\input supp-pdf.tex \def\graph#1{\vskip0.5cm plus1cm\centerline {\convertMPtoPDF{#1}{1}{1}}\vskip0.5cm plus1cm\noindent\ignorespaces} \noindent This graph was drawn with {\it Finomaton}: \graph{graph1.1} You can change the ``How far along'' and ``position'' parameters of the line's label: \graph{graph2.1} The following graph contains two loops. A loop looks best with an additional control point, which you can add by clicking on {\bf Control point} and then on the line. \graph{graph4.1} The next graph contains one straight line that was created by selecting the line, clicking {\bf Remove} and then on the control point to delete it: \graph{graph5.1} When creating a graph, you need not worry about placement. MetaPost and \TeX\ take the minimal bounding box into account when rendering and placing the graph, regardless of its position on the canvas. \medskip\noindent In the next example, I changed all {\tt drawarrow} commands to {\tt draw} in the generated MetaPost file: \graph{graph6.1} \goodbreak\noindent Another graph: \graph{graph7.1} With a label in the picture, and using a font not defined in plain \TeX:\bigskip \graph{graph8.1} You can set ``Export style'' to {\tt digraph}: \graph{graph3.1} Or change {\tt circleit} to {\tt boxit} in the MetaPost file: \graph{graph9.1} \vfill \noindent You can download {\it Finomaton} from: \bigskip \hskip3cm http://www.ctan.org \bigskip\ \bigskip\noindent Good luck!\hfil\break Markus Triska\hfil\break triska$@$gmx.at \bye