% !TeX root = tcolorbox.tex % include file of tcolorbox.tex (manual of the LaTeX package tcolorbox) \clearpage \section{\tikzname\ Auxiliary Macros}\label{sec:tikzimagefilling}% \tcbset{external/prefix=external/filling_}% The \mylib{skins} library adds some auxiliary options to the vast option set of \tikzname\ \cite{tantau:tikz_and_pgf}. These options can be used in any |tikzpicture|. For the following options, the \mylib{skins} library has to be loaded by a package option or inside the preamble by: \begin{dispListing} \tcbuselibrary{skins} \end{dispListing} See \Vref{sec:skins} for the documentation of all other options of the \mylib{skins} library. \begin{marker} Up to version 5.1.1 (2022/06/24) of |tcolorbox|, \tikzname\ image and picture fill extensions were documented here. These extensions are now separate \tikzname\ libraries and part of the |tikzfill| package where they are documented now. \end{marker} \subsection{Straightening of the Arcs} \begin{marker} This patch is considered as an experimental feature. It changes some of the original \tikzname\ code. This change may break with future updates of \tikzname. \end{marker} \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-05-05]{tcbpatcharcangular}{} The \tikzname\ package provides a nice |rounded corners| option to replace all corners by little arcs. |\tcbpatcharcangular| is a patch which straightens the arcs. To say it more prosaic, the little arcs are replaced by little straight lines. \begin{dispExample*}{sbs,lefthand ratio=0.66,right=2mm,sidebyside gap=5mm,center lower} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); \tcbpatcharcangular \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt,xshift=2.5cm] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); \end{tikzpicture} \end{dispExample*} \end{docCommand} \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-05-05]{tcbpatcharcround}{} This macro reverts \refCom{tcbpatcharcangular}, i.e., the patch from \refCom{tcbpatcharcangular} is replaced by the original code. \end{docCommand} \clearpage \subsection{Extracting Node Dimensions} The following auxiliary macros are defined by the \mylib{skins} library. They allow to determine the width and height of an arbitrary \tikzname\ node. To be more specific, they determine the east-to-west and the north-to-south dimensions which may be not the maximal dimensions for a non-rectangular node. Note that the following dimensions are measured exactly including the line width of the border line. If a new rectangle or node with the same dimensions and a border is to be drawn, this border width has to be subtracted. \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-09-19]{tcbsettowidthofnode}{\marg{register}\marg{node}} Sets the east-to-west dimension of the given \meta{node} to the \TeX\ \meta{register}. \end{docCommand} \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-09-19]{tcbsetmacrotowidthofnode}{\marg{macro}\marg{node}} Defines \meta{macro} as the east-to-west dimension of the given \meta{node}. \end{docCommand} \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-09-19]{tcbsettoheightofnode}{\marg{register}\marg{node}} Sets the north-to-south dimension of the given \meta{node} to the \TeX\ \meta{register}. \end{docCommand} \begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-09-19]{tcbsetmacrotoheightofnode}{\marg{macro}\marg{node}} Defines \meta{macro} as the north-to-south dimension of the given \meta{node}. \end{docCommand} \begin{dispExample} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[align=center,draw=red,fill=yellow] (A) {This is my\\example node}; \tcbsetmacrotowidthofnode\mywidth{A} \tcbsetmacrotoheightofnode\myheight{A} \path[fill=blue!25!white] % rectangle without border ([xshift=2mm]A.south east) rectangle node{Copy} +(\mywidth,\myheight); \node[draw=blue,fill=blue!25!white, % standard border width 0.4pt minimum width=\mywidth-0.4pt, % minus width of border minimum height=\myheight-0.4pt % minus height of border ] at ([xshift=5cm]A) {Copy 2}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{dispExample} \subsection{Hyper Nodes} The following auxiliary macro is defined by the \mylib{skins} library. \enlargethispage*{1cm} \begin{docCommand}[doc new and updated={2016-02-03}{2023-02-28}]{tcbhypernode}{\marg{macro}\marg{node}} % Sets the east-to-west dimension of the given \meta{node} % to the \TeX\ \meta{register}. Applies a hyperlink creating \meta{macro} from the package |hyperref| \cite{rahtz:hyperref} to an existing |tikz| \meta{node}. \refCom{tcbhypernode} can only be used inside a |tikzpicture| environment. The last argument of the \meta{macro} is to be omitted and should stand for an object (text) which is to be made a hyperlink. For example, use |\hyperref[name]| instead of |\hyperref[name]{text}|. \begin{dispExample} % \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[align=center,draw=red,fill=red!5] (mybutton) {Click me to jump to Section~\ref*{sec:tikzimagefilling}}; \tcbhypernode{\hyperref[sec:tikzimagefilling]}{mybutton} \end{tikzpicture} \end{dispExample} \end{docCommand}