protected function createPluginManager(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer, Composer $globalComposer = null, $disablePlugins = false) { return new Plugin\PluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer, $disablePlugins); } protected function createInstallationManager() { return new Installer\InstallationManager(); } protected function createDefaultInstallers(Installer\InstallationManager $im, Composer $composer, IOInterface $io) { $im->addInstaller(new Installer\LibraryInstaller($io, $composer, null)); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PearInstaller($io, $composer, 'pear-library')); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PluginInstaller($io, $composer)); $im->addInstaller(new Installer\MetapackageInstaller($io)); } protected function purgePackages(WritableRepositoryInterface $repo, Installer\InstallationManager $im) { foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) { if (!$im->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package)) { $repo->removePackage($package); } } } public static function create(IOInterface $io, $config = null, $disablePlugins = false) { $factory = new static(); return $factory->createComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins); } public static function createRemoteFilesystem(IOInterface $io, Config $config = null, $options = array()) { static $warned = false; $disableTls = false; if ($config && $config->get('disable-tls') === true) { if (!$warned) { $io->writeError('You are running Composer with SSL/TLS protection disabled.'); } $warned = true; $disableTls = true; } elseif (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new Exception\NoSslException('The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available. ' . 'If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'); } $remoteFilesystemOptions = array(); if ($disableTls === false) { if ($config && $config->get('cafile')) { $remoteFilesystemOptions['ssl']['cafile'] = $config->get('cafile'); } if ($config && $config->get('capath')) { $remoteFilesystemOptions['ssl']['capath'] = $config->get('capath'); } $remoteFilesystemOptions = array_replace_recursive($remoteFilesystemOptions, $options); } try { $remoteFilesystem = new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config, $remoteFilesystemOptions, $disableTls); } catch (TransportException $e) { if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), 'cafile')) { $io->write('Unable to locate a valid CA certificate file. You must set a valid \'cafile\' option.'); $io->write('A valid CA certificate file is required for SSL/TLS protection.'); if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) { $io->write('It is recommended you upgrade to PHP 5.6+ which can detect your system CA file automatically.'); } $io->write('You can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'); } throw $e; } return $remoteFilesystem; } private static function useXdg() { foreach (array_keys($_SERVER) as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 4) === 'XDG_') { return true; } } return false; } private static function getUserDir() { $home = getenv('HOME'); if (!$home) { throw new \RuntimeException('The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly'); } return rtrim(strtr($home, '\\', '/'), '/'); } } authentications; } public function resetAuthentications() { $this->authentications = array(); } public function hasAuthentication($repositoryName) { return isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName]); } public function getAuthentication($repositoryName) { if (isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName])) { return $this->authentications[$repositoryName]; } return array('username' => null, 'password' => null); } public function setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password = null) { $this->authentications[$repositoryName] = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password); } protected function checkAndSetAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password = null) { if ($this->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) { $auth = $this->getAuthentication($repositoryName); if ($auth['username'] === $username && $auth['password'] === $password) { return; } $this->writeError( sprintf( "Warning: You should avoid overwriting already defined auth settings for %s.", $repositoryName ) ); } $this->setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password); } public function loadConfiguration(Config $config) { $bitbucketOauth = $config->get('bitbucket-oauth') ?: array(); $githubOauth = $config->get('github-oauth') ?: array(); $gitlabOauth = $config->get('gitlab-oauth') ?: array(); $gitlabToken = $config->get('gitlab-token') ?: array(); $httpBasic = $config->get('http-basic') ?: array(); foreach ($bitbucketOauth as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['consumer-key'], $cred['consumer-secret']); } foreach ($githubOauth as $domain => $token) { if (!preg_match('{^[.a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"'); } $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic'); } foreach ($gitlabOauth as $domain => $token) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'oauth2'); } foreach ($gitlabToken as $domain => $token) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'private-token'); } foreach ($httpBasic as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['username'], $cred['password']); } ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout')); } public function emergency($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } public function alert($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context); } public function critical($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } public function error($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, $context); } public function warning($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $message, $context); } public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::NOTICE, $message, $context); } public function info($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::INFO, $message, $context); } public function debug($message, array $context = array()) { return $this->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, $message, $context); } public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (in_array($level, array(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, LogLevel::ALERT, LogLevel::CRITICAL, LogLevel::ERROR))) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::NORMAL); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::WARNING) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::NORMAL); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::NOTICE) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERBOSE); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::INFO) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERY_VERBOSE); } else { $this->writeError($message, true, self::DEBUG); } } } setInteractive(false); $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'rw'), $verbosity, $formatter ? $formatter->isDecorated() : false, $formatter); parent::__construct($input, $output, new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))); } public function getOutput() { fseek($this->output->getStream(), 0); $output = stream_get_contents($this->output->getStream()); $output = preg_replace_callback("{(?<=^|\n|\x08)(.+?)(\x08+)}", function ($matches) { $pre = strip_tags($matches[1]); if (strlen($pre) === strlen($matches[2])) { return ''; } return rtrim($matches[1])."\n"; }, $output); return $output; } public function setUserInputs(array $inputs) { if (!$this->input instanceof StreamableInputInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException('Setting the user inputs requires at least the version 3.2 of the symfony/console component.'); } $this->input->setStream($this->createStream($inputs)); $this->input->setInteractive(true); } private function createStream(array $inputs) { $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'r+', false); foreach ($inputs as $input) { fwrite($stream, $input.PHP_EOL); } rewind($stream); return $stream; } } input = $input; $this->output = $output; $this->helperSet = $helperSet; $this->verbosityMap = array( self::QUIET => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET, self::NORMAL => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, self::VERBOSE => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, self::VERY_VERBOSE => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, self::DEBUG => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, ); } public function enableDebugging($startTime) { $this->startTime = $startTime; } public function isInteractive() { return $this->input->isInteractive(); } public function isDecorated() { return $this->output->isDecorated(); } public function isVerbose() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE; } public function isVeryVerbose() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE; } public function isDebug() { return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG; } public function write($messages, $newline = true, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doWrite($messages, $newline, false, $verbosity); } public function writeError($messages, $newline = true, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doWrite($messages, $newline, true, $verbosity); } private function doWrite($messages, $newline, $stderr, $verbosity) { $sfVerbosity = $this->verbosityMap[$verbosity]; if ($sfVerbosity > $this->output->getVerbosity()) { return; } if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET === 0) { $sfVerbosity = OutputInterface::OUTPUT_NORMAL; } if (null !== $this->startTime) { $memoryUsage = memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024; $timeSpent = microtime(true) - $this->startTime; $messages = array_map(function ($message) use ($memoryUsage, $timeSpent) { return sprintf('[%.1fMiB/%.2fs] %s', $memoryUsage, $timeSpent, $message); }, (array) $messages); } if (true === $stderr && $this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { $this->output->getErrorOutput()->write($messages, $newline, $sfVerbosity); $this->lastMessageErr = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); return; } $this->output->write($messages, $newline, $sfVerbosity); $this->lastMessage = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); } public function overwrite($messages, $newline = true, $size = null, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, false, $verbosity); } public function overwriteError($messages, $newline = true, $size = null, $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, true, $verbosity); } private function doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, $stderr, $verbosity) { $messages = implode($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages); if (!isset($size)) { $size = strlen(strip_tags($stderr ? $this->lastMessageErr : $this->lastMessage)); } $this->doWrite(str_repeat("\x08", $size), false, $stderr, $verbosity); $this->doWrite($messages, false, $stderr, $verbosity); $fill = $size - strlen(strip_tags($messages)); if ($fill > 0) { $this->doWrite(str_repeat(' ', $fill), false, $stderr, $verbosity); $this->doWrite(str_repeat("\x08", $fill), false, $stderr, $verbosity); } if ($newline) { $this->doWrite('', true, $stderr, $verbosity); } if ($stderr) { $this->lastMessageErr = $messages; } else { $this->lastMessage = $messages; } } public function ask($question, $default = null) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question, $default); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askConfirmation($question, $default = true) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new StrictConfirmationQuestion($question, $default); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = null, $default = null) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question, $default); $question->setValidator($validator); $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function askAndHideAnswer($question) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new Question($question); $question->setHidden(true); return $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); } public function select($question, $choices, $default, $attempts = false, $errorMessage = 'Value "%s" is invalid', $multiselect = false) { $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question'); $question = new ChoiceQuestion($question, $choices, $default); $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts ?: null); $question->setErrorMessage($errorMessage); $question->setMultiselect($multiselect); $result = $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question); if (!is_array($result)) { return (string) array_search($result, $choices, true); } $results = array(); foreach ($choices as $index => $choice) { if (in_array($choice, $result, true)) { $results[] = (string) $index; } } return $results; } private function getErrorOutput() { if ($this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) { return $this->output->getErrorOutput(); } return $this->output; } } io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->package = $package; $this->downloadManager = $downloadManager; $this->repositoryManager = $repositoryManager; $this->locker = $locker; $this->installationManager = $installationManager; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->autoloadGenerator = $autoloadGenerator; } public function run() { gc_collect_cycles(); gc_disable(); if (!$this->update && !$this->locker->isLocked()) { $this->update = true; } if ($this->dryRun) { $this->verbose = true; $this->runScripts = false; $this->executeOperations = false; $this->writeLock = false; $this->dumpAutoloader = false; $this->installationManager->addInstaller(new NoopInstaller); $this->mockLocalRepositories($this->repositoryManager); } if ($this->runScripts) { $devMode = (int) $this->devMode; putenv("COMPOSER_DEV_MODE=$devMode"); $eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::PRE_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::PRE_INSTALL_CMD; $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode); } $this->downloadManager->setPreferSource($this->preferSource); $this->downloadManager->setPreferDist($this->preferDist); $localRepo = $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository(); if ($this->update) { $platformOverrides = $this->config->get('platform') ?: array(); } else { $platformOverrides = $this->locker->getPlatformOverrides(); } $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides); $installedRepo = $this->createInstalledRepo($localRepo, $platformRepo); $aliases = $this->getRootAliases(); $this->aliasPlatformPackages($platformRepo, $aliases); if (!$this->suggestedPackagesReporter) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter = new SuggestedPackagesReporter($this->io); } try { list($res, $devPackages) = $this->doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases); if ($res !== 0) { return $res; } } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io); } throw $e; } if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io); } if ($this->devMode && !$this->skipSuggest) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter->output($installedRepo); } foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { if (!$package instanceof CompletePackage || !$package->isAbandoned()) { continue; } $replacement = is_string($package->getReplacementPackage()) ? 'Use ' . $package->getReplacementPackage() . ' instead' : 'No replacement was suggested'; $this->io->writeError( sprintf( "Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.", $package->getPrettyName(), $replacement ) ); } if ($this->update && $this->writeLock) { $localRepo->reload(); $platformReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getRequires()); $platformDevReqs = $this->extractPlatformRequirements($this->package->getDevRequires()); $updatedLock = $this->locker->setLockData( array_diff($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages(), $devPackages), $devPackages, $platformReqs, $platformDevReqs, $aliases, $this->package->getMinimumStability(), $this->package->getStabilityFlags(), $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(), $this->preferLowest, $this->config->get('platform') ?: array() ); if ($updatedLock) { $this->io->writeError('Writing lock file'); } } if ($this->dumpAutoloader) { if ($this->optimizeAutoloader) { $this->io->writeError('Generating optimized autoload files'); } else { $this->io->writeError('Generating autoload files'); } $this->autoloadGenerator->setDevMode($this->devMode); $this->autoloadGenerator->setClassMapAuthoritative($this->classMapAuthoritative); $this->autoloadGenerator->setApcu($this->apcuAutoloader); $this->autoloadGenerator->setRunScripts($this->runScripts); $this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepo, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader); } if ($this->executeOperations) { foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $this->installationManager->ensureBinariesPresence($package); } $vendorDir = $this->config->get('vendor-dir'); if (is_dir($vendorDir)) { @touch($vendorDir); } } if ($this->runScripts) { $eventName = $this->update ? ScriptEvents::POST_UPDATE_CMD : ScriptEvents::POST_INSTALL_CMD; $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript($eventName, $this->devMode); } if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { gc_enable(); } return 0; } protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases) { $lockedRepository = null; $repositories = null; if (!$this->update || (!empty($this->updateWhitelist) && $this->locker->isLocked())) { try { $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($this->devMode); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($this->package->getDevRequires()) { throw $e; } $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository(); } } $this->whitelistUpdateDependencies( $lockedRepository ?: $localRepo, $this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires() ); $this->io->writeError('Loading composer repositories with package information'); $policy = $this->createPolicy(); $pool = $this->createPool($this->update ? null : $lockedRepository); $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases); if ($this->update) { $repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories(); foreach ($repositories as $repository) { $pool->addRepository($repository, $aliases); } } if ($lockedRepository) { $pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases); } $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo); if ($this->update) { $removedUnstablePackages = array(); foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) { if ( !$pool->isPackageAcceptable($package->getNames(), $package->getStability()) && $this->installationManager->isPackageInstalled($localRepo, $package) ) { $removedUnstablePackages[$package->getName()] = true; $request->remove($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); } } $this->io->writeError('Updating dependencies'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').''); $request->updateAll(); $links = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires()); foreach ($links as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } if ($this->updateWhitelist) { $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($installedRepo); $candidates = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $candidates[$link->getTarget()] = true; $rootRequires[$link->getTarget()] = $link; } foreach ($currentPackages as $package) { $candidates[$package->getName()] = true; } foreach ($candidates as $candidate => $dummy) { foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) { if ($curPackage->getName() === $candidate) { if (!$this->isUpdateable($curPackage) && !isset($removedUnstablePackages[$curPackage->getName()])) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion()); $description = $this->locker->isLocked() ? '(locked at' : '(installed at'; $requiredAt = isset($rootRequires[$candidate]) ? ', required as ' . $rootRequires[$candidate]->getPrettyConstraint() : ''; $constraint->setPrettyString($description . ' ' . $curPackage->getPrettyVersion() . $requiredAt . ')'); $request->install($curPackage->getName(), $constraint); } break; } } } } } else { $this->io->writeError('Installing dependencies'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').' from lock file'); if (!$this->locker->isFresh()) { $this->io->writeError('Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) { $version = $package->getVersion(); if (isset($aliases[$package->getName()][$version])) { $version = $aliases[$package->getName()][$version]['alias_normalized']; } $constraint = new Constraint('=', $version); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint); } foreach ($this->locker->getPlatformRequirements($this->devMode) as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } } $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, 'force-links'); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request); $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $this->io); try { $operations = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs); $ruleSetSize = $solver->getRuleSetSize(); $solver = null; } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) { $this->io->writeError('Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); $this->io->writeError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->update && !$this->devMode) { $this->io->writeError('Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.', true, IOInterface::QUIET); } return array(max(1, $e->getCode()), array()); } $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, 'force-updates', $operations); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations); $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$ruleSetSize." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); if (!$operations) { $this->io->writeError('Nothing to install or update'); } $operations = $this->movePluginsToFront($operations); $operations = $this->moveUninstallsToFront($operations); if ($this->update) { $devPackages = $this->extractDevPackages($operations, $localRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases); if (!$this->devMode) { $operations = $this->filterDevPackageOperations($devPackages, $operations, $localRepo); } } else { $devPackages = null; } if ($operations) { $installs = $updates = $uninstalls = array(); foreach ($operations as $operation) { if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) { $installs[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) { $updates[] = $operation->getTargetPackage()->getPrettyName().':'.$operation->getTargetPackage()->getFullPrettyVersion(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UninstallOperation) { $uninstalls[] = $operation->getPackage()->getPrettyName(); } } $this->io->writeError(sprintf( "Package operations: %d install%s, %d update%s, %d removal%s", count($installs), 1 === count($installs) ? '' : 's', count($updates), 1 === count($updates) ? '' : 's', count($uninstalls), 1 === count($uninstalls) ? '' : 's' )); if ($installs) { $this->io->writeError("Installs: ".implode(', ', $installs), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } if ($updates) { $this->io->writeError("Updates: ".implode(', ', $updates), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } if ($uninstalls) { $this->io->writeError("Removals: ".implode(', ', $uninstalls), true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); } } foreach ($operations as $operation) { $jobType = $operation->getJobType(); if ('install' === $jobType) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter->addSuggestionsFromPackage($operation->getPackage()); } if ($this->update) { $package = null; if ('update' === $jobType) { $package = $operation->getTargetPackage(); } elseif ('install' === $jobType) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); } if ($package && $package->isDev()) { $references = $this->package->getReferences(); if (isset($references[$package->getName()])) { $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $references[$package->getName()]); } } if ('update' === $jobType) { $targetPackage = $operation->getTargetPackage(); if ($targetPackage->isDev()) { $initialPackage = $operation->getInitialPackage(); if ($targetPackage->getVersion() === $initialPackage->getVersion() && (!