#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement """niconicodl.py: niconico downloader """ __version__ = "1.3" __revision__ = "$Rev: 1 $" __license__ = "public domain" __author__ = "T.A" __contributors__ = "?" ################################################################################ NICO_BASE_URL = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/" # NICO_LOGIN_URL = NICO_BASE_URL # +"login" NICO_LOGIN_URL = 'https://secure.nicovideo.jp/secure/login?site=niconico' # NICO_LOGOUT_URL = NICO_BASE_URL+"logout" NICO_LOGOUT_URL = 'https://secure.nicovideo.jp/secure/logout' NEWURL_LIST = [NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=31", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=61", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=91", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=121", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=151", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=181", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=211", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=241", NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival?from=271" ] NICO_NEW_URL = NICO_BASE_URL + "newarrival" NICO_RANK_URL = NICO_BASE_URL + "ranking/mylist/daily/all" NICO_WATCH_URL = NICO_BASE_URL+"watch/" NICO_TAG_URL = NICO_BASE_URL+"tag/" NICO_FIND_URL = NICO_BASE_URL+"search/" NICO_API_URL = NICO_BASE_URL+"api/getflv?v=%s" ALL_RETRIEVE = ['xml','html','flv'] SORT_OPTION_DIC = { 'comment_amount' : 'r', 'comment_date' : 'n', 'regist_date' : 'f', 'view_count' : 'v' } USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' import sys import urllib import urllib2 import cookielib import re import cgi import time import os import signal import string import traceback import logging import threading import httplib # BaseStatusLine # import doctest from progressbar import * # external setting file read. import niconicodl_cfg as niconfig # Constants for progress bar PBAR_WIDGETS = [Percentage(), " ", Bar(marker="=",left="[",right="]"), " ", ETA(), " ", FileTransferSpeed()] ## def nico_exception_deco(f): def skelton(self): f(self) return skelton ## def nico_init_exception_deco(f): def skelton(self, var): self.message = "[" + var + "]" f(self, var) return skelton class NicoException(Exception): @nico_init_exception_deco def __init__(self, msg): print("[normal exception]") class CriticalException(Exception): @nico_init_exception_deco def __init__(self, msg): print("[critical exception]") class WarningException(Exception): @nico_init_exception_deco def __init__(self, msg): print("[warning exception]") class ALockedException(Exception): @nico_init_exception_deco def __init__(self, msg): print("[access locked exception]") class PushableIterator: def __init__(self, ii): self._ii = iter(ii) self._pushBuf = [] return def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self._pushBuf: return self._pushBuf.pop(0) return self._ii.next() def push(self, x): self._pushBuf.insert(0, x) class EncStr(object): """ string with encode decode """ def __init__(self, arg): self.__str = arg self.__fsenc = niconfig.FS_ENCODING def __add__(self, v): return self.__str + v def sets(self,v): self.__str = v return self.__str def gets(self): return self.__str def dels(self): del self.__str def set_from_utf8(self,v): try: self.__str = v.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: logging.exception('decode to utf-8') return self.__str def set_from_fsenc(self,v): try: self.__str = v.decode(self.__fsenc, 'ignore') except: logging.exception('decode to %s' % self.__fsenc) return self.__str def get_utf8(self): r = "" try: r = self.__str.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: logging.exception('encode to utf-8') return r def get_fsenc(self): r = "" try: r = self.__str.encode(self.__fsenc, 'ignore') except: logging.exception('encode to %s' % self.