% LaTeX Article with MTPro2 fonts Template % For use with MathTime Professional II \documentclass{article} % MathTimeProfessional II (MTPro2) fonts % See \texmf\doc\fonts\mtpro2\guide2.pdf for complete instructions. % See \texmf\doc\fonts\mtpro2\mtpro2.pdf for LaTeX usage instructions. % For sales and other information visit www.pctex.com % In the following, numbers in brackets refer to sections in the % mtpro2.pdf document. % For migration from MTPro to MTPro2: move all options from packages % mtpro, mtpams, and mtpb to mtpro2. See [3] for details. % Define text fonts %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % use this if European fonts (ec) package is installed %\usepackage{textcomp} % adds some additional symbols \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} % set Helvetica as the sans-serif font \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} % set Times as the default text font % If AMS-LaTeX is used, it can be loaded before or after mtpro2 \usepackage{amsmath} % The following loads mtpro and defines some common MTPro options [2, 4] \usepackage[subscriptcorrection,slantedGreek,nofontinfo]{mtpro2} % Options for blackboard bold fonts [2.9]: % mtphrb - holey roman bold mtpbb - blackboard bold % mtphrd - holey roman bold dark mtpbbd - blackboard bold dark % mtphbi - holey bold italic mtpbbi - blackboard bold italic % Options for alternate character sets [2.6, 2.7]: % mtpcal - assigns Math Script to the math alphabets \mathcal and \mathbcal, % overwriting the default math calligraphic typeface % mtpccal - assigns Math Curly to the math alphabets \mathcal and \mathbcal, % overwriting the default math calligraphic typeface % mtpscr - assigns Math Script to the new math alphabets \mathscr and \mathbscr, % leaving \mathcal unchanged % mtpfrak - assigns Math Fraktur to a new math alphabet \mathfrak % Options for AMS symbols % amssymbols - makes the mtpro2 AMS symbols available % Optionally load the following package to use heavy symbols in place of bold symbols %\usepackage{bm} % Set the beginning of a LaTeX document \begin{document} \title{} % Enter your title between curly braces \author{} % Enter your name between curly braces \date{} % Enter your date or \today between curly braces \maketitle \section{} % Enter section title between curly braces \subsection{} % Enter subsection title between curly braces % Set the ending of a LaTeX document \end{document}