$targetPackage->getSourceReference() || $targetPackage->getSourceReference() === $initialPackage->getSourceReference()) && (!$targetPackage->getDistReference() || $targetPackage->getDistReference() === $initialPackage->getDistReference()) ) { $this->io->writeError(' - Skipping update of ' . $targetPackage->getPrettyName() . ' to the same reference-locked version', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); continue; } } } } $event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType); if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation); } if (!$this->executeOperations && false === strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) { $this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation); } elseif ($this->io->isDebug() && false !== strpos($operation->getJobType(), 'Alias')) { $this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation); } $this->installationManager->execute($localRepo, $operation); if ($this->verbose && $this->io->isVeryVerbose() && in_array($jobType, array('install', 'update'))) { $reason = $operation->getReason(); if ($reason instanceof Rule) { switch ($reason->getReason()) { case Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL: $this->io->writeError(' REASON: Required by the root package: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool)); $this->io->writeError(''); break; case Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES: $this->io->writeError(' REASON: '.$reason->getPrettyString($pool)); $this->io->writeError(''); break; } } } if ($this->executeOperations || $this->writeLock) { $localRepo->write(); } $event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($jobType); if (defined($event) && $this->runScripts) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations, $operation); } } if ($this->executeOperations) { $this->processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories); $localRepo->write(); } return array(0, $devPackages); } private function extractDevPackages(array $operations, RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo, array $aliases) { if (!$this->package->getDevRequires()) { return array(); } $tempLocalRepo = clone $localRepo; foreach ($operations as $operation) { switch ($operation->getJobType()) { case 'install': case 'markAliasInstalled': if (!$tempLocalRepo->hasPackage($operation->getPackage())) { $tempLocalRepo->addPackage(clone $operation->getPackage()); } break; case 'uninstall': case 'markAliasUninstalled': $tempLocalRepo->removePackage($operation->getPackage()); break; case 'update': $tempLocalRepo->removePackage($operation->getInitialPackage()); if (!$tempLocalRepo->hasPackage($operation->getTargetPackage())) { $tempLocalRepo->addPackage(clone $operation->getTargetPackage()); } break; default: throw new \LogicException('Unknown type: '.$operation->getJobType()); } } $localRepo = new InstalledArrayRepository(array()); $loader = new ArrayLoader(null, true); $dumper = new ArrayDumper(); foreach ($tempLocalRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $pkg) { $localRepo->addPackage($loader->load($dumper->dump($pkg))); } unset($tempLocalRepo, $loader, $dumper); $policy = $this->createPolicy(); $pool = $this->createPool(); $installedRepo = $this->createInstalledRepo($localRepo, $platformRepo); $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases); $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo); $request->updateAll(); foreach ($this->package->getRequires() as $link) { $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); } $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request); $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $this->io); $ops = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $ops); $devPackages = array(); foreach ($ops as $op) { if ($op->getJobType() === 'uninstall') { $devPackages[] = $op->getPackage(); } } return $devPackages; } private function filterDevPackageOperations(array $devPackages, array $operations, RepositoryInterface $localRepo) { $finalOps = array(); $packagesToSkip = array(); foreach ($devPackages as $pkg) { $packagesToSkip[$pkg->getName()] = true; if ($installedDevPkg = $localRepo->findPackage($pkg->getName(), '*')) { if ($installedDevPkg instanceof AliasPackage) { $finalOps[] = new MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($installedDevPkg, 'non-dev install removing it'); $installedDevPkg = $installedDevPkg->getAliasOf(); } $finalOps[] = new UninstallOperation($installedDevPkg, 'non-dev install removing it'); } } foreach ($operations as $op) { $package = $op->getJobType() === 'update' ? $op->getTargetPackage() : $op->getPackage(); if (isset($packagesToSkip[$package->getName()])) { continue; } $finalOps[] = $op; } return $finalOps; } private function movePluginsToFront(array $operations) { $pluginsNoDeps = array(); $pluginsWithDeps = array(); $pluginRequires = array(); foreach (array_reverse($operations, true) as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof InstallOperation) { $package = $op->getPackage(); } elseif ($op instanceof UpdateOperation) { $package = $op->getTargetPackage(); } else { continue; } $isPlugin = $package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer'; if ($isPlugin || count(array_intersect($package->getNames(), $pluginRequires))) { $requires = array_filter(array_keys($package->getRequires()), function ($req) { return $req !== 'composer-plugin-api' && !preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req); }); if ($isPlugin && !count($requires)) { array_unshift($pluginsNoDeps, $op); } else { $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires); array_unshift($pluginsWithDeps, $op); } unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($pluginsNoDeps, $pluginsWithDeps, $operations); } private function moveUninstallsToFront(array $operations) { $uninstOps = array(); foreach ($operations as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof UninstallOperation) { $uninstOps[] = $op; unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($uninstOps, $operations); } private function createInstalledRepo(RepositoryInterface $localRepo, PlatformRepository $platformRepo) { $installedRootPackage = clone $this->package; $installedRootPackage->setRequires(array()); $installedRootPackage->setDevRequires(array()); $repos = array( $localRepo, new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)), $platformRepo, ); $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository($repos); if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) { $installedRepo->addRepository($this->additionalInstalledRepository); } return $installedRepo; } private function createPool(RepositoryInterface $lockedRepository = null) { if ($this->update) { $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability(); $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags(); $requires = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires()); } else { $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability(); $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags(); $requires = array(); foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); $requires[$package->getName()] = $constraint; } } $rootConstraints = array(); foreach ($requires as $req => $constraint) { if ($this->ignorePlatformReqs && preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req)) { continue; } if ($constraint instanceof Link) { $rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint->getConstraint(); } else { $rootConstraints[$req] = $constraint; } } return new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags, $rootConstraints); } private function createPolicy() { $preferStable = null; $preferLowest = null; if (!$this->update) { $preferStable = $this->locker->getPreferStable(); $preferLowest = $this->locker->getPreferLowest(); } if (null === $preferStable) { $preferStable = $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(); } if (null === $preferLowest) { $preferLowest = $this->preferLowest; } return new DefaultPolicy($preferStable, $preferLowest); } private function createRequest(RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo) { $request = new Request(); $constraint = new Constraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($rootPackage->getPrettyVersion()); $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint); $fixedPackages = $platformRepo->getPackages(); if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) { $additionalFixedPackages = $this->additionalInstalledRepository->getPackages(); $fixedPackages = array_merge($fixedPackages, $additionalFixedPackages); } $provided = $rootPackage->getProvides(); foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) { $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()); $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion()); if ($package->getRepository() !== $platformRepo || !isset($provided[$package->getName()]) || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint) ) { $request->fix($package->getName(), $constraint); } } return $request; } private function processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, $task, array $operations = null) { if ($task === 'force-updates' && null === $operations) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing operations argument'); } if ($task === 'force-links') { $operations = array(); } if ($this->update && $this->updateWhitelist) { $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($installedRepo); } foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { if (!$package->isDev()) { continue; } foreach ($operations as $operation) { if (('update' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getInitialPackage()->equals($package)) || ('uninstall' === $operation->getJobType() && $operation->getPackage()->equals($package)) ) { continue 2; } } if ($this->update) { if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) { foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) { if ($curPackage->isDev() && $curPackage->getName() === $package->getName() && $curPackage->getVersion() === $package->getVersion()) { if ($task === 'force-links') { $package->setRequires($curPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($curPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($curPackage->getProvides()); $package->setReplaces($curPackage->getReplaces()); } elseif ($task === 'force-updates') { if (($curPackage->getSourceReference() && $curPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($curPackage->getDistReference() && $curPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $curPackage); } } break; } } continue; } $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); foreach ($matches as $index => $match) { if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if ($match->getName() !== $package->getName()) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } $matches[$index] = $match->getId(); } if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]); if ($task === 'force-links' && $newPackage) { $package->setRequires($newPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($newPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($newPackage->getProvides()); $package->setRepk) { if (!$this->filesystem->relativeSymlink($binPath, $link)) { $this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link); } } protected function installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link) { file_put_contents($link, $this->generateUnixyProxyCode($binPath, $link)); } protected function initializeBinDir() { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($this->binDir); $this->binDir = realpath($this->binDir); } protected function generateWindowsProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); $caller = self::determineBinaryCaller($bin); return "@ECHO OFF\r\n". "setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION\r\n". "SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/".trim(ProcessExecutor::escape($binPath), '"\'')."\r\n". "{$caller} \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } protected function generateUnixyProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); $binDir = ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath)); $binFile = basename($binPath); $proxyCode = << /dev/null; cd $binDir && pwd) if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then case \$(which php) in \$(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*) # We are in Cygwin using Windows php, so the path must be translated dir=\$(cygpath -m "\$dir"); ;; esac fi "\${dir}/$binFile" "\$@" PROXY; return $proxyCode; } } notifiablePackages = array(); } public function addInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer) { array_unshift($this->installers, $installer); $this->cache = array(); } public function removeInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer) { if (false !== ($key = array_search($installer, $this->installers, true))) { array_splice($this->installers, $key, 1); $this->cache = array(); } } public function disablePlugins() { foreach ($this->installers as $i => $installer) { if (!$installer instanceof PluginInstaller) { continue; } unset($this->installers[$i]); } } public function getInstaller($type) { $type = strtolower($type); if (isset($this->cache[$type])) { return $this->cache[$type]; } foreach ($this->installers as $installer) { if ($installer->supports($type)) { return $this->cache[$type] = $installer; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown installer type: '.$type); } public function isPackageInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $repo->hasPackage($package) && $this->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package->getAliasOf()); } return $this->getInstaller($package->getType())->isInstalled($repo, $package); } public function ensureBinariesPresence(PackageInterface $package) { try { $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return; } if ($installer instanceof BinaryPresenceInterface) { $installer->ensureBinariesPresence($package); } } public function execute(RepositoryInterface $repo, OperationInterface $operation) { $method = $operation->getJobType(); $this->$method($repo, $operation); } public function install(RepositoryInterface $repo, InstallOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); $installer->install($repo, $package); $this->markForNotification($package); } public function update(RepositoryInterface $repo, UpdateOperation $operation) { $initial = $operation->getInitialPackage(); $target = $operation->getTargetPackage(); $initialType = $initial->getType(); $targetType = $target->getType(); if ($initialType === $targetType) { $installer = $this->getInstaller($initialType); $installer->update($repo, $initial, $target); $this->markForNotification($target); } else { $this->getInstaller($initialType)->uninstall($repo, $initial); $this->getInstaller($targetType)->install($repo, $target); } } public function uninstall(RepositoryInterface $repo, UninstallOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); $installer->uninstall($repo, $package); } public function markAliasInstalled(RepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasInstalledOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function markAliasUninstalled(RepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasUninstalledOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); return $installer->getInstallPath($package); } public function notifyInstalls(IOInterface $io) { foreach ($this->notifiablePackages as $repoUrl => $packages) { $repositoryName = parse_url($repoUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); if ($io->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) { $auth = $io->getAuthentication($repositoryName); $authStr = base64_encode($auth['username'] . ':' . $auth['password']); $authHeader = 'Authorization: Basic '.$authStr; } if (strpos($repoUrl, '%package%')) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $url = str_replace('%package%', $package->getPrettyName(), $repoUrl); $params = array( 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'version_normalized' => $package->getVersion(), ); $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), 'content' => http_build_query($params, '', '&'), 'timeout' => 3, ), ); if (isset($authHeader)) { $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader; } $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($url, $opts); @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); } continue; } $postData = array('downloads' => array()); foreach ($packages as $package) { $postData['downloads'][] = array( 'name' => $package->getPrettyName(), 'version' => $package->getVersion(), ); } $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => array('Content-Type: application/json'), 'content' => json_encode($postData), 'timeout' => 6, ), ); if (isset($authHeader)) { $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader; } $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($repoUrl, $opts); @file_get_contents($repoUrl, false, $context); } $this->reset(); } private function markForNotification(PackageInterface $package) { if ($package->getNotificationUrl()) { $this->notifiablePackages[$package->getNotificationUrl()][$package->getName()] = $package; } } } composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->devMode = $devMode; $this->policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installedRepo = $installedRepo; $this->request = $request; $this->operations = $operations; } public function getComposer() { return $this->composer; } public function getIO() { return $this->io; } public function isDevMode() { return $this->devMode; } public function getPolicy() { return $this->policy; } public function getPool() { return $this->pool; } public function getInstalledRepo() { return $this->installedRepo; } public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } public function getOperations() { return $this->operations; } } composer = $composer; $this->downloadManager = $composer->getDownloadManager(); $this->io = $io; $this->type = $type; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); $this->vendorDir = rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'), '/'); $this->binaryInstaller = $binaryInstaller ?: new BinaryInstaller($this->io, rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-compat'), $this->filesystem); } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === $this->type || null === $this->type; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { return false; } $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); if (is_readable($installPath)) { return true; } return (Platform::isWindows() && $this->filesystem->isJunction($installPath)) || is_link($installPath); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeVendorDir(); $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); if (!is_readable($downloadPath) && $repo->hasPackage($package)) { $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($package); } $this->installCode($package); $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($package, $this->getInstallPath($package)); if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $this->initializeVendorDir(); $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($initial); $this->updateCode($initial, $target); $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($target, $this->getInstallPath($target)); $repo->removePackage($initial); if (!$repo->hasPackage($target)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $this->removeCode($package); $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($package); $repo->removePackage($package); $downloadPath = $this->getPackageBasePath($package); if (strpos($package->getName(), '/')) { $packageVendorDir = dirname($downloadPath); if (is_dir($packageVendorDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($packageVendorDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $packageVendorDir); } } } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeVendorDir(); $basePath = ($this->vendorDir ? $this->vendorDir.'/' : '') . $package->getPrettyName(); $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); return $basePath . ($targetDir ? '/'.$targetDir : ''); } public function ensureBinariesPresence(PackageInterface $package) { $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($package, $this->getInstallPath($package), false); } protected function getPackageBasePath(PackageInterface $package) { $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); if ($targetDir) { return preg_replace('{/*'.str_replace('/', '/+', preg_quote($targetDir)).'/?$}', '', $installPath); } return $installPath; } protected function installCode(PackageInterface $package) { $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $this->downloadManager->download($package, $downloadPath); } protected function updateCode(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $initialDownloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($initial); $targetDownloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($target); if ($targetDownloadPath !== $initialDownloadPath) { if (substr($initialDownloadPath, 0, strlen($targetDownloadPath)) === $targetDownloadPath || substr($targetDownloadPath, 0, strlen($initialDownloadPath)) === $initialDownloadPath ) { $this->removeCode($initial); $this->installCode($target); return; } $this->filesystem->rename($initialDownloadPath, $targetDownloadPath); } $this->downloadManager->update($initial, $target, $targetDownloadPath); } protected function removeCode(PackageInterface $package) { $downloadPath = $this->getPackageBasePath($package); $this->downloadManager->remove($package, $downloadPath); } protected function initializeVendorDir() { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($this->vendorDir); $this->vendorDir = realpath($this->vendorDir); } } io = $io; } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === 'metapackage'; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { return $repo->hasPackage($package); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $name = $target->getName(); $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); $actionName = Versiolaces($newPackage->getReplaces()); } if ( $task === 'force-updates' && $newPackage && ( ($newPackage->getSourceReference() && $newPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($newPackage->getDistReference() && $newPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) ) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $newPackage); continue; } } if ($task === 'force-updates') { $references = $this->package->getReferences(); if (isset($references[$package->getName()]) && $references[$package->getName()] !