Welcome to the sysklogd package for Linux. All the utility documentation has now been moved into the man pages. Please review these carefully before proceeding. Both utilities (syslogd, klogd) can be either run from init or started as part of the rc.* sequence. Caution should be used when starting these utilies from init since the default configuration is for both of these utilities to auto-background themselves. Depending on the version of init being used this could either result in the process table being filled or at least 10 copies of the daemon being started. If auto-backgrounding is NOT desired there is a define (-DNO_FORK) which can be uncommented in the Makefile before compilation. I have found work on the sysklogd package to be an interesting example of the powers of the INTERNET. Stephen, Juha, Shane and myself have successfully collaborated on the development of this package without ever having met each other, in fact we could pass on the street without realizing it. What I have developed is a profound respect for the personal capabilities of each one of these individuals. Perhaps the greatest `Linux Legacy' will be that its development/enhancement is truly an example of the powers of international cooperation through the worldwide INTERNET. We would be interested in keeping track of any and all bug fixes/changes that are made. The syslog(d) sources seemed to have fallen into neglect and we believe that it is important to maintain consistent standardized system utilities sources as development evolves. Hopefully the Linux community will find these sources to be a useful addition to the software gene pool. Best regards, Dr. Wettstein Oncology Research Division Computing Facility Roger Maris Cancer Center Fargo, ND greg%wind.uucp@plains.nodak.edu Stephen Tweedie Department of Computer Science Edinburgh University, Scotland Juha Virtanen jiivee@hut.fi Shane Alderton shane@scs.apana.org.au And a host of bug reporters whose contributions cannot be underestimated.