------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-configuration.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / luaotfload-tool / config file reader -- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang, -- AUTHOR: Dohyun Kim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assert(luaotfload_module, "This is a part of luaotfload and should not be loaded independently") { name = "luaotfload-configuration", version = "3.29", --TAGVERSION date = "2024-12-03", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / config file reader", license = "GPL v2.0" } ------------------------------ local status_file = "luaotfload-status" local luaotfloadstatus = require (status_file) local string = string local stringfind = string.find local stringformat = string.format local stringstrip = string.strip local stringsub = string.sub local tableappend = table.append local tableconcat = table.concat local tablecopy = table.copy local table = table local tabletohash = table.tohash local math = math local mathfloor = math.floor local io = io local ioloaddata = io.loaddata local iopopen = io.popen local iowrite = io.write local os = os local osdate = os.date local osgetenv = os.getenv local lpeg = require "lpeg" local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local commasplitter = lpeg.splitat "," local equalssplitter = lpeg.splitat "=" local kpseexpand_path = kpse.expand_path local lfs = lfs local lfsisfile = lfs.isfile local lfsisdir = lfs.isdir local file = file local filejoin = file.join local filereplacesuffix = file.replacesuffix local logreport = print -- overloaded later local getwritablepath = luaotfload.fontloader.caches.getwritablepath local config_parser -- set later during init local stripslashes -- set later during init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local path_t = 0 local kpse_t = 1 local val_home = kpseexpand_path "~" local val_xdg_config_home = kpseexpand_path "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" if val_xdg_config_home == "" then val_xdg_config_home = "~/.config" end local config_paths = { --- needs adapting for those other OS { path_t, "./luaotfload.conf" }, { path_t, "./luaotfloadrc" }, { path_t, filejoin (val_xdg_config_home, "luaotfload/luaotfload.conf") }, { path_t, filejoin (val_xdg_config_home, "luaotfload/luaotfloadrc") }, { path_t, filejoin (val_home, ".luaotfloadrc") }, { kpse_t, "luaotfloadrc" }, { kpse_t, "luaotfload.conf" }, } local valid_formats = tabletohash { "otf", "ttc", "ttf", "afm", "pfb" } local default_location_precedence = { "system", "texmf", "local" } local valid_locations = tabletohash { "system", "texmf", "local" } local default_anon_sequence = { "tex", "path", "name" } local valid_resolvers = tabletohash { "tex", "path", "name", "file", "my" } local base_features = tabletohash { -- Adopt the generic default from HarfBuzz. -- The first line is generally enabled there, -- the second only for horizontal text. -- The third line is luaotfload specific "abvm", "blwm", "ccmp", "locl", "mark", "mkmk", "rlig", "calt", "clig", "curs", "dist", "kern", "liga", "rclt", "itlc", } local feature_presets = { arab = table.merged( tabletohash { "isol", "fina", "fin2", "fin3", "medi", "med2", "init", "cswh", "mset", }, base_features), deva = table.merged( tabletohash { "init", "nukt", "akhn", "rphf", "blwf", "half", "pstf", "vatu", "pres", "blws", "abvs", "psts", "haln", }, base_features), khmr = table.merged( tabletohash { "pref", "blwf", "abvf", "pstf", "pres", "blws", "abvs", "psts", }, base_features), hang = table.merged( tabletohash { "ccmp", "ljmo", "vjmo", "tjmo", }, base_features), } --[[doc-- We allow loading of arbitrary fontloaders. Nevertheless we maintain a list of the “official” ones shipped with Luaotfload so we can emit a different log message. --doc]]-- local function default_fontloader () return luaotfloadstatus and luaotfloadstatus.notes.loader or "reference" end local registered_loaders = { default = default_fontloader (), reference = "reference", unpackaged = "unpackaged", context = "context", } local function pick_fontloader (s) local ldr = registered_loaders[s] if ldr ~= nil and type (ldr) == "string" then logreport ("log", 2, "conf", "Using predefined fontloader %q.", ldr) return ldr end local idx = stringfind (s, ":") if idx and idx > 2 then if stringsub (s, 1, idx - 1) == "context" then local pth = stringsub (s, idx + 1) pth = stringstrip (pth) logreport ("log", 2, "conf", "Context base path specified