== $package->getSourceReference()) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, clone $package); } } } else { foreach ($lockedRepository->findPackages($package->getName()) as $lockedPackage) { if ($lockedPackage->isDev() && $lockedPackage->getVersion() === $package->getVersion()) { if ($task === 'force-links') { $package->setRequires($lockedPackage->getRequires()); $package->setConflicts($lockedPackage->getConflicts()); $package->setProvides($lockedPackage->getProvides()); $package->setReplaces($lockedPackage->getReplaces()); } elseif ($task === 'force-updates') { if (($lockedPackage->getSourceReference() && $lockedPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference()) || ($lockedPackage->getDistReference() && $lockedPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference()) ) { $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $lockedPackage); } } break; } } } } return $operations; } private function getCurrentPackages($installedRepo) { if ($this->locker->isLocked()) { try { return $this->locker->getLockedRepository(true)->getPackages(); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->locker->getLockedRepository()->getPackages(); } } return $installedRepo->getPackages(); } private function getRootAliases() { if ($this->update) { $aliases = $this->package->getAliases(); } else { $aliases = $this->locker->getAliases(); } $normalizedAliases = array(); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $normalizedAliases[$alias['package']][$alias['version']] = array( 'alias' => $alias['alias'], 'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized'], ); } return $normalizedAliases; } private function processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories) { if (!$this->update) { return; } $rootRefs = $this->package->getReferences(); foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) { $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion())); foreach ($matches as $index => $match) { if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } if ($match->getName() !== $package->getName()) { unset($matches[$index]); continue; } $matches[$index] = $match->getId(); } if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) { $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]); $sourceUrl = $package->getSourceUrl(); $newSourceUrl = $newPackage->getSourceUrl(); $newReference = $newPackage->getSourceReference(); if ($package->isDev() && isset($rootRefs[$package->getName()]) && $package->getSourceReference() === $rootRefs[$package->getName()]) { $newReference = $rootRefs[$package->getName()]; } $this->updatePackageUrl($package, $newSourceUrl, $newPackage->getSourceType(), $newReference, $newPackage->getDistUrl(), $newPackage->getDistType(), $newPackage->getDistSha1Checksum()); if ($package instanceof CompletePackage && $newPackage instanceof CompletePackage) { $package->setAbandoned($newPackage->getReplacementPackage() ?: $newPackage->isAbandoned()); } $package->setDistMirrors($newPackage->getDistMirrors()); $package->setSourceMirrors($newPackage->getSourceMirrors()); $package->setTransportOptions($newPackage->getTransportOptions()); } } } private function updatePackageUrl(PackageInterface $package, $sourceUrl, $sourceType, $sourceReference, $distUrl, $distType, $distShaSum) { $oldSourceRef = $package->getSourceReference(); if ($package->getSourceUrl() !== $sourceUrl) { $package->setSourceType($sourceType); $package->setSourceUrl($sourceUrl); $package->setSourceReference($sourceReference); } if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $distUrl)) { $package->setDistUrl($distUrl); $package->setDistType($distType); $package->setDistSha1Checksum($distShaSum); $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $sourceReference); } if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) { $this->updateInstallReferences($package, $oldSourceRef); } } private function updateInstallReferences(PackageInterface $package, $reference) { if (!$reference) { return; } $package->setSourceReference($reference); if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com|(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com)/}i', $package->getDistUrl())) { $package->setDistReference($reference); $package->setDistUrl(preg_replace('{(?<=/|sha=)[a-f0-9]{40}(?=/|$)}i', $reference, $package->getDistUrl())); } elseif ($package->getDistReference()) { $package->setDistReference($reference); } } private function aliasPlatformPackages(PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases) { foreach ($aliases as $package => $versions) { foreach ($versions as $version => $alias) { $packages = $platformRepo->findPackages($package, $version); foreach ($packages as $package) { $aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); $aliasPackage->setRootPackageAlias(true); $platformRepo->addPackage($aliasPackage); } } } } private function isUpdateable(PackageInterface $package) { if (!$this->updateWhitelist) { throw new \LogicException('isUpdateable should only be called when a whitelist is present'); } foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $whiteListedPattern => $void) { $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($whiteListedPattern); if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) { return true; } } return false; } private function extractPlatformRequirements($links) { $platformReqs = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $link->getTarget())) { $platformReqs[$link->getTarget()] = $link->getPrettyConstraint(); } } return $platformReqs; } private function whitelistUpdateDependencies($localOrLockRepo, array $rootRequires, array $rootDevRequires) { if (!$this->updateWhitelist) { return; } $rootRequires = array_merge($rootRequires, $rootDevRequires); $skipPackages = array(); if (!$this->whitelistAllDependencies) { foreach ($rootRequires as $require) { $skipPackages[$require->getTarget()] = true; } } $pool = new Pool('dev'); $pool->addRepository($localOrLockRepo); $seen = array(); $rootRequiredPackageNames = array_keys($rootRequires); foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $packageName => $void) { $packageQueue = new \SplQueue; $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = false; $depPackages = $pool->whatProvides($packageName); $matchesByPattern = array(); if (empty($depPackages)) { $whitelistPatternSearchRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName, '^%s$'); foreach ($localOrLockRepo->search($whitelistPatternSearchRegexp) as $installedPackage) { $matchesByPattern[] = $pool->whatProvides($installedPackage['name']); } $whitelistPatternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName); foreach ($rootRequiredPackageNames as $rootRequiredPackageName) { if (preg_match($whitelistPatternRegexp, $rootRequiredPackageName)) { $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = true; break; } } } if (!empty($matchesByPattern)) { $depPackages = array_merge($depPackages, call_user_func_array('array_merge', $matchesByPattern)); } if (count($depPackages) == 0 && !$nameMatchesRequiredPackage && !in_array($packageName, array('nothing', 'lock', 'mirrors'))) { $this->io->writeError('Package "' . $packageName . '" listed for update is not installed. Ignoring.'); } foreach ($depPackages as $depPackage) { $packageQueue->enqueue($depPackage); } while (!$packageQueue->isEmpty()) { $package = $packageQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($seen[$package->getId()])) { continue; } $seen[$package->getId()] = true; $this->updateWhitelist[$package->getName()] = true; if (!$this->whitelistDependencies && !$this->whitelistAllDependencies) { continue; } $requires = $package->getRequires(); foreach ($requires as $require) { $requirePackages = $pool->whatProvides($require->getTarget()); foreach ($requirePackages as $requirePackage) { if (isset($this->updateWhitelist[$requirePackage->getName()])) { continue; } if (isset($skipPackages[$requirePackage->getName()]) && !preg_match(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName), $requirePackage->getName())) { $this->io->writeError('Dependency "' . $requirePackage->getName() . '" is also a root requirement, but is not explicitly whitelisted. Ignoring.'); continue; } $packageQueue->enqueue($requirePackage); } } } } } private function mockLocalRepositories(RepositoryManager $rm) { $packages = array(); foreach ($rm->getLocalRepository()->getPackages() as $package) { $packages[(string) $package] = clone $package; } foreach ($packages as $key => $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $alias = (string) $package->getAliasOf(); $packages[$key] = new AliasPackage($packages[$alias], $package->getVersion(), $package->getPrettyVersion()); } } $rm->setLocalRepository( new InstalledArrayRepository($packages) ); } public static function create(IOInterface $io, Composer $composer) { return new static( $io, $composer->getConfig(), $composer->getPackage(), $composer->getDownloadManager(), $composer->getRepositoryManager(), $composer->getLocker(), $composer->getInstallationManager(), $composer->getEventDispatcher(), $composer->getAutoloadGenerator() ); } public function setAdditionalInstalledRepository(RepositoryInterface $additionalInstalledRepository) { $this->additionalInstalledRepository = $additionalInstalledRepository; return $this; } public function setDryRun($dryRun = true) { $this->dryRun = (bool) $dryRun; return $this; } public function isDryRun() { return $this->dryRun; } public function setPreferSource($preferSource = true) { $this->preferSource = (bool) $preferSource; return $this; } public function setPreferDist($preferDist = true) { $this->preferDist = (bool) $preferDist; return $this; } public function setOptimizeAutoloader($optimizeAutoloader = false) { $this->optimizeAutoloader = (bool) $optimizeAutoloader; if (!$this->optimizeAutoloader) { $this->setClassMapAuthoritative(false); } return $this; } public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative = false) { $this->classMapAuthoritative = (bool) $classMapAuthoritative; if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) { $this->setOptimizeAutoloader(true); } return $this; } public function setApcuAutoloader($apcuAutoloader = false) { $this->apcuAutoloader = (bool) $apcuAutoloader; return $this; } public function setUpdate($update = true) { $this->update = (bool) $update; return $this; } public function setDevMode($devMode = true) { $this->devMode = (bool) $devMode; return $this; } public function setDumpAutoloader($dumpAutoloader = true) { $this->dumpAutoloader = (bool) $dumpAutoloader; return $this; } public function setRunScripts($runScripts = true) { $this->runScripts = (bool) $runScripts; return $this; } public function setConfig(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; return $this; } public function setVerbose($verbose = true) { $this->verbose = (bool) $verbose; return $this; } public function isVerbose() { return $this->verbose; } public function setIgnorePlatformRequirements($ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->ignorePlatformReqs = (bool) $ignorePlatformReqs; return $this; } public function setUpdateWhitelist(array $packages) { $this->updateWhitelist = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', $packages)); return $this; } public function setWhitelistDependencies($updateDependencies = true) { return $this->setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($updateDependencies); } public function setWhitelistTransitiveDependencies($updateTransitiveDependencies = true) { $this->whitelistDependencies = (bool) $updateTransitiveDependencies; return $this; } public function setWhitelistAllDependencies($updateAllDependencies = true) { $this->whitelistAllDependencies = (bool) $updateAllDependencies; return $this; } public function setPreferStable($preferStable = true) { $this->preferStable = (bool) $preferStable; return $this; } public function setPreferLowest($preferLowest = true) { $this->preferLowest = (bool) $preferLowest; return $this; } public function setWriteLock($writeLock = true) { $this->writeLock = (bool) $writeLock; return $this; } public function setExecuteOperations($executeOperations = true) { $this->executeOperations = (bool) $executeOperations; return $this; } public function setSkipSuggest($skipSuggest = true) { $this->skipSuggest = (bool) $skipSuggest; return $this; } public function disablePlugins() { $this->installationManager->disablePlugins(); return $this; } public function setSuggestedPackagesReporter(SuggestedPackagesReporter $suggestedPackagesReporter) { $this->suggestedPackagesReporter = $suggestedPackagesReporter; return $this; } } binDir = $binDir; $this->binCompat = $binCompat; $this->io = $io; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); } public function installBinaries(PackageInterface $package, $installPath, $warnOnOverwrite = true) { $binaries = $this->getBinaries($package); if (!$binaries) { return; } foreach ($binaries as $bin) { $binPath = $installPath.'/'.$bin; if (!file_exists($binPath)) { $this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': file not found in package'); continue; } $binPath = realpath($binPath); $this->initializeBinDir(); $link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin); if (file_exists($link)) { if (is_link($link)) { Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask()); } if ($warnOnOverwrite) { $this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': name conflicts with an existing file'); } continue; } if ($this->binCompat === "auto") { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $this->installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, $package); } else { $this->installSymlinkBinaries($binPath, $link); } } elseif ($this->binCompat === "full") { $this->installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, $package); } Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask()); } } public function removeBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeBinDir(); $binaries = $this->getBinaries($package); if (!$binaries) { return; } foreach ($binaries as $bin) { $link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin); if (is_link($link) || file_exists($link)) { $this->filesystem->unlink($link); } if (file_exists($link.'.bat')) { $this->filesystem->unlink($link.'.bat'); } } if (is_dir($this->binDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->binDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $this->binDir); } } public static function determineBinaryCaller($bin) { if ('.bat' === substr($bin, -4) || '.exe' === substr($bin, -4)) { return 'call'; } $handle = fopen($bin, 'r'); $line = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if (preg_match('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) { return trim($match[1]); } return 'php'; } protected function getBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { return $package->getBinaries(); } protected function installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, PackageInterface $package) { if ('.bat' !== substr($binPath, -4)) { $this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link); @chmod($link, 0777 & ~umask()); $link .= '.bat'; if (file_exists($link)) { $thisnParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . ")"); $repo->removePackage($initial); $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { return ''; } } hasPackage($package); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $repo->removePackage($initial); if (!$repo->hasPackage($target)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); return $package->getPrettyName() . ($targetDir ? '/'.$targetDir : ''); } } operation = $operation; } public function getOperation() { return $this->operation; } } installer = $installer; $this->vendorDir = $vendorDir; } protected function getBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { $binariesPath = $this->installer->getInstallPath($package) . '/bin/'; $binaries = array(); if (file_exists($binariesPath)) { foreach (new \FilesystemIterator($binariesPath, \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO) as $fileName => $value) { if (!$value->isDir()) { $binaries[] = 'bin/'.$fileName; } } } return $binaries; } protected function initializeBinDir() { parent::initializeBinDir(); file_put_contents($this->binDir.'/composer-php', $this->generateUnixyPhpProxyCode()); @chmod($this->binDir.'/composer-php', 0777 & ~umask()); file_put_contents($this->binDir.'/composer-php.bat', $this->generateWindowsPhpProxyCode()); @chmod($this->binDir.'/composer-php.bat', 0777 & ~umask()); } protected function generateWindowsProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); if ('.bat' === substr($bin, -4)) { $caller = 'call'; } else { $handle = fopen($bin, 'r'); $line = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if (preg_match('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) { $caller = trim($match[1]); } else { $caller = 'php'; } if ($caller === 'php') { return "@echo off\r\n". "pushd .\r\n". "cd %~dp0\r\n". "set PHP_PROXY=%CD%\\composer-php.bat\r\n". "cd ".ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath))."\r\n". "set BIN_TARGET=%CD%\\".basename($binPath)."\r\n". "popd\r\n". "%PHP_PROXY% \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } } return "@echo off\r\n". "pushd .\r\n". "cd %~dp0\r\n". "cd ".ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath))."\r\n". "set BIN_TARGET=%CD%\\".basename($binPath)."\r\n". "popd\r\n". $caller." \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } private function generateWindowsPhpProxyCode() { $binToVendor = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($this->binDir, $this->vendorDir, true); return "@echo off\r\n" . "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\r\n" . "set BIN_DIR=%~dp0\r\n" . "set VENDOR_DIR=%BIN_DIR%\\".$binToVendor."\r\n" . "set DIRS=.\r\n" . "FOR /D %%V IN (%VENDOR_DIR%\\*) DO (\r\n" . " FOR /D %%P IN (%%V\\*) DO (\r\n" . " set DIRS=!DIRS!;%%~fP\r\n" . " )\r\n" . ")\r\n" . "php.exe -d include_path=!DIRS! %*\r\n"; } private function generateUnixyPhpProxyCode() { $binToVendor = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($this->binDir, $this->vendorDir, true); return "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n". "SRC_DIR=`pwd`\n". "BIN_DIR=`dirname $0`\n". "VENDOR_DIR=\$BIN_DIR/".escapeshellarg($binToVendor)."\n". "DIRS=\"\"\n". "for vendor in \$VENDOR_DIR/*; do\n". " if [ -d \"\$vendor\" ]; then\n". " for package in \$vendor/*; do\n". " if [ -d \"\$package\" ]; then\n". " DIRS=\"\${DIRS}:\${package}\"\n". " fi\n". " done\n". " fi\n". "done\n". "php -d include_path=\".\$DIRS\" $@\n"; } } getConfig()->get('bin-dir'), '/'), rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-compat'), $filesystem, $this); parent::__construct($io, $composer, $type, $filesystem, $binaryInstaller); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $this->uninstall($repo, $initial); $this->install($repo, $target); } protected function installCode(PackageInterface $package) { parent::installCode($package); $isWindows = Platform::isWindows(); $php_bin = $this->binDir . ($isWindows ? '/composer-php.bat' : '/composer-php'); if (!$isWindows) { $php_bin = '/usr/bin/env ' . $php_bin; } $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $vars = array( 'os' => $isWindows ? 'windows' : 'linux', 'php_bin' => $php_bin, 'pear_php' => $installPath, 'php_dir' => $installPath, 'bin_dir' => $installPath . '/bin', 'data_dir' => $installPath . '/data', 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), ); $packageArchive = $this->getInstallPath($package).'/'.pathinfo($package->getDistUrl(), PATHINFO_BASENAME); $pearExtractor = new PearPackageExtractor($packageArchive); $pearExtractor->extractTo($this->getInstallPath($package), array('php' => '/', 'script' => '/bin', 'data' => '/data'), $vars); $this->io->writeError(' Cleaning up', true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $this->filesystem->unlink($packageArchive); } } installationManager = $composer->getInstallationManager(); } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === 'composer-plugin' || $packageType === 'composer-installer'; } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (empty($extra['class'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Error while installing '.$package->getPrettyName().', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'); } parent::install($repo, $package); try { $this->composer->getPluginManager()->registerPackage($package, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->io->writeError('Plugin installation failed, rolling back'); parent::uninstall($repo, $package); throw $e; } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $extra = $target->getExtra(); if (empty($extra['class'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Error while installing '.$target->getPrettyName().', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'); } parent::update($repo, $initial, $target); $this->composer->getPluginManager()->registerPackage($target, true); } } installPath = rtrim(strtr($installPath, '\\', '/'), '/').'/'; $this->downloadManager = $dm; $this->filesystem = new Filesystem; } public function supports($packageType) { return true; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { return false; } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $installPath = $this->installPath; if (file_exists($installPath) && !$this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($installPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Project directory $installPath is not empty."); } if (!is_dir($installPath)) { mkdir($installPath, 0777, true); } $this->downloadManager->download($package, $installPath); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("not supported"); } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("not supported"); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { return $this->installPath; } } io = $io; } public function getPackages() { return $this->suggestedPackages; } public function addPackage($source, $target, $reason) { $this->suggestedPackages[] = array( 'source' => $source, 'target' => $target, 'reason' => $reason, ); return $this; } public function addSuggestionsFromPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $source = $package->getPrettyName(); foreach ($package->getSuggests() as $target => $reason) { $this->addPackage( $source, $target, $reason ); } return $this; } public function output(RepositoryInterface $installedRepo = null) { $suggestedPackages = $this->getPackages(); $installedPackages = array(); if (null !== $installedRepo && ! empty($suggestedPackages)) { foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $installedPackages = array_merge( $installedPackages, $package->getNames() ); } } foreach ($suggestedPackages as $suggestion) { if (in_array($suggestion['target'], $installedPackages)) { continue; } $this->io->writeError(sprintf( '%s suggests installing %s%s', $suggestion['source'], $this->escapeOutput($suggestion['target']), $this->escapeOutput('' !== $suggestion['reason'] ? ' ('.$suggestion['reason'].')' : '') )); } return $this; } private function escapeOutput($string) { return OutputFormatter::escape( $this->removeControlCharacters($string) ); } private function removeControlCharacters($string) { return preg_replace( '/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', str_replace("\n", ' ', $string) ); } } path = $path; if (null === $rfs && preg_match('{^https?://}i', $path)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('http urls require a RemoteFilesystem instance to be passed'); } $this->rfs = $rfs; $this->io = $io; } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function exists() { return is_file($this->path); } public function read() { try { if ($this->rfs) { $json = $this->rfs->getContents($this->path, $this->path, false); } else { if ($this->io && $this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Reading ' . $this->path); } $json = file_get_contents($this->path); } } catch (TransportException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not read '.$this->path."\n\n".