--% Kale Ewasiuk (kalekje@gmail.com) --% 2024-08-17 --% Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Kale Ewasiuk --% --% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --% furnished to do so, subjdeect to the following conditions: --% --% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in --% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --% --% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF --% ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED --% TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A --% PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT --% SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR --% ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN --% ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE --% OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- https://lunarmodules.github.io/Penlight/ __PL_PLUS__ = true __PL_SKIP_TEX__ = __PL_SKIP_TEX__ or false --if declared true before here, it will use regular print functions -- (for troubleshooting with texlua instead of actual use in lua latex) __PL_GLOBALS__ = __PL_GLOBALS__ or false __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ = __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ or false penlight.luakeys = require'luakeys'() penlight.debug_available = false -- check if penlight debug package is available if debug ~= nil then if type(debug.getinfo) == 'function' then penlight.debug_available = true end end -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin -- todo read me!! penlight.tex = {} -- adding a sub-module for tex related stuff local bind = bind or penlight.func.bind function penlight.hasval(x) -- if something has value if (type(x) == 'function') or (type(x) == 'CFunction') or (type(x) == 'userdata') then return true elseif (x == nil) or (x == false) or (x == 0) or (x == '') or (x == {}) then return false elseif (type(x) ~= 'boolean') and (type(x) ~= 'number') and (type(x) ~= 'string') then -- something else? maybe ths not needed if #x == 0 then -- one more check, probably no needed though, I was trying to cover other classes but they all tables return false else return true end end return true end -- Some simple and helpful LaTeX functions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- xparse defaults penlight.tex.xTrue = '\\BooleanTrue ' penlight.tex.xFalse = '\\BooleanFalse ' penlight.tex.xNoValue = '-NoValue-' penlight.tex._xTrue = '\\BooleanTrue ' penlight.tex._xFalse = '\\BooleanFalse ' penlight.tex._xNoValue = '-NoValue-' --Generic LuaLaTeX utilities for print commands or environments if not __PL_SKIP_TEX__ then local function check_special_chars(s) -- todo extend to toher special chars? if type(s) == 'string' then if string.find(s, '[\n\r\t\0]') then penlight.tex.pkgwarn('penlight', 'printing string with special (eg. newline) char, possible unexpected behaviour on string: '..s) end end end -- NOTE: usage is a bit different than default. If number is first arg, you CANT change catcode. -- We don't need that under normal use, use tex.print or tex.sprint if you need function penlight.tex.prt(s, ...) -- print something, no new line after check_special_chars(s) if type(s) == 'number' then s = tostring(s) end tex.sprint(s, ...) --can print lists as well, but will NOT put new line between them or anything printed end function penlight.tex.prtn(s, ...) -- print with new line after, can print lists or nums. C-function not in Lua, apparantly s = s or '' check_special_chars(s) if type(s) == 'number' then s = tostring(s) end tex.print(s, ...) end penlight.tex.wrt = texio.write penlight.tex.wrtn = texio.write_nl else penlight.tex.prt = io.write penlight.tex.prtn = print --print with new line penlight.tex.wrt = io.write penlight.tex.wrtn = io.write_nl end function penlight.tex.prtl(str) -- prints a literal/lines string in latex, adds new line between them for line in str:gmatch"[^\n]*" do -- gets all characters up to a new line penlight.tex.prtn(line) end end -- todo option to specify between character? one for first table, on for recursives? function penlight.tex.prtt(tab, d1, d2) -- prints a table with new line between each item d1 = d1 or '' d2 = d2 or '\\leavevmode\\\\' for _, t in pairs(tab) do -- if type(t) ~= 'table' then if d1 == '' then penlight.tex.prtn(t) else penlight.tex.prt(t, d1) end else penlight.tex.prtn(d2) penlight.tex.prtt(t,d1,d2) end end end function penlight.tex.wrth(s1, s2) -- helpful printing, makes it easy to debug, s1 is object, s2 is note local wrt2 = wrt or texio.write_nl or print s2 = s2 or '' wrt2('\nvvvvv '..s2..'