There are a few things you need to do to setup the TIN binary that comes with Slackware. ---- How to use with a newsfeed/local news spool: If you're reading a local newspool (in /var/spool/news) then you really shouldn't have to set anything up. Make sure that /usr/bin/inews is a symlink to the inews that came with Cnews or INN, whichever you're using. ---- How to use to read a remote NNTP site: Make sure that /usr/bin/inews is linked to inews-nntp. Also, you'll want to set up your NNTPSERVER variable. Here's mine (in /etc/profile): export NNTPSERVER If you use tcsh, use this in your /etc/csh.login: setenv NNTPSERVER Of course, you'll want to replace with a server that's close to you and that will give you posting permission. ---- You may also wish to edit /etc/NNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN. See the accompanying documentation for more info about configuring TIN.