$e->getMessage()); } return static::parseJson($json, $this->path); } public function write(array $hash, $options = 448) { $dir = dirname($this->path); if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (file_exists($dir)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( $dir.' exists and is not a directory.' ); } if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( $dir.' does not exist and could not be created.' ); } } $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { file_put_contents($this->path, static::encode($hash, $options). ($options & self::JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ? "\n" : '')); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($retries) { usleep(500000); continue; } throw $e; } } } public function validateSchema($schema = self::STRICT_SCHEMA, $schemaFile = null) { $content = file_get_contents($this->path); $data = json_decode($content); if (null === $data && 'null' !== $content) { self::validateSyntax($content, $this->path); } if (null === $schemaFile) { $schemaFile = __DIR__ . self::COMPOSER_SCHEMA_PATH; } if (false === strpos($schemaFile, '://')) { $schemaFile = 'file://' . $schemaFile; } $schemaData = (object) array('$ref' => $schemaFile); if ($schema === self::LAX_SCHEMA) { $schemaData->a->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.'.bat proxy for package '.$package->getName().': a .bat proxy was already installed'); } } if (!file_exists($link)) { file_put_contents($link, $this->generateWindowsProxyCode($binPath, $link)); } } protected function installSymlinkBinaries($binPath, $link) { if (!$this->filesystem->relativeSymlink($binPath, $link)) { $this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link); } } protected function installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link) { file_put_contents($link, $this->generateUnixyProxyCode($binPath, $link)); } protected function initializeBinDir() { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($this->binDir); $this->binDir = realpath($this->binDir); } protected function generateWindowsProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); $caller = self::determineBinaryCaller($bin); return "@ECHO OFF\r\n". "setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION\r\n". "SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/".trim(ProcessExecutor::escape($binPath), '"\'')."\r\n". "{$caller} \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } protected function generateUnixyProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); $binDir = ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath)); $binFile = basename($binPath); $proxyCode = << /dev/null; cd $binDir && pwd) if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then case \$(which php) in \$(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*) # We are in Cygwin using Windows php, so the path must be translated dir=\$(cygpath -m "\$dir"); ;; esac fi "\${dir}/$binFile" "\$@" PROXY; return $proxyCode; } } notifiablePackages = array(); } public function addInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer) { array_unshift($this->installers, $installer); $this->cache = array(); } public function removeInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer) { if (false !== ($key = array_search($installer, $this->installers, true))) { array_splice($this->installers, $key, 1); $this->cache = array(); } } public function disablePlugins() { foreach ($this->installers as $i => $installer) { if (!$installer instanceof PluginInstaller) { continue; } unset($this->installers[$i]); } } public function getInstaller($type) { $type = strtolower($type); if (isset($this->cache[$type])) { return $this->cache[$type]; } foreach ($this->installers as $installer) { if ($installer->supports($type)) { return $this->cache[$type] = $installer; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown installer type: '.$type); } public function isPackageInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { return $repo->hasPackage($package) && $this->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package->getAliasOf()); } return $this->getInstaller($package->getType())->isInstalled($repo, $package); } public function ensureBinariesPresence(PackageInterface $package) { try { $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return; } if ($installer instanceof BinaryPresenceInterface) { $installer->ensureBinariesPresence($package); } } public function execute(RepositoryInterface $repo, OperationInterface $operation) { $method = $operation->getJobType(); $this->$method($repo, $operation); } public function install(RepositoryInterface $repo, InstallOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); $installer->install($repo, $package); $this->markForNotification($package); } public function update(RepositoryInterface $repo, UpdateOperation $operation) { $initial = $operation->getInitialPackage(); $target = $operation->getTargetPackage(); $initialType = $initial->getType(); $targetType = $target->getType(); if ($initialType === $targetType) { $installer = $this->getInstaller($initialType); $installer->update($repo, $initial, $target); $this->markForNotification($target); } else { $this->getInstaller($initialType)->uninstall($repo, $initial); $this->getInstaller($targetType)->install($repo, $target); } } public function uninstall(RepositoryInterface $repo, UninstallOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); $installer->uninstall($repo, $package); } public function markAliasInstalled(RepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasInstalledOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function markAliasUninstalled(RepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasUninstalledOperation $operation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType()); return $installer->getInstallPath($package); } public function notifyInstalls(IOInterface $io) { foreach ($this->notifiablePackages as $repoUrl => $packages) { $repositoryName = parse_url($repoUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); if ($io->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) { $auth = $io->getAuthentication($repositoryName); $authStr = base64_encode($auth['username'] . ':' . $auth['password']); $authHeader = 'Authorization: Basic '.$authStr; } if (strpos($repoUrl, '%package%')) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $url = str_replace('%package%', $package->getPrettyName(), $repoUrl); $params = array( 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), 'version_normalized' => $package->getVersion(), ); $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), 'content' => http_build_query($params, '', '&'), 'timeout' => 3, ), ); if (isset($authHeader)) { $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader; } $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($url, $opts); @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); } continue; } $postData = array('downloads' => array()); foreach ($packages as $package) { $postData['downloads'][] = array( 'name' => $package->getPrettyName(), 'version' => $package->getVersion(), ); } $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => array('Content-Type: application/json'), 'content' => json_encode($postData), 'timeout' => 6, ), ); if (isset($authHeader)) { $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader; } $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($repoUrl, $opts); @file_get_contents($repoUrl, false, $context); } $this->reset(); } private function markForNotification(PackageInterface $package) { if ($package->getNotificationUrl()) { $this->notifiablePackages[$package->getNotificationUrl()][$package->getName()] = $package; } } } composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->devMode = $devMode; $this->policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; $this->installedRepo = $installedRepo; $this->request = $request; $this->operations = $operations; } public function getComposer() { return $this->composer; } public function getIO() { return $this->io; } public function isDevMode() { return $this->devMode; } public function getPolicy() { return $this->policy; } public function getPool() { return $this->pool; } public function getInstalledRepo() { return $this->installedRepo; } public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } public function getOperations() { return $this->operations; } } composer = $composer; $this->downloadManager = $composer->getDownloadManager(); $this->io = $io; $this->type = $type; $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); $this->vendorDir = rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'), '/'); $this->binaryInstaller = $binaryInstaller ?: new BinaryInstaller($this->io, rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-compat'), $this->filesystem); } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === $this->type || null === $this->type; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { return false; } $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); if (is_readable($installPath)) { return true; } return (Platform::isWindows() && $this->filesystem->isJunction($installPath)) || is_link($installPath); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeVendorDir(); $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); if (!is_readable($downloadPath) && $repo->hasPackage($package)) { $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($package); } $this->installCode($package); $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($package, $this->getInstallPath($package)); if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $this->initializeVendorDir(); $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($initial); $this->updateCode($initial, $target); $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($target, $this->getInstallPath($target)); $repo->removePackage($initial); if (!$repo->hasPackage($target)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $this->removeCode($package); $this->binaryInstaller->removeBinaries($package); $repo->removePackage($package); $downloadPath = $this->getPackageBasePath($package); if (strpos($package->getName(), '/')) { $packageVendorDir = dirname($downloadPath); if (is_dir($packageVendorDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($packageVendorDir)) { Silencer::call('rmdir', $packageVendorDir); } } } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $this->initializeVendorDir(); $basePath = ($this->vendorDir ? $this->vendorDir.'/' : '') . $package->getPrettyName(); $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); return $basePath . ($targetDir ? '/'.$targetDir : ''); } public function ensureBinariesPresence(PackageInterface $package) { $this->binaryInstaller->installBinaries($package, $this->getInstallPath($package), false); } protected function getPackageBasePath(PackageInterface $package) { $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); if ($targetDir) { return preg_replace('{/*'.str_replace('/', '/+', preg_quote($targetDir)).'/?$}', '', $installPath); } return $installPath; } protected function installCode(PackageInterface $package) { $downloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $this->downloadManager->download($package, $downloadPath); } protected function updateCode(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $initialDownloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($initial); $targetDownloadPath = $this->getInstallPath($target); if ($targetDownloadPath !== $initialDownloadPath) { if (substr($initialDownloadPath, 0, strlen($targetDownloadPath)) === $targetDownloadPath || substr($targetDownloadPath, 0, strlen($initialDownloadPath)) === $initialDownloadPath ) { $this->removeCode($initial); $this->installCode($target); return; } $this->filesystem->rename($initialDownloadPath, $targetDownloadPath); } $this->downloadManager->update($initial, $target, $targetDownloadPath); } protected function removeCode(PackageInterface $package) { $downloadPath = $this->getPackageBasePath($package); $this->downloadManager->remove($package, $downloadPath); } protected function initializeVendorDir() { $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($this->vendorDir); $this->vendorDir = realpath($this->vendorDir); } } io = $io; } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === 'metapackage'; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { return $repo->hasPackage($package); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $this->io->writeError(" - Installing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $name = $target->getName(); $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion(); $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion(); $actionName = VersionParser::isUpgrade($initial->getVersion(), $target->getVersion()) ? 'Updating' : 'Downgrading'; $this->io->writeError(" - " . $actionName . " " . $name . " (" . $from . " => " . $to . ")"); $repo->removePackage($initial); $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $this->io->writeError(" - Removing " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { return ''; } } hasPackage($package); } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $package); } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($initial)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$initial); } $repo->removePackage($initial); if (!$repo->hasPackage($target)) { $repo->addPackage(clone $target); } } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package is not installed: '.$package); } $repo->removePackage($package); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir(); return $package->getPrettyName() . ($targetDir ? '/'.$targetDir : ''); } } operation = $operation; } public function getOperation() { return $this->operation; } } installer = $installer; $this->vendorDir = $vendorDir; } protected function getBinaries(PackageInterface $package) { $binariesPath = $this->installer->getInstallPath($package) . '/bin/'; $binaries = array(); if (file_exists($binariesPath)) { foreach (new \FilesystemIterator($binariesPath, \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO) as $fileName => $value) { if (!$value->isDir()) { $binaries[] = 'bin/'.$fileName; } } } return $binaries; } protected function initializeBinDir() { parent::initializeBinDir(); file_put_contents($this->binDir.'/composer-php', $this->generateUnixyPhpProxyCode()); @chmod($this->binDir.'/composer-php', 0777 & ~umask()); file_put_contents($this->binDir.'/composer-php.bat', $this->generateWindowsPhpProxyCode()); @chmod($this->binDir.'/composer-php.bat', 0777 & ~umask()); } protected function generateWindowsProxyCode($bin, $link) { $binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin); if ('.bat' === substr($bin, -4)) { $caller = 'call'; } else { $handle = fopen($bin, 'r'); $line = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if (preg_match('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) { $caller = trim($match[1]); } else { $caller = 'php'; } if ($caller === 'php') { return "@echo off\r\n". "pushd .\r\n". "cd %~dp0\r\n". "set PHP_PROXY=%CD%\\composer-php.bat\r\n". "cd ".ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath))."\r\n". "set BIN_TARGET=%CD%\\".basename($binPath)."\r\n". "popd\r\n". "%PHP_PROXY% \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } } return "@echo off\r\n". "pushd .\r\n". "cd %~dp0\r\n". "cd ".ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath))."\r\n". "set BIN_TARGET=%CD%\\".basename($binPath)."\r\n". "popd\r\n". $caller." \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n"; } private function generateWindowsPhpProxyCode() { $binToVendor = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($this->binDir, $this->vendorDir, true); return "@echo off\r\n" . "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\r\n" . "set BIN_DIR=%~dp0\r\n" . "set VENDOR_DIR=%BIN_DIR%\\".$binToVendor."\r\n" . "set DIRS=.\r\n" . "FOR /D %%V IN (%VENDOR_DIR%\\*) DO (\r\n" . " FOR /D %%P IN (%%V\\*) DO (\r\n" . " set DIRS=!DIRS!;%%~fP\r\n" . " )\r\n" . ")\r\n" . "php.exe -d include_path=!DIRS! %*\r\n"; } private function generateUnixyPhpProxyCode() { $binToVendor = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($this->binDir, $this->vendorDir, true); return "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n". "SRC_DIR=`pwd`\n". "BIN_DIR=`dirname $0`\n". "VENDOR_DIR=\$BIN_DIR/".escapeshellarg($binToVendor)."\n". "DIRS=\"\"\n". "for vendor in \$VENDOR_DIR/*; do\n". " if [ -d \"\$vendor\" ]; then\n". " for package in \$vendor/*; do\n". " if [ -d \"\$package\" ]; then\n". " DIRS=\"\${DIRS}:\${package}\"\n". " fi\n". " done\n". " fi\n". "done\n". "php -d include_path=\".\$DIRS\" $@\n"; } } getConfig()->get('bin-dir'), '/'), rtrim($composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'), '/'), $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-compat'), $filesystem, $this); parent::__construct($io, $composer, $type, $filesystem, $binaryInstaller); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $this->uninstall($repo, $initial); $this->install($repo, $target); } protected function installCode(PackageInterface $package) { parent::installCode($package); $isWindows = Platform::isWindows(); $php_bin = $this->binDir . ($isWindows ? '/composer-php.bat' : '/composer-php'); if (!$isWindows) { $php_bin = '/usr/bin/env ' . $php_bin; } $installPath = $this->getInstallPath($package); $vars = array( 'os' => $isWindows ? 'windows' : 'linux', 'php_bin' => $php_bin, 'pear_php' => $installPath, 'php_dir' => $installPath, 'bin_dir' => $installPath . '/bin', 'data_dir' => $installPath . '/data', 'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(), ); $packageArchive = $this->getInstallPath($package).'/'.pathinfo($package->getDistUrl(), PATHINFO_BASENAME); $pearExtractor = new PearPackageExtractor($packageArchive); $pearExtractor->extractTo($this->getInstallPath($package), array('php' => '/', 'script' => '/bin', 'data' => '/data'), $vars); $this->io->writeError(' Cleaning up', true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); $this->filesystem->unlink($packageArchive); } } installationManager = $composer->getInstallationManager(); } public function supports($packageType) { return $packageType === 'composer-plugin' || $packageType === 'composer-installer'; } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (empty($extra['class'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Error while installing '.$package->getPrettyName().', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'); } parent::install($repo, $package); try { $this->composer->getPluginManager()->registerPackage($package, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->io->writeError('Plugin installation failed, rolling back'); parent::uninstall($repo, $package); throw $e; } } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { $extra = $target->getExtra(); if (empty($extra['class'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Error while installing '.$target->getPrettyName().', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'); } parent::update($repo, $initial, $target); $this->composer->getPluginManager()->registerPackage($target, true); } } installPath = rtrim(strtr($installPath, '\\', '/'), '/').'/'; $this->downloadManager = $dm; $this->filesystem = new Filesystem; } public function supports($packageType) { return true; } public function isInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { return false; } public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { $installPath = $this->installPath; if (file_exists($installPath) && !$this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($installPath)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Project directory $installPath is not empty."); } if (!is_dir($installPath)) { mkdir($installPath, 0777, true); } $this->downloadManager->download($package, $installPath); } public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("not supported"); } public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("not supported"); } public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package) { return $this->installPath; } } io = $io; } public function getPackages() { return $this->suggestedPackages; } public function addPackage($source, $target, $reason) { $this->suggestedPackages[] = array( 'source' => $source, 'target' => $target, 'reason' => $reason, ); return $this; } public function addSuggestionsFromPackage(PackageInterface $package) { $source = $package->getPrettyName(); foreach ($package->getSuggests() as $target => $reason) { $this->addPackage( $source, $target, $reason ); } return $this; } public function output(RepositoryInterface $installedRepo = null) { $suggestedPackages = $this->getPackages(); $installedPackages = array(); if (null !== $installedRepo && ! empty($suggestedPackages)) { foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) { $installedPackages = array_merge( $installedPackages, $package->getNames() ); } } foreach ($suggestedPackages as $suggestion) { if (in_array($suggestion['target'], $installedPackages)) { continue; } $this->io->writeError(sprintf( '%s suggests installing %s%s', $suggestion['source'], $this->escapeOutput($suggestion['target']), $this->escapeOutput('' !== $suggestion['reason'] ? ' ('.$suggestion['reason'].')' : '') )); } return $this; } private function escapeOutput($string) { return OutputFormatter::escape( $this->removeControlCharacters($string) ); } private function removeControlCharacters($string) { return preg_replace( '/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', str_replace("\n", ' ', $string) ); } } path = $path; if (null === $rfs && preg_match('{^https?://}i', $path)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('http urls require a RemoteFilesystem instance to be passed'); } $this->rfs = $rfs; $this->io = $io; } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function exists() { return is_file($this->path); } public function read() { try { if ($this->rfs) { $json = $this->rfs->getContents($this->path, $this->path, false); } else { if ($this->io && $this->io->isDebug()) { $this->io->writeError('Reading ' . $this->path); } $json = file_get_contents($this->path); } } catch (TransportException $e) { throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not read '.$this->path."\n\n".$e->getMessage()); } return static::parseJson($json, $this->path); } public function write(array $hash, $options = 448) { $dir = dirname($this->path); if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (file_exists($dir)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( $dir.' exists and is not a directory.' ); } if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( $dir.' does not exist and could not be created.' ); } } $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { file_put_contents($this->path, static::encode($hash, $options). ($options & self::JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ? "\n" : '')); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($retries) { usleep(500000); continue; } throw $e; } } } public function validateSchema($schema = self::STRICT_SCHEMA, $schemaFile = null) { $content = file_get_contents($this->path); $data = json_decode($content); if (null === $data && 'null' !== $content) { self::validateSyntax($content, $this->path); } if (null === $schemaFile) { $schemaFile = __DIR__ . self::COMPOSER_SCHEMA_PATH; } if (false === strpos($schemaFile, '://')) { $schemaFile = 'file://' . $schemaFile; } $schemaData = (object) array('$ref' => $schemaFile); if ($schema === self::LAX_SCHEMA) { $schemaData->additionalProperties = true; $schemaData->required = array(); } $validator = new Validator(); $validator->check($data, $schemaData); if (!$validator->isValid()) { $errors = array(); foreach ((array) $validator->getErrors() as $error) { $errors[] = ($error['property'] ? $error['property'].' : ' : '').$error['message']; } throw new JsonValidationException('"'.