\subsection{W0001 -\/- Archive as package file detected}\label{w0001----archive-as-package-file-detected} Usually a CTAN package should not contain archives. An exception are situations where, for example, the source code of a package is kept in a separate zip archive. \subsection{W0002 -\/- Duplicate files detected}\label{w0002----duplicate-files-detected} Duplicate files were detected which are listed right after this message. The message is a warning message as something like this could not be seen as an error in general. \subsection{W0003 -\/- Same named files detected in the package tree}\label{w0003----same-named-files-detected-in-the-package-tree} We like to have unique file names over the whole package directory tree. When we discover same named files we report it as a warning. Common names like \texttt{README}, \texttt{README.txt}, \texttt{README.md}, \texttt{Makefile}, \texttt{Makefile.in}, \texttt{Makefile.am} and \texttt{makefile} are ignored when checking. For more details refer to: \url{http://mirror.utexas.edu/ctan/help/ctan/CTAN-upload-addendum.html\#uniquefilenames} \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0004 -\/- encoding with BOM detected}{W0004 -\/- encoding with BOM detected}}\label{w0004-----encoding-with-bom-detected} A UTF encoded package file contains a BOM (byte order mark). Currently, we issues a warning. Nevertheless, the CTAN team discourages uses of BOM. Please be aware, that in some future time this could be reagarded as an error. \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0005 -\/- Very large file with size \texttt{\textless{}size\textgreater{}} detected in package}{W0005 -\/- Very large file with size \textless size\textgreater{} detected in package}}\label{w0005----very-large-file--with-size-size-detected-in-package} (Experimental) We issue the message if there is a file is larger than 40MiB in the package directory tree. \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0006 -\/- Very large file with size \texttt{\textless{}size\textgreater{}} detected in TDS zip archive}{W0006 -\/- Very large file with size \textless size\textgreater{} detected in TDS zip archive}}\label{w0006----very-large-file-with-size-size-detected-in-tds-zip-archive} (Experimental) We issue the message if there is a file larger than 40MiB in the TDS zip archive. \subsection{W0007 -\/- Empty directory detected in the TDS zip archive}\label{w0007----empty-directory-detected-in-the-tds-zip-archive} Empty directories in a TDS zip archive are discouraged. As they usually don\textquotesingle t create errors in the distribution we issue a warning only. \subsection{W0008 -\/- Windows file has Unix line endings}\label{w0008----windows-file-has-unix-line-endings} A Windows file with Unix line endings was detected. We regard a file as a Windows file if its name ends with: \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item \texttt{.bat} \item \texttt{.cmd} \item \texttt{.nsh}, or \item \texttt{.reg} \end{itemize} \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0009 -\/- Replacing \texttt{\textless{}pkgname\textgreater{}\ -\textgreater{}\ \textless{}tpkg\textgreater{}} with the same from config file",}{W0009 -\/- Replacing \textless pkgname\textgreater{} -\textgreater{} \textless tpkg\textgreater{} with the same from config file",}}\label{w0009----replacing-pkgname---tpkg-with-the-same-from-config-file} This message can only show up if \texttt{pkgcheck} got called with \texttt{-\/-config}. Indicates that an entry in the \texttt{pkgcheck} config file does the same as the hard-coded entry. This helps to keep a clean config file. \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0010 -\/- Hardlinks detected with inode }{W0010 -\/- Hardlinks detected with inode }}\label{w0010----hardlinks-detected-with-inode-} Hardlinks found in the package directory tree. The inode number will be displayed \subsection{\texorpdfstring{W0011 -\/- has an mtime in the future by seconds, or \textless hours, minutes, seconds\textgreater{}}{W0011 -\/- has an mtime in the future by seconds, or \textless hours, minutes, seconds\textgreater{}}}\label{w0011-----has-an-mtime-in-the-future-by--seconds-or-hours-minutes-seconds} The file has a future modification time. This is most probably caused by the archiver tool which doesn\textquotesingle t pay attention to the timezone when adding the file to the archive The future time will be displayed in \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item seconds \item and hours, minutes and seconds \end{itemize}