at %q.", pth) if lfsisdir (pth) then logreport ("log", 5, "conf", "Context base path exists at %q.", pth) return pth end pth = kpseexpand_path (pth) if lfsisdir (pth) then logreport ("log", 5, "conf", "Context base path exists at %q.", pth) return pth end logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "Context base path not found at %q.", pth) end end return nil end --[[doc-- The ``post_linebreak_filter`` has been made the default callback for hooking the colorizer into. This helps with the linebreaking whose inserted hyphens would remain unaffected by the coloring otherwise. http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/238539/14066 --doc]]-- local permissible_color_callbacks = { default = "post_linebreak_filter", pre_linebreak_filter = "pre_linebreak_filter", post_linebreak_filter = "post_linebreak_filter", pre_output_filter = "pre_output_filter", } local known_dvi_drivers = { xdvipsk = 'xdvipsk', dvisvgm = 'dvisvgm', } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DEFAULTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local default_config = { db = { location_precedence = default_location_precedence, formats = "otf,ttf,ttc", scan_local = false, skip_read = false, strip = true, update_live = true, compress = true, max_fonts = 2^51, designsize_dimen = "bp", }, run = { anon_sequence = default_anon_sequence, resolver = "cached", definer = "patch", log_level = 0, color_callback = "post_linebreak_filter", fontloader = default_fontloader (), default_dvi_driver = "dvisvgm", live = true, }, misc = { bisect = false, version = luaotfload.version, statistics = false, termwidth = nil, keepnames = true, }, paths = { names_dir = "names", cache_dir = "fonts", index_file = "luaotfload-names.lua", lookups_file = "luaotfload-lookup-cache.lua", lookup_path_lua = nil, lookup_path_luc = nil, index_path_lua = nil, index_path_luc = nil, }, default_features = { global = { mode = "node" }, dflt = base_features, arab = feature_presets.arab, syrc = feature_presets.arab, mong = feature_presets.arab, nko = feature_presets.arab, deva = feature_presets.deva, beng = feature_presets.deva, guru = feature_presets.deva, gujr = feature_presets.deva, orya = feature_presets.deva, taml = feature_presets.deva, telu = feature_presets.deva, knda = feature_presets.deva, mlym = feature_presets.deva, sinh = feature_presets.deva, khmr = feature_presets.khmr, tibt = feature_presets.khmr, thai = feature_presets.thai, lao = feature_presets.thai, hang = feature_presets.hang, }, status = luaotfloadstatus, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- RECONFIGURATION TASKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[doc-- Procedures to be executed in order to put the new configuration into effect. --doc]]-- local reconf_tasks = nil local min_terminal_width = 40 --- The “termwidth” value is only considered when printing --- short status messages, e.g. when building the database --- online. local function check_termwidth () if config.luaotfload.misc.termwidth == nil then local tw = 79 if not ( os.type == "windows" --- Assume broken terminal. or osgetenv "TERM" == "dumb") then local p = iopopen "tput cols" if p then result = tonumber (p:read "*all") p:close () if result then tw = result else logreport ("log", 2, "db", "tput returned non-number.") end else logreport ("log", 2, "db", "Shell escape disabled or tput executable missing.") logreport ("log", 2, "db", "Assuming 79 cols terminal width.") end end config.luaotfload.misc.termwidth = tw end return true end local function set_font_filter () local names = fonts.names if names and names.set_font_filter then local formats = config.luaotfload.db.formats if not formats or formats == "" then formats = default_config.db.formats end names.set_font_filter (formats) end return true end local function set_location_precedence_list () local names = fonts.names if names and names.set_location_precedence then local locations = config.luaotfload.db.location_precedence if not locations or locations == "" then locations = default_config.db.location_precedence end fonts.names.set_location_precedence (locations) end return true end local function set_size_dimension () local names = fonts.names if names and names.set_size_dimension then local dim = config.luaotfload.db.designsize_dimen if not dim or dim == "" then dim = default_config.db.designsize_dimen end names.set_size_dimension (dim) end return true end local function set_name_resolver () local names = fonts.names if names