\opt{text}{\skbheading{Path and File Names}} \DescribeMacro{\skbfileroot} \DescribeMacro{\skbpathroot} \DescribeMacro{\skbfileacr} \DescribeMacro{\skbfilebib} \DescribeMacro{\skbpathbib} \DescribeMacro{\skbfilerep} \DescribeMacro{\skbfilepub} \DescribeMacro{\skbfilefig} \DescribeMacro{\skbfilesli} The \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} provides a number of macros to directly create path and file names. Most of these macros are actually used within the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}, but they might also be useful for users to access files without using the provided specialised macros (such as \cmd{\skbinput}. The following macros are provided: \begin{skbnotelist} \item \cmd{\skbpathroot} -- returns the set root path of the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}. \item \cmd{\skbfileroot} -- returns the set root path and adds \skbem[code]{/#1}, i.e. the directory separator and the argument provided. \item \cmd{\skbfileacr} -- returns the path (including root) and file name for the acronym database. \item \cmd{\skbfilebib} -- returns the path (including root) and file name for the file that loads the reference database (\BibTeX). \item \cmd{\skbpathbib} -- returns the path (including root) to the reference database. \item \cmd{\skbfilerep} -- returns the path to the repository and adds \skbem[code]{/#1}, i.e. the directory separator and the argument provided. \item \cmd{\skbfilepub} -- returns the path to the folder with the published documents and adds \skbem[code]{/#1}, i.e. the directory separator and the argument provided. \item \cmd{\skbfilefig} -- returns the path to the figure folder and adds \skbem[code]{/#1}, i.e. the directory separator and the argument provided. \item \cmd{\skbfilesli} -- returns the path to the slide folder and adds \skbem[code]{/#1}, i.e. the directory separator and the argument provided. \end{skbnotelist}