Title: vis.tcz Description: A highly efficient, modal editor with built-in support for multiple selections, structural regular expressions and Lua scripting capabilities. Version: 0.6 Author: Marc Andre Tanner Original-site: https://github.com/martanne/vis Copying-policy: ISC Size: 148K Extension_by: jazzbiker Tags: text editor console vi sam glenda Comments: This extension includes full Lua scriptable version of the editor. Syntax highlighting can be enables using vis-lexer.tcz Basic yet very powerful version without Lua - vis-nolua.tcz Documentation - vis-doc.tcz You can copy /usr/local/share/vis/visrc.lua to Your ~/.config/vis/ directory and adjust it for Your needs. Quick help during editing session can obtained with ":help" command. Change-log: 2020/08/14 version 0.6 Current: 2020/08/14 version 0.6