:: This is a sample batch illustrating how to make color separation :: using CMYK-HAX.TEX. The script can be easily adapted to any platform :: Calls for `TEX' and `DVIPS' should be changed to respective local names: :: TEX calls tex with appropriate format (e.g., plain or MeX, or...) :: DVIPS calls dvips (or dvips32.exe) :: Names SAMPLE1.TEX, SAM1-C.PS, SAM1-M.PS, SAM1-Y.PS, SAM1-K.PS :: should be replaced appropriately by parameters of the script. :: :: MAKE CYAN SEPARATION (PROJECTION): call tex \def\separate{\CYAN}\input sample1.tex call dvips sample1 -osam1-c.ps :: :: MAKE MAGENTA SEPARATION (PROJECTION): call tex \def\separate{\MAGENTA}\input sample1.tex call dvips sample1 -osam1-m.ps :: :: MAKE YELLOW SEPARATION (PROJECTION): call tex \def\separate{\YELLOW}\input sample1.tex call dvips sample1 -osam1-y.ps :: :: MAKE BLACK SEPARATION (PROJECTION): call tex \def\separate{\BLACK}\input sample1.tex call dvips sample1 -osam1-k.ps