\n') if type(s1) == 'table' then wrt2(penlight.pretty.write(s1)) else wrt2(tostring(s1)) end wrt2('\n^^^^^\n') end penlight.wrth = penlight.tex.wrth penlight.tex.help_wrt = penlight.tex.wrth penlight.help_wrt = penlight.tex.wrth function penlight.tex.prt_array2d(t) for _, r in ipairs(t) do local s = '' for _, v in ipairs(r) do s = s.. tostring(v)..', ' end penlight.tex.prt(s) penlight.tex.prt('\n') end end -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.tex.pkgwarn(pkg, msg1, msg2) pkg = pkg or '' msg1 = msg1 or '' msg2 = msg2 or '' tex.sprint('\\PackageWarning{'..pkg..'}{'..msg1..'}{'..msg2..'}') end function penlight.tex.pkgerror(pkg, msg1, msg2, stop) pkg = pkg or '' msg1 = msg1 or '' msg2 = msg2 or '' stop = penlight.hasval(stop) tex.sprint('\\PackageError{'..pkg..'}{'..msg1..'}{'..msg2..'}') if stop then tex.sprint('\\stop') end -- stop on the spot (say that 10 times) end --definition helpers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.tex.defmacro(cs, val, g) -- , will not work if val contains undefined tokens (so pre-define them if using..) val = val or '' -- however this works for arbitrary command names (\@hello-123 etc allowed) g = g or 'global' token.set_macro(cs, val, g) end function penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) -- fixes above issue, but only chars allowed in cs (and no @) val = val or '' tex.sprint('\\gdef\\'..cs..'{'..val..'}') end function penlight.tex.defcmdAT(cs, val) -- allows @ in cs, --however should only be used in preamble. I avoid \makeatother because I've ran into issues with cls and sty files using it. val = val or '' tex.sprint('\\makeatletter\\gdef\\'..cs..'{'..val..'}') end function penlight.tex.prvcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then -- do nothing if token is defined already --pkgwarn('penlight', 'Definition '..cs..' is being overwritten') else penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) end end function penlight.tex.newcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlight: newcmd',cs..' already defined') else penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) end end function penlight.tex.renewcmd(cs, val) -- provide command via lua if token.is_defined(cs) then penlight.tex.defcmd(cs, val) else penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlight: renewcmd',cs..' not defined') end end function penlight.tex.deccmd(cs, def, overwrite) -- declare a definition, placeholder throws an error if it used but not set! overwrite = penlight.hasval(overwrite) local decfun if overwrite then decfun = penlight.tex.defcmd else decfun = penlight.tex.newcmd end if def == nil then decfun(cs, pkgerror('penlight', cs..' was declared and used in document, but never set')) else decfun(cs, def) end end -- -- -- todo add and improve this, options for args? --local function defcmd_nest(cs) -- for option if you'd like your commands under a parent ex. \csparent{var} -- tex.print('\\gdef\\'..cs..'#1{\\csname '..var..'--#1--\\endcsname}') --end -- -- --local function defcmd(cs, val, nargs) -- if (nargs == nil) or (args == 0) then -- token.set_macro(cs, tostring(val), 'global') -- else -- local args = '#1' -- tex.print('\\gdef\\'..cs..args..'{'..val..'