%Test file for TeXChord. (C) 1993 by Joel M. Hoffman \font\titfont=cmr17\narrower % Some fonts \font\capfont=cmbx12 scaled \magstep1 \def\mycaption#1{\bigskip{\capfont #1}\nobreak} \long\def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{\vrule\kern3pt \vbox{\kern3pt#1\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}} \long\def\dboxit#1{\boxit{\vbox{\boxit{\hbox{#1}}}}} \input texchord % Include the macros. \textchords\smallchords % Put chords in the text; use small chords. \centerline{\dboxit{\vbox{\hbox{\titfont \TeX Chord Demonstration} \hbox{Copyright 1993 by Joel M.\ Hoffman}}}} \bigskip \bigskip\hrule\bigskip\bigskip This is the size of a small C-chord: \Cchord. \bigchords This is the size of a big C-chord: \Cchord. \bigskip\hrule\bigskip\bigskip \raisedchords\advance\baselineskip by 50pt \def\dummytext{\leavevmode\kern.6 true in} \bigchords \mycaption{Major chords:} \Achord \dummytext \Bchord \dummytext \Cchord \dummytext \Dchord \dummytext \Echord \dummytext \Fchord \dummytext \Gchord \dummytext \Ashchord \dummytext \Bshchord \dummytext \Cshchord \dummytext \Dshchord \dummytext \Eshchord \dummytext \Fshchord \dummytext \Gshchord \dummytext \Afchord \dummytext \Bfchord \dummytext \Cfchord \dummytext \Dfchord \dummytext \Efchord \dummytext \Ffchord \dummytext \Gfchord \dummytext \mycaption{Minor chords:} \achord \dummytext \bchord \dummytext \cchord \dummytext \dchord \dummytext \echord \dummytext \fchord \dummytext \gchord \dummytext \ashchord \dummytext \bshchord \dummytext \cshchord \dummytext \dshchord \dummytext \eshchord \dummytext \fshchord \dummytext \gshchord \dummytext \afchord \dummytext \bfchord \dummytext \cfchord \dummytext \dfchord \dummytext \efchord \dummytext \ffchord \dummytext \gfchord \dummytext \mycaption{Seventh chords (Major):} \Cschord \dummytext \Dschord \dummytext \Eschord \dummytext \Fschord \dummytext \Gschord \dummytext \Aschord \dummytext \Bschord \dummytext \Cfschord \dummytext \Dfschord \dummytext \Efschord \dummytext \Ffschord \dummytext \Gfschord \dummytext \Afschord \dummytext \Bfschord \dummytext \Cshschord \dummytext \Dshschord \dummytext \Eshschord \dummytext \Fshschord \dummytext \Gshschord \dummytext \Ashschord \dummytext \Bshschord \dummytext \mycaption{Seventh chords (Minor):} \aschord \dummytext \bschord \dummytext \cschord \dummytext \dschord \dummytext \eschord \dummytext \fschord \dummytext \gschord \dummytext \afschord \dummytext \bfschord \dummytext \cfschord \dummytext \dfschord \dummytext \efschord \dummytext \ffschord \dummytext \gfschord \dummytext \ashschord \dummytext \bshschord \dummytext \cshschord \dummytext \dshschord \dummytext \eshschord \dummytext \fshschord \dummytext \gshschord \dummytext \end