BOOTLJ(1) General Commands Manual BOOTLJ(1)

bootlj - portable luajit script bootloader

bootlj [-J passopt... -J] [args...]

	- dir1 -+- bootlj
	        +- main.lua	( require("myutil") )
	        +- myutil.lua
	dir1 $ ./bootlj -h	#>> luajit -- main.lua -h
	dir1 $ cd ..
	     $ ./dir1/bootlj	#>> run ./dir1/main.lua
	     $ cd dir1
	dir1 $ rm main.lua
	dir1 $ ./bootlj	#>> main.lua not found
	(make symbolic link to dir1/bootlj at /usr/bin etc)
	home $ bootlj	#>> run main.lua

-J passopt... -J
pass opt to luajit vm. ~$ luajit passopt...

bootlj is a wrapper of luajit runner with the followingfeatures:
- exec `main.lua` in the same directory - add the bootlj exist dirpath to package.path and cpath - add useful global vars   * FULL_BOOTFILE (fullpath filename, /home/abc/bootlj etc)   * BASE_BOOTFILE (filename: bootlj etc, no dirpath)   * FULL_BOOTDIR (fullpath dirname, c:\home\dir etc.)   * FULL_CWD (fullpath cwd, /home/now etc)   * DIRSEP (directory sepstr, win==\, other==/ etc)
this feature makes your app package portable, directory == app. lua and luajit path/cpath dont have bootfile exist dirpath so causes the path search problem. bootlj resolves it.
	- dir1 -+- src.lua ( require("myutil") )
	        +- myutil.lua
	dir1$ luajit src.lua	#>> work
	dir1$ cd ../
	    $ luajit ./dir1/src.lua	#>> misses myutil.lua
the best practice for making your luajit code portable is:
use require("foo") for import foo.lua. loaded from the appdir or other path
use package.searchpath("myutil", package.cpath) and ffi.load(rtnstr) to load etc.
use ffi.load("directX") to load major library, etc
use ffi.C.printf() if use standard C-lib funcs
place every related files(*.lua *.so *.dll) in a non-nested one directory.
dir1-+- bootlj
     +- main.lua
     +- main_impl.lua
     +- foo.lua
     +- tool.lua
     +- xyz.dll
bootlj holds whole the orig-luajit vm. the below works almost the same.
	~$ ./bootlj -h
	~$ luajit -- main.lua -h
luajit vm accepts commandline options.( if you want to run luajit with its options, put between optsep str. default optsep is "-J".
	~$ ./bootlj -J -Ohotloop=10 -joff -J -h
	~$ luajit -Ohotloop=10 -joff -- main.lua -h
you can change bootfile name `main.lua` and optsep `-J` using libbootlj.a. see bootlj.h
//basic #include "bootlj.h" int main(int argc, char** argv){   return bootlj_main(argc, argv); } //~$ cc -Wall -pedantic -static -fPIC src.c libbootlj.a -ldl -lm //~$ ./a.out -J -Ohotloop=10 -J -h 
#include "bootlj.h" int main(int argc, char** argv){   return bootlj_main(argc, argv, "xyz.txt", "123"); } //~$ cc src.c libbootlj.a -ldl -lm //~$ ./a.out 123 -Ohotloop=10 123 -h #>> search xyz.txt and run

exit code depends on main.lua script and follows lua's method.
- rtn 1 if lj rtns nil/false/err at ag1. (lj)return nil >> $?=1
- rtn int if lj return num at ag1. (lj)return 8.2 >> $?=8
- rtn 1 if lj return other type at ag1. (lj)return "msg" >> $?=1
- emsg to stderr if err or str at ag2. (lj)return 0,"hw" >> $?=0 +"hw"

- make luacode/binary/library portable
- support to the powerful api, require()/ffi.load()
- files in the same directory *SHOULD* be searched/loaded


Copyright 2020 momi-g, GPLv3+

luajit bases lua 5.1(+appropriate extented) syntax. avoid 5.2/5.3/5.4. orig-lua frequently changes syntax that ignores backwards compatibility like python2 >> 3, win7 >> 10, perl5 >> 6 etc. i recommend you to use luajit instead of orig-lua.