}') -- -- todo https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/57551/create-a-capitalized-macro-token-using-csname -- -- \expandafter\gdef\csname Two\endcsname#1#2{1:#1, two:#2} --todo do it like this -- end --end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- when nesting commands, this makes it helpful to not worry about brackets penlight.tex._NumBkts = 0 --prt(opencmd('textbf')..opencmd('texttt')..'bold typwriter'..close_bkt_cnt()) function penlight.tex.opencmd(cmd) return '\\'..cmd..add_bkt_cnt() end function penlight.tex.reset_bkt_cnt(n) n = n or 0 _NumBkts = n end function penlight.tex.add_bkt_cnt(n) -- add open bracket n times, returns brackets n = n or 1 _NumBkts = _NumBkts + n return ('{'):rep(n) end function penlight.tex.close_bkt_cnt(n) n = n or _NumBkts local s = ('}'):rep(n) _NumBkts = _NumBkts - n return s end function penlight.tex.aliasluastring(s, d) s = s:delspace():upper():tolist() d = d:delspace():upper():tolist() for i, S in penlight.seq.enum(d:slice_assign(1,#s,s)) do if (S == 'E') or (S == 'F') then S = '' end -- E or F is fully expanded penlight.tex.prtn('\\let\\plluastring'..penlight.Char(i)..'\\luastring'..S) end end function penlight.tex.get_ref_info(l) local n = 5 if __PL_NO_HYPERREF__ then local n = 2 end local r = token.get_macro('r@'..l) local t = {} if r == nil then t = penlight.tablex.new(n, 0) -- make all 0s r = '-not found-' else t = {r:match(("(%b{})"):rep(n))} t = penlight.tablex.map(string.trimfl, t) end t[#t+1] = r -- add the og return of label --penlight.help_wrt(t, 'ref info') return t end -- todo add regex pattern for cref info --function penlight.tex.get_ref_info_all_cref(l) -- local r = token.get_macro('r@'..l..'@cref') -- if r == nil then -- return r, 0, 0 -- end -- local sec, page = r:match("{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}") -- return r, sec, page --end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- math stuff function math.mod(a, b) -- math modulo, return remainder only return a - (math.floor(a/b)*b) end function math.mod2(a) -- math modulo 2 return math.mod(a,2) end -- -- -- -- string stuff local lpeg = require"lpeg" local P, R, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V local number = P{"number", number = (V"int" * V"frac"^-1 * V"exp"^-1) / tonumber, int = V"sign"^-1 * (R"19" * V"digits" + V"digit"), digits = V"digit" * V"digits" + V"digit", digit = R"09", sign = S"+-", frac = P"." * V"digits", exp = S"eE" * V"sign"^-1 * V"digits", } function penlight.char(num) return string.char(string.byte("a")+num-1) end function penlight.Char(num) return string.char(string.byte("A")+num-1) end local str_mt = getmetatable("") -- register functions with str function str_mt.__index.gnum(s) return number:match(s) end function str_mt.__index.gextract(s, pat) --extract a pattern from string, returns both local s_extr = '' local s_rem = s for e in s:gmatch(pat) do s_extr = s_extr..e s_rem = s_rem:gsub(e,'') end return s_extr, s_rem end function str_mt.__index.gfirst(s, t) -- get the first pattern found from a table of pattern for _, pat in pairs(t) do if string.find(s, pat) then return pat end end end function str_mt.__index.appif(S, W, B, O) --append W ord to S tring if B oolean true, otherwise O ther --append Word to String if B then --if b is true S = S .. W else --consider Other word O = O or '' S = S .. O end return S end function str_mt.__index.containsany(s, exp) if type(exp) ~= 'table' then exp = {exp} end for _, e in ipairs(exp) do if s:find(e) then return true end end return false end function str_mt.__index.containsanycase(s, exp) if type(exp) ~= 'table' then exp = {exp} end for _, e in ipairs(exp) do if s:lower():find(e:lower()) then return true end end return false end function str_mt.__index.totable(str) local t = {} for i = 1, #str do t[i] = str:sub(i, i) end return t end function str_mt.__index.tolist(str) return penlight.List(str) end function str_mt.__index.upfirst(str) return str:gsub('%a', function(x) return x:upper() end, 1) end function str_mt.__index.delspace(str) return str:gsub('%s','') end function str_mt.__index.trimfl(str) return str:sub(2,-2) end function str_mt.__index.subpar(s, r) r = r or ' ' return (s:gsub('\\par', r)) end function str_mt.__index.fmt(s, t, fmt) -- format a $1 and $k string with an array or table and formats -- formats can be a luakeys string, or a table and are applied to table before string is formatted if type(t) ~= 'table' then t = {t} end t = penlight.tablex.strinds(t) t = penlight.tablex.fmt(t, fmt, true) return s % t end function str_mt.