__fsenc) return r __slots__ = ('__str', '__fsenc') string = property(gets, sets, dels, "string property.") # # main class # class NicoDownloader(object): """ for niconico douga download """ #__slots__ = ( # 'new_mode', # 'mask_mode', # 'debug_mode', # 'daemon_mode', # 'test_mode', # 'search_words', # 'tag_mode', # 'retrieve_limit', # 'retrieve_item', # # '_basename', # '_htm', # '_xml', # '_flv', # '_store', # '_opener', # '_quit', # # 'log', # ) # @staticmethod ... @classmethod def set_quit(cls): cls._quit = True retrieved_counter = { 'xml' : 0, 'flv' : 0, 'html' : 0 } # def __init__(self): self._opener = None self._req = None self._quit = False self._basename = EncStr("") self._htm = EncStr("") self._xml = EncStr("") self._flv = EncStr("") self._store = EncStr("") self.close_req = False # maybe must be False... # def sleep(self, second): time.sleep(second) return # def time_str(self): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) # def get_nid_from_url(self, url): pat = re.compile(NICO_WATCH_URL+'(.*)') m = pat.match(url) if m: return m.group(1) else: return None # def set_filename(self): self._flv.string = self._basename + '.flv' self._htm.string = self._basename + '.html' self._xml.string = self._basename + '.xml' self._store.string = self._basename + '.txt' # def make_all_filename(self, ntitle, nid, flv_url): try: logging.info("make all filename: (" + ntitle.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') + ")") except: logging.exception("") dest = niconfig.SAVE_DESTINATION if self.save_dest and len(self.save_dest) > 0: dest = self.save_dest if dest[-1] != '/': dest = dest + '/' if not os.path.isdir(dest): try: os.makedirs(dest) except: logging.exception("makedirs: " + dest) raise CriticalException("makedirs") base = dest + ntitle if flv_url[-3:] == 'low': logging.info("low mode") if self.notdllow_mode: logging.info("skip: low mode movie[%s]" % flv_url) return False base = base + "_low" self._basename.string = base self.set_filename() if self.force_save: # force save mode return True while os.path.exists(self._flv.get_fsenc()) or os.path.exists(self._htm.get_fsenc()) or os.path.exists(self._xml.get_fsenc()): base = base + "+" self._basename.string = base self.set_filename() return True # def output_html(self, content): if not 'html' in self.retrieve_item: return if self.test_mode: self.retrieved_countup('html') return try: f = file(self._htm.get_fsenc(), 'w') print >>f, content.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') f.close() self.retrieved_countup('html') except: self.store_contents(content) logging.exception("file, encode:" + + self._htm.get_utf8()) # def store_contents(self, filename, addstr, con): try: f = file(filename.get_fsenc() + addstr, 'w') f.write(con) f.close() logging.info("stored contents to %s" % filename.get_utf8()) except: logging.exception("store file") # def get_title(self, url, nid, flv_url): logging.info("get_title("+url+")") con = None try: con = self.get(url) except: logging.exception("get") return None try: content = con.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: self.store_contents(self._store, "", con) logging.exception("decode") return None pat = re.compile(r'(.*?)', re.M) m = pat.search(content) if m: title = m.group(1) title = self.normalize(title) title = nid + " - " + title.strip(u"‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿)") print title.encode("gb18030") res = self.make_all_filename(title, nid, flv_url) if res == False: # not dl low mode movie return None if not self.mask_mode: self.output_html(content) return title else: for cmpstr in niconfig.MASK_LIST: rtitle = title # .encode('utf-8', 'ignore') if rtitle.find(cmpstr) != -1: self.output_html(content) return title try: logging.info("skip: " + title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except: logging.exception("encode") return None else: logging.info("!!! not found title tag in: (" + url + ")") return None # def get_flv_url(self, nid): logging.info("get_flv_url("+nid+")") flv_url = NICO_API_URL % urllib2.quote(nid) url = None try: r = self.get(flv_url) logging.debug(r) url = cgi.parse_qs(r) # print url return url['url'][0], url['thread_id'][0], url['ms'][0] except: logging.error(url) logging.exception("get, cgi.parse, url['...']") if url and url.has_key('error') and 'flv_get_error' in url['error']: raise WarningException("flv_get_error") if url and url.has_key('error') and 'access_locked' in url['error']: raise ALockedException("access_locked") if url and url.has_key('error') and 'cant_get_detail' in url['error']: raise WarningException("cant_get_detail") logging.error("get timeout ?") raise NicoException("timeout?") # def get(self, url): logging.debug("get:" + url) try: fp = self._opener.open(url) logging.debug(fp.info()) except urllib2.URLError, e: logging.exception("opener.open raise URLError [%s]" % e.message) raise NicoException("get:opener.open") except: logging.exception("opener.open: ") raise NicoException("get:opener.open") try: content = fp.read() return content finally: fp.close() # def check_already_dl(self, nid, totalsize): """ if already donwload then return True """ if not os.path.exists(niconfig.FLV_HISTORY): return False f = file(niconfig.FLV_HISTORY, 'r') alreadyDL = False for idx, urlsiz in enumerate([x.strip() for x in f]): if urlsiz == "%s:%d" % (nid, totalsize): # perfect match alreadyDL = True break else: smid = urlsiz[:urlsiz.find(':')] hsiz = int(urlsiz[urlsiz.find(':')+1:]) # ID match and size is low then if smid == nid and hsiz != totalsize: logging.info("download (%d != %d): " % (hsiz, totalsize)) alreadyDL = False f.close() return alreadyDL # def save_file(self, reader, writer): b = reader.read() writer.write(b) return # def remove_html(self): if os.path.exists(self._htm.get_fsenc()): os.unlink(self._htm.get_fsenc()) return # def retrieved_countup(self, item): self.retrieved_counter[item] = self.retrieved_counter[item] + 1 if self.retrieve_limit != 0 and self.retrieve_limit <= self.retrieved_counter[item]: logging.info("limit over then retrieve end (%d/%d)[%s]." % (self.retrieve_limit, self.retrieved_counter[item], item)) self._quit = True return # def retrieve_flv(self, url, nid, title): if not 'flv' in self.retrieve_item: return True logging.info("retrieve_flv [%s]" % nid) try: reader = self._opener.open(url) logging.debug(reader.info()) except httplib.BadStatusLine, e: logging.exception("opener.open raise BadStatusLine [%s]" % e.message) raise WarningException("retrieve_flv: opener.open") except: logging.exception("opener.open: ") raise NicoException("retrieve_flv: opener.open") global total #全局变量文件大小 total = int(reader.headers.get('content-length')) print "FileSize: " + str(round(float(total)/1024/1024,2)) + "MB" logging.info("=" * 80) logging.info("Time : " + self.time_str()) logging.info("Video id: " + nid) logging.info("Url : " + url) logging.info("Filename: " + self._flv.get_utf8()) logging.info("Size : %d" % total) if self.check_already_dl(nid, total): logging.info("already dl (%s:%d)" % (nid, total)) logging.info("-" * 80) reader.close() self.remove_html() return False # already dl logging.info("-" * 80) if self.test_mode: reader.close() self.retrieved_countup('flv') return True # self.save_file(reader, writer) b = '' u = '' pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=PBAR_WIDGETS, maxval=int(total)).start() while True: u = reader.read(niconfig.READ_SIZE) if not u: break b += u pbar.update(len(b)) reader.close() pbar.finish() for ignoreitem in niconfig.IGNORE_FLV_FILES: if os.path.exists(ignoreitem): f = file(ignoreitem, 'r') igc = f.read() f.close() if igc == b: logging.info('This is equal to ignore flv [%s]' % ignoreitem) self.remove_html() return False writer = file(self._flv.get_fsenc(), 'w') writer.write(b) writer.close() h = file(niconfig.FLV_HISTORY, 'a') print >>h, "%s:%d" % (nid, total) h.close() self.retrieved_countup('flv') return True # def retrieve_xml(self, ms, th_id): if not 'xml' in self.retrieve_item: return logging.info("retrieve_xml [%s]" % ms) try: r = urllib2.Request(ms) r.add_data(r'') logging.debug("get xml url:%s threadid:%s" % (ms, th_id)) reader = self._opener.open(r) logging.debug(reader.info()) except: logging.exception("retrieve_xml: opener.open: ") return if self.test_mode: reader.close() self.retrieved_countup('xml') return writer = file(self._xml.get_fsenc(), 'w') self.save_file(reader, writer) reader.close() writer.close() self.retrieved_countup('xml') return # def login(self): usern = niconfig.USERNAME passw = niconfig.PASSWORD if self.chuser and len(self.chuser) > 0: if niconfig.USER_AND_PASS_DIC.has_key(self.chuser): usern = self.chuser passw = niconfig.USER_AND_PASS_DIC[self.chuser] logging.debug("change user to [%s]" % usern) else: logging.info("not found [%s] in USER_AND_PASS_DIC" % self.chuser) logging.info("login [%s]" % usern) if len(usern) == 0 or len(passw) == 0: print("username or password is not set") logging.error('username or password is not set') self._req = None sys.exit(1) # force end. postdata = {} postdata['mail'] = usern postdata['password'] = passw postdata['next_url'] = "" # postdata['submit.x'] = # postdata['submit.y'] = params = urllib.urlencode(postdata) cj = cookielib.CookieJar() self._opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) self._opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', USER_AGENT)] try: def saveloginhtml(req): if callable(req.read): f = file('login.html', 'w') f.write(req.read()) f.close() return logging.debug("open: " + NICO_LOGIN_URL) self._req = self._opener.open(NICO_LOGIN_URL, params) # logging.debug(self._req.geturl()) if self.debug_mode: saveloginhtml(self._req) if callable(self._req.info): logging.debug(self._req.info()) if not self._req.info().has_key('x-niconico-authflag') or self._req.info()['x-niconico-authflag'] == '0': logging.exception(self._req.info()) saveloginhtml(self._req) raise NicoException("login: x-niconico-authflag not set or 0") if self.close_req: self._req.close() # TEST except urllib2.HTTPError, e: logging.exception("login failed [%s]" % e.info()) self._req = None except Exception, e: logging.exception("login failed [%s]" % e.message) self._req = None # def logout(self): logging.info("logout") req = None try: NICO_LOGOUT_URL logging.debug("open: " + NICO_LOGOUT_URL) req = self._opener.open(NICO_LOGOUT_URL) except: logging.exception("logout failed ?") if req: logging.debug("$" * 80) logging.debug(req.info()) logging.debug("$" * 80) req.close() if not self.close_req: self._req.close() # maybe logout logging.debug("$" * 80) logging.debug(self._req.info()) logging.debug("$" * 80) # def normalize(self, title): try: title = title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') if False: # why... tbl = string.maketrans(u'\\/:*?"<>|;%!&^', u'¥/:*?” < >|;%!&^') title.translate(tbl) if True: # for Windows title = title.replace('\\','¥') title = title.replace('/','/') title = title.replace(':',':') title = title.replace('*','*') title = title.replace('?','?') title = title.replace('"','”') title = title.replace('<', '<') title = title.replace('>', '>') title = title.replace('|','|') # for unix ? title = title.replace(';',';') title = title.replace('%','%') title = title.replace('!','!') title = title.replace('&','&') title = title.replace('^','^') title = title.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: logging.exception("encode -> utf-8 or decode -> utf-8") return title # def get_nid_from_html(self, contents): logging.debug("get_nid_from_html") nids = [] # pat = re.compile(r'

.*') # pat = re.compile(r'.*

.*') pat = re.compile(r'.*]*href=".*watch/([^>]+)">.*') for l in contents.split('\n'): m = pat.match(l) if m: nidurl = NICO_WATCH_URL + m.group(1) if nidurl in nids: pass else: nids.append(nidurl) logging.info("got nids: " + ",".join([x[len(NICO_WATCH_URL):] for x in nids])) return nids # def get_next_page(self, cont): # 次のページ pat = re.compile(r'.