Changes in version 0.99.4: SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The 'BuxcoR' package is now renamed 'plethy' as of version 0.99.3. NEW FEATURES o Added '', 'get.err.breaks' and 'adjust.labels' to assist with QA/QC of data. Changes in version 1.1.3: NEW FEATURES: o Added 'summaryMeasures' method. o Added experimental heatmap-like plotting functionality 'plethy:::mvtsplot' Changes in version 1.3.1: NEW FEATURES: o Added the 'retrieveMatrix' method o Added the 'tsplot' method o Added the 'mvtsplot' method SIGNIFICANT USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Removed dependency on the 'batch' package o Exported 'proc.sanity' o Added dependency on ggplot2