% This collection of files was produced with CERN psbox package % To decompose and tex it: %-save this with a filename CONTAINING ONLY LETTERS and a .TEX % extension (say, JOINTFIL.TEX), in some uncrowded directory; %-make sure you can \input psbox.tex (version>=1.3); % (else ftp cs.nyu.edu(=, then get % and tex the file psboxall.tex; more info in psbREAD.ME) %-tex JOINTFIL.TEX using Plain, or LaTeX, or whatever is needed by % the first file in the joining (after splitting JOINTFIL.TEX into % it's constituents, TeX will try to process it as it stands). \input psbox.tex \splitfile{\jobname} \let\autojoin=\relax %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psbREAD.ME % PSBOX READ-ME % ------------- % WHAT IS IT: % psbox is a set of machine-independent TeX macros to % 1) allow (Encapsulated) PostScript figure inclusion in all versions % of TeX (Plain, LaTeX) on all machines using a PostScript printer % 2) facilitate the communication (e-mail, ftp, ...) of all the files % (text, macros, figs) needed to reproduce a TeX document by grouping % them together into a single, TeXable file. % % HOW TO GET IT TO WORK: % 1) get the file psboxall.tex by one of the following ways: % -from outside CERN: ftp cs.nyu.edu(= % -(if all else fails) send me a mail (orloff@surya11.cern.ch); % 2) tex psboxall.tex: this will produce a complete documentation dvi and a % set of files, including the raw macros named psbox.tex; % 3) adapt your psbox.tex to your system by uncommenting the appropriate % %\psfor...-line at the end of the file; % 4) put it in your TeX Inputs directory % % MAJOR COMMANDS: % \psbox{fname.eps} % makes a box having the right size to enclose the figure fname.eps; % \psboxto(xdim;ydim){fn.eps} % makes a box of the given size and rescales fn.eps so that it just fits; % \psboxto(\hsize;0pt){fn.eps} % has the maximal width & a height computed from a uniformal rescaling; % \centinsert{\pscaption{\psbox{fn.eps}}{Fig 1: the caption...}} % recommended way to include a graphics between 2 paragraphs; % \begin{figure}[hbt]\begin{center}\mbox{\psbox{fn.eps}}\caption{Fig 1:} % \end{figure} % recommended way in LaTeX; % \autojoin % makes a single file called psbjoint.tex containing the currently tex'd % file plus all the files (macros & figs) included since the \input of % psbox.tex. Texing psbjoint.tex will split it into all these files with % their original names (so think of PC's:12345678.123!!) and tex the % first one (generally the one that issued \autojoin). %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psboxOK.tex PSBOX ANTI-bug report form -------------------------- From: To: orloff@surya11.cern.ch (Jean Orloff) Subject: psbox ANIT-BUG PSBOX has been checked to work in the following environment: MACHINE TEX TEX->PS PRINTER/PREVIEWER ------- --- ------- ----------------- Macintosh*.* TeXtures*.* Apple LaserWriter (ALW) " OzTeX 1.3 ALW UniX workst: TeX 3.14t3 dvips 5.47 ALW SUN4 " " ALW NeXT " " Preview " dvialw ALW IBM370(VM/CMS) TeX3.14/CMS1.3 DVItoPS ALW " " dvips 5.483 ALW DOS PC emTeX dvips GhostScript If your system is not listed here but nevertheless works fine, please add in a line, fill in the detailed form below and send it to me. YOU Name: Email: PSBOX version no: source: MACHINE type: (NeXT, Mac LC,...) Operating system: TEX name: version: TEX->PS name: (dvips, TeXtures,...) version: DRAWING program: (Adobe Illustrator, xfig,...) version: PRINTER type: version of PostScript used: PREVIEW for postscript (if any): (ghostscript,...)