*次のページ') for l in cont.split('\n'): m = pat.match(l) if m: logging.debug('next page : ' + m.group(1)) return m.group(1) logging.info('not found nextpage') return None # def get_sort_types(self, mode): stype = '' # stype = '/1/n/d/' old type # stype = '&k=n&o=d' old type if mode == 'tag' or mode == 'find': stype = '?page=1&sort=n&order=d' # descend -> default # asc -> designate if len(stype) and self.sort_types and len(self.sort_types) > 0: for k,v in SORT_OPTION_DIC.iteritems(): if k in self.sort_types: stype = stype.replace('n', v) if 'asc' in self.sort_types: stype = stype.replace('=d', '=a') return stype # def get_nico_files(self, nicourls): logging.info("get_nico_files()") def fix_url(url): fixurl = url if url.find("/") == -1: fixurl = NICO_WATCH_URL + url if url.find("/thumb/") != -1: fixurl = url.replace('/thumb/', '/watch/') if url[:3] == 'ttp': fixurl = 'h' + url return fixurl # # URL loop # piter = PushableIterator(nicourls) for url in piter: try: # mini change url = fix_url(url) nid = self.get_nid_from_url(url) if nid == None: logging.warning("error in get video id ("+url.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')+")") continue flv_url, thread_id, ms = self.get_flv_url(nid) self.sleep(5) # get title and dl html title = self.get_title(url, nid, flv_url) self.sleep(5) if title == None or len(title) == 0: continue if self.test_mode: continue # dl movie res = self.retrieve_flv(flv_url, nid, title) self.sleep(5) if res != False: # dl comment self.retrieve_xml(ms, thread_id) if self._quit: break self.sleep(10) except NicoException: if self._quit: break fname = url.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') logging.exception("catch normal exception and continue.(sleep(10))[%s]" % fname) self.sleep(10) logging.info("retry: [%s]" % fname) piter.push(url) self.remove_html() except WarningException: if self._quit: break logging.exception("catch warning exception skip url and continue. (sleep(10)") logging.info("skip: "+url.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) self.sleep(10) except ALockedException: if self._quit: break fname = url.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') logging.exception("catch alock exception and logout and login and retry this url [%s]" % fname) self.logout() logging.info("sleep (%d minutes) for access_locked." % self.alock_interval) self.wait(self.alock_interval * 60) self.login() if self._req == None: loggin.error('login failed...') break logging.info("retry: [%s]" % fname) piter.push(url) except CriticalException: logging.exception("catch critical exception and exit") break return True # def get_any_urls(self, urlmode, initialurl, urls): logging.debug("get_%s_urls" % urlmode) nids = [] url = initialurl try: pagecnt = 0 while True: logging.info("get("+url+")") cont = self.get(url) if self.debug_mode: # when debug mode html = EncStr(self.time_str()) self.store_contents(html, "_"+urlmode+".html", cont) nids.extend(self.get_nid_from_html(cont)) self.sleep(5) # wait pagecnt += 1 if self.page_limit != 0 and pagecnt >= self.page_limit: logging.info("over page limit (%d/%d)" % (pagecnt, self.page_limit)) break if urlmode == 'arg': if self.next_with_argurl: # -u nextpage = self.get_next_page(cont) if nextpage != None: url = nextpage continue if len(urls) == 0: break else: url = urls.pop(0) else: nextpage = self.get_next_page(cont) if nextpage == None: break # url = NICO_BASE_URL + nextpage url = nextpage except: logging.exception("get %s movie html failed" % urlmode) return nids # def get_urls(self, args): logging.info("get_urls") urls = args if self.ranking_mode: self.urllist_list.extend([NICO_RANK_URL]) if self.urllist_list and len(self.urllist_list) > 0: urls = self.urllist_list url = urls.pop(0) urls.extend(self.get_any_urls('arg', url, urls)) if self.tag_mode and len(self.tag_mode) > 0: mode = EncStr("") mode.set_from_fsenc(self.tag_mode) url = NICO_TAG_URL + mode.get_utf8() url = url + self.get_sort_types('tag') urls.extend(self.get_any_urls('tag', url, [])) if self.find_words and len(self.find_words) > 0: mode = EncStr("") mode.set_from_fsenc(self.find_words[0]) url = NICO_FIND_URL + urllib2.quote(mode.get_utf8()) url = url + self.get_sort_types('find') urls.extend(self.get_any_urls('find', url, [])) if self.new_mode: url = NICO_NEW_URL urls.extend(self.get_any_urls('new', url, [])) return urls # def wait(self, sec): logging.info(">" * 