# The `animate` LaTeX Package © 2007--`\today` Alexander Grahn https://gitlab.com/agrahn/animate ## Description This package provides an interface to create portable, JavaScript driven PDF and SVG animations from sets of (vector) graphics or rasterized image files or from inline (vector) graphics, such as LaTeX-picture, PSTricks or pgf/TikZ generated pictures, or just from typeset text. It supports the usual PDF making workflows, i. e. pdfLaTeX, LaTeX ⇒ `dvips` ⇒ `ps2pdf` (Ghostscript)/Distiller, (Xe)LaTeX ⇒ `(x)dvipdfmx`, LuaLaTeX, and LaTeX ⇒ `dvisvgm` for SVG. The resulting PDF with animations can be viewed in Acrobat Reader (except on mobile devices), KDE Okular, PDF-XChange, Foxit Reader, PDF.js (Firefox' built-in PDF viewer and extension for Chromium-based browsers). Animated SVG are self-contained files that can be embedded into HTML using the `` tag or opened directly in a Web browser, such as Firefox or Chromium. Note, this file only gives a summary of usage and available package and command options. Please refer to the documentation [`animate.pdf`](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/animate/animate.pdf) for details and examples. *Keywords:* include portable PDF animation SVG animation animated PDF animated SVG dvisvgm html TeX4ht web animating embed animated graphics LaTeX pdfLaTeX LuaLaTeX PSTricks pgf TikZ LaTeX-picture MetaPost inline graphics vector graphics animated GIF LaTeX dvips ps2pdf dvipdfmx XeLaTeX JavaScript Acrobat Reader KDE Okular PDF-XChange Foxit Reader PDF.js Firefox Chrome Chromium ## Usage ````latex \usepackage[]{animate} ```` - **Package options:** ```` width=, height=, totalheight=, keepaspectratio, scale=, bb= , viewport= , trim= , hiresbb, pagebox=..., interpolate, type=[], final, draft, nomouse, autopause, autoplay, autoresume, controls[=all | none | ...], controlsaligned=left[+] | center | right[+], buttonsize=, buttonbg=, buttonfg=, buttonalpha=, loop, palindrome, step, poster[=first | | last | none], alttext=none | {}, method=icon | widget | ocg, dvipdfmx, dvisvgm, xetex, export ```` - **User interface:** ````latex \animategraphics[]{}{}{}{} \begin{animateinline}[]{} ... typeset material ... \newframe[] ... typeset material ... \newframe*[] ... typeset material ... \newframe \multiframe{}{[]}{ ... repeated (parameterized) material ... \multiframebreak % optional ! } \end{animateinline} ```` - **Command options:** ```` width=, height=, totalheight=, keepaspectratio, scale=, bb= , viewport= , trim= , hiresbb, pagebox=..., interpolate, type=[], final, draft, nomouse, autopause, autoplay, autoresume, controls[=all | none | ...], controlsaligned=left[+] | center | right[+], buttonsize=, buttonbg=, buttonfg=, buttonalpha=, loop, palindrome, step, measure, poster[=first | | last | none], alttext=none | {}, begin={}, end={}, timeline=, method=icon | widget | ocg, every=, label=