----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-arabic.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / arabic specific support ----------------------------------------------------------------------- assert(luaotfload_module, "This is a part of luaotfload and should not be loaded independently") { name = "luaotfload-arabic", version = "3.29", --TAGVERSION date = "2024-12-03", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / features", license = "GPL v2.0", author = "Marcel Krüger", copyright = "The LaTeX Project", } local unicode = require'luaotfload-unicode' local ccc = unicode.ccc local node_new = node.direct.new local setlink = node.direct.setlink local is_char = node.direct.is_char local getnext = node.direct.getnext -- Mark combining marks local mcm = { [0x0654] = true, -- ARABIC HAMZA ABOVE [0x0655] = true, -- ARABIC HAMZA BELOW [0x0658] = true, -- ARABIC MARK NOON GHUNNA [0x06DC] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH SEEN [0x06E3] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL LOW SEEN [0x06E7] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH [0x06E8] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH NOON [0x08CA] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH FARSI YEH [0x08CB] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH BARREE WITH TWO DOTS BELOW [0x08CD] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH ZAH [0x08CE] = true, -- ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT ABOVE [0x08CF] = true, -- ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT BELOW [0x08D3] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL LOW WAW [0x08F3] = true, -- ARABIC SMALL HIGH WAW } -- Implement AMTRA from UTR #53. -- This assumes that the text is already normalized according to NFD. For most -- fonts, normalizing to NFC should be good enough. local function reorder_amtra(head, f) local n = head while n do local base, prev = n prev, n = n, getnext(n) while true do local char = is_char(n, f) -- is_char(nil, f) == is_char(0, f) == nil local this_ccc = ccc[char] if not this_ccc then break end -- ! This `break` is the hot path if this_ccc == 33 then local after_33, tail_33 = n repeat tail_33 = after_33 after_33 = getnext(tail_33) local char = is_char(after_33, f) local after_ccc = ccc[char] until after_ccc ~= 33 setlink(prev, after_33) setlink(tail_33, getnext(base)) setlink(base, n) if prev == base then prev = tail_33 end n = after_33 elseif this_ccc == 220 then local after_220, tail_220, found = n repeat tail_220 = after_220 after_220 = getnext(tail_220) local char = is_char(after_220, f) if mcm[char] then found = true end local after_ccc = ccc[char] until after_ccc ~= 220 if found then setlink(prev, after_220) setlink(tail_220, getnext(base)) setlink(base, n) if prev == base then prev = tail_220 end n = after_220 base = tail_220 -- Because ccc230 should get inserted after this else prev, n = tail_220, after_220 end elseif this_ccc == 230 then local after_230, tail_230, found = n repeat tail_230 = after_230 after_230 = getnext(tail_230) local char = is_char(after_230, f) if mcm[char] then found = true end local after_ccc = ccc[char] until after_ccc ~= 230 if found then setlink(prev, after_230) setlink(tail_230, getnext(base)) setlink(base, n) if prev == base then prev = tail_230 end n = after_230 else prev, n = tail_220, after_220 end else prev, n = n, getnext(n) end end end return n end -- We need to run after normalize and ideally directly afterwards. So try to insert after normalize -- or default to the start of the list such that normalize can insert itself before us later. local normalize_index = 0 for i, manipulator in ipairs(fonts.constructors.features.otf.processors.node) do if manipulator.name == 'normalize' then normalize_index = i end end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'amtra', default = 'auto', description = 'Apply Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering', initializers = { node = function(fonttable, value, features) if values == 'auto' then features.amtra = fonttable.properties.script == 'arab' end end, }, processors = { position = normalize_index + 1, node = function(head, f) return reorder_amtra(head, f) end, }, }