__index.parsekv(s, t) -- parsekv string if type(t) ~= 'table' then t = penlight.luakeys.parse(t) end return penlight.luakeys.parse(s, t) end -- -- -- -- function stuff function penlight.clone_function(fn) local dumped = string.dump(fn) local cloned = loadstring(dumped) local i = 1 while true do local name = debug.getupvalue(fn, i) if not name then break end debug.upvaluejoin(cloned, i, fn, i) i = i + 1 end return cloned end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the operator module function penlight.operator.strgt(a,b) return tostring(a) > tostring(b) end function penlight.operator.strlt(a,b) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end -- -- -- -- functions below are helpers for arrays and 2d local function compare_elements(a, b, op, ele) op = op or penlight.oper.gt ele = ele or 1 return op(a[ele], b[ele]) end local function comp_2ele_func(op, ele) -- make a 2 element comparison function, --sort with function on element nnum return bind(compare_elements, _1, _2, op, ele) end -- table stuff below function penlight.tablex.strinds(t) -- convert indices that are numbers to string indices local t_new = {} for i, v in pairs(t) do -- ensure all indexes are strings if type(i) == 'number' then t_new[tostring(i)] = v else t_new[i] = v end end return t_new end function penlight.tablex.listcontains(t, v) return penlight.tablex.find(t, v) ~= nil end -- format contents of a table function penlight.tablex.fmt(t, fmt, strinds) if fmt == nil then return t end strinds = strinds or false -- if your fmt table should use string indexes if type(fmt) == 'string' then if not fmt:find('=') then -- if no = assume format all same for k, v in pairs(t) do -- apply same format to all if tonumber(v) ~= nil then -- only apply to numeric values t[k] = string.format("%"..fmt, v) end end return t else fmt = fmt:parsekv('naked_as_value') -- make fmt a table from keyval str end end if strinds then fmt = penlight.tablex.strinds(fmt) end -- convert int inds to str inds for k, f in pairs(fmt) do -- apply formatting to table t[k] = string.format("%"..f, tostring(t[k])) end return t end function penlight.tablex.map_slice(func, T, j1, j2) if type(j1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, {T}, ','..j1)[1] else return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, {T}, 1, j1, 1, j2)[1] end end penlight.array2d.map_slice1 = penlight.tablex.map_slice -- todo option for multiple filters with AND logic, like the filter files?? function penlight.tablex.filterstr(t, exp, case) -- case = case sensitive case = penlight.hasval(case) -- apply lua patterns to a table to filter iter -- str or table of str's can be passed, OR logic is used if table is passed if case then return penlight.tablex.filter(t, bind(string.containsany,_1,exp)) else return penlight.tablex.filter(t, bind(string.containsanycase,_1,exp)) end end --todo add doc function penlight.utils.filterfiles(...) -- f1 is a series of filtering patterns, or condition -- f2 is a series of filtering patters, or condition -- (f1_a or f2_...) and (f2 .. ) must match local args = table.pack(...) -- dir, recursive[bool], filt1, filt2 etc... -- OR recursive[bool], filt1, filt2, etc.. -- OR filt1, filt2, filt3, etc.. -- this could allow one to omit dir -- if boolean given ar arg 1, assume dir = '.' local nstart = 3 local r = args[2] -- recursive local dir = args[1] -- start dir if type(args[1]) == 'boolean' then dir = '.' r = args[1] nstart = 2 elseif type(args[2]) ~= 'boolean' then -- if boolean given ar arg 1, assume dir = '.' dir = '.' r = false nstart = 1 end local files if r then files = penlight.dir.getallfiles(dir) else files = penlight.dir.getfiles(dir) end for i=nstart,args.n do files = penlight.tablex.filter(files, penlight.func.compose(bind(string.containsanycase,_1, args[i]), penlight.path.basename)) end return files end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the array2d module function penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1, j1, i2, j2) -- map a function to a slice of a Matrix func = penlight.utils.function_arg(1, func) for i,j in penlight.array2d.iter(M, true, i1, j1, i2, j2) do M[i][j] = func(M[i][j]) end return M end penlight.array2d.map_slice2 = penlight.array2d.map_slice function penlight.array2d.map_cols(func, M, j1, j2) -- map function to columns of matrix if