and names.resolve_cached then --- replace the resolver from luatex-fonts if config.luaotfload.db.resolver == "cached" then logreport ("both", 2, "cache", "Caching of name: lookups active.") names.resolvespec = fonts.names.lookup_font_name_cached else names.resolvespec = fonts.names.lookup_font_name end end return true end local function set_loglevel () if luaotfload then luaotfload.log.set_loglevel (config.luaotfload.run.log_level) return true end return false end local function build_cache_paths () local paths = config.luaotfload.paths local prefix = getwritablepath (paths.names_dir, "") if not prefix then luaotfload.error ("Impossible to find a suitable writeable cache...") return false end prefix = lpegmatch (stripslashes, prefix) logreport ("log", 0, "conf", "Root cache directory is %q.", prefix) local index_file = filejoin (prefix, paths.index_file) local lookups_file = filejoin (prefix, paths.lookups_file) paths.prefix = prefix paths.index_path_lua = filereplacesuffix (index_file, "lua") paths.index_path_luc = filereplacesuffix (index_file, "luc") paths.lookup_path_lua = filereplacesuffix (lookups_file, "lua") paths.lookup_path_luc = filereplacesuffix (lookups_file, "luc") return true end local function set_default_features () local default_features = config.luaotfload.default_features luaotfload.features = luaotfload.features or { global = { }, defaults = { }, } local current_features = luaotfload.features for var, val in next, default_features do if var == "global" then current_features.global = val else current_features.defaults[var] = val end end return true end reconf_tasks = { { "Set the log level" , set_loglevel }, { "Build cache paths" , build_cache_paths }, { "Check terminal dimensions" , check_termwidth }, { "Set the font filter" , set_font_filter }, { "Set design size dimension" , set_size_dimension }, { "Install font name resolver", set_name_resolver }, { "Set default features" , set_default_features }, { "Set location precedence" , set_location_precedence_list }, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- OPTION SPECIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local string_t = "string" local table_t = "table" local number_t = "number" local boolean_t = "boolean" local function_t = "function" local function tointeger (n) n = tonumber (n) if n then return mathfloor (n + 0.5) end end local function toarray (s) local fields = { lpegmatch (commasplitter, s) } local ret = { } for i = 1, #fields do local field = stringstrip (fields[i]) if field and field ~= "" then ret[#ret + 1] = field end end return ret end local function tohash (s) local result = { } local fields = toarray (s) for _, field in next, fields do local var, val if stringfind (field, "=") then local tmp var, tmp = lpegmatch (equalssplitter, field) if tmp == "true" or tmp == "yes" then val = true else val = tmp end else var, val = field, true end result[var] = val end return result end local option_spec = { db = { formats = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (f) local fields = toarray (f) --- check validity if not fields then logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "Expected list of identifiers, got %q.", f) return nil end --- strip dupes local known = { } local result = { } for i = 1, #fields do local field = fields[i] if known[field] ~= true then --- yet unknown, tag as seen known[field] = true --- include in output if valid if valid_formats[field] == true then result[#result + 1] = field else logreport ("both", 4, "conf", "Invalid font format identifier %q, ignoring.", field) end end end if #result == 0 then --- force defaults return nil end return tableconcat (result, ",") end }, location_precedence = { in_t = string_t, out_t = table_t, transform = function (s) local bits = { lpegmatch (commasplitter, s) } if next (bits) then local seq = { } local done = { } for i = 1, #bits do local bit = bits [i] if valid_locations [bit] then if not done [bit] then done [bit] = true seq [#seq + 1] = bit else logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "ignoring duplicate location %s at position %d \z in precedence list", bit, i) end else logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "location precedence list contains invalid item %s \z at position %d.", bit, i) end end if next (seq) then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "overriding anon lookup sequence %s.", tableconcat (seq, ",")) return seq end end logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "no