\DescribeMacro{\skbconfig} There are multiple options to configure the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}. The following list contains all possible options starting with the least significant. That means that the higher priority settings, which overwrite other settings, will be listed at the bottom. \begin{itemize} \item Change the file \skbem[code]{skb.sty} in your \LaTeX~ distribution. This might require administrator (root) privileges. This option, while possible, is not recommended. \item Change the file \skbem[code]{skb.cfg} in your \LaTeX~ distribution. This might require administrator (root) privileges. This option is suitable for a system wide configuration, say on your own computer or laptop. \item Create a file \skbem[code]{skblocal.cfg} in your personal \LaTeX~style/template directory. This will be the most convenient way to configure the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}. Note: you might need to refresh the file database of your \LaTeX~distribution. \item Use \cmd{\skbconfig} in your documents. \end{itemize} If you chose option 1 we assume you know what you are doing. In case you chose options 2-3, you can use the macro \cmd{\skbconfig} to do the configuration for you. The macro comes with options for all possible settings of the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB}. \opt{text}{\autoref{tab:skbconfig:options}}\opt{note}{This slide} describes all options and shows their default value. Please note that the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} can currently not handle inputs from directories outside the root hierarchy. However, one can call \cmd{\skbconfig} anytime to change the root directory, but be carefull with potential side effects!. \opt{text}{ \begin{table}[ht!] \caption{Options for skbconfig} \label{tab:skbconfig:options} \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ >{\small}p{.1\textwidth} >{\small}p{.65\textwidth} >{\small}p{.15\textwidth}} \toprule \textbf{Option} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Default} \\ \midrule \skbinput[from=rep]{getting-started/config-opt-table} \bottomrule \end{tabular*} \end{table} }