/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1997. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #include #include #include #if !defined(WIN32) #include #include #endif /* !WIN32 */ /* SGI optimization introduced in IRIX 6.3 to avoid X server round trips for interning common X atoms. */ #if defined(_SGI_EXTRA_PREDEFINES) && !defined(NO_FAST_ATOMS) #include #else #define XSGIFastInternAtom(dpy,string,fast_name,how) XInternAtom(dpy,string,how) #endif #include #include "glutint.h" /* GLUT inter-file variables */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ char *__glutProgramName = NULL; int __glutArgc = 0; char **__glutArgv = NULL; char *__glutGeometry = NULL; Display *__glutDisplay = NULL; int __glutScreen; Window __glutRoot; int __glutScreenHeight; int __glutScreenWidth; GLboolean __glutIconic = GL_FALSE; GLboolean __glutDebug = GL_FALSE; unsigned int __glutDisplayMode = GLUT_RGB | GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_DEPTH; char *__glutDisplayString = NULL; int __glutConnectionFD; XSizeHints __glutSizeHints = {0}; int __glutInitWidth = 300, __glutInitHeight = 300; int __glutInitX = -1, __glutInitY = -1; GLboolean __glutForceDirect = GL_FALSE, __glutTryDirect = GL_TRUE; Atom __glutWMDeleteWindow; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static Bool synchronize = False; #if defined(WIN32) void __glutOpenWin32Connection(char* display) { static char *classname; WNDCLASS wc; HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); /* Make sure we register the window only once. */ if(classname) return; classname = "Blender"; /* Clear (important!) and then fill in the window class structure. */ memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASS)); wc.style = CS_OWNDC; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)__glutWindowProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, "BLENDER"); /* wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(hInstance, "SMALL"); */ wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = classname; /* Fill in a default icon if one isn't specified as a resource. */ if(!wc.hIcon) wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); if(!RegisterClass(&wc)) { __glutFatalError("RegisterClassEx() failed: " "Cannot register Blender window class."); } __glutScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); __glutScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); /* Set the root window to NULL because windows creates a top-level window when the parent is NULL. X creates a top-level window when the parent is the root window. */ __glutRoot = NULL; /* Set the display to 1 -- we shouldn't be using this anywhere (except as an argument to X calls). */ __glutDisplay = (Display*)1; /* There isn't any concept of multiple screens in Win32, therefore, we don't need to keep track of the screen we're on... it's always the same one. */ __glutScreen = 0; } #else /* !WIN32 */ void __glutOpenXConnection(char *display) { int errorBase, eventBase; __glutDisplay = XOpenDisplay(display); if (!__glutDisplay) __glutFatalError("could not open display: %s", XDisplayName(display)); if (synchronize) XSynchronize(__glutDisplay, True); if (!glXQueryExtension(__glutDisplay, &errorBase, &eventBase)) __glutFatalError( "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display: %s", XDisplayName(display)); __glutScreen = DefaultScreen(__glutDisplay); __glutRoot = RootWindow(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen); __glutScreenWidth = DisplayWidth(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen); __glutScreenHeight = DisplayHeight(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen); __glutConnectionFD = ConnectionNumber(__glutDisplay); __glutWMDeleteWindow = XSGIFastInternAtom(__glutDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", SGI_XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, False); } #endif /* WIN32 */ void __glutInitTime(struct timeval *beginning) { static int beenhere = 0; static struct timeval genesis; if (!beenhere) { GETTIMEOFDAY(&genesis); beenhere = 1; } *beginning = genesis; } static void removeArgs(int *argcp, char **argv, int numToRemove) { int i, j; for (i = 0, j = numToRemove; argv[j]; i++, j++) { argv[i] = argv[j]; } argv[i] = NULL; *argcp -= numToRemove; } void APIENTRY glutInit(int *argcp, char **argv) { char *display = NULL; char *str, *geometry = NULL; struct timeval unused; int i; if (__glutDisplay) { __glutWarning("glutInit being called a second time."); return; } /* Determine temporary program name. */ str = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (str == NULL) { __glutProgramName = argv[0]; } else { __glutProgramName = str + 1; } /* Make private copy of command line arguments. */ __glutArgc = *argcp; __glutArgv = (char **) malloc(__glutArgc * sizeof(char *)); if (!