Title: i3.tcz Description: i3 Window Manager Version: 4.20.1 Author: Michael Stapelberg Original-site: https://i3wm.org/ Copying-policy: BSD Size: 292KB Extension_by: peterc Tags: i3 Window Manager Comments: i3 is a tiling window manager, written entirely from scratch, but inspired by wmii ---- requires Xorg-7.7 can optionally use the dmenu, id3status and perl5 extensions ---- Program Documentation: https://i3wm.org/docs/ ---- Change-log: 2010/09/03 first version 2015/09/10 updated 3.e-bf1 -> 3.e-bf3 (juanito) Current: 2022/03/12 updated 3.e-bf3 -> 4.20.1 (juanito)