Welcome to CROWZ! NOW supports 32-bit, i386-686 images for download! 2018SEP27 Devuan 2.0.1 ASCII release Introduction: CROWZ, formerly Zephyr is a minimalist distro derived from Devuan GNU+Linux base. Thanks to all who downloaded and used CROWZ! CROWZ is complimented with a small number of select applications to assist the new user OOTB. Current CROWZ distro's are coinciding with the Devuan 2.0.1 ASCII release. Today 32-bit i386-686 support has been added! There are some NEW minor changes, attempting to provide the best suitable tools, applications to both suit the needs of potential users and ensure the integrity of CROWZ look and feel. ************************************************************************ Short list of the changes: 2018 isos dated 2018Aug12 BlackVariants Icons: (inherits Faenza icons) PCManFM: file manager Alsamixer: Graphical mixer for Alsa PNMixer: Panel icon and audio manager Epiphany-browser: default browser crowz-welcome: Optional choice of browsers Dunst: Notification daemon Installer: Now includes UEFI: UEFI support option with installer menu Network tools: setnet wpasupplicant net-tools iputils-ping bind9-host traceroute Make sure wpa_supplicant was running before starting setnet.sh run these in separate terminals: wpa_supplicant & sudo setnet.sh ************************************************************************ Installer has been expanded with additional Advanced install options: EFI mode Expert Rescue Auto ************************************************************************ Once again thanks to all who supported CROWZ! Special thanks to ozidev aka ozitraveller of STAR Linux. Salute to Devuan's VUA's and those who have generously contributed to Devuan progress! Enjoy! : ) Thank You! zephyr