Change history of package kebabs: ==================================== Version 1.0.5 - new accessors selGridRow, selGridCol and fullModel for class ModelSelectionResult - change of naming of feature weights because of change in LiblineaR 1.94-2 - GCC warnings in Linux removed Version 1.0.4 - change in LiblineaR - upgrade to LIBLINEAR 1.94 in function LiblineaR the parameter labels was renamed to target - correction in model selection for performance parameters - minor changes in help pages - minor changes in vignette Version 1.0.3 - extension of function linearKernel to optionally return a sparse kernel matrix - new accessor SVindex for class KBModel - error correction in subsetting of sparse explicit representation for head / tail - error correction of vector length overflow in sparse explicit representation for very large number of sequences in spectrum, gappy pair and motif kernel - error correction for training with position specific kernel and computation of feature weights - error correction in coercion of kernel to character for distance weighting - error correction in subsetting of prediction profile - error correction in spectrum, gappy pair and motif kernel for kernel matrix - last feature was missing in kernel value in rare situations - error correction and minor C code changes for mismatch kernel - check uniqueness of motifs in motif kernel - build warnings on Windows removed - minor changes in help pages - change name of vignette Rnw to lowercase - minor changes in vignette Version 1.0.2 - correction of MCC - correction of computation of feature weights for LiblineaR with more than 3 classes Version 1.0.1 - correction for cross validation with factor label - correction for storing prob model in kebabs model for kernlab - removal of clang warnings for unused functions Version 1.0.0: - first official release as part of Bioconductor 3.0