\opt{text}{\skbheading{Listings Styles and Support}} The \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} comes with a few predefined styles for the listing package. Most of them use type writer font in scriptsize, arrange a grey box around the listing and set the keywords to Blue4. \begin{skbnotelist} \item generic -- for any generic listing without specifying a language and no line numbers. \item genericLN -- same as generic, just with line number in the left side, which means allowing extra space left to the listing box. \item gentab -- almost the same as generic, but without definitions for frame and numbers, which seem to collide with some table environments. \item genericLNspecial -- same as genericLN, just with a lighter grey for the box. \item beamer-example -- style designed for examples in beamer frames. \item beamer-exampleLN -- same as beamer-example, just with line numbers on the left, which means allowing extra space left to the listing box. \item javaCode -- generic style plus lanugage Java. \end{skbnotelist} \DescribeMacro{\lstdefinestyle} There is also one macro supported, which sets the listing style back to normal, i.e. after changing it in the text. Some macros in the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} make use of this. All that \cmd{\lstdefinestyle} does is setting the basic style back to type writer font.