lookup locations enabled, falling back to default precedence list") return default_location_precedence end }, scan_local = { in_t = boolean_t, }, skip_read = { in_t = boolean_t, }, strip = { in_t = boolean_t, }, update_live = { in_t = boolean_t, }, compress = { in_t = boolean_t, }, max_fonts = { in_t = number_t, out_t = number_t, --- TODO int_t from 5.3.x on transform = tointeger, }, designsize_dimen = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, }, }, run = { anon_sequence = { in_t = string_t, out_t = table_t, transform = function (s) if s ~= "default" then local bits = { lpegmatch (commasplitter, s) } if next (bits) then local seq = { } local done = { } for i = 1, #bits do local bit = bits [i] if valid_resolvers [bit] then if not done [bit] then done [bit] = true seq [#seq + 1] = bit else logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "ignoring duplicate resolver %s at position %d \z in lookup sequence", bit, i) end else logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "lookup sequence contains invalid item %s \z at position %d.", bit, i) end end if next (seq) then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "overriding anon lookup sequence %s.", tableconcat (seq, ",")) return seq end end end return default_anon_sequence end }, live = { in_t = boolean_t, }, --- false for the tool, true for TeX run resolver = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (r) return r == "normal" and r or "cached" end, }, definer = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (d) if d == "generic" or d == "patch" or d == "info_generic" or d == "info_patch" then return d end return "patch" end, }, fontloader = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (id) local ldr = pick_fontloader (id) if ldr ~= nil then return ldr end logreport ("log", 0, "conf", "Requested fontloader %q not defined, " .. "use at your own risk.", id) return id end, }, log_level = { in_t = number_t, out_t = number_t, --- TODO int_t from 5.3.x on transform = tointeger, }, color_callback = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (cb_spec) --- These are the two that make sense. local cb = permissible_color_callbacks[cb_spec] if cb then logreport ("log", 3, "conf", "Using callback %q for font colorization.", cb) return cb end logreport ("log", 0, "conf", "Requested callback identifier %q invalid, " .. "falling back to default.", cb_spec) return permissible_color_callbacks.default end, }, default_dvi_driver = { in_t = string_t, out_t = string_t, transform = function (driver) local mapped = known_dvi_drivers[driver] if mapped then logreport ("log", 5, "conf", "Using default DVI driver %q if used in DVI mode.", mapped) return mapped end logreport ("log", 0, "conf", "Requested default DVI driver %q invalid, " .. "falling back to dvisvgm.", driver) return known_dvi_drivers.dvisvgm end, }, }, misc = { bisect = { in_t = boolean_t, }, --- doesn’t make sense in a config file version = { in_t = string_t, }, statistics = { in_t = boolean_t, }, termwidth = { in_t = number_t, out_t = number_t, transform = function (w) w = tointeger (w) if w < min_terminal_width then return min_terminal_width end return w end, }, keepnames = { in_t = boolean_t, }, }, paths = { names_dir = { in_t = string_t, }, cache_dir = { in_t = string_t, }, index_file = { in_t = string_t, }, lookups_file = { in_t = string_t, }, lookup_path_lua = { in_t = string_t, }, lookup_path_luc = { in_t = string_t, }, index_path_lua = { in_t = string_t, }, index_path_luc = { in_t = string_t, }, }, default_features = { __default = { in_t = string_t, out_t = table_t, transform = tohash, }, }, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- FORMATTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function commented (str) return ";" .. str end local underscore_replacer = lpeg.replacer ("_", "-", true) local function dashed (var) --- INI spec dictates that dashes are valid in variable names, not --- underscores. return underscore_replacer (var) or var end local indent = " " local function format_string (var, val) return stringformat (indent .. "%s = %s", var, val) end local function format_integer (var, val) return stringformat (indent .. "%s = %d", var, val) end local function format_boolean (var, val) return stringformat (indent .. "%s = %s", var, val == true and "true" or "false") end local function format_keyval (var, val) local list = { } local keys = table.sortedkeys (val) for i = 1, #keys do local key = keys[i] local