type(j1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, ','..j1) else j2 = j2 or -1 return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, 1, j1, -1, j2) end end penlight.array2d.map_columns = penlight.array2d.map_cols function penlight.array2d.map_rows(func, M, i1, i2) -- map function to rows of matrix if type(i1) == 'string' then return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1) else i2 = i2 or -1 return penlight.array2d.map_slice(func, M, i1, 1, i2, -1) end end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- function penlight.array2d.sortOP(M, op, ele) -- sort a 2d array based on operator criteria, ele is column, ie sort on which element M_new = {} for row in penlight.seq.sort(M, comp_2ele_func(op, ele)) do M_new[#M_new+1] = row end return M_new end function penlight.array2d.like(M1, v) v = v or 0 r, c = penlight.array2d.size(M1) return penlight.array2d.new(r,c,v) end function penlight.array2d.from_table(t) -- turns a labelled table to a 2d, label-free array t_new = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'table' then t_new_row = {k} for _, v_ in ipairs(v) do t_new_row[#t_new_row+1] = v_ end t_new[#t_new+1] = t_new_row else t_new[#t_new+1] = {k, v} end end return t_new end function penlight.array2d.toTeX(M, EL) --puts & between columns, can choose to end line with \\ if EL is true (end-line) EL = EL or false if EL then EL = '\\\\' else EL = '' end return penlight.array2d.reduce2(_1..EL.._2, _1..'&'.._2, M)..EL end local function parse_numpy1d(i1, i2, iS) i1 = tonumber(i1) i2 = tonumber(i2) if iS == ':' then if i1 == nil then i1 = 1 end if i2 == nil then i2 = -1 end else if i1 == nil then i1 = 1 i2 = -1 else i2 = i1 end end return i1, i2 end function penlight.array2d.parse_numpy2d_str(s) s = s:gsub('%s+', '') _, _, i1, iS, i2, j1, jS, j2 = string.find(s, "(%-?%d*)(:?)(%-?%d*),?(%-?%d*)(:?)(%-?%d*)") i1, i2 = parse_numpy1d(i1, i2, iS) j1, j2 = parse_numpy1d(j1, j2, jS) return i1, j1, i2, j2 end if not penlight.debug_available then penlight.tex.pkgwarn('penlight', 'lua debug library is not available, recommend re-compiling with the --luadebug option') else penlight.COMP = require'pl.comprehension'.new() -- for comprehensions local _parse_range = penlight.clone_function(penlight.array2d.parse_range) function penlight.array2d.parse_range(s) -- edit parse range to do numpy string if no letter passed penlight.utils.assert_arg(1,s,'string') if not s:find'%a' then return penlight.array2d.parse_numpy2d_str(s) end return _parse_range(s) end end -- https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/38150/in-lualatex-how-do-i-pass-the-content-of-an-environment-to-lua-verbatim penlight.tex.recordedbuf = "" function penlight.tex.readbuf(buf) i,j = string.find(buf, '\\end{%w+}') if i==nil then -- if not ending an environment penlight.tex.recordedbuf = penlight.tex.recordedbuf .. buf .. "\n" return "" else return nil end end function penlight.tex.startrecording() penlight.tex.recordedbuf = "" luatexbase.add_to_callback('process_input_buffer', penlight.tex.readbuf, 'readbuf') end function penlight.tex.stoprecording() luatexbase.remove_from_callback('process_input_buffer', 'readbuf') penlight.tex.recordedbuf = penlight.tex.recordedbuf:gsub("\\end{%w+}\n","") end __PDFmetadata__ = {} penlight.tex.add_xspace_intext = true function penlight.tex.updatePDFtable(k, v, o) -- key val overwrite k = k:upfirst() if penlight.hasval(o) or (__PDFmetadata__[k] == nil) then __PDFmetadata__[k] = v end end penlight.tex.writePDFmetadata = function(t) -- write PDF metadata to xmpdata file t = t or __PDFmetadata__ local str = '' for k, v in pairs(t) do k = k:upfirst() str = str..'\\'..k..'{'..v..'}'..'\n' end penlight.utils.writefile(tex.jobname..'.xmpdata', str) end function penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) return s:gsub('%s+', ' '):gsub('\\\\',' '):gsub('\\%a+',''):gsub('{',' '):gsub('}',' '):gsub('%s+',' '):strip() end function penlight.tex.makePDFvarstr(s) s = s:gsub('%s*\\sep%s+','\0'):gsub('%s*\\and%s+','\0') -- turn \and into \sep s = penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) s = s:gsub('\0','\\sep ') --penlight.tex.help_wrt(s,'PDF var string') return s end function penlight.tex.makeInTextstr(s) local s, c_and = s:gsub('%s*\\and%s+','\0') s = penlight.tex.clear_cmds_str(s) if penlight.tex.add_xspace_intext then s = s..'