------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-dvi.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / DVI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assert(luaotfload_module, "This is a part of luaotfload and should not be loaded independently") { name = "luaotfload-dvi", version = "3.29", --TAGVERSION date = "2024-12-03", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / DVI", license = "GPL v2.0", author = "Marcel Krüger", copyright = "Luaotfload Development Team", } local getfont = font.getfont local setfont = node.direct.setfont local getdisc = node.direct.getdisc local getlist = node.direct.getlist local is_glyph = node.direct.is_glyph local todirect = node.direct.todirect local traverse_glyph = node.direct.traverse_glyph local traverse_list = node.direct.traverse_list local traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id local traverse = node.direct.traverse local uses_font = node.direct.uses_font local define_font = font.define local hlist_t = node.id'hlist' local vlist_t = node.id'vlist' local disc_t = node.id'disc' local glyph_t = node.id'glyph' require'luaotfload-configuration' local configuration = config.luaotfload -- DVI output support -- -- When writing DVI files, we can't assume that the DVI reader has access to our -- font dictionaries, so we need an independent representation for our glyphs. The -- approach we chose in coordination with the dvisvgm author is to create a DVI font -- name which indicates the font filename and some essential backend parameters -- (especially otential extend, shrink, embolden, etc. factors) and then use GIDs in -- the page stream. -- -- Normally we could easily implement this using virtual fonts, but because we are -- dealing with DVI output, LuaTeX is not evaluating virtual fonts by itself. -- So instead, we process the shaped output and replace all glyph nodes with glyph -- nodes from special fonts which have the characteristics expected brom the DVI reader. -- mapped_fonts maps fontids from the user to fontids used in the DVI file local mapped_fonts = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, fid) local font = getfont(fid) local mapped = font and font.backend_font or false t[fid] = mapped return mapped end}) local full_hprocess local function full_vprocess(head) for _, id, _, list in traverse_list(head) do if id == hlist_t then full_hprocess(list) elseif id == vlist_t then full_vprocess(list) else assert(false) end end end function full_hprocess(head) local last_f, last_mapping, last_mapped_font for n, id in traverse(head) do if id == hlist_t then full_hprocess(getlist(n)) elseif id == vlist_t then full_vprocess(getlist(n)) elseif id == disc_t then local _, _, rep = getdisc(n) for n, c, f in traverse_glyph(rep) do if f ~= last_f then last_f, last_mapping = f, mapped_fonts[f] last_mapped_font = last_mapping and last_mapping.font end if last_mapping then local mapped = last_mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, last_mapped_font, mapped) end end end elseif id == glyph_t then local c, f = is_glyph(n) if f ~= last_f then last_f, last_mapping = f, mapped_fonts[f] last_mapped_font = last_mapping and last_mapping.font end if last_mapping then local mapped = last_mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, last_mapped_font, mapped) end end end end end local function delayed_register_callback() luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_shipout_filter', function(list) full_vprocess(todirect(list)) -- list should always be a single list node, so we can treat it as if it were a vlist with one node return true end, 'luaotfload.dvi') delayed_register_callback = function() end end local function process(head, font) local mapping = mapped_fonts[font] if not mapping then return head end local mapped_font = mapping.font for n, c, f in traverse_glyph(head) do if f == font then local mapped = mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, mapped_font, mapped) end end end for n in traverse_id(disc_t, head) do if uses_font(n, font) then local pre, post, rep = getdisc(n) for n, c, f in traverse_glyph(pre) do if f == font then local mapped = mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, mapped_font, mapped) end end end for n, c, f in traverse_glyph(post) do if f == font then local mapped = mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, mapped_font, mapped) end end end for n, c, f in traverse_glyph(rep) do if f == font then local mapped = mapping[c] if mapped then setfont(n, mapped_font, mapped) end end end end end end local function manipulate(tfmdata, _, dvi_kind) if dvi_kind == 'xdvipsk' then -- xdvipsk wants to read tea leaves instead of using reasonable interfaces. -- They will have to make sense of whatever output this produces. return elseif dvi_kind ~= 'dvisvgm' then texio.write_nl(string.format('WARNING (luaotfload): Unsupported DVI backend %q, falling back to dvisvgm.', dvi_kind)) end -- Legacy fonts can be written to the DVI file directly if 2 ~= (tfmdata.encodingbytes or ((tfmdata.format == 'truetype' or tfmdata.format == 'opentype') and 2 or 1)) then return end delayed_register_callback() local newfont = {} for k,v in pairs(tfmdata) do newfont[k] = v end local newchars = {} newfont.characters = newchars local lookup = {} for k,v in pairs(tfmdata.characters) do local newchar = { width = v.width, -- Only width should really be necessary height = v.height, depth = v.depth, } newchars[v.index or k] = newchar lookup[k] = v.index or k end newfont.checksum = string.unpack('>I4', 'LuaF') -- Use a magic checksum such that the reader -- can uniquely identify these fonts. local name = '[' .. newfont.name .. ']:' -- TODO: Why .name? I would have expected .filename if newfont.subfont and newfont.subfont ~= 1 then name = name .. 'index=' .. tostring(math.tointeger(newfont.subfont-1)) .. ';' end if newfont.extend and newfont.extend ~= 1000 then name = name .. 'extend=' .. tostring(math.tointeger(math.round(newfont.extend*65.536))) .. ';' end if newfont.slant and newfont.slant ~= 0 then name = name .. 'slant=' .. tostring(math.tointeger(math.round(newfont.slant*65.536))) .. ';' end if newfont.mode == 2 and newfont.width and newfont.width ~= 0 then name = name .. 'embolden=' .. tostring(math.tointeger(math.round(newfont.width*65.78176))) .. ';' end newfont.name = name:sub(1,-2) -- Stri th trailing : or ; tfmdata.backend_font = lookup lookup.font = define_font(newfont) end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = "dvifont", default = configuration.run.default_dvi_driver, manipulators = { node = manipulate, base = manipulate, }, -- Processors are not needed since we are using pre_shipout_filter -- processors = { -- node = process, -- base = process, -- }, }