2.21.3 (unstable): David King (1): Only compile the properties example if properties are enabled. Jonathon Jongsma (10): fix release target to use correct tagging scheme Bug 587173 - Fails to install when bootstrapped with Automake 1.11 add _IGNORE() for a eject_with_operation() which is hand-written add get_start_stop_type() and Gio::DriveStartStopType enum add overloads for resolver methods without a cancellable object add async versions of Resolver methods Added a simple example showing how to resolve an internet address from a hostname Fix MemoryInputStream::addData (Bug #589683) Fix a build error in MemoryInputStream Add Glib::ObjectBase::freeze_notify()/thaw_notify. Fixes Bug #575533 José Alburquerque (1): Repair Glib::KeyFile docs with regard to exceptions. Bug# 587766. Krzesimir Nowak (1): Wrapped several ISO 8601 related functions. Murray Cumming (1): Corrected the ChangeLog to mention changes that I accidentally committed in last month, but which I did want to commit some time.