$this->path.'" does not match the expected JSON schema', $errors); } return true; } public static function encode($data, $options = 448) { if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) { $json = json_encode($data, $options); if (false === $json) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error()); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50428 || (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500 && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50512) || (defined('JSON_C_VERSION') && version_compare(phpversion('json'), '1.3.6', '<'))) { $json = preg_replace('/\[\s+\]/', '[]', $json); $json = preg_replace('/\{\s+\}/', '{}', $json); } return $json; } $json = json_encode($data); if (false === $json) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error()); } $prettyPrint = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $unescapeUnicode = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $unescapeSlashes = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); if (!$prettyPrint && !$unescapeUnicode && !$unescapeSlashes) { return $json; } return JsonFormatter::format($json, $unescapeUnicode, $unescapeSlashes); } private static function throwEncodeError($code) { switch ($code) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $msg = 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $msg = 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $msg = 'Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $msg = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; default: $msg = 'Unknown error'; } throw new \RuntimeException('JSON encoding failed: '.$msg); } public static function parseJson($json, $file = null) { if (null === $json) { return; } $data = json_decode($json, true); if (null === $data && JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { self::validateSyntax($json, $file); } return $data; } protected static function validateSyntax($json, $file = null) { $parser = new JsonParser(); $result = $parser->lint($json); if (null === $result) { if (defined('JSON_ERROR_UTF8') && JSON_ERROR_UTF8 === json_last_error()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('"'.$file.'" is not UTF-8, could not parse as JSON'); } return true; } throw new ParsingException('"'.$file.'" does not contain valid JSON'."\n".$result->getMessage(), $result->getDetails()); } } = $code) { return $match[0]; } return str_repeat('\\', $l - 1) . mb_convert_encoding( pack('H*', $match[2]), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2BE' ); } return $match[0]; }, $buffer); } $result .= $buffer.$char; $buffer = ''; continue; } if (':' === $char) { $char .= ' '; } elseif ('}' === $char || ']' === $char) { $pos--; $prevChar = substr($json, $i - 1, 1); if ('{' !== $prevChar && '[' !== $prevChar) { $result .= $newLine; for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } else { $result = rtrim($result); } } $result .= $char; if (',' === $char || '{' === $char || '[' === $char) { $result .= $newLine; if ('{' === $char || '[' === $char) { $pos++; } for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } } return $result; } } -? (?= [1-9]|0(?!\d) ) \d+ (\.\d+)? ([eE] [+-]? \d+)? ) (? true | false | null ) (? " ([^"\\\\]* | \\\\ ["\\\\bfnrt\/] | \\\\ u [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} )* " ) (? \[ (?: (?&json) \s* (?: , (?&json) \s* )* )? \s* \] ) (? \s* (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* ) (? \{ (?: (?&pair) (?: , (?&pair) )* )? \s* \} ) (? \s* (?: (?&number) | (?&boolean) | (?&string) | (?&array) | (?&object) ) ) )'; private $contents; private $newline; private $indent; public function __construct($contents) { $contents = trim($contents); if ($contents === '') { $contents = '{}'; } if (!$this->pregMatch('#^\{(.*)\}$#s', $contents)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The json file must be an object ({})'); } $this->newline = false !== strpos($contents, "\r\n") ? "\r\n" : "\n"; $this->contents = $contents === '{}' ? '{' . $this->newline . '}' : $contents; $this->detectIndenting(); } public function getContents() { return $this->contents . $this->newline; } public function addLink($type, $package, $constraint, $sortPackages = false) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (!isset($decoded[$type])) { return $this->addMainKey($type, array($package => $constraint)); } $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($type)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&json))(?P.*)}sx'; if (!$this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { return false; } $links = $matches['value']; $packageRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($package)); $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'"(?P'.$packageRegex.')"(\s*:\s*)(?&string)}ix'; if ($this->pregMatch($regex, $links, $packageMatches)) { $existingPackage = $packageMatches['package']; $packageRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($existingPackage)); $links = preg_replace_callback('{'.self::$DEFINES.'"'.$packageRegex.'"(?P\s*:\s*)(?&string)}ix', function ($m) use ($existingPackage, $constraint) { return JsonFile::encode(str_replace('\\/', '/', $existingPackage)) . $m['separator'] . '"' . $constraint . '"'; }, $links); } else { if ($this->pregMatch('#^\s*\{\s*\S+.*?(\s*\}\s*)$#s', $links, $match)) { $links = preg_replace( '{'.preg_quote($match[1]).'$}', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($package).': '.JsonFile::encode($constraint) . $match[1], '\\$'), $links ); } else { $links = '{' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($package).': '.JsonFile::encode($constraint) . $this->newline . $this->indent . '}'; } } if (true === $sortPackages) { $requirements = json_decode($links, true); $this->sortPackages($requirements); $links = $this->format($requirements); } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . $matches['property'] . $links . $matches['end']; return true; } private function sortPackages(array &$packages = array()) { $prefix = function ($requirement) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $requirement)) { return preg_replace( array( '/^php/', '/^hhvm/', '/^ext/', '/^lib/', '/^\D/', ), array( '0-$0', '1-$0', '2-$0', '3-$0', '4-$0', ), $requirement ); } return '5-'.$requirement; }; uksort($packages, function ($a, $b) use ($prefix) { return strnatcmp($prefix($a), $prefix($b)); }); } public function addRepository($name, $config) { return $this->addSubNode('repositories', $name, $config); } public function removeRepository($name) { return $this->removeSubNode('repositories', $name); } public function addConfigSetting($name, $value) { return $this->addSubNode('config', $name, $value); } public function removeConfigSetting($name) { return $this->removeSubNode('config', $name); } public function addProperty($name, $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'extra.') { return $this->addSubNode('extra', substr($name, 6), $value); } if (substr($name, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { return $this->addSubNode('scripts', substr($name, 8), $value); } return $this->addMainKey($name, $value); } public function removeProperty($name) { if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'extra.') { return $this->removeSubNode('extra', substr($name, 6)); } if (substr($name, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { return $this->removeSubNode('scripts', substr($name, 8)); } return $this->removeMainKey($name); } public function addSubNode($mainNode, $name, $value) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); $subName = null; if (in_array($mainNode, array('config', 'extra', 'scripts')) && false !== strpos($name, '.')) { list($name, $subName) = explode('.', $name, 2); } if (!isset($decoded[$mainNode])) { if ($subName !== null) { $this->addMainKey($mainNode, array($name => array($subName => $value))); } else { $this->addMainKey($mainNode, array($name => $value)); } return true; } $nodeRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P \s* \{ \s* (?: (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* , \s* )*?'. preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($mainNode)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&object))(?P.*)}sx'; try { if (!$this->pregMatch($nodeRegex, $this->contents, $match)) { return false; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) { return false; } throw $e; } $children = $match['content']; if (!@json_decode($children)) { return false; } $that = $this; $childRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'(?P"'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)(?P(?&json))(?P,?)}x'; if ($this->pregMatch($childRegex, $children, $matches)) { $children = preg_replace_callback($childRegex, function ($matches) use ($subName, $value, $that) { if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($matches['content'], true); if (!is_array($curVal)) { $curVal = array(); } $curVal[$subName] = $value; $value = $curVal; } return $matches['start'] . $that->format($value, 1) . $matches['end']; }, $children); } else { $this->pregMatch('#^{ \s*? (?P\S+.*?)? (?P\s*) }$#sx', $children, $match); $whitespace = ''; if (!empty($match['trailingspace'])) { $whitespace = $match['trailingspace']; } if (!empty($match['content'])) { if ($subName !== null) { $value = array($subName => $value); } $children = preg_replace( '#'.$whitespace.'}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($name).': '.$this->format($value, 1) . $whitespace . '}', '\\$'), $children ); } else { if ($subName !== null) { $value = array($subName => $value); } $children = '{' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($name).': '.$this->format($value, 1) . $whitespace . '}'; } } $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($m) use ($children) { return $m['start'] . $children . $m['end']; }, $this->contents); return true; } public function removeSubNode($mainNode, $name) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (empty($decoded[$mainNode])) { return true; } $nodeRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P \s* \{ \s* (?: (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* , \s* )*?'. preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($mainNode)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&object))(?P.*)}sx'; try { if (!$this->pregMatch($nodeRegex, $this->contents, $match)) { return false; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) { return false; } throw $e; } $children = $match['content']; if (!@json_decode($children, true)) { return false; } $subName = null; if (in_array($mainNode, array('config', 'extra', 'scripts')) && false !== strpos($name, '.')) { list($name, $subName) = explode('.', $name, 2); } if (!isset($decoded[$mainNode][$name]) || ($subName && !isset($decoded[$mainNode][$name][$subName]))) { return true; } $keyRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($name)); if ($this->pregMatch('{"'.$keyRegex.'"\s*:}i', $children)) { if (preg_match_all('{'.self::$DEFINES.'"'.$keyRegex.'"\s*:\s*(?:(?&json))}x', $children, $matches)) { $bestMatch = ''; foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if (strlen($bestMatch) < strlen($match)) { $bestMatch = $match; } } $childrenClean = preg_replace('{,\s*'.preg_quote($bestMatch).'}i', '', $children, -1, $count); if (1 !== $count) { $childrenClean = preg_replace('{'.preg_quote($bestMatch).'\s*,?\s*}i', '', $childrenClean, -1, $count); if (1 !== $count) { return false; } } } } else { $childrenClean = $children; } $this->pregMatch('#^{ \s*? (?P\S+.*?)? (?P\s*) }$#sx', $childrenClean, $match); if (empty($match['content'])) { $newline = $this->newline; $indent = $this->indent; $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($matches) use ($indent, $newline) { return $matches['start'] . '{' . $newline . $indent . '}' . $matches['end']; }, $this->contents); if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($children, true); unset($curVal[$name][$subName]); $this->addSubNode($mainNode, $name, $curVal[$name]); } return true; } $that = $this; $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($matches) use ($that, $name, $subName, $childrenClean) { if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($matches['content'], true); unset($curVal[$name][$subName]); $childrenClean = $that->format($curVal, 0); } return $matches['start'] . $childrenClean . $matches['end']; }, $this->contents); return true; } public function addMainKey($key, $content) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); $content = $this->format($content); $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($key)).'\s*:\s*(?&json))(?P.*)}sx'; if (isset($decoded[$key]) && $this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { if (!@json_decode('{'.$matches['key'].'}')) { return false; } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . JsonFile::encode($key).': '.$content . $matches['end']; return true; } if ($this->pregMatch('#[^{\s](\s*)\}$#', $this->contents, $match)) { $this->contents = preg_replace( '#'.$match[1].'\}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '. $content . $this->newline . '}', '\\$'), $this->contents ); return true; } $this->contents = preg_replace( '#\}$#', addcslashes($this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$content . $this->newline . '}', '\\$'), $this->contents ); return true; } public function removeMainKey($key) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (!array_key_exists($key, $decoded)) { return true; } $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($key)).'\s*:\s*(?&json))\s*,?\s*(?P.*)}sx'; if ($this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { if (!@json_decode('{'.$matches['removal'].'}')) { return false; } if (preg_match('#,\s*$#', $matches['start']) && preg_match('#^\}$#', $matches['end'])) { $matches['start'] = rtrim(preg_replace('#,(\s*)$#', '$1', $matches['start']), $this->indent); } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . $matches['end']; if (preg_match('#^\{\s*\}\s*$#', $this->contents)) { $this->contents = "{\n}"; } return true; } return false; } public function format($data, $depth = 0) { if (is_array($data)) { reset($data); if (is_numeric(key($data))) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $data[$key] = $this->format($val, $depth + 1); } return '['.implode(', ', $data).']'; } $out = '{' . $this->newline; $elems = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $elems[] = str_repeat($this->indent, $depth + 2) . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$this->format($val, $depth + 1); } return $out . implode(','.$this->newline, $elems) . $this->newline . str_repeat($this->indent,dditionalProperties = true; $schemaData->required = array(); } $validator = new Validator(); $validator->check($data, $schemaData); if (!$validator->isValid()) { $errors = array(); foreach ((array) $validator->getErrors() as $error) { $errors[] = ($error['property'] ? $error['property'].' : ' : '').$error['message']; } throw new JsonValidationException('"'.$this->path.'" does not match the expected JSON schema', $errors); } return true; } public static function encode($data, $options = 448) { if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) { $json = json_encode($data, $options); if (false === $json) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error()); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50428 || (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50500 && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50512) || (defined('JSON_C_VERSION') && version_compare(phpversion('json'), '1.3.6', '<'))) { $json = preg_replace('/\[\s+\]/', '[]', $json); $json = preg_replace('/\{\s+\}/', '{}', $json); } return $json; } $json = json_encode($data); if (false === $json) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error()); } $prettyPrint = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $unescapeUnicode = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $unescapeSlashes = (bool) ($options & self::JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); if (!$prettyPrint && !$unescapeUnicode && !$unescapeSlashes) { return $json; } return JsonFormatter::format($json, $unescapeUnicode, $unescapeSlashes); } private static function throwEncodeError($code) { switch ($code) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $msg = 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $msg = 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $msg = 'Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $msg = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; default: $msg = 'Unknown error'; } throw new \RuntimeException('JSON encoding failed: '.$msg); } public static function parseJson($json, $file = null) { if (null === $json) { return; } $data = json_decode($json, true); if (null === $data && JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { self::validateSyntax($json, $file); } return $data; } protected static function validateSyntax($json, $file = null) { $parser = new JsonParser(); $result = $parser->lint($json); if (null === $result) { if (defined('JSON_ERROR_UTF8') && JSON_ERROR_UTF8 === json_last_error()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('"'.$file.'" is not UTF-8, could not parse as JSON'); } return true; } throw new ParsingException('"'.$file.'" does not contain valid JSON'."\n".$result->getMessage(), $result->getDetails()); } } = $code) { return $match[0]; } return str_repeat('\\', $l - 1) . mb_convert_encoding( pack('H*', $match[2]), 'UTF-8', 'UCS-2BE' ); } return $match[0]; }, $buffer); } $result .= $buffer.$char; $buffer = ''; continue; } if (':' === $char) { $char .= ' '; } elseif ('}' === $char || ']' === $char) { $pos--; $prevChar = substr($json, $i - 1, 1); if ('{' !== $prevChar && '[' !== $prevChar) { $result .= $newLine; for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } else { $result = rtrim($result); } } $result .= $char; if (',' === $char || '{' === $char || '[' === $char) { $result .= $newLine; if ('{' === $char || '[' === $char) { $pos++; } for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } } return $result; } } -? (?= [1-9]|0(?!\d) ) \d+ (\.\d+)? ([eE] [+-]? \d+)? ) (? true | false | null ) (? " ([^"\\\\]* | \\\\ ["\\\\bfnrt\/] | \\\\ u [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} )* " ) (? \[ (?: (?&json) \s* (?: , (?&json) \s* )* )? \s* \] ) (? \s* (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* ) (? \{ (?: (?&pair) (?: , (?&pair) )* )? \s* \} ) (? \s* (?: (?&number) | (?&boolean) | (?&string) | (?&array) | (?&object) ) ) )'; private $contents; private $newline; private $indent; public function __construct($contents) { $contents = trim($contents); if ($contents === '') { $contents = '{}'; } if (!$this->pregMatch('#^\{(.*)\}$#s', $contents)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The json file must be an object ({})'); } $this->newline = false !== strpos($contents, "\r\n") ? "\r\n" : "\n"; $this->contents = $contents === '{}' ? '{' . $this->newline . '}' : $contents; $this->detectIndenting(); } public function getContents() { return $this->contents . $this->newline; } public function addLink($type, $package, $constraint, $sortPackages = false) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (!isset($decoded[$type])) { return $this->addMainKey($type, array($package => $constraint)); } $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($type)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&json))(?P.*)}sx'; if (!$this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { return false; } $links = $matches['value']; $packageRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($package)); $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'"(?P'.$packageRegex.')"(\s*:\s*)(?&string)}ix'; if ($this->pregMatch($regex, $links, $packageMatches)) { $existingPackage = $packageMatches['package']; $packageRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($existingPackage)); $links = preg_replace_callback('{'.self::$DEFINES.'"'.$packageRegex.'"(?P\s*:\s*)(?&string)}ix', function ($m) use ($existingPackage, $constraint) { return JsonFile::encode(str_replace('\\/', '/', $existingPackage)) . $m['separator'] . '"' . $constraint . '"'; }, $links); } else { if ($this->pregMatch('#^\s*\{\s*\S+.*?(\s*\}\s*)$#s', $links, $match)) { $links = preg_replace( '{'.preg_quote($match[1]).'$}', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($package).': '.JsonFile::encode($constraint) . $match[1], '\\$'), $links ); } else { $links = '{' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($package).': '.JsonFile::encode($constraint) . $this->newline . $this->indent . '}'; } } if (true === $sortPackages) { $requirements = json_decode($links, true); $this->sortPackages($requirements); $links = $this->format($requirements); } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . $matches['property'] . $links . $matches['end']; return true; } private function sortPackages(array &$packages = array()) { $prefix = function ($requirement) { if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $requirement)) { return preg_replace( array( '/^php/', '/^hhvm/', '/^ext/', '/^lib/', '/^\D/', ), array( '0-$0', '1-$0', '2-$0', '3-$0', '4-$0', ), $requirement ); } return '5-'.$requirement; }; uksort($packages, function ($a, $b) use ($prefix) { return strnatcmp($prefix($a), $prefix($b)); }); } public function addRepository($name, $config) { return $this->addSubNode('repositories', $name, $config); } public function removeRepository($name) { return $this->removeSubNode('repositories', $name); } public function addConfigSetting($name, $value) { return $this->addSubNode('config', $name, $value); } public function removeConfigSetting($name) { return $this->removeSubNode('config', $name); } public function addProperty($name, $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'extra.') { return $this->addSubNode('extra', substr($name, 6), $value); } if (substr($name, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { return $this->addSubNode('scripts', substr($name, 8), $value); } return $this->addMainKey($name, $value); } public function removeProperty($name) { if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'extra.') { return $this->removeSubNode('extra', substr($name, 6)); } if (substr($name, 0, 8) === 'scripts.') { return $this->removeSubNode('scripts', substr($name, 8)); } return $this->removeMainKey($name); } public function addSubNode($mainNode, $name, $value) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); $subName = null; if (in_array($mainNode, array('config', 'extra', 'scripts')) && false !== strpos($name, '.')) { list($name, $subName) = explode('.', $name, 2); } if (!isset($decoded[$mainNode])) { if ($subName !== null) { $this->addMainKey($mainNode, array($name => array($subName => $value))); } else { $this->addMainKey($mainNode, array($name => $value)); } return true; } $nodeRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P \s* \{ \s* (?: (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* , \s* )*?'. preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($mainNode)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&object))(?P.*)}sx'; try { if (!$this->pregMatch($nodeRegex, $this->contents, $match)) { return false; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) { return false; } throw $e; } $children = $match['content']; if (!@json_decode($children)) { return false; } $that = $this; $childRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'(?P"'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)(?P(?&json))(?P,?)}x'; if ($this->pregMatch($childRegex, $children, $matches)) { $children = preg_replace_callback($childRegex, function ($matches) use ($subName, $value, $that) { if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($matches['content'], true); if (!is_array($curVal)) { $curVal = array(); } $curVal[$subName] = $value; $value = $curVal; } return $matches['start'] . $that->format($value, 1) . $matches['end']; }, $children); } else { $this->pregMatch('#^{ \s*? (?P\S+.*?)? (?P\s*) }$#sx', $children, $match); $whitespace = ''; if (!empty($match['trailingspace'])) { $whitespace = $match['trailingspace']; } if (!empty($match['content'])) { if ($subName !== null) { $value = array($subName => $value); } $children = preg_replace( '#'.$whitespace.'