__glutArgv) __glutFatalError("out of memory."); for (i = 0; i < __glutArgc; i++) { __glutArgv[i] = __glutStrdup(argv[i]); if (!__glutArgv[i]) __glutFatalError("out of memory."); } /* determine permanent program name */ str = strrchr(__glutArgv[0], '/'); if (str == NULL) { __glutProgramName = __glutArgv[0]; } else { __glutProgramName = str + 1; } /* parse arguments for standard options */ for (i = 1; i < __glutArgc; i++) { if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-display")) { #if defined(WIN32) __glutWarning("-display option invalid for win32 glut."); #endif /* WIN32 */ if (++i >= __glutArgc) { __glutFatalError( "follow -display option with X display name."); } display = __glutArgv[i]; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 2); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-geometry")) { if (++i >= __glutArgc) { __glutFatalError( "follow -geometry option with geometry parameter."); } geometry = __glutArgv[i]; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 2); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-direct")) { #if defined(WIN32) __glutWarning("-direct option invalid for win32 glut."); #endif /* WIN32 */ if (!__glutTryDirect) __glutFatalError( "cannot force both direct and indirect rendering."); __glutForceDirect = GL_TRUE; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 1); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-indirect")) { #if defined(WIN32) __glutWarning("-indirect option invalid for win32 glut."); #endif /* WIN32 */ if (__glutForceDirect) __glutFatalError( "cannot force both direct and indirect rendering."); __glutTryDirect = GL_FALSE; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 1); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-iconic")) { __glutIconic = GL_TRUE; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 1); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-gldebug")) { __glutDebug = GL_TRUE; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 1); } else if (!strcmp(__glutArgv[i], "-sync")) { #if defined(WIN32) __glutWarning("-indirect option invalid for win32 glut."); #endif /* WIN32 */ synchronize = GL_TRUE; removeArgs(argcp, &argv[1], 1); } else { /* Once unknown option encountered, stop command line processing. */ break; } } #if defined(WIN32) __glutOpenWin32Connection(display); #else __glutOpenXConnection(display); #endif /* WIN32 */ if (geometry) { int flags, x, y, width, height; /* Fix bogus "{width|height} may be used before set" warning */ width = 0; height = 0; flags = XParseGeometry(geometry, &x, &y, (unsigned int *) &width, (unsigned int *) &height); if (WidthValue & flags) { /* Careful because X does not allow zero or negative width windows */ if (width > 0) __glutInitWidth = width; } if (HeightValue & flags) { /* Careful because X does not allow zero or negative height windows */ if (height > 0) __glutInitHeight = height; } glutInitWindowSize(__glutInitWidth, __glutInitHeight); if (XValue & flags) { if (XNegative & flags) x = DisplayWidth(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen) + x - __glutSizeHints.width; /* Play safe: reject negative X locations */ if (x >= 0) __glutInitX = x; } if (YValue & flags) { if (YNegative & flags) y = DisplayHeight(__glutDisplay, __glutScreen) + y - __glutSizeHints.height; /* Play safe: reject negative Y locations */ if (y >= 0) __glutInitY = y; } glutInitWindowPosition(__glutInitX, __glutInitY); } __glutInitTime(&unused); } /* CENTRY */ void APIENTRY glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y) { __glutInitX = x; __glutInitY = y; if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { __glutSizeHints.x = x; __glutSizeHints.y = y; __glutSizeHints.flags |= USPosition; } else { __glutSizeHints.flags &= ~USPosition; } } void APIENTRY glutInitWindowSize(int width, int height) { __glutInitWidth = width; __glutInitHeight = height; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { __glutSizeHints.width = width; __glutSizeHints.height = height; __glutSizeHints.flags |= USSize; } else { __glutSizeHints.flags &= ~USSize; } } void APIENTRY glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mask) { __glutDisplayMode = mask; } /* ENDCENTRY */