\skbem[code]{width} & Set the width to be used with \cmd{resizebox} and \cmd{includegraphics}. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{height} & Set the height to be used with \cmd{resizebox} and \cmd{includegraphics}. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{center} & Use center environment. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{figure} & Use figure environment. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{position} & The position to be used within figure environment. This option will be ignored if not combined with \skbem[code]{figure}. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{caption} & The caption to be used. Ignored if the option \skbem[code]{figure} is not used. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{label} & The label to be used. Ignored if the option \skbem[code]{figure} is not used. \\ \midrule \skbem[code]{multiinclide} & The label to be used. Ignored if the option \skbem[code]{figure} is not used. \\