\chapter{Encoded Glyphs in Junicode}\hypertarget{EncodedGlyphs}{} \noindent The following table lists all the encoded glyphs in Junicode Roman. The font also contains more than 2,000 \emph{unencoded} glyphs, accessible via OpenType features. For a comprehensive list of these features, see \hyperlink{FeatureReference}{Chapter 4, Feature Reference}. Code points for which Junicode has no glyphs are represented in the table by blue bullets (the actual bullet at U+2022 is black). Many of Junicode's glyphs (e.g. spaces, formatting marks) are invisible: these are represented by blanks in the table. A few glyphs are too large for their table cells, and these spill out on one or more sides. \displayfonttable[color=blue,title-format=\caption{Encoded Glyphs in Junicode}, title-format-cont=\caption{Encoded Glyphs in Junicode, \emph{cont.}}, missing-glyph=•, missing-glyph-color=blue, range-end=FFFFF, glyph-width=12pt, hex-digits=head]{JunicodeVF-Roman.ttf}[Renderer=HarfBuzz]