80) logging.info("sleep(%d)" % sec) print("sleep(%d):" % sec,) sys.stdout.flush() self.sleep(sec) print("wakeup") sys.stdout.flush() logging.info("<" * 80) # def setopt(self, opts): self.new_mode = opts.new self.mask_mode = opts.mask self.daemon_mode = opts.daemon self.debug_mode = opts.debug self.notdllow_mode = opts.notdllow self.test_mode = opts.test self.find_words = opts.find self.sort_types = opts.sort self.tag_mode = opts.tag self.retrieve_limit = opts.limit self.page_limit = opts.page self.ranking_mode = opts.ranking self.next_with_argurl = opts.nexturl self.force_save = opts.force self.save_dest = opts.dest self.chuser = opts.chuser self.daemon_not_logout_mode = opts.dnlogout self.http_server_mode = opts.server if opts.urllist == None or len(opts.urllist) == 0: self.urllist_list = [] else: self.urllist_list = opts.urllist if opts.ret == None or len(opts.ret) == 0: self.retrieve_item = ALL_RETRIEVE else: self.retrieve_item = opts.ret def __retval(optv, defv, atleast): retv = optv if retv <= 0: retv = defv if retv < atleast: retv = atleast return retv self.daemon_interval = __retval(opts.dinterval, niconfig.DAEMON_INTERVAL, 10) self.alock_interval = __retval(opts.ainterval, niconfig.ALOCKED_INTERVAL, 5) # start logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if self.debug_mode else logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='niconicodl.log', filemode='a') logging.info("*" * 80) logging.info("Start: " + self.time_str()) logging.debug(opts) # def __chkoptlist(optarglist, deflist, op): import sets # because set(NoneType) is error. ag = sets.Set(optarglist) df = sets.Set(deflist) res = ag - df if len(res) > 0: for x in res: logging.error("unkown opt arg [%s] for %s" % (x, op)) print("unkown opt arg [%s] for %s" % (x, op)) sys.exit(1) __chkoptlist(self.retrieve_item, ALL_RETRIEVE, '-R') __chkoptlist(self.sort_types, SORT_OPTION_DIC.keys() + ['asc'], '-S') # def run(self, args): logging.info("main") logging.debug(self.retrieve_item) self.login() if self._req == None: return False # # main loop # while True: # get url list html nicourls = self.get_urls(args) self.sleep(10) # and url loop self.get_nico_files(nicourls) if self.daemon_mode: if not self.daemon_not_logout_mode: self.logout() self.wait(self.daemon_interval * 60) # wait for daemon mode if not self.daemon_not_logout_mode: self.login() else: break self.logout() logging.info("End : " + self.time_str()) logging.info("*" * 80) return True def signal_handler(arg1, arg2): print("catch signal %d" % arg1) NicoDownloader.set_quit() nico._quit = True if nico._req != None: nico.logout() sys.exit(1) def makeopts(): import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser("niconico downloader") parser.add_option('-s', '--server', action='store_true', dest='server', default=False, help="http server mode with cherrypy") parser.add_option('-d', '--daemon', action='store_true', dest='daemon', default=False, help="daemon mode") parser.add_option('-n', '--new', action='store_true', dest='new', default=False, help="get new file mode") parser.add_option('-r', '--ranking', action='store_true', dest='ranking', default=False, help="get mylist ranking mode") parser.add_option('-m', '--mask', action='store_true', dest='mask', default=False, help="mask (in niconicodl_cfg.py) mode") parser.add_option('-o', '--notdllow', action='store_true', dest='notdllow',default=False, help="don't dl lowmode movie") parser.add_option('-l', '--dnlogout', action='store_true', dest='dnlogout',default=False, help="don't logout when daemon sleep.") parser.add_option('-u', '--nexturl', action='store_true', dest='nexturl', default=False, help="continue to nextpage when set -U") parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False, help="force when already exist same name file") parser.add_option('-U', '--urllist', action='append', dest='urllist', type='string', help="movie list urls (this is most strong option)") parser.add_option('-F', '--find', action='append', dest='find', type='string', help="find strings") parser.add_option('-S', '--sort', action='append', dest='sort', type='string', help="sort