2008-11-01 Jürg Billeter * NEWS: update for 0.1.4 release 2008-05-30 Jürg Billeter * gee/hashmap.vala: * gee/hashset.vala: Use [Compact] for the HashMap.Node and HashSet.Node classes 2008-05-30 Jürg Billeter * tests/testarraylist.vala: remove invalid type tests as these cause compile errors with recent Vala versions 2008-05-07 Jürg Billeter * gee/Makefile.am: * tests/Makefile.am: Update build system to use valac -C, patch by Jaap A. Haitsma, fixes bug 531224 2008-05-01 Jürg Billeter * configure.ac: Post-release version bump