########## Versions 0.2-7 (September 2024) ################### The links to the MASS functions lda and predict.lda were removed for the documentation of DACrossVal. Furthermore, the fotran code in file rghtsngv.f was updated in order to update some obsolescent definition of character length to modern standards. ########## Versions 0.2-5 and 0.2.6 (February 2024) ################### The exportClasses and exportMethods directives were removed, since HIimDimDA only uses S3 classes and methods and not S4 classes. Furthermore, the C routines were now registered using the ‘R_registerRoutines’ and ‘R_useDynamicSymbols’ C utilities, and some explicitly comparisons between classes and strings were replaced by inherits commands. ########## Version 0.2-4 (October 2015) ################### The default package "stats" and several functions from the default package "graphics" were imported into the HiDimDa namespace, to ensure that they did not become undefined globals. ########## Version 0.2-3 (March 2015) ################### Several S3method directives were added to the NAMESPACE file in order to register the respective S3 methods. ########## Version 0.2-2 (October 2014) ################### The following changes were made in Version 0.2-2 of R package MAINT.Data: 1) In the DESCRIPTION file the Depends directive for imported packages was repalced by an Imports directive 2) A few lines of the the c++ source code were changed in order to enforce compatibility with the compilers used by the flavours r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc and r-devel-osx-x86_64-clang. ########## Version 0.2-1 (July 2012) ################### A makevar.win file was added to the src directory in order to proper link required Lapack routines under Windows ########## Version 0.2-0 (June 2012) ################### The following major changes were made in Version 0.2-0 of R package HiDimDA: 1) In adition to the original RFlda (linear discriminant analysis based on a factor-model estimator of the correlation matrix), three new classifiers were included in the package: (i) Dlda which peforms Diagonal linear discriminant analysis. (ii) Slda which performs Shrunken linear discriminant analysis using the shrunken covariance estimators of Ledoit-Wolf/Fisher-Sun. (iii) Mlda which performs Maximum uncertainty linear discriminant analysis as proposed by Thomaz, Kitani and Gillies. 2) RFlda and the three new (Dlda, Slda and Mlda) discrimination routines, now return by default canonical discriminant functions, while direct-classification functions (the main output of RFlda in version 0.1-1 are returned only the the argument ldafun is set to "classification" 3) Two S3 classes named canldaRes and clldaRes (both a predict method) were created in order to store in a uniform format the results of a canonical (canldaRes) or classification (canldaRes) analysis for the four classifiers now available. Four extensions of these classes named RFcanlda, Scanlda, RFcllda and Scllda were also created in order to add the estimated covariance and precision (in appropriate objects using compact representations) matrices to the results returned by RFlda and Slda. 4) The examples and documentation were updated. ########## Version 0.1-1 (June 2011) ################### The following changes were made in Version 0.1-0 of R package HiDimDA: 1) A bug was corrected in the print method for class SigFqInv: in version 0.1.0 the print.SigFqInv method assumed incorrectly that the 'x' argument was an object describing a covariance and not a precision matrix. 2) The names of functions ForbSigap and ForbSigap1 (approximation of covariance matrices by minimization of error Frobenius norms) were changed to FrobSigAp and FrobSigAp1, and additional arguments were introduced, given the user more control of optimization procedure. Alias to the previous names were created in order to maintain backward compability. A bug was corrected in the function FrobSigAp1: this version of the approximation function that takes as input the matrix square root of the covariance to be approximated (instead of the covariance itself, as function FrobSigAp does), was not working properly in version 0.1.0. 3) The method RFlda for data frames and the methods LeftMult and RightMult for classes SigFq and SigFqInv (specialized matrix products for objects of classes SigFq and SigFqInv), that previously were internal to the package, are exported in version 0.1.1. 4) The help files were improved and updated.