types [view_count, comment_date, comment_amount, regist_date][asc]") parser.add_option('-T', '--tag', action='store', dest='tag', type='string', help="tag mode") parser.add_option('-L', '--limit', action='store', dest='limit', type='int', default=0, help="retrieve limit 0 is infinity") parser.add_option('-P', '--page', action='store', dest='page', type='int', default=0, help="retrieve page search limit 0 is infinity") parser.add_option('-R', '--retrieve', action='append', dest='ret', default=None, help="[xml, html, flv]") parser.add_option('-D', '--dest', action='store', dest='dest', type='string', help="save destination.") parser.add_option('-I', '--dinterval',action='store', dest='dinterval',type='int', default=0, help="daemon interval (min).") parser.add_option('-A', '--ainterval',action='store', dest='ainterval',type='int', default=0, help="alock interval (min).") parser.add_option('-C', '--chuser', action='store', dest='chuser', type='string', help="change user in USER_AND_PASS_DIC in niconicodl_cfg.py") parser.add_option('-g', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False, help="debug mode (html save to datefilename_?.html)") parser.add_option('-t', '--test', action='store_true', dest='test', default=False, help="test mode (not download file (only logging))") return parser.parse_args() # # nico http server # class NicoAppSrv(object): index_html = """ niconicodl.py %s

niconicodl http server mode. now queueing(%d)

movie, comment, html


""" # def index(self): # return self.index_html % (self.q_len(), niconfig.LOCALHOST) # index.exposed = True def index(self, uri=False, df=False): if not uri: uri = False if not df: df = False logging.debug(vars()) logging.info("Try download %(uri)s" % vars()) if df and len(df): self.kind_pusher(df) if uri and len(uri): self.uri_pusher(uri) # cptools.redirect("./") return self.index_html % (__version__, self.q_len(), niconfig.LOCALHOST, niconfig.LOCALHOST) index.exposed = True # # queue pollinger for http server mode # class Pollinger(threading.Thread): alive = True uri_queue = [] kind_list = [] @classmethod def uri_pusher(cls,uri): cls.uri_queue.append(uri) return @classmethod def kind_pusher(cls,kind): if type(kind) == list: cls.kind_list.extend(list) elif type(kind) == str: cls.kind_list.append(kind) else: pass return @classmethod def kill(cls): cls.alive = False return @classmethod def q_len(cls): return len(cls.uri_queue) def run(self): logging.info("start polling.") while self.alive: time.sleep(niconfig.POLLING_COUNT) if len(self.uri_queue): logging.info("found q in polling.") if len(self.kind_list): nico.retrieve_item = self.kind_list nico.run(self.uri_queue) self.uri_queue = [] self.kind_list = [] return # # global start # if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) (opts, args) = makeopts() nico = NicoDownloader() nico.setopt(opts) # # http server mode when success import cherrypy # if nico.http_server_mode: try: import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib import cptools except ImportError, e: logging.exception("import cherrpy. httpservermode error") print("import cherrpy exception. httpservermode error") sys.exit(1) print("http server mode [%s]" % niconfig.LOCALHOST) logging.info("http server mode") cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'production', 'log.error_file': 'site.log', 'server.socket_host': niconfig.HOST, 'server.socket_port': niconfig.PORT, 'engine.autoreload_on': True, }) # Mount each app and pass it its own config cherrypy.tree.mount(NicoAppSrv, "/") NicoAppSrv.uri_pusher = Pollinger.uri_pusher NicoAppSrv.kind_pusher = Pollinger.kind_pusher NicoAppSrv.q_len = Pollinger.q_len NicoAppSrv.nico = nico pollinger = Pollinger() pollinger.nico = nico pollinger.start() cherrypy.quickstart(NicoAppSrv()) else: for n in xrange(0, niconfig.LOGIN_RETRY): res = nico.run(args) if res: break else: print("login failed... try %d time / %d after sleep(%d minutes)" % (n+1, niconfig.LOGIN_RETRY, niconfig.LOGIN_INTERVAL)) time.sleep(niconfig.LOGIN_INTERVAL * 60) print("try again") ##