}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($name).': '.$this->format($value, 1) . $whitespace . '}', '\\$'), $children ); } else { if ($subName !== null) { $value = array($subName => $value); } $children = '{' . $this->newline . $this->indent . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($name).': '.$this->format($value, 1) . $whitespace . '}'; } } $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($m) use ($children) { return $m['start'] . $children . $m['end']; }, $this->contents); return true; } public function removeSubNode($mainNode, $name) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (empty($decoded[$mainNode])) { return true; } $nodeRegex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P \s* \{ \s* (?: (?&string) \s* : (?&json) \s* , \s* )*?'. preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($mainNode)).'\s*:\s*)(?P(?&object))(?P.*)}sx'; try { if (!$this->pregMatch($nodeRegex, $this->contents, $match)) { return false; } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) { return false; } throw $e; } $children = $match['content']; if (!@json_decode($children, true)) { return false; } $subName = null; if (in_array($mainNode, array('config', 'extra', 'scripts')) && false !== strpos($name, '.')) { list($name, $subName) = explode('.', $name, 2); } if (!isset($decoded[$mainNode][$name]) || ($subName && !isset($decoded[$mainNode][$name][$subName]))) { return true; } $keyRegex = str_replace('/', '\\\\?/', preg_quote($name)); if ($this->pregMatch('{"'.$keyRegex.'"\s*:}i', $children)) { if (preg_match_all('{'.self::$DEFINES.'"'.$keyRegex.'"\s*:\s*(?:(?&json))}x', $children, $matches)) { $bestMatch = ''; foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if (strlen($bestMatch) < strlen($match)) { $bestMatch = $match; } } $childrenClean = preg_replace('{,\s*'.preg_quote($bestMatch).'}i', '', $children, -1, $count); if (1 !== $count) { $childrenClean = preg_replace('{'.preg_quote($bestMatch).'\s*,?\s*}i', '', $childrenClean, -1, $count); if (1 !== $count) { return false; } } } } else { $childrenClean = $children; } $this->pregMatch('#^{ \s*? (?P\S+.*?)? (?P\s*) }$#sx', $childrenClean, $match); if (empty($match['content'])) { $newline = $this->newline; $indent = $this->indent; $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($matches) use ($indent, $newline) { return $matches['start'] . '{' . $newline . $indent . '}' . $matches['end']; }, $this->contents); if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($children, true); unset($curVal[$name][$subName]); $this->addSubNode($mainNode, $name, $curVal[$name]); } return true; } $that = $this; $this->contents = preg_replace_callback($nodeRegex, function ($matches) use ($that, $name, $subName, $childrenClean) { if ($subName !== null) { $curVal = json_decode($matches['content'], true); unset($curVal[$name][$subName]); $childrenClean = $that->format($curVal, 0); } return $matches['start'] . $childrenClean . $matches['end']; }, $this->contents); return true; } public function addMainKey($key, $content) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); $content = $this->format($content); $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($key)).'\s*:\s*(?&json))(?P.*)}sx'; if (isset($decoded[$key]) && $this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { if (!@json_decode('{'.$matches['key'].'}')) { return false; } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . JsonFile::encode($key).': '.$content . $matches['end']; return true; } if ($this->pregMatch('#[^{\s](\s*)\}$#', $this->contents, $match)) { $this->contents = preg_replace( '#'.$match[1].'\}$#', addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '. $content . $this->newline . '}', '\\$'), $this->contents ); return true; } $this->contents = preg_replace( '#\}$#', addcslashes($this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$content . $this->newline . '}', '\\$'), $this->contents ); return true; } public function removeMainKey($key) { $decoded = JsonFile::parseJson($this->contents); if (!array_key_exists($key, $decoded)) { return true; } $regex = '{'.self::$DEFINES.'^(?P\s*\{\s*(?:(?&string)\s*:\s*(?&json)\s*,\s*)*?)'. '(?P'.preg_quote(JsonFile::encode($key)).'\s*:\s*(?&json))\s*,?\s*(?P.*)}sx'; if ($this->pregMatch($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) { if (!@json_decode('{'.$matches['removal'].'}')) { return false; } if (preg_match('#,\s*$#', $matches['start']) && preg_match('#^\}$#', $matches['end'])) { $matches['start'] = rtrim(preg_replace('#,(\s*)$#', '$1', $matches['start']), $this->indent); } $this->contents = $matches['start'] . $matches['end']; if (preg_match('#^\{\s*\}\s*$#', $this->contents)) { $this->contents = "{\n}"; } return true; } return false; } public function format($data, $depth = 0) { if (is_array($data)) { reset($data); if (is_numeric(key($data))) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $data[$key] = $this->format($val, $depth + 1); } return '['.implode(', ', $data).']'; } $out = '{' . $this->newline; $elems = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $elems[] = str_repeat($this->indent, $depth + 2) . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$this->format($val, $depth + 1); } return $out . implode(','.$this->newline, $elems) . $this->newline . str_repeat($this->indent, $depth + 1) . '}'; } return JsonFile::encode($data); } protected function detectIndenting() { if ($this->pregMatch('{^([ \t]+)"}m', $this->contents, $match)) { $this->indent = $match[1]; } else { $this->indent = ' '; } } protected function pregMatch($re, $str, &$matches = array()) { $count = preg_match($ $depth + 1) . '}'; } return JsonFile::encode($data); } protected function detectIndenting() { if ($this->pregMatch('{^([ \t]+)"}m', $this->contents, $match)) { $this->indent = $match[1]; } else { $this->indent = ' '; } } protected function pregMatch($re, $str, &$matches = array()) { $count = preg_match($re, $str, $matches); if ($count === false) { switch (preg_last_error()) { case PREG_NO_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_NO_ERROR', PREG_NO_ERROR); case PREG_INTERNAL_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_INTERNAL_ERROR', PREG_INTERNAL_ERROR); case PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR', PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR); case PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR', PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR); case PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR', PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR); case PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR', PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR); case 6: if (PHP_VERSION_ID > 70000) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR', 6); } default: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: Unknown error'); } } return $count; } } errors = $errors; parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } } getName()); $this->version = $version; $this->prettyVersion = $prettyVersion; $this->aliasOf = $aliasOf; $this->stability = VersionParser::parseStability($version); $this->dev = $this->stability === 'dev'; foreach (array('requires', 'devRequires', 'conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces') as $type) { $links = $aliasOf->{'get' . ucfirst($type)}(); $this->$type = $this->replaceSelfVersionDependencies($links, $type); } } public function getAliasOf() { return $this->aliasOf; } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getStability() { return $this->stability; } public function getPrettyVersion() { return $this->prettyVersion; } public function isDev() { return $this->dev; } public function getRequires() { return $this->requires; } public function getConflicts() { return $this->conflicts; } public function getProvides() { return $this->provides; } public function getReplaces() { return $this->replaces; } public function getDevRequires() { return $this->devRequires; } public function setRootPackageAlias($value) { return $this->rootPackageAlias = $value; } public function isRootPackageAlias() { return $this->rootPackageAlias; } protected function replaceSelfVersionDependencies(array $links, $linkType) { if (in_array($linkType, array('conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces'), true)) { $newLinks = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { if ('self.version' === $link->getPrettyConstraint()) { $newLinks[] = new Link($link->getSource(), $link->getTarget(), new Constraint('=', $this->version), $linkType, $this->prettyVersion); } } $links = array_merge($links, $newLinks); } else { foreach ($links as $index => $link) { if ('self.version' === $link->getPrettyConstraint()) { $links[$index] = new Link($link->getSource(), $link->getTarget(), new Constraint('=', $this->version), $linkType, $this->prettyVersion); } } } return $links; } public function getType() { return $this->aliasOf->getType(); } public function getTargetDir() { return $this->aliasOf->getTargetDir(); } public function getExtra() { return $this->aliasOf->getExtra(); } public function setInstallationSource($type) { $this->aliasOf->setInstallationSource($type); } public function getInstallationSource() { return $this->aliasOf->getInstallationSource(); } public function getSourceType() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceType(); } public function getSourceUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceUrl(); } public function getSourceUrls() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceUrls(); } public function getSourceReference() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceReference(); } public function setSourceReference($reference) { return $this->aliasOf->setSourceReference($reference); } public function setSourceMirrors($mirrors) { return $this->aliasOf->setSourceMirrors($mirrors); } public function getSourceMirrors() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceMirrors(); } public function getDistType() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistType(); } public function getDistUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistUrl(); } public function getDistUrls() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistUrls(); } public function getDistReference() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistReference(); } public function setDistReference($reference) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistReference($reference); } public function getDistSha1Checksum() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistSha1Checksum(); } public function setTransportOptions(array $options) { return $this->aliasOf->setTransportOptions($options); } public function getTransportOptions() { return $this->aliasOf->getTransportOptions(); } public function setDistMirrors($mirrors) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistMirrors($mirrors); } public function getDistMirrors() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistMirrors(); } public function getScripts() { return $this->aliasOf->getScripts(); } public function getLicense() { return $this->aliasOf->getLicense(); } public function getAutoload() { return $this->aliasOf->getAutoload(); } public function getDevAutoload() { return $this->aliasOf->getDevAutoload(); } public function getIncludePaths() { return $this->aliasOf->getIncludePaths(); } public function getRepositories() { return $this->aliasOf->getRepositories(); } public function getReleaseDate() { return $this->aliasOf->getReleaseDate(); } public function getBinaries() { return $this->aliasOf->getBinaries(); } public function getKeywords() { return $this->aliasOf->getKeywords(); } public function getDescription() { return $this->aliasOf->getDescription(); } public function getHomepage() { return $this->aliasOf->getHomepage(); } public function getSuggests() { return $this->aliasOf->getSuggests(); } public function getAuthors() { return $this->aliasOf->getAuthors(); } public function getSupport() { return $this->aliasOf->getSupport(); } public function getNotificationUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getNotificationUrl(); } public function getArchiveExcludes() { return $this->aliasOf->getArchiveExcludes(); } public function isAbandoned() { return $this->aliasOf->isAbandoned(); } public function getReplacementPackage() { return $this->aliasOf->getReplacementPackage(); } public function __toString() { return parent::__toString().' (alias of '.$this->aliasOf->getVersion().')'; } public function setDistUrl($url) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistUrl($url); } public function setDistType($type) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistType($type); } } getInnerIterator()->current(); if ($file->isDir()) { $this->dirs[] = (string) $file; return false; } return true; } public function addEmptyDir(PharData $phar, $sources) { foreach ($this->dirs as $filepath) { $localname = str_replace($sources . "/", '', $filepath); $phar->addEmptyDir($localname); } } } normalizePath($sources); if ($ignoreFilters) { $filters = array(); } else { $filters = array( new HgExcludeFilter($sources), new GitExcludeFilter($sources), new ComposerExcludeFilter($sources, $excludes), ); } $this->finder = new Finder(); $filter = function (\SplFileInfo $file) use ($sources, $filters, $fs) { if ($file->isLink() && strpos($file->getLinkTarget(), $sources) !== 0) { return false; } $relativePath = preg_replace( '#^'.preg_quote($sources, '#').'#', '', $fs->normalizePath($file->getRealPath()) ); $exclude = false; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $exclude = $filter->filter($relativePath, $exclude); } return !$exclude; }; if (method_exists($filter, 'bindTo')) { $filter = $filter->bindTo(null); } $this->finder ->in($sources) ->filter($filter) ->ignoreVCS(true) ->ignoreDotFiles(false); parent::__construct($this->finder->getIterator()); } public function accept() { $current = $this->getInnerIterator()->current(); if (!$current->isDir()) { return true; } $iterator = new FilesystemIterator($current, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); return !$iterator->valid(); } } downloadManager = $downloadManager; } public function addArchiver(ArchiverInterface $archiver) { $this->archivers[] = $archiver; } public function setOverwriteFiles($overwriteFiles) { $this->overwriteFiles = $overwriteFiles; return $this; } public function getPackageFilename(PackageInterface $package) { $nameParts = array(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9-_]#i', '-', $package->getName())); if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $package->getDistReference())) { array_push($nameParts, $package->getDistReference(), $package->getDistType()); } else { array_push($nameParts, $package->getPrettyVersion(), $package->getDistReference()); } if ($package->getSourceReference()) { $nameParts[] = substr(sha1($package->getSourceReference()), 0, 6); } $name = implode('-', array_filter($nameParts, function ($p) { return !empty($p); })); return str_replace('/', '-', $name); } public function archive(PackageInterface $package, $format, $targetDir, $fileName = null, $ignoreFilters = false) { if (empty($format)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Format must be specified'); } $usableArchiver = null; foreach ($this->archivers as $archiver) { if ($archiver->supports($format, $package->getSourceType())) { $usableArchiver = $archiver; break; } } if (null === $usableArchiver) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No archiver found to support %s format', $format)); } $filesystem = new Filesystem(); if (null === $fileName) { $packageName = $this->getPackageFilename($package); } else { $packageName = $fileName; } $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($targetDir); $target = realpath($targetDir).'/'.$packageName.'.'.$format; $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($target)); if (!$this->overwriteFiles && file_exists($target)) { return $target; } if ($package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $sourcePath = realpath('.'); } else { $sourcePath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid(); $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($sourcePath); try { $this->downloadManager->download($package, $sourcePath); } catch (\Exception $e) { $filesystem->removeDirectory($sourcePath); throw $e; } if (file_exists($composerJsonPath = $sourcePath.'/composer.json')) { $jsonFile = new JsonFile($composerJsonPath); $jsonData = $jsonFile->read(); if (!empty($jsonData['archive']['exclude'])) { $package->setArchiveExcludes($jsonData['archive']['exclude']); } } } $tempTarget = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid().'.'.$format; $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($tempTarget)); $archivePath = $usableArchiver->archive($sourcePath, $tempTarget, $format, $package->getArchiveExcludes(), $ignoreFilters); $filesystem->rename($archivePath, $target); if (!$package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $filesystem->removeDirectory($sourcePath); } $filesystem->remove($tempTarget); return $target; } } sourcePath = $sourcePath; $this->excludePatterns = array(); } public function filter($relativePath, $exclude) { foreach ($this->excludePatterns as $patternData) { list($pattern, $negate, $stripLeadingSlash) = $patternData; if ($stripLeadingSlash) { $path = substr($relativePath, 1); } else { $path = $relativePath; } if (preg_match($pattern, $path)) { $exclude = !$negate; } } return $exclude; } protected function parseLines(array $lines, $lineParser) { return array_filter( array_map( function ($line) use ($lineParser) { $line = trim($line); if (!$line || 0 === strpos($line, '#')) { return null; } return call_user_func($lineParser, $line); }, $lines ), function ($pattern) { return $pattern !== null; } ); } protected function generatePatterns($rules) { $patterns = array(); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $patterns[] = $this->generatePattern($rule); } return $patterns; } protected function generatePattern($rule) { $negate = false; $pattern = '{'; if (strlen($rule) && $rule[0] === '!') { $negate = true; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } if (strlen($rule) && $rule[0] === '/') { $pattern .= '^/'; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } elseif (strlen($rule) - 1 === strpos($rule, '/')) { $pattern .= '/'; $rule = substr($rule, 0, -1); } elseif (false === strpos($rule, '/')) { $pattern .= '/'; } $pattern .= substr(Finder\Glob::toRegex($rule), 2, -2) . '(?=$|/)'; return array($pattern . '}', $negate, false); } } excludePatterns = $this->generatePatterns($excludeRules); } } excludePatterns = $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.gitignore'), array($this, 'parseGitIgnoreLine') ); } if (file_exists($sourcePath.'/.gitattributes')) { $this->excludePatterns = array_merge( $this->excludePatterns, $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.gitattributes'), array($this, 'parseGitAttributesLine') ) ); } } public function parseGitIgnoreLine($line) { return $this->generatePattern($line); } public function parseGitAttributesLine($line) { $parts = preg_split('#\s+#', $line); if (count($parts) == 2 && $parts[1] === 'export-ignore') { return $this->generatePattern($parts[0]); } return null; } } 70000) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR', 6); } default: throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to execute regex: Unknown error'); } } return $count; } } errors = $errors; parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } } getName()); $this->version = $version; $this->prettyVersion = $prettyVersion; $this->aliasOf = $aliasOf; $this->stability = VersionParser::parseStability($version); $this->dev = $this->stability === 'dev'; foreach (array('requires', 'devRequires', 'conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces') as $type) { $links = $aliasOf->{'get' . ucfirst($type)}(); $this->$type = $this->replaceSelfVersionDependencies($links, $type); } } public function getAliasOf() { return $this->aliasOf; } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getStability() { return $this->stability; } public function getPrettyVersion() { return $this->prettyVersion; } public function isDev() { return $this->dev; } public function getRequires() { return $this->requires; } public function getConflicts() { return $this->conflicts; } public function getProvides() { return $this->provides; } public function getReplaces() { return $this->replaces; } public function getDevRequires() { return $this->devRequires; } public function setRootPackageAlias($value) { return $this->rootPackageAlias = $value; } public function isRootPackageAlias() { return $this->rootPackageAlias; } protected function replaceSelfVersionDependencies(array $links, $linkType) { if (in_array($linkType, array('conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces'), true)) { $newLinks = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { if ('self.version' === $link->getPrettyConstraint()) { $newLinks[] = new Link($link->getSource(), $link->getTarget(), new Constraint('=', $this->version), $linkType, $this->prettyVersion); } } $links = array_merge($links, $newLinks); } else { foreach ($links as $index => $link) { if ('self.version' === $link->getPrettyConstraint()) { $links[$index] = new Link($link->getSource(), $link->getTarget(), new Constraint('=', $this->version), $linkType, $this->prettyVersion); } } } return $links; } public function getType() { return $this->aliasOf->getType(); } public function getTargetDir() { return $this->aliasOf->getTargetDir(); } public function getExtra() { return $this->aliasOf->getExtra(); } public function setInstallationSource($type) { $this->aliasOf->setInstallationSource($type); } public function getInstallationSource() { return $this->aliasOf->getInstallationSource(); } public function getSourceType() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceType(); } public function getSourceUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceUrl(); } public function getSourceUrls() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceUrls(); } public function getSourceReference() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceReference(); } public function setSourceReference($reference) { return $this->aliasOf->setSourceReference($reference); } public function setSourceMirrors($mirrors) { return $this->aliasOf->setSourceMirrors($mirrors); } public function getSourceMirrors() { return $this->aliasOf->getSourceMirrors(); } public function getDistType() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistType(); } public function getDistUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistUrl(); } public function getDistUrls() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistUrls(); } public function getDistReference() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistReference(); } public function setDistReference($reference) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistReference($reference); } public function getDistSha1Checksum() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistSha1Checksum(); } public function setTransportOptions(array $options) { return $this->aliasOf->setTransportOptions($options); } public function getTransportOptions() { return $this->aliasOf->getTransportOptions(); } public function setDistMirrors($mirrors) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistMirrors($mirrors); } public function getDistMirrors() { return $this->aliasOf->getDistMirrors(); } public function getScripts() { return $this->aliasOf->getScripts(); } public function getLicense() { return $this->aliasOf->getLicense(); } public function getAutoload() { return $this->aliasOf->getAutoload(); } public function getDevAutoload() { return $this->aliasOf->getDevAutoload(); } public function getIncludePaths() { return $this->aliasOf->getIncludePaths(); } public function getRepositories() { return $this->aliasOf->getRepositories(); } public function getReleaseDate() { return $this->aliasOf->getReleaseDate(); } public function getBinaries() { return $this->aliasOf->getBinaries(); } public function getKeywords() { return $this->aliasOf->getKeywords(); } public function getDescription() { return $this->aliasOf->getDescription(); } public function getHomepage() { return $this->aliasOf->getHomepage(); } public function getSuggests() { return $this->aliasOf->getSuggests(); } public function getAuthors() { return $this->aliasOf->getAuthors(); } public function getSupport() { return $this->aliasOf->getSupport(); } public function getNotificationUrl() { return $this->aliasOf->getNotificationUrl(); } public function getArchiveExcludes() { return $this->aliasOf->getArchiveExcludes(); } public function isAbandoned() { return $this->aliasOf->isAbandoned(); } public function getReplacementPackage() { return $this->aliasOf->getReplacementPackage(); } public function __toString() { return parent::__toString().' (alias of '.