subval = val[key] if subval == true then list[#list + 1] = stringformat ("%s", key) else list[#list + 1] = stringformat ("%s=%s", key, val[key]) end end if next (list) then return stringformat (indent .. "%s = %s", var, tableconcat (list, ",")) end end local function format_list (var, val) local elts = { } for i = 1, #val do elts [i] = val [i] end if next (elts) then return stringformat (indent .. "%s = %s", var, tableconcat (elts, ",")) end end local function format_section (title) return stringformat ("[%s]", dashed (title)) end local conf_header = [==[ ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Luaotfload Configuration ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; This file was generated by luaotfload-tool ;; on %s. Configuration variables ;; are documented in the manual to luaotfload.conf(5). ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]==] local conf_footer = [==[ ;; vim:filetype=dosini:expandtab:shiftwidth=2 ]==] --- Each dumpable variable (the ones mentioned in the man page) receives a --- formatter that will be used in dumping the variable. Each value receives a --- “commented” flag that indicates whether or not the line should be printed --- as a comment. local formatters = { db = { compress = { false, format_boolean }, designsize_dimen = { false, format_string }, formats = { false, format_string }, max_fonts = { false, format_integer }, scan_local = { false, format_boolean }, skip_read = { false, format_boolean }, strip = { false, format_boolean }, update_live = { false, format_boolean }, }, default_features = { __default = { true, format_keyval }, }, misc = { bisect = { false, format_boolean }, statistics = { false, format_boolean }, termwidth = { true , format_integer }, version = { true , format_string }, }, paths = { cache_dir = { false, format_string }, names_dir = { false, format_string }, index_file = { false, format_string }, lookups_file = { false, format_string }, }, run = { anon_sequence = { false, format_list }, color_callback = { false, format_string }, definer = { false, format_string }, fontloader = { true, format_string }, log_level = { false, format_integer }, resolver = { false, format_string }, default_dvi_driver = { false, format_string }, }, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- MAIN FUNCTIONALITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[doc-- tilde_expand -- Rudimentary tilde expansion; covers just the “substitute ‘~’ by the current users’s $HOME” part. --doc]]-- local function tilde_expand (p) if #p > 2 then if stringsub (p, 1, 2) == "~/" then local homedir = osgetenv "HOME" if homedir and lfsisdir (homedir) then p = filejoin (homedir, stringsub (p, 3)) end end end return p end local function resolve_config_path () for i = 1, #config_paths do local t, p = unpack (config_paths[i]) local fullname if t == kpse_t then fullname = kpse.find_file (p) logreport ("both", 6, "conf", "kpse lookup: %s -> %s.", p, fullname) elseif t == path_t then local expanded = tilde_expand (p) if lfsisfile (expanded) then fullname = expanded end logreport ("both", 6, "conf", "path lookup: %s -> %s.", p, fullname) end if fullname then logreport ("both", 3, "conf", "Reading configuration file at %q.", fullname) return fullname end end logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "No configuration file found.") return false end local function add_config_paths (t) if not next (t) then return end local result = { } for i = 1, #t do local path = t[i] result[#result + 1] = { path_t, path } end config_paths = tableappend (result, config_paths) end local process_options = function (opts) local new = { } for i = 1, #opts do local section = opts[i] local title = section.section.title local vars = section.variables if not title then --- trigger warning: arrow code ahead logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d lacks a title; skipping.", i) elseif not vars then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s) lacks a variable section; skipping.", i, title) else local spec = option_spec[title] if not spec then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s) unknown; skipping.", i, title) else local newsection = new[title] if not newsection then newsection = { } new[title] = newsection end for var, val in next, vars do local vspec = spec[var] or spec.