\\xspace' end if c_and == 1 then s = s:gsub('\0',' and ') elseif c_and > 1 then s = s:gsub('\0',', ', c_and - 1) s = s:gsub('\0',', and ') end --penlight.tex.help_wrt(s,'in text var string') return s end --todo decide on above or below function penlight.tex.list2comma(t) local s = '' if #t == 1 then s = t[1] elseif #t == 2 then s = t:join(' and ') elseif #t >= 3 then s = t:slice(1,#t-1):join(', ')..', and '..t[#t] end return s end function penlight.tex.split2comma(s, d) local t = penlight.List(s:split(d)):map(string.strip) penlight.tex.prt(penlight.tex.list2comma(t)) end function penlight.tex.split2items(s, d) local t = penlight.List(s:split(d)):map(string.strip) for n, v in ipairs(t) do penlight.tex.prtn('\\item '..v) end end function penlight.toggle_luaexpr(expr) if expr then tex.sprint('\\toggletrue{luaexpr}') else tex.sprint('\\togglefalse{luaexpr}') end end function penlight.caseswitch(s, c, kv) local kvtbl = penlight.luakeys.parse(kv) local sw = kvtbl[c] -- the returned switch if sw == nil then -- if switch not found if s == penlight.tex.xTrue then -- if star, throw error pl.tex.pkgerror('penlight', 'case: "'..c..'" not found in key-vals: "'..kv..'"') sw = '' else sw = kvtbl['__'] or '' -- use __ as not found case end end tex.sprint(sw) end penlight.tbls = {} penlight.rec_tbl = '' penlight.rec_tbl_opts = {} function penlight.get_tbl_name(s) if s == '' then return penlight.rec_tbl end return s end function penlight.get_tbl(s) s = penlight.get_tbl_name(s) return penlight.tbls[s] end function penlight.get_tbl_index(s, undec) undec = undec or false -- flag for allowing undeclared indexing local tbl = '' local key = '' local s_raw = s if s:find('%.') then local tt = s:split('.') tbl = tt[1] key = tt[2] elseif s:find('/') then local tt = s:split('/') tbl = tt[1] if tbl == '' then tbl = penlight.rec_tbl end key = tonumber(tonumber(tt[2])) if key < 0 then key = #penlight.tbls[tbl]+1+key end else tbl = penlight.rec_tbl key = tonumber(s) or s if type(key) == 'number' and key < 0 then key = #penlight.tbls[tbl]+1+key end end if tbl == '' then tbl = penlight.rec_tbl end if (penlight.tbls[tbl] == nil) or ((not undec) and (penlight.tbls[tbl][key] == nil)) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlightplus', 'Invalid tbl index attempt using: "'..s_raw..'". We tried to use tbl: "' ..tbl..'" and key: "'..key..'"') end return tbl, key end function penlight.get_tbl_item(s, p) -- get item with string, p means print value p = p or false local tbl, key = penlight.get_tbl_index(s) local itm = penlight.tbls[tbl][key] if p then tex.sprint(tostring(itm)) end return itm end function penlight.set_tbl_item(s, v) tbl, key = penlight.get_tbl_index(s) penlight.tbls[tbl][key] = v end function penlight.check_recent_tbl_undefault() local undefaults = {} if penlight.rec_tbl_opts ~= nil then local defaults = penlight.tablex.union( penlight.rec_tbl_opts.defs or {}, penlight.rec_tbl_opts.defaults or {} ) for k, v in pairs(penlight.tbls[penlight.rec_tbl]) do if defaults[k] == nil then undefaults[#undefaults+1] = k end end if penlight.hasval(undefaults) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlightplus', 'Invalid keys passed to tbl keyval: ' .. (', '):join(undefaults) .. ' ; choices are: ' .. (', '):join(penlight.tablex.keys(defaults)) ) end end end function penlight.def_tbl(ind, def, g) local _tbl, _key = penlight.get_tbl_index(ind) if def == '' then def = 'dtbl'.._tbl.._key end token.set_macro(def, tostring(penlight.tbls[_tbl][_key]), g) end function penlight.def_tbl_all(ind, def) local _tbl = penlight.get_tbl_name(ind) if def == '' then def = 'dtbl'.._tbl end for k, v in pairs(penlight.tbls[_tbl]) do token.set_macro(def..k, tostring(v)) end end -- TODO TODO TODO get error working xy def, and referene which table for key-vals penlight.tbl_xysep = '%s+' -- spaces separate x-y coordinates function penlight.def_tbl_coords(ind, def) local tbl, key = penlight.get_tbl_index(ind) local str = penlight.tbls[tbl][key] if def == '' then def = 'dtbl'..tbl..key end local x, y = str:strip():splitv(penlight.tbl_xysep) if (not penlight.hasval(x)) or (not penlight.hasval(y)) then penlight.tex.pkgerror('penlightplus', 'def_tbl_coords function could not parse coordiantes given as "'..str..'" ensure two numbers separated by space are given!', '', true) end token.set_macro(def..'x', tostring(x)) token.set_macro(def..'y', tostring(y)) end -- global setting type stuff function penlight.make_tex_global() for k,v in pairs(penlight.tex) do -- make tex functions global _G[k] = v end end penlight.kpairs = penlight.utils.kpairs penlight.npairs = penlight.utils.npairs penlight.writefile = penlight.utils.writefile penlight.readfile = penlight.utils.readfile penlight.readlines = penlight.utils.readfile penlight.filterfiles = penlight.utils.filterfiles -- adopt table functions in tablex penlight.tablex.concat = table.concat penlight.tablex.insert = table.insert penlight.tablex.maxn = table.maxn penlight.tablex.remove = table.remove penlight.tablex.sort = table.sort penlight.tbx = penlight.tablex penlight.a2d = penlight.array2d if penlight.hasval(__PL_GLOBALS__) then -- iterators kpairs = penlight.utils.kpairs npairs = penlight.utils.npairs hasval = penlight.hasval COMP = penlight.COMP for k,v in pairs(penlight.tablex) do -- extend the table table to contain tablex functions if k == 'sort' then table.sortk = v elseif k == 'move' then table.xmove = v else _G['table'][k] = v end end table.join = table.concat -- alias a2d = penlight.array2d tbx = penlight.tablex end -- graveyard --_xTrue = penlight.tex._xTrue --_xFalse = penlight.tex._xFalse --_xNoValue = penlight.tex._xNoValue -- --prt = penlight.tex.prt --prtn = penlight.tex.prtn --wrt = penlight.tex.wrt --wrtn = penlight.tex.wrtn -- --prtl = penlight.tex.prtl --prtt = penlight.tex.prtt -- --help_wrt = penlight.tex.help_wrt --prt_array2d = penlight.tex.prt_array2d -- --pkgwarn = penlight.tex.pkgwarn --pkgerror = penlight.tex.pkgerror -- --defcmd = penlight.tex.defcmd --prvcmd = penlight.tex.prvcmd --newcmd = penlight.tex.newcmd --renewcmd = penlight.tex.renewcmd --deccmd = penlight.tex.deccmd -- --_NumBkts = penlight.tex._NumBkts --opencmd = penlight.tex.opencmd --reset_bkt_cnt = penlight.tex.reset_bkt_cnt --add_bkt_cnt = penlight.tex.add_bkt_cnt --close_bkt_cnt = penlight.tex.close_bkt_cnt -- graveyard -- luakeys parses individual keys as ipairs, this changes the list to a pure map --function penlight.luakeystomap(t) -- local t_new = {} -- for k, v in pairs(t) do -- if type(k) == 'number' then -- t_new[v] = true -- else -- t_new[k] = v -- end -- end -- return t_new --end --if luakeys then -- if luakeys is already loaded -- function luakeys.parseN(s, ...) -- local t = luakeys.parse(s,...) -- t = penlight.luakeystomap(t) -- return t -- end --end -- might not be needed --local func = check_func(func) --local function check_func(func) -- check if a function is a PE, if so, make it a function -- if type(func) ~= 'function' then -- return I(func) -- end -- return func --end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- functions below extend the array2d module --function penlight.array2d.map_slice1(func, L, i1, i2) -- map a function to a slice of an array, can use PlcExpr -- i2 = i2 or i1 -- local len = #L -- i1 = check_index(i1, len) -- i2 = check_index(i2, len) -- func = check_func(func) -- for i in penlight.seq.range(i1,i2) do -- L[i] = func(L[i]) -- end -- return L --end -- used this below when iter was not working.. --i1, j1, i2, j2 = check_slice(M, i1, j1, i2, j2) --for i in penlight.seq.range(i1,i2) do -- for j in penlight.seq.range(j1,j2) do --end -- penlight may have fixed this --local function check_index(ij, rc) -- converts array index to positive value if negative -- if type(ij) ~= 'number' then -- return 1 -- else -- if ij < 0 then -- ij = rc + ij + 1 -- elseif ij > rc then -- ij = rc -- elseif ij == 0 then -- ij = 1 -- end -- return ij -- end --end --local function check_slice(M, i1, j1, i2, j2) -- ensure a slice is valid; i.e. all positive numbers -- r, c = penlight.array2d.size(M) -- i1 = check_index(i1 or 1, r) -- i2 = check_index(i2 or r, r) -- j1 = check_index(j1 or 1, c) -- j2 = check_index(j2 or c, c) -- return i1, j1, i2, j2 --end