\opt{text}{\skbheading{Installation}} There are two ways to install the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}. The first option is have it automatically installed by your \LaTeX~distribution using \TeX Life or the \skbacft{TeX:CTAN} archive\footnote{Note: Version 0.5 of the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} has been submitted to \skbacft{TeX:CTAN} and is available at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/skb/. But it will take a while to reach all mirrors and even longer for TeX Live and automatic installation with your prefered \TeX~distribution}. The second option is a manual installation doing the following steps: \begin{skbnoteenum} \item Go to your \LaTeX~distribution to the folder \skbem[code]{tex/latex}. \item Create a folder \skbem[code]{skb}. \item Copy all files from the directory \skbem[code]{run} of this package to the newly created folder \skbem[code]{tex/latex/skb}. \item Update the filename database of your \LaTeX~distibution. Please see the manual or help files of your \LaTeX~distribution for details. \end{skbnoteenum} \noindent If you want copy the source and documentation files as well, then do the following steps. We start with the documentation: \begin{skbnoteenum} \item Go to your \LaTeX~distribution to the folder \skbem[code]{doc/latex}. \item Create a folder \skbem[code]{skb}. \item Copy all files from the directory \skbem[code]{doc} of this package to the newly created folder \skbem[code]{doc/latex/skb}. \end{skbnoteenum} \noindent And now the source files of the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}: \begin{skbnoteenum} \item Go to your \LaTeX~distribution to the folder \skbem[code]{source/latex}. \item Create a folder \skbem[code]{skb}. \item Copy all files and directories from the directory \skbem[code]{source} of this package to the newly created folder \skbem[code]{source/latex/skb}. \end{skbnoteenum} Now you have installed the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} and you are ready to use it.