__default local t_val = type (val) if not vspec then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s): invalid configuration variable %q (%q); ignoring.", i, title, var, tostring (val)) elseif t_val ~= vspec.in_t then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s): type mismatch of input value %q (%q, %s != %s); ignoring.", i, title, var, tostring (val), t_val, vspec.in_t) else --- type matches local transform = vspec.transform if transform then local dval local t_transform = type (transform) if t_transform == function_t then dval = transform (val) elseif t_transform == table_t then dval = transform[val] end if dval then local out_t = vspec.out_t if out_t then local t_dval = type (dval) if t_dval == out_t then newsection[var] = dval else logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s): type mismatch of derived value of %q (%q, %s != %s); ignoring.", i, title, var, tostring (dval), t_dval, out_t) end else newsection[var] = dval end else logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Section %d (%s): value of %q could not be derived via %s from input %q; ignoring.", i, title, var, t_transform, tostring (val)) end else --- insert as is newsection[var] = val end end end end end end return new end local function apply (old, new) if not new then if not old then return false end return tablecopy (old) elseif not old then return tablecopy (new) end local result = tablecopy (old) for name, section in next, new do local t_section = type (section) if t_section ~= table_t then logreport ("both", 1, "conf", "Error applying configuration: entry %s is %s, expected table.", section, t_section) --- ignore else local currentsection = result[name] for var, val in next, section do currentsection[var] = val end end end return result end local function reconfigure() for i = 1, #reconf_tasks do local name, task = unpack (reconf_tasks[i]) logreport ("both", 3, "conf", "Launch post-configuration task %q.", name) if not task () then logreport ("both", 0, "conf", "Post-configuration task %q failed.", name) return false end end return true end local function read (extra) if extra then add_config_paths (extra) end local readme = resolve_config_path () if readme == false then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "No configuration file.") return false end local raw = ioloaddata (readme) if not raw then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Error reading the configuration file %q.", readme) return false end local parsed = lpegmatch (config_parser, raw) if not parsed then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Error parsing configuration file %q.", readme) return false end local ret, msg = process_options (parsed) if not ret then logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "File %q is not a valid configuration file.", readme) logreport ("both", 2, "conf", "Error: %s", msg) return false end return ret end local function apply_defaults () local defaults = default_config local vars = read () --- Side-effects galore ... config.luaotfload = apply (defaults, vars) return reconfigure () end local function dump () local sections = table.sortedkeys (config.luaotfload) local confdata = { } for i = 1, #sections do local section = sections[i] local vars = config.luaotfload[section] local varnames = table.sortedkeys (vars) local sformats = formatters[section] if sformats then confdata[#confdata + 1] = format_section (section) for j = 1, #varnames do local var = varnames[j] local val = vars[var] local comment, sformat = unpack (sformats[var] or { }) if not sformat then comment, sformat = unpack (sformats.__default or { }) end if sformat then local dashedvar = dashed (var) if comment then confdata[#confdata + 1] = commented (sformat (dashedvar, val)) else confdata[#confdata + 1] = sformat (dashedvar, val) end end end confdata[#confdata + 1] = "" end end if next(confdata) then iowrite (stringformat (conf_header, osdate ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", os.time ()))) iowrite (tableconcat (confdata, "\n")) iowrite (conf_footer) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- EXPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return function () config.luaotfload = { } logreport = luaotfload.log.report local parsers = luaotfload.parsers config_parser = parsers.config stripslashes = parsers.stripslashes luaotfload.default_config = default_config config.actions = { read = read, apply = apply, apply_defaults = apply_defaults, reconfigure = reconfigure, dump = dump, } if not apply_defaults () then logreport ("log", 0, "load", "Configuration unsuccessful: error loading default settings.") end return true end