$this->aliasOf->getVersion().')'; } public function setDistUrl($url) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistUrl($url); } public function setDistType($type) { return $this->aliasOf->setDistType($type); } } getInnerIterator()->current(); if ($file->isDir()) { $this->dirs[] = (string) $file; return false; } return true; } public function addEmptyDir(PharData $phar, $sources) { foreach ($this->dirs as $filepath) { $localname = str_replace($sources . "/", '', $filepath); $phar->addEmptyDir($localname); } } } normalizePath($sources); if ($ignoreFilters) { $filters = array(); } else { $filters = array( new HgExcludeFilter($sources), new GitExcludeFilter($sources), new ComposerExcludeFilter($sources, $excludes), ); } $this->finder = new Finder(); $filter = function (\SplFileInfo $file) use ($sources, $filters, $fs) { if ($file->isLink() && strpos($file->getLinkTarget(), $sources) !== 0) { return false; } $relativePath = preg_replace( '#^'.preg_quote($sources, '#').'#', '', $fs->normalizePath($file->getRealPath()) ); $exclude = false; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $exclude = $filter->filter($relativePath, $exclude); } return !$exclude; }; if (method_exists($filter, 'bindTo')) { $filter = $filter->bindTo(null); } $this->finder ->in($sources) ->filter($filter) ->ignoreVCS(true) ->ignoreDotFiles(false); parent::__construct($this->finder->getIterator()); } public function accept() { $current = $this->getInnerIterator()->current(); if (!$current->isDir()) { return true; } $iterator = new FilesystemIterator($current, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); return !$iterator->valid(); } } downloadManager = $downloadManager; } public function addArchiver(ArchiverInterface $archiver) { $this->archivers[] = $archiver; } public function setOverwriteFiles($overwriteFiles) { $this->overwriteFiles = $overwriteFiles; return $this; } public function getPackageFilename(PackageInterface $package) { $nameParts = array(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9-_]#i', '-', $package->getName())); if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}', $package->getDistReference())) { array_push($nameParts, $package->getDistReference(), $package->getDistType()); } else { array_push($nameParts, $package->getPrettyVersion(), $package->getDistReference()); } if ($package->getSourceReference()) { $nameParts[] = substr(sha1($package->getSourceReference()), 0, 6); } $name = implode('-', array_filter($nameParts, function ($p) { return !empty($p); })); return str_replace('/', '-', $name); } public function archive(PackageInterface $package, $format, $targetDir, $fileName = null, $ignoreFilters = false) { if (empty($format)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Format must be specified'); } $usableArchiver = null; foreach ($this->archivers as $archiver) { if ($archiver->supports($format, $package->getSourceType())) { $usableArchiver = $archiver; break; } } if (null === $usableArchiver) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No archiver found to support %s format', $format)); } $filesystem = new Filesystem(); if (null === $fileName) { $packageName = $this->getPackageFilename($package); } else { $packageName = $fileName; } $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($targetDir); $target = realpath($targetDir).'/'.$packageName.'.'.$format; $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($target)); if (!$this->overwriteFiles && file_exists($target)) { return $target; } if ($package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $sourcePath = realpath('.'); } else { $sourcePath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid(); $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($sourcePath); try { $this->downloadManager->download($package, $sourcePath); } catch (\Exception $e) { $filesystem->removeDirectory($sourcePath); throw $e; } if (file_exists($composerJsonPath = $sourcePath.'/composer.json')) { $jsonFile = new JsonFile($composerJsonPath); $jsonData = $jsonFile->read(); if (!empty($jsonData['archive']['exclude'])) { $package->setArchiveExcludes($jsonData['archive']['exclude']); } } } $tempTarget = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid().'.'.$format; $filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($tempTarget)); $archivePath = $usableArchiver->archive($sourcePath, $tempTarget, $format, $package->getArchiveExcludes(), $ignoreFilters); $filesystem->rename($archivePath, $target); if (!$package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $filesystem->removeDirectory($sourcePath); } $filesystem->remove($tempTarget); return $target; } } sourcePath = $sourcePath; $this->excludePatterns = array(); } public function filter($relativePath, $exclude) { foreach ($this->excludePatterns as $patternData) { list($pattern, $negate, $stripLeadingSlash) = $patternData; if ($stripLeadingSlash) { $path = substr($relativePath, 1); } else { $path = $relativePath; } if (preg_match($pattern, $path)) { $exclude = !$negate; } } return $exclude; } protected function parseLines(array $lines, $lineParser) { return array_filter( array_map( function ($line) use ($lineParser) { $line = trim($line); if (!$line || 0 === strpos($line, '#')) { return null; } return call_user_func($lineParser, $line); }, $lines ), function ($pattern) { return $pattern !== null; } ); } protected function generatePatterns($rules) { $patterns = array(); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $patterns[] = $this->generatePattern($rule); } return $patterns; } protected function generatePattern($rule) { $negate = false; $pattern = '{'; if (strlen($rule) && $rule[0] === '!') { $negate = true; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } if (strlen($rule) && $rule[0] === '/') { $pattern .= '^/'; $rule = substr($rule, 1); } elseif (strlen($rule) - 1 === strpos($rule, '/')) { $pattern .= '/'; $rule = substr($rule, 0, -1); } elseif (false === strpos($rule, '/')) { $pattern .= '/'; } $pattern .= substr(Finder\Glob::toRegex($rule), 2, -2) . '(?=$|/)'; return array($pattern . '}', $negate, false); } } excludePatterns = $this->generatePatterns($excludeRules); } } excludePatterns = $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.gitignore'), array($this, 'parseGitIgnoreLine') ); } if (file_exists($sourcePath.'/.gitattributes')) { $this->excludePatterns = array_merge( $this->excludePatterns, $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.gitattributes'), array($this, 'parseGitAttributesLine') ) ); } } public function parseGitIgnoreLine($line) { return $this->generatePattern($line); } public function parseGitAttributesLine($line) { $parts = preg_split('#\s+#', $line); if (count($parts) == 2 && $parts[1] === 'export-ignore') { return $this->generatePattern($parts[0]); } return null; } } patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_REGEX; if (file_exists($sourcePath.'/.hgignore')) { $this->excludePatterns = $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.hgignore'), array($this, 'parseHgIgnoreLine') ); } } public function parseHgIgnoreLine($line) { if (preg_match('#^syntax\s*:\s*(glob|regexp)$#', $line, $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === 'glob') { $this->patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_GLOB; } else { $this->patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_REGEX; } return null; } if ($this->patternMode == self::HG_IGNORE_GLOB) { return $this->patternFromGlob($line); } return $this->patternFromRegex($line); } protected function patternFromGlob($line) { $pattern = '#'.substr(Finder\Glob::toRegex($line), 2, -1).'#'; $pattern = str_replace('[^/]*', '.*', $pattern); return array($pattern, false, true); } public function patternFromRegex($line) { $pattern = '#'.preg_replace('/((?:\\\\\\\\)*)(\\\\?)#/', '\1\2\2\\#', $line).'#'; return array($pattern, false, true); } } \Phar::ZIP, 'tar' => \Phar::TAR, 'tar.gz' => \Phar::TAR, 'tar.bz2' => \Phar::TAR, ); protected static $compressFormats = array( 'tar.gz' => \Phar::GZ, 'tar.bz2' => \Phar::BZ2, ); public function archive($sources, $target, $format, array $excludes = array(), $ignoreFilters = false) { $sources = realpath($sources); if (file_exists($target)) { unlink($target); } try { $filename = substr($target, 0, strrpos($target, $format) - 1); if (isset(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { $target = $filename . '.tar'; } $phar = new \PharData($target, null, null, static::$formats[$format]); $files = new ArchivableFilesFinder($sources, $excludes, $ignoreFilters); $filesOnly = new ArchivableFilesFilter($files); $phar->buildFromIterator($filesOnly, $sources); $filesOnly->addEmptyDir($phar, $sources); if (isset(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { if (!$phar->canCompress(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Can not compress to %s format', $format)); } unlink($target); $phar->compress(static::$compressFormats[$format]); $target = $filename . '.' . $format; } return $target; } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $message = sprintf( "Could not create archive '%s' from '%s': %s", $target, $sources, $e->getMessage() ); throw new \RuntimeException($message, $e->getCode(), $e); } } public function supports($format, $sourceType) { return isset(static::$formats[$format]); } } 1, ); public function archive($sources, $target, $format, array $excludes = array(), $ignoreFilters = false) { $fs = new Filesystem(); $sources = $fs->normalizePath($sources); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($target, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === true) { $files = new ArchivableFilesFinder($sources, $excludes, $ignoreFilters); foreach ($files as $file) { $filepath = strtr($file->getPath()."/".$file->getFilename(), '\\', '/'); $localname = str_replace($sources.'/', '', $filepath); if ($file->isDir()) { $zip->addEmptyDir($localname); } else { $zip->addFile($filepath, $localname); } } if ($zip->close()) { return $target; } } $message = sprintf( "Could not create archive '%s' from '%s': %s", $target, $sources, $zip->getStatusString() ); throw new \RuntimeException($message); } public function supports($format, $sourceType) { return isset(static::$formats[$format]) && $this->compressionAvailable(); } private function compressionAvailable() { return class_exists('ZipArchive'); } } array('description' => 'requires', 'method' => 'requires'), 'conflict' => array('description' => 'conflicts', 'method' => 'conflicts'), 'provide' => array('description' => 'provides', 'method' => 'provides'), 'replace' => array('description' => 'replaces', 'method' => 'replaces'), 'require-dev' => array('description' => 'requires (for development)', 'method' => 'devRequires'), ); const STABILITY_STABLE = 0; const STABILITY_RC = 5; const STABILITY_BETA = 10; const STABILITY_ALPHA = 15; const STABILITY_DEV = 20; public static $stabilities = array( 'stable' => self::STABILITY_STABLE, 'RC' => self::STABILITY_RC, 'beta' => self::STABILITY_BETA, 'alpha' => self::STABILITY_ALPHA, 'dev' => self::STABILITY_DEV, ); public $id; protected $name; protected $prettyName; protected $repository; protected $transportOptions = array(); public function __construct($name) { $this->prettyName = $name; $this->name = strtolower($name); $this->id = -1; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getPrettyName() { return $this->prettyName; } public function getNames() { $names = array( $this->getName() => true, ); foreach ($this->getProvides() as $link) { $names[$link->getTarget()] = true; } foreach ($this->getReplaces() as $link) { $names[$link->getTarget()] = true; } return array_keys($names); } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setRepository(RepositoryInterface $repository) { if ($this->repository && $repository !== $this->repository) { throw new \LogicException('A package can only be added to one repository'); } $this->repository = $repository; } public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } public function getTransportOptions() { return $this->transportOptions; } public function setTransportOptions(array $options) { $this->transportOptions = $options; } public function isPlatform() { return $this->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository; } public function getUniqueName() { return $this->getName().'-'.$this->getVersion(); } public function equals(PackageInterface $package) { $self = $this; if ($this instanceof AliasPackage) { $self = $this->getAliasOf(); } if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package = $package->getAliasOf(); } return $package === $self; } public function __toString() { return $this->getUniqueName(); } public function getPrettyString() { return $this->getPrettyName().' '.$this->getPrettyVersion(); } public function getFullPrettyVersion($truncate = true) { if (!$this->isDev() || !in_array($this->getSourceType(), array('hg', 'git'))) { return $this->getPrettyVersion(); } if ($truncate && strlen($this->getSourceReference()) === 40) { return $this->getPrettyVersion() . ' ' . substr($this->getSourceReference(), 0, 7); } return $this->getPrettyVersion() . ' ' . $this->getSourceReference(); } public function getStabilityPriority() { return self::$stabilities[$this->getStability()]; } public function __clone() { $this->repository = null; $this->id = -1; } public static function packageNameToRegexp($whiteListedPattern, $wrap = '{^%s$}i') { $cleanedWhiteListedPattern = str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($whiteListedPattern)); return sprintf($wrap, $cleanedWhiteListedPattern); } } source = $source; } public function setUpdate($update) { $this->update = $update; } public function getChanged($toString = false, $explicated = false) { $changed = $this->changed; if (!count($changed)) { return false; } if ($explicated) { foreach ($changed as $sectionKey => $itemSection) { foreach ($itemSection as $itemKey => $item) { $changed[$sectionKey][$itemKey] = $item.' ('.$sectionKey.')'; } } } if ($toString) { foreach ($changed as $sectionKey => $itemSection) { foreach ($itemSection as $itemKey => $item) { $changed['string'][] = $item."\r\n"; } } $changed = implode("\r\n", $changed['string']); } return $changed; } public function doCompare() { $source = array(); $destination = array(); $this->changed = array(); $currentDirectory = getcwd(); chdir($this->source); $source = $this->doTree('.', $source); if (!is_array($source)) { return; } chdir($currentDirectory); chdir($this->update); $destination = $this->doTree('.', $destination); if (!is_array($destination)) { exit; } chdir($currentDirectory); foreach ($source as $dir => $value) { foreach ($value as $file => $hash) { if (isset($destination[$dir][$file])) { if ($hash !== $destination[$dir][$file]) { $this->changed['changed'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } else { $this->changed['removed'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } } foreach ($destination as $dir => $value) { foreach ($value as $file => $hash) { if (!isset($source[$dir][$file])) { $this->changed['added'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } } } private function doTree($dir, &$array) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) { if (!count($array)) { $array[0] = 'Temp'; } if (!$this->doTree($dir.'/'.$file, $array)) { return false; } } else { if (filesize($dir.'/'.$file)) { set_time_limit(30); $array[$dir][$file] = md5_file($dir.'/'.$file); } } } } if (count($array) > 1 && isset($array['0'])) { unset($array['0']); } return $array; } return false; } } scripts = $scripts; } public function getScripts() { return $this->scripts; } public function setRepositories($repositories) { $this->repositories = $repositories; } public function getRepositories() { return $this->repositories; } public function setLicense(array $license) { $this->license = $license; } public function getLicense() { return $this->license; } public function setKeywords(array $keywords) { $this->keywords = $keywords; } public function getKeywords() { return $this->keywords; } public function setAuthors(array $authors) { $this->authors = $authors; } public function getAuthors() { return $this->authors; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setHomepage($homepage) { $this->homepage = $homepage; } public function getHomepage() { return $this->homepage; } public function setSupport(array $support) { $this->support = $support; } public function getSupport() { return $this->support; } public function isAbandoned() { return (bool) $this->abandoned; } public function setAbandoned($abandoned) { $this->abandoned = $abandoned; } public function getReplacementPackage() { return is_string($this->abandoned) ? $this->abandoned : null; } } 'bin', 'type', 'extra', 'installationSource' => 'installation-source', 'autoload', 'devAutoload' => 'autoload-dev', 'notificationUrl' => 'notification-url', 'includePaths' => 'include-path', ); $data = array(); $data['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $data['version'] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); $data['version_normalized'] = $package->getVersion(); if ($package->getTargetDir()) { $data['target-dir'] = $package->getTargetDir(); } if ($package->getSourceType()) { $data['source']['type'] = $package->getSourceType(); $data['source']['url'] = $package->getSourceUrl(); if (null !== ($value = $package->getSourceReference())) { $data['source']['reference'] = $value; } if ($mirrors = $package->getSourceMirrors()) { $data['source']['mirrors'] = $mirrors; } } if ($package->getDistType()) { $data['dist']['type'] = $package->getDistType(); $data['dist']['url'] = $package->getDistUrl(); if (null !== ($value = $package->getDistReference())) { $data['dist']['reference'] = $value; } if (null !== ($value = $package->getDistSha1Checksum())) { $data['dist']['shasum'] = $value; } if ($mirrors = $package->getDistMirrors()) { $data['dist']['mirrors'] = $mirrors; } } if ($package->getArchiveExcludes()) { $data['archive']['exclude'] = $package->getArchiveExcludes(); } foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) { if ($links = $package->{'get'.ucfirst($opts['method'])}()) { foreach ($links as $link) { $data[$type][$link->getTarget()] = $link->getPrettyConstraint(); } ksort($data[$type]); } } if ($packages = $package->getSuggests()) { ksort($packages); $data['suggest'] = $packages; } if ($package->getReleaseDate()) { $data['time'] = $package->getReleaseDate()->format(DATE_RFC3339); } $data = $this->dumpValues($package, $keys, $data); if ($package instanceof CompletePackageInterface) { $keys = array( 'scripts', 'license', 'authors', 'description', 'homepage', 'keywords', 'repositories', 'support', ); $data = $this->dumpValues($package, $keys, $data); if (isset($data['keywords']) && is_array($data['keywords'])) { sort($data['keywords']); } if ($package->isAbandoned()) { $data['abandoned'] = $package->getReplacementPackage() ?: true; } } if ($package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $minimumStability = $package->getMinimumStability(); if ($minimumStability) { $data['minimum-stability'] = $minimumStability; } } if (count($package->getTransportOptions()) > 0) { $data['transport-options'] = $package->getTransportOptions(); } return $data; } private function dumpValues(PackageInterface $package, array $keys, array $data) { foreach ($keys as $method => $key) { if (is_numeric($method)) { $method = $key; } $getter = 'get'.ucfirst($method); $value = $package->$getter(); if (null !== $value && !(is_array($value) && 0 === count($value))) { $data[$key] = $value; } } return $data; } } source = strtolower($source); $this->target = strtolower($target); $this->constraint = $constraint; $this->description = $description; $this->prettyConstraint = $prettyConstraint; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function getSource() { return $this->source; } public function getTarget() { return $this->target; } public function getConstraint() { return $this->constraint; } public function getPrettyConstraint() { if (null === $this->prettyConstraint) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Link %s has been misconfigured and had no prettyConstraint given.', $this)); } return $this->prettyConstraint; } public function __toString() { return $this->source.' '.$this->description.' '.$this->target.' ('.$this->constraint.')'; } public function getPrettyString(PackageInterface $sourcePackage) { return $sourcePackage->getPrettyString().' '.$this->description.' '.$this->target.' '.$this->constraint->getPrettyString().''; } } patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_REGEX; if (file_exists($sourcePath.'/.hgignore')) { $this->excludePatterns = $this->parseLines( file($sourcePath.'/.hgignore'), array($this, 'parseHgIgnoreLine') ); } } public function parseHgIgnoreLine($line) { if (preg_match('#^syntax\s*:\s*(glob|regexp)$#', $line, $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === 'glob') { $this->patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_GLOB; } else { $this->patternMode = self::HG_IGNORE_REGEX; } return null; } if ($this->patternMode == self::HG_IGNORE_GLOB) { return $this->patternFromGlob($line); } return $this->patternFromRegex($line); } protected function patternFromGlob($line) { $pattern = '#'.substr(Finder\Glob::toRegex($line), 2, -1).'#'; $pattern = str_replace('[^/]*', '.*', $pattern); return array($pattern, false, true); } public function patternFromRegex($line) { $pattern = '#'.preg_replace('/((?:\\\\\\\\)*)(\\\\?)#/', '\1\2\2\\#', $line).'#'; return array($pattern, false, true); } } \Phar::ZIP, 'tar' => \Phar::TAR, 'tar.gz' => \Phar::TAR, 'tar.bz2' => \Phar::TAR, ); protected static $compressFormats = array( 'tar.gz' => \Phar::GZ, 'tar.bz2' => \Phar::BZ2, ); public function archive($sources, $target, $format, array $excludes = array(), $ignoreFilters = false) { $sources = realpath($sources); if (file_exists($target)) { unlink($target); } try { $filename = substr($target, 0, strrpos($target, $format) - 1); if (isset(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { $target = $filename . '.tar'; } $phar = new \PharData($target, null, null, static::$formats[$format]); $files = new ArchivableFilesFinder($sources, $excludes, $ignoreFilters); $filesOnly = new ArchivableFilesFilter($files); $phar->buildFromIterator($filesOnly, $sources); $filesOnly->addEmptyDir($phar, $sources); if (isset(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { if (!$phar->canCompress(static::$compressFormats[$format])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Can not compress to %s format', $format)); } unlink($target); $phar->compress(static::$compressFormats[$format]); $target = $filename . '.' . $format; } return $target; } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $message = sprintf( "Could not create archive '%s' from '%s': %s", $target, $sources, $e->getMessage() ); throw new \RuntimeException($message, $e->getCode(), $e); } } public function supports($format, $sourceType) { return isset(static::$formats[$format]); } } 1, ); public function archive($sources, $target, $format, array $excludes = array(), $ignoreFilters = false) { $fs = new Filesystem(); $sources = $fs->normalizePath($sources); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($target, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === true) { $files = new ArchivableFilesFinder($sources, $excludes, $ignoreFilters); foreach ($files as $file) { $filepath = strtr($file->getPath()."