\opt{text}{\skbheading{Confguration: View Options Used}\label{macro:skboptionsused}} \DescribeMacro{\skboptionsused} This macro will print out a warning including the currently used configuration information and the change list for each of them. For example, if the configuration for \skbem[code]{root} has not been changed the output for \skbem[code]{root} will be \skbem[code]{- root [skb.sty]: /doc} but if the configuration for \skbem[code]{fig} has been changed using \cmd{\skbconfig} to \skbem[code]{graphics} the output for \skbem[code]{root} will be \skbem[code]{- fib [skb.sty, skbconfig]: graphics} This macro is automatically called at the end of processing. When creating the documentation for the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} by running \skbem[code]{pdflatex skb.dtx}, the following output will be created: \lstinputlisting[style=generic]{\skbfileroot{examples/used-options}} The change log shows that all configuration options have been set by \skbem[code]{skb.sty} and later by \skbem[code]{skb.cfg}. Furthermore, the configuration option \skbem[code]{root} has been changed by \skbem[code]{skb.dtx}.