/".$file->getFilename(), '\\', '/'); $localname = str_replace($sources.'/', '', $filepath); if ($file->isDir()) { $zip->addEmptyDir($localname); } else { $zip->addFile($filepath, $localname); } } if ($zip->close()) { return $target; } } $message = sprintf( "Could not create archive '%s' from '%s': %s", $target, $sources, $zip->getStatusString() ); throw new \RuntimeException($message); } public function supports($format, $sourceType) { return isset(static::$formats[$format]) && $this->compressionAvailable(); } private function compressionAvailable() { return class_exists('ZipArchive'); } } array('description' => 'requires', 'method' => 'requires'), 'conflict' => array('description' => 'conflicts', 'method' => 'conflicts'), 'provide' => array('description' => 'provides', 'method' => 'provides'), 'replace' => array('description' => 'replaces', 'method' => 'replaces'), 'require-dev' => array('description' => 'requires (for development)', 'method' => 'devRequires'), ); const STABILITY_STABLE = 0; const STABILITY_RC = 5; const STABILITY_BETA = 10; const STABILITY_ALPHA = 15; const STABILITY_DEV = 20; public static $stabilities = array( 'stable' => self::STABILITY_STABLE, 'RC' => self::STABILITY_RC, 'beta' => self::STABILITY_BETA, 'alpha' => self::STABILITY_ALPHA, 'dev' => self::STABILITY_DEV, ); public $id; protected $name; protected $prettyName; protected $repository; protected $transportOptions = array(); public function __construct($name) { $this->prettyName = $name; $this->name = strtolower($name); $this->id = -1; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getPrettyName() { return $this->prettyName; } public function getNames() { $names = array( $this->getName() => true, ); foreach ($this->getProvides() as $link) { $names[$link->getTarget()] = true; } foreach ($this->getReplaces() as $link) { $names[$link->getTarget()] = true; } return array_keys($names); } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setRepository(RepositoryInterface $repository) { if ($this->repository && $repository !== $this->repository) { throw new \LogicException('A package can only be added to one repository'); } $this->repository = $repository; } public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } public function getTransportOptions() { return $this->transportOptions; } public function setTransportOptions(array $options) { $this->transportOptions = $options; } public function isPlatform() { return $this->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository; } public function getUniqueName() { return $this->getName().'-'.$this->getVersion(); } public function equals(PackageInterface $package) { $self = $this; if ($this instanceof AliasPackage) { $self = $this->getAliasOf(); } if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package = $package->getAliasOf(); } return $package === $self; } public function __toString() { return $this->getUniqueName(); } public function getPrettyString() { return $this->getPrettyName().' '.$this->getPrettyVersion(); } public function getFullPrettyVersion($truncate = true) { if (!$this->isDev() || !in_array($this->getSourceType(), array('hg', 'git'))) { return $this->getPrettyVersion(); } if ($truncate && strlen($this->getSourceReference()) === 40) { return $this->getPrettyVersion() . ' ' . substr($this->getSourceReference(), 0, 7); } return $this->getPrettyVersion() . ' ' . $this->getSourceReference(); } public function getStabilityPriority() { return self::$stabilities[$this->getStability()]; } public function __clone() { $this->repository = null; $this->id = -1; } public static function packageNameToRegexp($whiteListedPattern, $wrap = '{^%s$}i') { $cleanedWhiteListedPattern = str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($whiteListedPattern)); return sprintf($wrap, $cleanedWhiteListedPattern); } } source = $source; } public function setUpdate($update) { $this->update = $update; } public function getChanged($toString = false, $explicated = false) { $changed = $this->changed; if (!count($changed)) { return false; } if ($explicated) { foreach ($changed as $sectionKey => $itemSection) { foreach ($itemSection as $itemKey => $item) { $changed[$sectionKey][$itemKey] = $item.' ('.$sectionKey.')'; } } } if ($toString) { foreach ($changed as $sectionKey => $itemSection) { foreach ($itemSection as $itemKey => $item) { $changed['string'][] = $item."\r\n"; } } $changed = implode("\r\n", $changed['string']); } return $changed; } public function doCompare() { $source = array(); $destination = array(); $this->changed = array(); $currentDirectory = getcwd(); chdir($this->source); $source = $this->doTree('.', $source); if (!is_array($source)) { return; } chdir($currentDirectory); chdir($this->update); $destination = $this->doTree('.', $destination); if (!is_array($destination)) { exit; } chdir($currentDirectory); foreach ($source as $dir => $value) { foreach ($value as $file => $hash) { if (isset($destination[$dir][$file])) { if ($hash !== $destination[$dir][$file]) { $this->changed['changed'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } else { $this->changed['removed'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } } foreach ($destination as $dir => $value) { foreach ($value as $file => $hash) { if (!isset($source[$dir][$file])) { $this->changed['added'][] = $dir.'/'.$file; } } } } private function doTree($dir, &$array) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) { if (!count($array)) { $array[0] = 'Temp'; } if (!$this->doTree($dir.'/'.$file, $array)) { return false; } } else { if (filesize($dir.'/'.$file)) { set_time_limit(30); $array[$dir][$file] = md5_file($dir.'/'.$file); } } } } if (count($array) > 1 && isset($array['0'])) { unset($array['0']); } return $array; } return false; } } scripts = $scripts; } public function getScripts() { return $this->scripts; } public function setRepositories($repositories) { $this->repositories = $repositories; } public function getRepositories() { return $this->repositories; } public function setLicense(array $license) { $this->license = $license; } public function getLicense() { return $this->license; } public function setKeywords(array $keywords) { $this->keywords = $keywords; } public function getKeywords() { return $this->keywords; } public function setAuthors(array $authors) { $this->authors = $authors; } public function getAuthors() { return $this->authors; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setHomepage($homepage) { $this->homepage = $homepage; } public function getHomepage() { return $this->homepage; } public function setSupport(array $support) { $this->support = $support; } public function getSupport() { return $this->support; } public function isAbandoned() { return (bool) $this->abandoned; } public function setAbandoned($abandoned) { $this->abandoned = $abandoned; } public function getReplacementPackage() { return is_string($this->abandoned) ? $this->abandoned : null; } } 'bin', 'type', 'extra', 'installationSource' => 'installation-source', 'autoload', 'devAutoload' => 'autoload-dev', 'notificationUrl' => 'notification-url', 'includePaths' => 'include-path', ); $data = array(); $data['name'] = $package->getPrettyName(); $data['version'] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); $data['version_normalized'] = $package->getVersion(); if ($package->getTargetDir()) { $data['target-dir'] = $package->getTargetDir(); } if ($package->getSourceType()) { $data['source']['type'] = $package->getSourceType(); $data['source']['url'] = $package->getSourceUrl(); if (null !== ($value = $package->getSourceReference())) { $data['source']['reference'] = $value; } if ($mirrors = $package->getSourceMirrors()) { $data['source']['mirrors'] = $mirrors; } } if ($package->getDistType()) { $data['dist']['type'] = $package->getDistType(); $data['dist']['url'] = $package->getDistUrl(); if (null !== ($value = $package->getDistReference())) { $data['dist']['reference'] = $value; } if (null !== ($value = $package->getDistSha1Checksum())) { $data['dist']['shasum'] = $value; } if ($mirrors = $package->getDistMirrors()) { $data['dist']['mirrors'] = $mirrors; } } if ($package->getArchiveExcludes()) { $data['archive']['exclude'] = $package->getArchiveExcludes(); } foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) { if ($links = $package->{'get'.ucfirst($opts['method'])}()) { foreach ($links as $link) { $data[$type][$link->getTarget()] = $link->getPrettyConstraint(); } ksort($data[$type]); } } if ($packages = $package->getSuggests()) { ksort($packages); $data['suggest'] = $packages; } if ($package->getReleaseDate()) { $data['time'] = $package->getReleaseDate()->format(DATE_RFC3339); } $data = $this->dumpValues($package, $keys, $data); if ($package instanceof CompletePackageInterface) { $keys = array( 'scripts', 'license', 'authors', 'description', 'homepage', 'keywords', 'repositories', 'support', ); $data = $this->dumpValues($package, $keys, $data); if (isset($data['keywords']) && is_array($data['keywords'])) { sort($data['keywords']); } if ($package->isAbandoned()) { $data['abandoned'] = $package->getReplacementPackage() ?: true; } } if ($package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $minimumStability = $package->getMinimumStability(); if ($minimumStability) { $data['minimum-stability'] = $minimumStability; } } if (count($package->getTransportOptions()) > 0) { $data['transport-options'] = $package->getTransportOptions(); } return $data; } private function dumpValues(PackageInterface $package, array $keys, array $data) { foreach ($keys as $method => $key) { if (is_numeric($method)) { $method = $key; } $getter = 'get'.ucfirst($method); $value = $package->$getter(); if (null !== $value && !(is_array($value) && 0 === count($value))) { $data[$key] = $value; } } return $data; } } source = strtolower($source); $this->target = strtolower($target); $this->constraint = $constraint; $this->description = $description; $this->prettyConstraint = $prettyConstraint; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function getSource() { return $this->source; } public function getTarget() { return $this->target; } public function getConstraint() { return $this->constraint; } public function getPrettyConstraint() { if (null === $this->prettyConstraint) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Link %s has been misconfigured and had no prettyConstraint given.', $this)); } return $this->prettyConstraint; } public function __toString() { return $this->source.' '.$this->description.' '.$this->target.' ('.$this->constraint.')'; } public function getPrtrigger_error('The ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\EmptyConstraint class is deprecated, use Composer\Semver\Constraint\EmptyConstraint instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); class EmptyConstraint extends SemverEmptyConstraint implements LinkConstraintInterface { } versionParser = $parser; $this->loadOptions = $loadOptions; } public function load(array $config, $class = 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage') { if (!isset($config['name'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown package has no name defined ('.json_encode($config).').'); } if (!isset($config['version'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Package '.$config['name'].' has no version defined.'); } if (isset($config['version_normalized'])) { $version = $config['version_normalized']; } else { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($config['version']); } $package = new $class($config['name'], $version, $config['version']); $package->setType(isset($config['type']) ? strtolower($config['type']) : 'library'); if (isset($config['target-dir'])) { $package->setTargetDir($config['target-dir']); } if (isset($config['extra']) && is_array($config['extra'])) { $package->setExtra($config['extra']); } if (isset($config['bin'])) { foreach ((array) $config['bin'] as $key => $bin) { $config['bin'][$key] = ltrim($bin, '/'); } $package->setBinaries((array) $config['bin']); } if (isset($config['installation-source'])) { $package->setInstallationSource($config['installation-source']); } if (isset($config['source'])) { if (!isset($config['source']['type']) || !isset($config['source']['url']) || !isset($config['source']['reference'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf( "Package %s's source key should be specified as {\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['source']) )); } $package->setSourceType($config['source']['type']); $package->setSourceUrl($config['source']['url']); $package->setSourceReference(isset($config['source']['reference']) ? $config['source']['reference'] : null); if (isset($config['source']['mirrors'])) { $package->setSourceMirrors($config['source']['mirrors']); } } if (isset($config['dist'])) { if (!isset($config['dist']['type']) || !isset($config['dist']['url'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf( "Package %s's dist key should be specified as ". "{\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ..., \"shasum\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['dist']) )); } $package->setDistType($config['dist']['type']); $package->setDistUrl($config['dist']['url']); $package->setDistReference(isset($config['dist']['reference']) ? $config['dist']['reference'] : null); $package->setDistSha1Checksum(isset($config['dist']['shasum']) ? $config['dist']['shasum'] : null); if (isset($config['dist']['mirrors'])) { $package->setDistMirrors($config['dist']['mirrors']); } } foreach (Package\BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) { if (isset($config[$type])) { $method = 'set'.ucfirst($opts['method']); $package->{$method}( $this->parseLinks( $package->getName(), $package->getPrettyVersion(), $opts['description'], $config[$type] ) ); } } if (isset($config['suggest']) && is_array($config['suggest'])) { foreach ($config['suggest'] as $target => $reason) { if ('self.version' === trim($reason)) { $config['suggest'][$target] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } } $package->setSuggests($config['suggest']); } if (isset($config['autoload'])) { $package->setAutoload($config['autoload']); } if (isset($config['autoload-dev'])) { $package->setDevAutoload($config['autoload-dev']); } if (isset($config['include-path'])) { $package->setIncludePaths($config['include-path']); } if (!empty($config['time'])) { $time = preg_match('/^\d++$/D', $config['time']) ? '@'.$config['time'] : $config['time']; try { $date = new \DateTime($time, new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $package->setReleaseDate($date); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } if (!empty($config['notification-url'])) { $package->setNotificationUrl($config['notification-url']); } if (!empty($config['archive']['exclude'])) { $package->setArchiveExcludes($config['archive']['exclude']); } if ($package instanceof Package\CompletePackageInterface) { if (isset($config['scripts']) && is_array($config['scripts'])) { foreach ($config['scripts'] as $event => $listeners) { $config['scripts'][$event] = (array) $listeners; } if (isset($config['scripts']['composer'])) { trigger_error('The `composer` script name is reserved for internal use, please avoid defining it', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $package->setScripts($config['scripts']); } if (!empty($config['description']) && is_string($config['description'])) { $package->setDescription($config['description']); } if (!empty($config['homepage']) && is_string($config['homepage'])) { $package->setHomepage($config['homepage']); } if (!empty($config['keywords']) && is_array($config['keywords'])) { $package->setKeywords($config['keywords']); } if (!empty($config['license'])) { $package->setLicense(is_array($config['license']) ? $config['license'] : array($config['license'])); } if (!empty($config['authors']) && is_array($config['authors'])) { $package->setAuthors($config['authors']); } if (isset($config['support'])) { $package->setSupport($config['support']); } if (isset($config['abandoned'])) { $package->setAbandoned($config['abandoned']); } } if ($aliasNormalized = $this->getBranchAlias($config)) { if ($package instanceof RootPackageInterface) { $package = new RootAliasPackage($package, $aliasNormalized, preg_replace('{(\.9{7})+}', '.x', $aliasNormalized)); } else { $package = new AliasPackage($package, $aliasNormalized, preg_replace('{(\.9{7})+}', '.x', $aliasNormalized)); } } if ($this->loadOptions && isset($config['transport-options'])) { $package->setTransportOptions($config['transport-options']); } return $package; } public function parseLinks($source, $sourceVersion, $description, $links) { $res = array(); foreach ($links as $target => $constraint) { if (!is_string($constraint)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Link constraint in '.$source.' '.$description.' > '.$target.' should be a string, got '.gettype($constraint) . ' (' . var_export($constraint, true) . ')'); } if ('self.version' === $constraint) { $parsedConstraint = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($sourceVersion); } else { $parsedConstraint = $this->versionParser->parseConstraints($constraint); } $res[strtolower($target)] = new Link($source, $target, $parsedConstraint, $description, $constraint); } return $res; } public function getBranchAlias(array $config) { if (('dev-' !== substr($config['version'], 0, 4) && '-dev' !== substr($config['version'], -4)) || !isset($config['extra']['branch-alias']) || !is_array($config['extra']['branch-alias']) ) { return; } foreach ($config['extra']['branch-alias'] as $sourceBranch => $targetBranch) { if ('-dev' !== substr($targetBranch, -4)) { continue; } $validatedTargetBranch = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch(substr($targetBranch, 0, -4)); if ('-dev' !== substr($validatedTargetBranch, -4)) { continue; } if (strtolower($config['version']) !== strtolower($sourceBranch)) { continue; } if (($sourcePrefix = $this->versionParser->parseNumericAliasPrefix($sourceBranch)) && ($targetPrefix = $this->versionParser->parseNumericAliasPrefix($targetBranch)) && (stripos($targetPrefix, $sourcePrefix) !== 0) ) { continue; } return $validatedTargetBranch; } } } errors = $errors; $this->warnings = $warnings; $this->data = $data; parent::__construct("Invalid package information: \n".implode("\n", array_merge($errors, $warnings))); } public function getData() { return $this->data; } public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } public function getWarnings() { return $this->warnings; } } loader = $loader; } public function load($json) { if ($json instanceof JsonFile) { $config = $json->read(); } elseif (file_exists($json)) { $config = JsonFile::parseJson(file_get_contents($json), $json); } elseif (is_string($json)) { $config = JsonFile::parseJson($json); } return $this->loader->load($config); } } manager = $manager; $this->config = $config; $this->versionGuesser = $versionGuesser ?: new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor(), $this->versionParser); $this->io = $io; } public function load(array $config, $class = 'Composer\Package\RootPackage', $cwd = null) { if (!isset($config['name'])) { $config['name'] = '__root__'; } elseif ($this->io) { if ($err = ValidatingArrayLoader::hasPackageNamingError($config['name'])) { $this->io->writeError('Deprecation warning: Your package name '.$err.' Make sure you fix this as Composer 2.0 will error.'); } } $autoVersioned = false; if (!isset($config['version'])) { $commit = null; if (getenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION')) { $config['version'] = getenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION'); } else { $versionData = $this->versionGuesser->guessVersion($config, $cwd ?: getcwd()); if ($versionData) { $config['version'] = $versionData['pretty_version']; $config['version_normalized'] = $versionData['version']; $commit = $versionData['commit']; } } if (!isset($config['version'])) { $config['version'] = '1.0.0'; $autoVersioned = true; } if ($commit) { $config['source'] = array( 'type' => '', 'url' => '', 'reference' => $commit, ); $config['dist'] = array( 'type' => '', 'url' => '', 'reference' => $commit, ); } } $realPackage = $package = parent::load($config, $class); if ($realPackage instanceof AliasPackage) { $realPackage = $package->getAliasOf(); } if ($autoVersioned) { $realPackage->replaceVersion($realPackage->getVersion(), 'No version set (parsed as 1.0.0)'); } if (isset($config['minimum-stability'])) { $realPackage->setMinimumStability(VersionParser::normalizeStability($config['minimum-stability'])); } $aliases = array(); $stabilityFlags = array(); $references = array(); foreach (array('require', 'require-dev') as $linkType) { if (isset($config[$linkType])) { $linkInfo = BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes[$linkType]; $method = 'get'.ucfirst($linkInfo['method']); $links = array(); foreach ($realPackage->$method() as $link) { $links[$link->getTarget()] = $link->getConstraint()->getPrettyString(); } $aliases = $this->extractAliases($links, $aliases); $stabilityFlags = $this->extractStabilityFlags($links, $stabilityFlags, $realPackage->getMinimumStability()); $references = $this->extractReferences($links, $references); } } if ($this->io) { foreach (array_keys(BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes) as $linkType) { if (isset($config[$linkType])) { foreach ($config[$linkType] as $linkName => $constraint) { if ($err = ValidatingArrayLoader::hasPackageNamingError($linkName, true)) { $this->io->writeError('Deprecation warning: '.$linkType.'.'.$err.' Make sure you fix this as Composer 2.0 will error.'); } } } } } if (isset($links[$config['name']])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json' . PHP_EOL . 'Did you accidentally name your root package after an external package?', $config['name'])); } $realPackage->setAliases($aliases); $realPackage->setStabilityFlags($stabilityFlags); $realPackage->setReferences($references); if (isset($config['prefer-stable'])) { $realPackage->setPreferStable((bool) $config['prefer-stable']); } if (isset($config['config'])) { $realPackage->setConfig($config['config']); } $repos = RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos(null, $this->config, $this->manager); foreach ($repos as $repo) { $this->manager->addRepository($repo); } $realPackage->setRepositories($this->config->getRepositories()); return $package; } private function extractAliases(array $requires, array $aliases) { foreach ($requires as $reqName => $reqVersion) { if (preg_match('{^([^,\s#]+)(?:#[^ ]+)? +as +([^,\s]+)$}', $reqVersion, $match)) { $aliases[] = array( 'package' => strtolower($reqName), 'version' => $this->versionParser->normalize($match[1], $reqVersion), 'alias' => $match[2], 'alias_normalized' => $this->versionParser->normalize($match[2], $reqVersion), ); } } return $aliases; } private function extractStabilityFlags(array $requires, array $stabilityFlags, $minimumStability) { $stabilities = BasePackage::$stabilities; $minimumStability = $stabilities[$minimumStability]; foreach ($requires as $reqName => $reqVersion) { $constraints = array(); $orSplit = preg_split('{\s*\|\|?\s*}', trim($reqVersion)); foreach ($orSplit as $orConstraint) { $andSplit = preg_split('{(?< ,]) *(? $stability) { continue; } $stabilityFlags[$name] ettyString(PackageInterface $sourcePackage) { return $sourcePackage->getPrettyString().' '.$this->description.' '.$this->target.' '.$this->constraint->getPrettyString().''; } }